• Published 14th Mar 2015
  • 352 Views, 4 Comments

Hell On Equestria - Veloci

All of Equestria falls into ruin as a pandemic named Brinitis strikes, and we follow the constant repercussions the disease has on a single survivor group.

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June 2015

*Happens On the same day 1st chapter happens*

9:30 AM

I was woken up by a loud clanging of pots downstairs in the kitchen. "Applebloom..." I growled angrily. Ah got out of bed quickly and ran downstairs to see my Granny Smith scrambling to make soup. "Ah, Granny?"

"Sorry, dearie, but Big Mac's sick as a dog, and he needs some attention FAST!" Granny Smith frantically replied.

"Alright, then let me help!" Ah said, bolting to the stove. But by the time we got ta him with a big pot a' soup, he was wheezing hard. Ah couldn't stand the sight of 'im. His color was fadin', and he was wrinkly as a prune. He had a cold stare, as if his life was drawin' away. Ah put down the pot and spoke up. "Ahm, Granny, what's happenin' to mah big brother?"

"I don't know, dear, I ain't seen nothin' like this in all my years. Look at 'im. It's like he's goin' already." Granny said with a saddening tone.

"Ah, Gran, don't say that!" I replied.

12:30 AM

He's gone.

Big Mac is gone.

All that time tryin' ta nurse him back ta health, and he just- couldn't hold on.

"Ah, Twilight. She should know what's goin' on. She might as well know everythin'." I tried convincin' mahself as I trotted, then walked, then ran ta Twilight's house, the library. When I opened, more like busted, the door open, nopony was there. I then walked outside and saw the bustle of the town- or the lack of it. I was gettin' real worried, until I heard pretty darn loud conversation comin' from the Carousel Boutique. I ran to it, but I was stopped by a torn up-lookin' mare whom I realized was nopony other than Lyra.

"AppleJack, you gotta help!" She shouts. "BonBon's real sick, and she won't get out of bed for the hospital!"

"Lyra, ah hate ta ruin your day, but BonBon's gone. Ya can't do anythin'. This here virus that's spreadin' can't be cured. Ah'm sorry." Ah broke the truth to her... Not the best decision. She bawled her eyes out an' ran. I continued mah run for the boutique.

First thing ah did was bust inta the room, and it was horrifyin'. There was a dead corpse just laying on the floor, and Twilgiht, Dash, and Rarity were arguing next ta 'im. "Are y'all outta yer minds!? There's a dead colt here and you three are arguin' like foals!" Ah shouted. The three of 'em looked at me, and Twilight spoke up.

"AppleJack, what's wrong?" She asked me calmly. I hadn't even realized I'd been cryin' till now.

"Ah.. Uhm..." I stuttered.

"AppleJack, is everything alright?" Rarity asked. I was feelin' real woozy. I heard everything- sand moving outside, Twilight and Rainbow arguin'...

Wait... Sand movin' outside?

BANG! The door flew open and a white colt burst in.

White Colt POV

1257 hours

I busted into the boutique, and four- that's right- four of the Mane six were in there. Including Twilight.

"What in tarnation!?" AppleJack shouted. Then, she fainted.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! It's alright!" I shouted, trying to calm them down. I raised my front hooves to calm them down, but it made things worse when I realized I had a gun in my left. Rainbow Dash tackled me, and Rarity screamed.

"What are you doing, Rainbow Dash? Let him go!" Twilight shouted. Everyone stopped in place, and I got up and sheathed my weapon.

"Sorry for the, well, abrupt introduction. My name's Gunfire. I didn't actually know anypony was in here." I tried explaining.

"Then what's with the- AAH!" Rainbow Dash shouted, as I shot the colt on the floor in the head. I spun my .45 Cal, and holstered it.

"What's with the what now?" I asked sarcastically.

"WHY'D YOU HAVE TO SHOOT HIM!?!? HE WAS DEAD!" Twilight shouted.

"Uhm, no. He wasn't. He was dead for now, but he'd have reanimated had you left him there." I explained in a rather stressed way.

"Wait, wait, wait. You're telling me these dead ponies become zombies? Hah! That's a laugh. Seriously, why'd you shoot him? Huh?" Rarity scolded. I looked at her and facehoofed.

"Yes, these dead corpses reanimate to become zombies." I groaned.

"Guys, he actually might be right..." Twilight spoke. Her three friends simply gawked, mouths agape.

"Might?" I said.

"Fine, He is right." She corrected.

"Thank you." I said with a smirk.

"Your welcome." She growled. "Anyway, you three, well, not you AppleJack, but you two, remember when we went outside to check n what's going on in Ponyville?"

"Yeah what about it?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Well, I saw a corpse, and it moved. This means that they are already reanimating... Oh, crap..." She said, getting lost in thought.

"Oh, Celestia... We have to retrieve Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie!" Rarity realized.

"Right, c'mon! I brought my car!" I said, halfway going through the door when I was stopped.

"Wait!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

"What?" I asked.

"Call shotgun!"

Author's Note:

That was a LOT of dialogue.
Anyway, this is a bit shorter, and I'm sorry, but I'll write a bit more in the next to make up for it.

Casualty Count: 2 :pinkiecrazy:


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