• Published 15th Mar 2015
  • 1,350 Views, 78 Comments

Twilight Sparkle moves to Ponyville.(Comment-Driven) - FaelaArts

Chose the adventure Twilight has.

  • ...

Chapter 6

The ants marched along the ground, a thin line of movement that occasionally paused to ensure they were tracking the scent markers properly. Coming to a strange blockage, the front ant paused, using it’s feelers to inform the line there was a complication. The line began to fan out, probing the new structure.

Using their heat sensors, the ants knew this object was not living, and was completely immobile. Slowly, they began to fan around it, some attempting to climb over it. All three prongs made it to the other side, informing the lead ant of the exact size and shape of the object. The lead ant informed the rest of the line, and picked a path around it based on the information.

The ants fell back in line, following the scent trail while laying a new one. As they moved, they came to the source of their journey, their home, and noticed something immensely different. Entering their home, the ants residing inside informed the lead ant that their home had changed composition. All the ants were quietly and efficiently expanding the nest now that their home had become a rich source of food.

The ants went back to work instantly, the lead ant pausing as he received a new directive. Informing a small group to follow, the lead ant once more left the nest in search of a new home. With their home now food, it would only be a matter of time before they needed to move. Using it’s feelers, the ant probed the world, heading out down an old scent path.

The hoof came down, smashing the ant and killing it instantly. The creature grimaced, wiping the grime off as it knocked on the burger. There was a sound of movement, and a head peeked out from inside of it. The four behind gave shaky smiles, and the creature began to speak.

“Twilight, you can’t just hide inside a burger all day.” Rarity gave an encouraging smile, grimacing as Twilight merely returned to the inside of her burger, tail sticking out slightly. Sighing, Rarity open the folds of the bun, entering the burger, shuddering as she tried to ignore the squishy meat under her.

“Leave me alone, it’s bad enough I can’t wallow under a bed anymore.” Twilight sobbed quietly behind her claws, depressed and feeling alone. Rarity brought a hoof around Twilight, looking at the body and wondering if she could even create an outfit that would go well with so many mismatched colors.

“Come on sugarcube, ya’re looking at this tha wrong way. Ya just gotta look at that silver lining.” After all, Twilight could still walk and talk. Sure, magic might not ever be possible again, but that didn’t mean Twilight’s life had to end. Twilight merely shook her head, and a third pony came in, taking a bite of the burger.

“Jeez, this burger is tasty, you’re saying this was a tree?” Both Rarity and Applejack glared at Pinkie Pie, who gave a sheepish smile. Twilight nodded once, still hiding behind her claws.

“Come on Twilight you can’t just let some mean old flowers tell you what to do.” Stepping inside, Rainbow Dash also snuck a bite of the burger’s bun. Behind her, Fluttershy quietly followed. Hollowing out the bun, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash shared a quiet snicker. Rolling their eyes, Rarity and Applejack try to comfort Twilight.

“Hey, is my sister here?” A small filly look around, before noticing Applejack and giving a smile. Behind her was a whole line of ponies. Apparently a lot of people wanted to see inside the burger house.

“Woah,” exclaimed Apple Bloom as she was pushed inside, the burger quickly becoming crowded. Twilight raised her head, swishing her tail as she began to cry harder.

“Just leave me ALO-ne?” Looking around, Twilight blinked as her house had returned to normal. Except now everypony was a statue. Biting her lip, Twilight glanced around with worry, what did she do now? Who should she turn to?

“Oh god oh god oh god.” Twilight wondered if swearing to Celestia would be better than swearing to some unnamed god, but quickly shock it off. Priorities, she had to think. What could she do about her current situation. The good news was she now had her home back, but the bad news was her friends were now statues.

“Okay, first priority: Find a way to reverse it.” Nodding, Twilight pulled out a list, and wrote her priorities down in clear, even font. While her magic handwriting was far superior, she was surprisingly doing ok with a claw. Of course, if any of her friends were not statues, they would have wondered what the horrific thing she was drawing was.

“Second: Find some way to learn to control this magic.” While she hated to admit it, Twilight knew she had to at least learn how to turn it off. She couldn’t keep causing burgers, statues, and other such random things to happen. Looking at her list, she sat down and considered her options. As she swirled her tail, she blinked as the chair began to levitate.

As she began to rotate counter-clockwise in the air, Twilight tapped her chin, considering her options.

Author's Note:

Who should Twilight contact for help?
What help does she receive?
See the results:

Comments ( 17 )

wow...just wow

there are some really messed up choices, and I mean REALLY messed up

Sometimes comment-driven stories are neat, other times they are civil versions Pony Thread Simulator from 4chan in terms of maturity. Let's see which one this is...

Damn it. Someone else put Obama before me. Now I'll feel awkward is if do it as well.

Well, I'm all caught up. This so far is fine. Guess I"ll stick around for now.

5860856 Alright, I'll add a random tag and mark if for gore. Middle ground?

Yay! Finally early enough to vote!

I obviously don't know for sure that it happened, but I think there's a pretty good chance that someone has manipulated the votes. When I looked at the results earlier, there were 8 responses and NO ONE had chosen GLaDOS or "Her very own pet brony," but now that there are 13 responses, those have suddenly become the most popular choices, with all 5 new responses picking GLaDOS and 4 of the 5 picking "Her very own pet brony." Something that makes this even more suspicious is the fact that those two choices seem to have been suggested by the same person, since they're both the 13th choice in their respective lists, and the orders of the lists are the same as the orders in the original spreadsheet. Again, I don't know if there's any way to be 100% positive that this happened or not, but it seems really likely to me. I don't know if there's anything you can do about it, but I thought you might want to know.

5870162 I was afraid of this happening.

5870162 Due to this, I have added a required question now in the form of a fimfiction username.

5870684 That's probably a good idea, although I'll admit that I had originally been participating without an account (I only made this one so that I could mention that I'd noticed the manipulation - hence the name - but I guess I'll just use it to participate now, too). Just to double check, everyone obviously only gets one vote (or up to three, if they're all for different things), but will it still be okay to suggest multiple things in the suggestion phase if we want to?

Edit: Now there are 9 responses, but only 8 names. Is that some kind of glitch, or would someone's name still only show up once if they voted twice? If so, then it looks like someone did. Come to think of it, would there actually be anything stopping someone from putting the name of a random user in and voting an extra time? Unless that user finds out and says they didn't do it, I'm not sure whether this is actually going to help or not. The story is awesome and I definitely want to see more of it, but it would be nice if there could be some way to guarantee that the voting would be fair. Assuming all the names currently there did actually vote (so there were at least 8 people who voted and not someone using someone else's name), one extra vote wouldn't have mattered for the first question, but could still have the potential to affect the outcome of the second.

5871219 Of course, that won't change.

Sorry, typoed my name in the votes. Does it still count?

If 10 people voted then how are there 76 votes?

5985925 Because you can choose 3 options.

When will you continue this?

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