• Published 9th May 2012
  • 10,811 Views, 26 Comments

The Night After - Starsong

Light Twilestia fluff.

  • ...

Moment of Respite

Twilight scanned Canterlot from the library balcony. It always amazed her how quickly the city could cope with one catastrophe or another. The castle expected a clean-up after the royal wedding, certainly, but there were at least twice as many craters as were expected to be pocking the streets.

As tired as she was, Twilight couldn't rest. No one could, really, and it gave Pinkie an excuse to rage the reception until the coming dawn. The distant thump of music still echoed from the walls of the city like a soothing, if bass-heavy, lullaby.

She sighed into the stillness. Canterlot was safe. Shining Armor and Cadence were on their honeymoon, and after all that had transpired, all of the wedding guests were welcomed to stay in the castle to recuperate. All of it kept playing through her head, frame by frame. The moment she thought she'd lost everything. The moment she was banished to the labyrinthine caverns beneath Canterlot. She could still feel the chill of magic evaporating like a death sentence, and only by sheer luck did she rescue her dear friend and former caretaker. It could have gone so much worse, so easily, and she knew it. She couldn't help imagining...

“Twilight Sparkle?”

She jerked her head up, and then looked away immediately to wipe the wetness from her eyes. “Sorry, Princess Celestia. I wasn't expecting anyone.”

Celestia took up most of the glass doorway as she peeked herself out from the darkened stacks of the library. “May I join you?”

Twilight bobbed her head automatically, dusting the stressful thoughts beneath her mental rug. “Of course.”

The princess lifted another purple cushion and folded her legs upon it, laying down next to her student. They watched the night-life of Canterlot continue for some time, lamplight flickering in the streets, the distant din of musics mixing into one thrumming harmony. It seemed almost everypony was awake that night.

Twilight lifted her head and looked at her mentor. Although there were no visible injuries on her, she still looked tired and ragged after her fight with the changeling queen. She opened her mouth, and then closed it again. Celestia looked at her and shook her head, and made a point to smile.

“It seems like every time I turn around, you and your friends are saving Equestria,” Celestia laughed. “I'm not sure even I could keep up with you anymore.”

Twilight flustered. “It's nothing. Besides, if we had a tiny bit of the responsibilities you do, I'm pretty sure the country would fall apart in a week.”

Celestia laughed, and Twilight thought that it sounded more natural, more tired than she'd heard before. A volley of star-like bulbs struck the sky and exploded into light, the fireworks canting streams of purple and silver across the night, muting with the crackle of flame. The wind rolled past, blanketing the balcony with cold.

Twilight huddled up a bit, basking in the warmth she found nearby, and blushed when she realized what it was. Celestia's body heat was so pronounced, like the glow of the sun itself; it comforted Twilight to rest so close to her.

“Princess Luna is taking care of things right now?” Twilight ventured.

Celestia smiled. “Mm, yes. I don't see her as often as I'd like. She assures me she wishes to be more involved in Equestria's well-being, but I can't help but feel like I'm pushing my responsibilities off on her.”

Twilight's eyes widened a bit, and Celestia did not notice, for she was staring intently at the distant towers. She'd never confessed any sort of doubt before. Twilight knew she had to say something to put her mind at ease.

“She really does love everypony, and everypony loves her. I think that's why she wants to stay involved, even if it means giving up her freedom.” She swallowed, hestitated. There were some things she never should say, but she couldn't help herself. “It's the same with you, right Princess?”

The princess' gaze snapped back to Twilight, surprised. “Of course,” she stammered. “Equestria is my heart. I'm always grateful to have the power to keep her safe and well...”

Twilight tilted her head, but didn't press any further. Then before the moment could grow thicker, the princess nudged her with a gold-shoed hoof. “You know, I'm sure your parents are wondering, too. What with your brother getting married and all... when do you think it'll be your turn?”

“Whuh?” Twilight sputtered, much to Celestia's amusement. “Married? I don't even...” She took a couple deep breaths and rapped her hooves on her head, frantically trying to compose herself. “I don't know. I'm so wrapped up in my studies, and with my friends, I hadn't really thought about it,” she said.

“Though... once I got my brother's invitation, I tried to imagine it. I just can't. Some magical somepony sweeping into my life and connecting this to that and next thing you know we're walking down the aisle...” Twilight shook her head. “I don't know.”

Princess Celestia replied, gentle and certain. “If you want it, I'm sure it will be there for you, someday. You're very special, Twilight.”

The unicorn's cheeks burned. “Princess...”

“In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if there was somepony close to you who had special feelings.” Celestia giggled, as if imagining it.


“You should do what makes you happy,” concluded Celestia, brushing a wing over her student. Twilight couldn't help but urge into her regal feathers just a bit.

Another question bubbled up in Twilight's mind. Curiosity and embarrassment made a strange alchemy, and she leaned back a bit. “What about you?” she asked. “You've been around for so long... has there ever been any special somepony for you?”

A beat of fireworks and song interrupted the conversation and when it ceased, Celestia was still staring at the distant stars. Twilight wondered if she'd overstepped her bounds and began to coil away from the princess. Before she could shy too much, Celestia spoke up again.

“I find that in the worst of times, it's thoughts of love that keep me going beyond all odds. For my people, for my family... and maybe there was a time when I loved more freely. It seems so distant now.” She shut her eyes and bowed her head to the cushions, ears laid back. “If I did, it would not be fair. All eyes in the country would be upon them, and if we had a proper marriage? They would be buried under the position...”

Twilight snickered and wished she hadn't. Celestia raised an eyebrow. “Did I say something funny?”

The unicorn turned beet red, a marvelous shade caught in the purple of her ears and cheeks. She shook out another giggle. “No,” she said. “Yes, sorry, I... you just made it sound... 'under the position...' I'm really, really sorry.”

Princess Celestia held her stern, schoolmarm expression for as long as she could before she burst out with laughter. They laughed long and hard together before finally catching their breath.

“Goodness,” said Celestia. “I had no idea that my star pupil had become such a pervert. Perhaps I should be paying more attention to whom you make friends with...”

“Well,” said Twilight, winking, “were it not for you, I never would have come to learn all the fine details of innuendo. Still,” she continued, “I really am sorry. It's not fair that you can't openly be with somepony.”

The princess put on one of her brave smiles and exhaled. “Oh, Twilight... If you truly care about somepony...” she bit her lip and tapped both hooves against her cushion politely. “If you love somepony, they will always be with you, no matter what happens.”

Twilight smiled, too, and nodded. She took it to heart. And yet, the openness and honestly brought all of her doubts back to the surface. The sadness still itched at her brain, and with her walls coming down she could do little to stop it. She pushed herself up and rubbed her face alongside Celestia's neck.

“Oh, Princess... I'm so very sorry.”

The princess' white wings stood up a bit in surprise. “Why? You've done nothing wrong.”

“Oh, but I did...” she dug her hooves together tight. “At the wedding. I was so jealous, and angry, and no one was listening... I didn't hurt you or Cadence or anyone but I could have. I almost ruined everything and...”

A calm came over her as Celestia lowered her head and tucked it against Twilight's nape. One of her wings came over and she wrapped the filly against her side. Never before had she felt quite so warm, so protected, and the princess gave her a little nuzzle.

“I'm sorry, too,” she whispered. “You saved us and I pushed you away. Even if I meant it, even if you were wrong, I should have been able to guide you.”

“You did nothing wrong...” Twilight muttered, squeezing her eyes tighter. “I was the one who...”

Celestia continued to coax her with little nuzzles and brushes of her wing. “Shh. Twilight.” She slowly leaned back, and lifted her wing, and Twilight looked a little sad for her embrace to lighten but the two lay there together. When she'd finally relaxed, Celestia folded her wings back as if nothing had ever gone wrong.

“Twilight Sparkle, I want you to know that if you ever need anything, if you ever have any trouble or doubt, no matter what it is, no matter who it involves or how dire the time, you will always be able to confide in me. If ever you wish for me to listen, I shall.”

“Princess Celestia, I...”

“You've proved yourself time and time again,” she said, “and perhaps if you had had the opportunity to...” she shook her head. “We can't change what happened, but in a way, it brought everypony closer. That's all thanks to you.”

Twilight could only bring herself to say, “thank you.”

The two of them sat together and began to genuinely enjoy looking over the bustle of the night. Celebration in Canterlot was not rare, but the occasion of the wedding and the relief of their victory over the changelings meant that there would be no rival to the ensuing festivities for quite some time.

Twilight giggled and tapped her hooves together. “So, Princess...”

“Yes, Twilight?”

“Since Cadence is your niece... and she married my brother... does that mean I can call you Auntie Tia from now on?”

Princess Celestia laughed and rolled her eyes. “Twilight, that makes me sound so old!”

“You're not that old,” Twilight mused, letting the idea slip. “Still, I guess we're family now.”

“Oh, Twilight,” said Celestia, leaning down to nuzzle her protege again, “I'd like to think that we were always like family.”

The unicorn managed a giddy, “yeah,” before falling into giggles. The two of them settled in. Twilight knew she needed rest, and the princess moreso, but she couldn't help up but soak up the moment. Celestia, she knew, would leave when she was good and ready. And though they'd have much to talk about, much to think about, it felt good just to let everything go and spend a few cherished moments together in the wake of all the madness. And though she knew that the Princess would have to return to her duties, and she would have to return to Ponyville, they would only ever be as far apart as their hearts would allow.

Comments ( 26 )

Yes, yes yes yes yes! Been waiting for a story like this. :rainbowkiss:

Edit: That was excellent! Very well written. I d'aaaawed and laughed a lot.

i wonder about that too, is Twilight now a princess because of her brother's marriage to Cadence? just curious... :derpyderp2:


Not normally, but Equestria could be different; however, that would make for a really extended royal family.


Story is nice and wraps up a very important lose end from the finale, but my mind wants to see it as just the beginning of a story. :twilightblush: :twilightsmile:

568167 so normally, what would Twilight's rank be now? Duchess? :twilightoops:


As I recall the rank of the families of those getting married do not change. Only that of the lower ranking partner does. However it would come with perks due to connections though. Though Twilight is already heavily connected to royalty before the wedding.

568202 thanks. that satisfies me for now. time for more research... :rainbowdetermined2:

I had to re-read a couple sentences. Some seemed a bit awkward, but otherwise I really enjoyed reading this. :ajsmug:
Keep writing
Spike wants more :moustache:


Last I checked, Pippa Middleton is not a princess.

Thank God.

568259 thanks. the only unknown now is that of what is the current rank of Twilight's family among the nobles... :twilightoops:

Awww, now this was just lovely! Very heartwarming, simple, with a little dash of light-hearted humour. It was very sweet! I really liked how you showcased the deep, familial connection that Princess Celestia and Twilight have. I always did like to think that Celestia was something of a surrogate mother to Twilight, considering how much time they had spent together in her studies.

Plus, I think it's a treat to see Celestia finally in-character and portrayed in a more positive light. Without the "Trollestia" and "Molestia" and whatever else is out there. That stuff just personally isn't for me. I really like Celestia's character, and I enjoy seeing her portrayed in a good light.

It is true though, now that Shining Armor married Cadance, it does indeed make Celestia and Twilight related in some way! Even if, before the wedding, they were always something of a little family. Awwww.

This was lovely! :twilightsmile: :pinkiesmile:

This was great, I consider this the offscreen ending to Season 2 (It rocked from start to finish). :scootangel:


Do they have to be nobles? After all Rarity seemed to not think there would be any issue getting Blueblood.

568705 well, during her fantasy in 'Ticket Master' Rarity says that, because of her refined fashion sense, no one in the Gala would have thought that she was normal mare from Ponyville. so in a sense, she was pretending to be a noble during the Gala. plus, one would think that Twilight's family were, at least, automatically nobles when Shining Armor became Captain of the Royal Guard. but, that's what i think, i'm still no sure in real life... :twilightsheepish:

In Portugese, she's already 'Auntie Tia' :trollestia:

Wouldn't that be 'Auntie Celes' ?
Or ' Celes Auntie'.

I'm not sure that she would have a rank, if you mean a station. However, she certainly has earned prestige. She's the student of the Princess, as well as a twice-honoured hero of Equestria. Problem is, how would she work that into a style? "Twilight Sparkle, Hero of Equestria" sounds really pretentious, unless others have done it before. I don't think the matter of her tuttelage helps, either, as somepony who looks deep enough into the matter will find that she's a remarkably dangerous unicorn that has to be taught control and restraint. In other words, it means that she's dangerous, and is thus kept on a gilded leash. Referencing that, even indirectly, would be setting herself up for later embarrassment by some court wit. Granted that these aren't humans, and that the ruling royalty are apparently immortal, perhaps it would be better to go without a style. Ponies haven't seen the type to totally dismiss correspondence without noble form, and I think Twilight Sparkle's way with language should sway a hesitant noblepony.

'Tia' is Portuguese for 'aunt'.

Auntie Tia and Luna. I don't know why but that sounded cute.
This was a nice read

Good little read. Very cute! :twilightsmile:

you need SEQUEL!:rainbowlaugh:

LOL TWILIGHTS A PERV :twilightblush::twilightblush::twilightblush:

Hmmm. I don't think I can like a fic in which Celestia uses the word "pervert". Maybe not for the reasons you might think. See, I like to think of Equestria as a fairly... progressive place, and the existence of a situation in which one would describe another as a pervert implies that the participants are still not really... comfortable with their nature. Of course, this isn't to say Equestria is so advanced, they've still got some funny racisim/ignorance when it comes to zebras, apparently, and they haven't (and won't) hit upon this topic in the show, so eh.

Some things I liked, however, were the atmosphere, built by the muffled music from below and other evidence of the ongoing festivities. The Twilight Celestia comfort-relationship is a thing which I almost always like in stories, but between the above, and Twilight's moment of sadness out of almost nowhere, coupled with the briefness of the story, it kinda fell a bit flat for me. It did, at least, end up portraying the kind of relationship I'd really like these two to have.

The Shorter version:

Replace Iroh with Twilight and Zuko with the rest of them.

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