• Published 11th May 2012
  • 9,875 Views, 183 Comments

Alteration - AimBot

A captured changeling is sent to Twilight Sparkle for studies.

  • ...


A/N: I've made this intro to be more on par with the original.

I took a deep breath as I pressed my back against the tree. My legs ached, my chest pounded, and my lungs stung with each breath. Moving ever-so-slightly, I peered around the trunk of the tree. I could make out the glint of golden armor. Cursing under my breath, I shook my head and looked to the treetops. It was a long shot, but it might've worked.

I lowered myself to the ground, as if preparing to pounce. My wings snapped open in a quick flourish, and I straightened out my legs and let my wings do the rest. A moment later, I was safely on a sturdy branch.

They passed under me quickly, still galloping in the general direction I was running earlier. I smirked. Traversing the treetops would be safer, I told myself. It took me a moment to gather enough balance to stand on the branch. I spotted a perfect place to land; the crotch of a nearby tree.

From that spot, onward, I pushed forward, carefully navigating each tree. It wasn't as fast as flying, but if I flew, then they'd spot me for sure. And I couldn't have outrun them forever.

Three minutes of leap-frogging from branch to branch had gotten me almost nowhere. I decided it was safe to get back to the ground. I was wrong. I heard a shrill whistle from behind, and I saw an armored pegasus staring at me from through the brush.

I held my breath. A tingling sensation overcame my entire body, as my flesh began to simply evaporate. Still holding breath, I cautiously crept behind a tree, and dived into the nearest brush I could find. I heard more hooves, trampling the path.

"Where'd it go?"

"I have no idea, I swear it just disappeared into thin air!"

"The sun's getting to you. Somepony take him into the shade. Move out."

I just barely poked my head out of the brush. Two of the armor'clad ponies remained, one of which was the pegasus from earlier. The other was... smaller, with a much slimmer frame. A mare, perhaps. She carried a horn instead of wings. The pegasus was... embarrassed. His scent gave him away. The mare seemed as though she was trying to comfort the pegasus.

I waited for two, maybe three, minutes longer. The two dispersed, following the main group. I sighed with relief, and dug myself out of the brush. Perhaps getting back home would be easier if I were disguised, I thought. I took a deep breath, and focused. In a flash of green, I was in my other skin.

I had shifted into a young stallion of average size. Brown coat, darker red mane styled into what I had heard ponies call a 'mullet'. My eyes turned a bright blue, and from what others had told me, I had a tired look about me.

I walked cautiously on the forest path, the opposite direction the ponies had gone. One little slip up could lead to an easy downfall. I could hear chatter from down the path, despite the fact that the group I saw went the complete other direction. I listened in for a moment.

"What do you think we're gonna do if we find the nest?"

"Burn it. Burn the whole damned thing. And stomp out all the life in whatever hole the things call home."

I grimaced. Their words were filled with hatred and anger. If I could simply sneak around them, maybe through the brush and trees, I could have made it past them without a hitch. However, I'm well aware of the fact that in my pony-form, I'm what most would call clumsy.

I brought my body down to the ground, and worked my way into the brush, off the path. All I had to do was stay silent, move quickly, and keep out of sight. It all seemed easy, but my environment seemed to prove me otherwise. I kept under the bushes and other foliage, and moved as quickly as I could at that level. All I had to do was stay nice and quiet...

- Snap! -

Damn it.

Before I could react, I had four fully-armored stallions staring me down with eyes filled with rage and seething with a hunger for retribution.

"What are you doing out here, citizen?" one asked gruffly.

I gave a sigh of relief. They didn't suspect a thing - save for the fact that I was practically face-first in the dirt. "I, uh, lost my dog! She ran off, and I've been looking for her."

"Dog?" I could smell suspicion rising from him. "What breed?"

"She's a mutt." I answered like clockwork. "Brown coat, white spots, have you seen her?"

They all eyed me for a moment. Exchanging glances, they all returned to their original positions, back on the path. "Haven't seen her. Good luck finding her - and be careful."

"Will do." I replied, simply going back to the path and walking away. "You biters."

I took ten or so steps, and I was about to take off at a full-gallop, but my luck seemed to be running thin.

"Wait!" I heard from behind.

I stopped dead in my tracks. I was fully prepared to cast domination now. Now, I didn't want to, but I was ready to. I heard the guard trot behind me. I was half-expecting nothing more than a shot to the back of the head - but thankfully it never came. Needless, my chest began throbbing.

"Your dog," He began. Instantly, I was filled with relief. "About, yea high?" He brought his hoof up to knee level.

I shook my head, "She's taller. About chest level."

He gave a nod, "Alright then. We'll keep a look out for her. Have a nice day."

He walked back to his group. I let out a sigh, and continued down the path. But they were still chattering behind me, and it was unnerving.

"Bloody biters scared me stiff..." I whispered to myself.

There was a faint ringing in my ears. I've learned enough about magic to figure out what it was - detection magic. I whipped my head around to look at the group. All of them had glowers on their faces. I took off galloping in the opposite direction.

I could hear them giving chase, but I dare not look back. I felt specks of dirt hit the back of my neck, and mere seconds later, some unknown force scooped me up off of the ground, and threw me at least a dozen feet forward. When I hit the ground, I felt my morph fall, leaving me in my natural form. The only thought in my mind - What magnificent trick was that?

I felt my legs throb as I slipped from consciousness.

It was cooler here. Either the sun had gone down, or I was inside. The latter seemed more likely, considering I couldn't smell any flora. I shifted in what seemed to be a crude bed of rough cloth, to the point I rolled over and fell. I opened my eyes when my head bounced off cold stone.

It was dank and stuffy - almost hard to gather breath. I could see light bouncing off of all the wet stone walls, the flickering light of a flame. I slowly rose up, turning around to be greeted by metal bars, and two figures. One figure was brightly lit by a nearby torch, a stocky stallion in full armor. The other figure was cloaked in shadow and, well, a cloak.

"Your Highness," The guard said in a politely unsure tone, "You know Celestia wants you staying out of the dungeons."

"I know," the cloaked figure replied. It was obviously a mare's voice. "But I must see this creature for myself, I dost not care - 'Tia can punish me later."

I felt an unfamiliar weight on my neck. Cold metal. I was surprised I didn't notice it the moment I woke up. What does it do? I wondered. I also intended to find out. Undoubtedly, it marked me. If I were to change forms, the collar would stay. But was it enchanted? Did it have wards on it?

I held my breath. I was shocked when there was no tingle, and I remained completely visible, despite my best attempts. My thoughts didn't race like they should have in such a situation. I took deep breaths to relieve the stress.

"Oh, is this truly the fearsome creature that tried to ransack our good capital?" The mare asked, sarcasm hanging heavy in her voice. "I am shocked, it seems like t'would rather collect pollen from daffodils than fight a war. Tell me, changeling, why dost thou come to our kingdom?"

I blinked twice. The question truly didn't make sense to me. I didn't answer, instead giving her a curious stare, which she returned. We both sat for a moment, in silence, examining each other.

She dropped her hood. Her coat was a deep and and dark blue, while her mane mimicked a... cloud? It flowed with a non-existent breeze, and shimmered as if specks of reflective dust were caught in her mane. A magnificent tiara sat atop her head.

"Wilt thou not answer me? Thou shalt give me a silent treatment? Fine!" She stamped a hoof down, and her cloak flew off. She had wings too - of course she was flaring them at me, which didn't improve my predicament.

Then came the sound of more ponies. The loud clop of multiple hooves was painful by itself, but the echo quadrupled it, at least.

Two more armor-clad stallions waltzed into view, accompanied by a mare slightly taller than the... Princess? The new mare was of wings and a horn as well. Her coat was a bright and pristine white without a single blemish. Her mane was the same as the other - save for the much lighter coloration. It took only moments to register two things: the two must've been related in some manner, and they obviously held the reins.

Both of the princesses seemed shocked to see each other. The dark-coated princess looked away nervously, while the lighter princess simply raised an eyebrow.

""Tia..." The dark princess began, "I was not expecting to see you down in the dungeons."

'Tia? I knew that name from somewhere... Celestia, the famed princess of Equestria? It seemed unlikely, yet she was right there. That meant... The other was Luna.

"I could say the same for you, dearest Luna." Celestia replied. "Letting your curiosity get the best of you once again?"

"Of course, 'Tia." Luna stifled a giggle, "I shan't let something go on in our castle without my knowing of it."

"Does it truly interest you that much?"

Luna let out a heavy and troubled sigh. I'm sure even Celestia noticed something troubled her sister. I could sense inner conflicts.

"Dearest 'Tia..." Luna began, her heart heavy. "I do not agree with thy plans. Why wouldst thou put thy student in such danger?"

"I understand your concerns, Luna, but your stress is undue. She is capable, and will have guards with her at all times."

Luna looked to the floor and gave an exasperated sigh. Her gaze switched from Celestia, to me. She gave me a certain look - one even I couldn't quite figure out. With a disdainful flick of her mane, Luna strode away, followed quickly by her guard.

Celestia let out a deep sigh, and turned to one of her guards. "Inform my dearest sister I would like to see her in my chambers."

The guard gave a nod, and gave chase after Luna. Celestia turned her gaze on me. She raised an eyebrow.

"Do not worry." She said in a surprisingly gentle, yet firm tone. "You shan't stay in there much longer."

And she left. Her guard with her, too. I came to an unstable rest upon the small bed in the corner, wishing for something to drink.