• Published 13th Mar 2015
  • 1,927 Views, 23 Comments

A War of Love - Fluttercord4ever1

Fluttershy and Discord are in war between the ponies and the draconequus, but when they meet they look past their differences.

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Chapter Four-Waking Up

While Discord was carrying Fluttershy to a fire pit in the woods, the blood from the gunshot ran down his arm, he didn't like the feeling though.

"Who would ever even like this feeling?!" He thought.

Once he got to the fire pit, he laid Fluttershy on a log. He snapped his fingers and a first aid kit appeared, he got out bandages and started to wrap Fluttershy's arm with them. When he was finished with that, he started a fire since it was cold out.

Since it was his lunch break, he poofed up a sandwich with ham. He did know ponies were herbivores and that was another reason they didn't like draconiqi who are carnivores. But he didn't care right now. Even though he is a carnivore, it doesn't mean he'll eat ponies. His friends say they taste disgusting, but he didn't ask why they would even eat them.


Little did Discord know, Fluttershy awoke and was just pretending to be asleep. She took a peek at him through her closed eyes and saw that he was enjoying a ham sandwich.

"Oh Celestia, that's disgusting!" She thought.

Then, she decided to look for her gun but sadly realized that she, so stupidly, surrendered.

"Ugh! Why did I do that?! I'm such an idiot!" She yelled in her mind.

That's when she realized that she was all bandaged up and was warm. She thought it was a kind gesture but they are in war, and it was the middle of the night already and in just a few hours they were supposed to go to full on war. But she decided not to think about that, right now she needs to figure out a plan to get out safely.

That's when it hit her, an idea to escape. All she had to do was surprise him and fly away quickly. She thought it was so simple!

She got ready and plunged herself to the sky. Then, she realized that she was falling, she tried to flap her wings but she couldn't fly. She fell to the ground and hit the ground with a thud.

"The shot must've clipped my wing. I've got to say, that was a good shot." She thought.

"Ouch…" she groaned once the pain from her arm and from the landing came in a rush.

"You need some help down there?" A familiar voice chuckled.

Fluttershy looked up to see the dracroniqus she saw earlier.

"Well if I got shot, he would've been the one to do it! He shot me didn't he?! I don't know how, but he was the only one there!" She thought.

"Why you little…!" She started to stand up but quickly fell down due to her injured arm, "You did this didn't you?!" She yelled, all of her shyness went away once she met the beast.

"I'll kill you!" She yelled.

"Pony! Be quiet! Or-"

"Don't you dare tell me to be quiet you…you monster!"

That's when something snapped inside of Discord, he didn't like to be called a beast, especially if it's a dumb pony!

"How dare you say that! I'm not a beast! You dumb pony! I saved your pointless life!" He shouted.

"He really did save me…geez, that wasn't me, I should apologize- wait, he's the enemy, I'm not apologizing!" She thought.

She tried to stand, but failed. There was a sharp pain all over her body, it was like getting shot all over again. That's when the tears started to stream, she was in so much pain. She felt like she was going to die. Then the pain was too much to handle, so she started to yelp and sob. She didn't know what to do but she came with a plan, she was going to act like she was going to befriend him and tell him lies till he could trust her enough to heal her then she will run flee and tell everyone his plans. She thought it was a perfect idea!


Discord turned his back and crossed his arms, then he heard the pony start to cry out in pain. He felt pity for the pony, he couldn't just leave her. So he turned around and looked at the helpless pony to see her sprawled out on the ground sobbing her eyes out. He snapped his fingers which made the pain to decrease, but he didn't do it all the way, he wanted the pony to suffer a little bit for calling him a 'beast'.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"What do you th- I mean, thank you."

"No problem, but may I ask you a question?"

"Uh sure."

"Why are you here?"

"You, um, brought me here?"

" I meant, were you spying on us?"

Fluttershy started to tremble, "What do I say?"

"I, uh um, j-just got lost. T-that's all…" she said while trying to cover her face.

"Uh huh. Sure," Discord responded not really convinced, "since you told me your name, Fluttershy, I think it's only fairy to tell you mine. My name is Discord."

"Oh wow, what a unique name!" Fluttershy said with a sarcastic voice.

"Why thank you." Discord responded while rolling his eyes.

Just then Fluttershy felt sleepy again and collapsed, but the last thing she saw was Discord catching her.

"Fluttershy? Fluttershy? Are you okay?" She heard Discord say distantly before passing out in his arms.

Discord caught her just in time before she collapsed and laid her on his lap with some blankets. He looked up in the stars and drifted off to sleep with the buttermilk pony in his arms, not once did he loosen his grip.

Author's Note:

This is longer than the other chapters but not long enough, so sorry! I'll try to make a longer one soon, and sorry I didn't update!