• Published 17th Mar 2015
  • 2,334 Views, 94 Comments

Ignorance is Bliss... - TheUnknownPerson

Pinkie Pie was a normal pony(for the most part). She had lived her life like a party and has managed to make some friends along the way. But, what will happen when she finds out something from her past. Something that will haunt her and posses her

  • ...

II: Morning

Pinkie Pie's vision slowly began to to come back to her. She felt strange. Almost like she was weightless.

She had no idea where she was. Her vision still wasn't fully back.

Where's the girls? Why don't I hear the movie anymore? AND WHERE THE BUCK AM I?!

Pinkie's vision finally decided to wake up and join her. She took a look at her surroundings and realized something.

It looked eerily similar to her childhood room. Sure, there were a few missing details here and there. For one example, there wasn't any party streamers hanging from the ceiling.

What am I doing here? How did I even get here?! Pinkie pondered to herself. She began to roam around the room, inspecting it. Looking for any signs of a prank or the girls hiding somewhere. Pinkie then saw some movement from under the covers of her bed. The grin on her face got wider as she crept towards the bed. She was going to catch one of them in the act.

Or at least she thought she would.

She grabbed the blanket and tried to jerk it away. "AHA-?!" Pinkie said as she tried(and failed) to pull the cover.

Okay hooves, now is not the time to be napping! Pinkie thought, mentally scolding her hooves for failing at such a simple task.

She went to go grab the blanket when she realized that her hooves were slightly translucent. Her eyes trailed down her hooves and down to her coat. Her entire body was translucent.

Am I dreaming? Ooooh, I just figured out how to tell! Pinkie thought as she closed her eyes and envisioned a giant cake with tons of frosting. She opened her eyes, "Aw..."

Okay, so this isn't a dream. If it isn't a dream then they must have gotten Twilight in on it too. Maybe she cast some spell on me that made me transparent? Pinkie told herself as I looked around the room, looking for somepony hiding. She even tried opening the door, but, like the blanket, she failed to open it.

Okay, this is beginning to get a little freaky. I haven't found anything that shows its a prank. But if it's not a prank, then what is it!?


"So boooooorrrrrreeeeeeeedddddduuuuhhhhhh..." Pinkie thought to herself as she sat down against the wall. It's been an hour... she thought to herself as she began to play with her hooves.

I wish I'd brought my party cannon with me- oh right...

Pinkie had almost finished playing tic-tac-toe with herself when she noticed more movement from under the familiar blanket. Hopefully he, she, or it decides to wake up. Then there'd be something to focus on besides the sounds of crickets. Pinkie thought as she felt her back hooves fall asleep. She then continued her game of tic-tac-toe. Her hooves had almost won when she finally heard something besides crickets.


Did that thing under the blanket make a noise?

Pinkie then heard a knock at her bedroom door.

"Okay dear. Time to get up." Said somepony behind the door that sounded very, very familiar.

"But mooooooooooom. I'm still tired!" The pony said from under the blanket. It sounded like a young filly.

Who is that? I'm sure that I've heard that voice before!

"Oh no, I will have none of that, young filly!"- Pinkie's mother enters the room and starts to shake the filly under the blanket- "Get up. We've got work to do on the farm."

The filly from under the bed reluctantly sighs and crawls out of bed.

"Come, young lady, you've got to eat breakfast before you start work." The mother said as she ushered the filly out.

Pinkie, intrigued by the whole situation, decides to follow her mother and the filly.


"Okay, make sure to get enough. You've got a lot of work to do today." Her mother, Cloudy Quartz, said to the filly from the kitchen.

"Yes mom." The filly said as she sipped on a glass of orange juice.

Pinkie listened in from under the table.

"Okay dear, breakfast is ready! I'll put out all the plates while you go wake up your father." Cloudy said with constant clinking and clanking of plates and forks in the kitchen.

I wonder what they're having? Pinkie thought of all the things she had eaten for breakfast at the Rock Farm.

Maybe it's some of those pancakes that mom fixed on my birthday? Those were so good!


Pinkie looked down at her stomach.

Shhh! You're gonna get me in trouble!

Pinkie faintly heard sounds of knocking and somepony's hoofsteps.

"Mom! Dad's up." The filly yelled as she sat back in the dining room chair. This was the first time Pinkie actually got a good look at the filly's coat(or her hooves at least) Her coat was a very dark shade of pink.

"Okay Pinkie, go ahead and eat. After you finish, put your plate in the kitchen and go do your chores on the farm."

Wait, What? Did mom just call that filly Pinkie. But that's- Pinkie's mind began to trail off as she tried to think of answers.

After about five minutes silence, the filly got up and went into the kitchen. Pinkie faintly heard something like,"Mom, I'm finished!" and heard the filly walk out of the kitchen and excitedly galloped out into the rock field. Pinkie thought she heard something buzzing, but she guessed it was just a crow passing by.

Pinkie heard trotting coming from the hallway that filly had walked down to. She knew who was going to come out.

"Hello Cloudy"

"Hello darling. Good morning."

"Good morning to you too."



Pinkie sat under the table, trying not to make any noises that would get her noticed. The room became quiet.

Very quiet.

Awkwardly quiet.

Somepony sighed and then said, "I hate that we have to do this to her."

Cloudy came into the dining room and sat two plates down on table at opposite sides.

"I know dear. I hate it as well." Pinkie's father, Igneous Rock, said.

"It just- how did we have a-" "I know hun, I know." Pinkie's father interrupted Cloudy.

The atmosphere of the room became very melancholy. It was obvious that the topic was a very sensitive one.

A what? How did mom have a what?

"We will do what's best for our family. For now and for the future."

"I-I know its just-" Cloudy sounded like she was on the verge of tears "-I-I don't think I'll be able to do it! It's so... so horrific!"

What the hay are they talking about? What are they going to do to m- that filly?

Pinkie's dad got up from the chair and walked over to his wife. He proceeded to nuzzle her. "I know hun. I'm not prepared either. But we have two fillies coming our way. We can't have her running off, flying all the time like she usually does."

I wonder what they're going to do? And who the hay are they talking about? That filly?

Cloudy sniffled and said, "I-I know. I'm not going to be able to work for a while with this."-Cloudy pointed at her protruding stomach-. "She... she never listens to us when we tell her to get back to her chores. All she wants to do is fly!" Cloudy said with frustration in her voice.

"I know. It-It saddens me to have to do this to her. But, with foals on the way, we can't afford to have her slacking off. Now especially. And I know I don't have to remind you of how much we owe."

Is it Pinkie? Am I that Pinkie?

Pinkie peeked her head over the edge of the table. She looked at her father and mother. Her father nuzzled her mother. Cloudy had tears running down her face.

Pinkie, feeling really uncomfortable in the room, began to tiptoe off to the Rock Fields.

"When are we going to do it?"

"Today honey. Prepare yourself and meet me at the barn after sunsets."


"So, it twas you who killed Lady Windborne!"

Fluttershy got from her seat at Rarity's couch. "If you don't mind, I'm just going to get up and move my wings around before they fall asleep" Fluttershy whispered to the rest of the mares. Rainbow Dash nodded, keeping her eyes glued to the screen. Fluttershy then proceeded to fly around, but she decided it would be best if she stayed in hearing range of the TV. She didn't want to miss any of the movie.

She took this moment to look over at the mare, wanting to get an overview of the slumber party. Applejack and Rarity were arguing over who was the one who murdered Lady Windborne and winged her(Think of winged as being scalped. Like if the wings were cut off, they were winged), Twilight was watching the movie intently, probably trying to figure out the killer for herself, and Rainbow Dash was eating a cupcake while watching the movie and Pinkie Pie was sitting down, watching the movie blankly, calmly watching.

Everything's 'okay' right now except for Rarity and Applejack fight. Twilight and Dash seem fine. Pinkie seems a bit off. She's just sitting there, watching the movie. Maybe I should go talk to her...

"Hey Pinkie." 'Shy whispered to Pinkie.


"How do you like the movie?"




Wonder what's wrong with her. Maybe the movie scared her too?

Fluttershy waved her hoof in front of Pinkie's eyes.

Fluttershy leaned in towards Pinkie and whispered, "Pinkie?"


Should I tell the other girls?

"H-hey, Rainb-"

Fluttershy was interrupted by the sound of chopping and screaming. Apparently, the murderer in the movie had struck again.

Fluttershy, surprised and terrified by the scene, jumped over near AppleJack, grabbed her blanket and curled up in little ball, covering herself with it.

I-I'll tell them after this part of the movie's over.


Pinkie had followed the little filly around. She had observed her and tried to figure out why she was in some much trouble with her parents. All the filly really did was move a few rocks to a barn. She was constantly on the move, so Pinkie never really got a very good look at the filly.

I don't get it. Why is she in trouble? Did she mess up at a chore?

The hyperactive filly finally stopped to take a break. Pinkie took this chance to take a good look in at the filly. Her mane looked almost like Maud Pie's, except it was in a small tail and it was dark pink. Her coat was light pink. Lighter than Pinkie's. Pinkie noticed something while she was looking over her coat. She had wings.

Pinkie began connecting the dots.

Okay, let me get this straight. The filly's name is Pinkie. She looks like me when I was a filly. And she's a pegasus...

Pinkie began putting more and more things together. Everything was starting to make since.

"Pinkie? Will you come out of what zone of your brain you're in?!"

The voice was booming. It seemed to come from everywhere.

"Pinkie darling, are you alright? Will you come out of your trace?"

"Will ya stop? Fannin' 'er ain't gonna help. Get 'er a cupcake."

"What's going on with her?"

"Please wake up Pinkie."


"Huh?" Pinkie said as she leaned up from the couch. "What happened?"

"You just zoned out while we were watching the movie." Twilight said.

"Yes. You were in some sort of trance. Fluttershy saw you just blankly staring at the TV" Rarity said as she sipped from her teacup.

"Yeah. I was w-worried about you." Fluttershy said.

"Yeah. I was about to go get Nurse Redheart and Doctor Horse." Rainbow Dash said while she was hovering at the door.

"Thanks. I don't know what happened. My brain just went 'poof' and I went into my own little land in my head." Pinkie said.

"... Ya want a cupcake?" Applejack held out a cupcake.

"Sure!" Pinkie grabbed the cupcake and ate it in one whole bite.

"Let's get back to the sleepover!" Pinkie said, bouncing around on the couch

Can't let the girls know... this is too personal and freaky. I'm sure I'm just imagining something. Now, let's get another cupcake. I'm about to starve!

Author's Note:

The Sad and Dark tag won't come into play for a few chapters. Also, I added the A/U tag because in this universe, Marble and Limestone Pie are younger than Pinkie Pie. So yeah, as usual, I'll try to update it every week.