• Published 15th Mar 2015
  • 1,866 Views, 24 Comments

Fang's strange encounter. - Sylif Daring Doo

An animatronic named Fang is part of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza in the year 1987 a children's entertainer at day but odd at night.

  • ...

First day of being alive.

______*Gwen Dash's house ten minutes later*______

Dash was inside her kitchen and was getting more annoyed by the minute.

Fang and Roxanne had been asking many questions ever since they arrived, for instance what the importance of eating was, and why they had started to feel, odd, Dash had told them that it was because they were 'living' creatures now, and that the things they felt were most likely emotions, real emotions, or they were hungry, Dash was prepared for both.

And so here she was, inside her home making a few salads, she would have given them meat but seeing as she didn't have any, vegetables would have to do.

Dash had never found out why she had a taste for meat now but assumed that it had something to do with going to Earth, she sighed and gave Fang his salad, then giving Roxanne hers, Dash sat down and silently ate her food.

Fang stared at the assortment of vegetables with confusion but eventually grabbed a fork and put a piece of lettuce in his mouth.

"Now what?" He asked.

Dash sighed in annoyance. "Fang, you may be smart in several things." She paused.

Fang smiled. "Thank you." He replied.

"But you are a dumbass when it comes to being a living, breathing, creature." She finished.

Roxanne chuckled as she ate her salad. "See Fang, I told you that you should have paid attention to the Humans habits." She teased.

Fang groaned as the two females tortured him, he slowly chewed the salad hoping to get used to 'eating'.

Derpy sat silently eating her salad, she felt out of place, the only thing she had in common with them was that she had Golden Freddy living in her mind, and of course her eye.

Dash looked at Derpy who looked depressed, she tapped her shoulder. "Hey Ditzy, you ok?" She asked with concern.

Derpy broke out of her trance and looked at Dash, she smiled. "Its nothing, but don't you think we're an odd group?" She asked.

Dash chuckled with Roxanne laughed, Fang raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" Fang asked.

Derpy looked at him and shivered for some reason. "Just look at us, we have you and Roxanne, a wolf and a fox that walk on two legs are NOT a common sight in Equestria, not to mention your former animatronics, Dash who disappeared for a week and now uses that worlds speech pattern, and me with this freak show of an eye, not to mention my 'friend that lives in my mind." She said.

Fang was confused. "Who is this 'friend'." He asked.

Derpy looked down. "If your going to do it I suggest you brace yourself, Fang and me had a, disagreement a few years ago." Golden Freddy warned.

"Please be quiet." She asked.

Derpy looked at Fang. "He calls himself, Golden Freddy." She said as she braced herself.

Fang's eyes widened and he jumped onto the table and looked Derpy directly in the eye. "Can he hear me?" He demanded.

"Let me talk to him, it will be better that way, I can at least calm him down enough so we can explain." Golden Freddy said.

Derpy mentally nodded and closed her eyes. "Long time no see Fang." She said in a deep voice.

Fang balled his hand into a fist and grabbed Derpy's neck and looked her coldly in the eyes. "I don't care how your here, but go home." He demanded.

Dash had enough and forced Fang onto the floor while Roxanne watched with curiosity.

Derpy looked at Fang and smirked. "You know, your threats worked while you were an animatronic, but not anymore, besides I'm stuck in this mare's mind, I couldn't leave even if I wanted to." She said blankly.

Fang sighed in frustration and punched the floor. "Fine, how are you here?" He asked.

Derpy chuckled. "Well that's simple, just a case of teleportation gone wrong, I don't know how long I will be stuck here but its not half bad." She replied.

Fang looked at Derpy and shook his head and walked away. "I need some fresh air." He said simply.

Roxanne sighed and followed him.

Dash walked up to Derpy and shook her. "Hey, you done goofing off?" She said.

Derpy looked at her and smirked. "Ah, and now the Pegasus that causes such a commotion, I believe I have you to thank for my imprisonment, I recommend not speaking to those 'Princesses' of yours, they have done nothing but attack me ever since they discovered me, and I haven't done anything!" She said angrily.

Dash backed up as she saw the look in Derpy's eyes, she smirked. "I have no plans on talking to them, I'm through with the whole 'do whatever I ask without asking any questions' who do they think they are!" She yelled.

Derpy smirked. "Well now, I believe I have found more in you then I expected, we are going to get along splendidly." She replied in a deep voice.

Dash watched as Derpy closed her eyes and soon she opened them. "I hate it when he does that." She said in her normal voice.

Derpy shook her head. "OW!" Golden Freddy shouted.

Dash calmed down and walked out of the kitchen.

Derpy understood the message, 'lets pretend that never happened and go back to what we were doing', she followed Dash out of the kitchen.

Dash opened the door to her house and walked outside to see Fang leaning against the wall, Roxanne was sitting down looking at her claws.

"You two want to see the town?" Dash asked.

Fang looked at her and nodded but gave Derpy an icy stare.

Roxanne shrugged. "Sure why not." She said.

Derpy smiled softly and walked towards town.

Fang and Roxanne followed the gray Pegasus.

Dash sighed in relief and followed her three friends.

Fang knew that this tour would end in disaster, or in them being stared at the entire time.

______*Ponyville five minutes later*______

Fang walked through the town alongside Roxanne, Dash and Derpy, he had noticed that the four were being stared at, it was getting on his nerves, while to any stranger he appeared calm, cool and collected, but to those that actually 'met' him he was a short fused anger bomb.

Dash had noticed Fang was getting angry at the stares they were receiving, she also noticed that some of the local populace hid in their homes while some were shocked, the others were probably angry over something.

Roxanne and Derpy were having a pleasant conversation, until Roxanne mentioned that children tended to tear her apart every now and then.

Fang saw another group of locals stare at him like he was the devil and he finally had enough, he turned around. "WHAT ARE YOU ALL STARING AT HUH!, YOU LOOK LIKE YOU NEVER SAW A WOLF BEFORE!, AND IF ITS THAT DIFERENT SPECIES CRAP THEN LOOK AROUND YOU!, YOU ARE ALL A DIFERENT SPECIES IN SOME WAY!, SO STOP STARING BEFORE I 'GIVE' YOU SOMETHING TO STARE AT!" He shouted before continuing his walk.

As soon as Fang finished talking the townsfolk all murmured between each other and looked at others before going about there day.

Fang was disgusted, apparently they didn't mind the other members of their side species, but any other species that was sentient they felt like they were under attack.

Dash decided to go to the library, she could at least patch things up with Twilight, and it would give her a chance to relax for at least a minute without a question, it would also help calm Fang down, she hoped.

The group walked up to the library and walked inside, the inside was simple and hadn't changed since Dash went sent to Earth, and standing in the room was Twilight, who was organizing the books on the shelves.

Dash walked up to Twilight and tapped her shoulder causing her to jump. "Dash!, you cant just do that." She said making Dash chuckle a little.

"Sorry Twilight, guess I got over anxious to talk with you." Dash said apologetically.

Twilight rolled her eyes and went back to organizing her books.

"It's fine, so Dash I wanted you to know that a told the Princesses that you were back home and they told me that they want to talk to you, they said it was urgent, I didn't tell them about Fang and Roxanne at all." Twilight said.

Dash sighed, not that she wasn't surprised, Twilight did have a tendency to report anything strange or important to the Princesses.

"Fine, lets just get it over with, oh and by the way Twilight." Dash paused.

Twilight looked at Dash who had started to organize some of her books.

"Yes Dash?" She asked, Twilight was curious about what her friend had to say.

Dash looked at Twilight and smirked. "The name, is Gwen." She said proudly.

Fang and Roxanne decided that now would be a good time to read on anything that could help them adjust.

Derpy smiled then walked over to Dash and looked her in the eyes, she gave her a long passionate kiss.

Dash was surprised by this but returned it, she then ended the kiss by pulling away gently.

Derpy gave her a wink and began stacking books.

Dash smiled but continued what she was doing, knowing fully well what 'that' message was.

Twilight was confused, she never heard that name before.

"Dash, why did you say your name was Gwen?" She asked.

Dash chuckled. "Because, that's my 'REAL' name, the one you know is a lie." She said.

Twilight felt betrayed but at the same time, she didn't, was it really that bad that Dash had lied about her name?, maybe not.

"Ok then Dash, I guess the only thing to do now is wait." Twilight said as she continued her work.

______*Twenty minutes later Golden Oaks library*______

Twilight eagerly awaited the arrival of the Princesses, they had sent her a letter stating that they would be there in twenty one minutes, so its only natural for Twilight to have a little concern.

Dash had tried calming the unicorn down but she had startled Twilight causing the unicorn to hit her with a knockout spell, Dash had woken up two minutes ago and hadn't gone near Twilight since.

Derpy had stayed by her marefriend the entire time, she hadn't budged.

Roxanne and Fang were now practicing some breathing techniques they had seen and it seemed to be helping, as their breathing was no longer awkward, they now had a steady control of their breath.

Twilight saw a golden carriage land just outside the library, Twilight saw Celestia and Luna step out from the carriage.

There was four pegasi guarding the Princesses as they approached the library.

Twilight rushed over to the door and opened it immediately bowing.

"Princesses." She said respectfully.

Celestia smiled and Luna nodded.

Twilight let the two royals inside as the guards waited outside the library.

Dash groaned and rubbed her head when Celestia and Luna entered the library.

Luna approached Dash but noticed Fang and Roxanne reading some books.

Curious, Luna looked at Dash and saw Derpy sitting next to her.

"Rainbow Dash, I am glad to see you have returned." Luna said.

Celestia noticed the former animatronics as well and leaned in to Twilights ear. "Who are they?" She asked.

Twilight took a deep breath. "The wolf is called Fang and the fox is Roxanne." She replied.

Dash looked up at Luna and rubbed her eyes. "Yea, I feel great." She said sarcastically.

Derpy had her right eye hidden behind her hair but knew that Golden Freddy would want to see eventually.

Luna understood why Dash was using sarcasm right now.

Celestia walked up to Dash with concern but kept her face neutral. "Welcome home Rainbow Dash, it is good to see you are alright." She said sympathetically.

Dash chuckled and rubbed her forehead. "Yea I guess so, but I wouldn't exactly call it home, after all I don't live in a library." She replied with sarcasm.

Derpy smiled at Dash but then tapped her on the head, she gave her a look that said 'this is serious' and she then returned her gaze to the royal sisters.

"Sorry Princess, just had an odd day." She said apologetically.

Celestia nodded. "Its all right, I understand, going to another world can be overwhelming." She said.

Dash gave the solar princess a look that said 'how about you spend a whole week in a house of horrors without magic' but kept her face neutral.

"Yep, so uh, what can I do for you?" She asked with a half serious tone.

Luna looked at her sister and nodded. "You see, we have bad news." She said.

Celestia took it from there. "The element of loyalty is fading, fast, we do not know why but it has lost most of its power." She continued.

Dash sighed and looked at the two. "I can guess what this means, unless we find someway to fix this Equestria is in grave danger, and if you have no other options you will wipe my memory of everything that happened after I got transported to Earth." She said plainly.

Luna went to speak but kept her mouth closed.

Dash looked at the two Princesses with an all knowing stare, she had them right on the mark. "I'm not as ignorant as I seem am I?" She teased.

Fang smirked but kept on reading.

Celestia looked at the two former animatronics with an icy stare, but seeing as they didn't move gave Celestia a thought.

"Twilight get those two out of here." She said.

Fang and Roxanne both looked up. "Oh no, don't mind us, we're just reading, please go on with whatever it Is your doing." They both said switching back and forth.

Luna could have sworn that they were familiar, but she couldn't place it, she looked over at Derpy and her eye twitched, here was one threat to Equestria that she couldn't remove.

Celestia looked at Derpy and noticed something odd about her right eye. "Excuse me, Derpy Hooves?" She said.

Derpy looked at Celestia and raised an eyebrow. "Yes?" She asked.

Celestia pointed to Derpy's right eye. "Show me your eye." She said.

Derpy bit her lip, she should have seen this coming.

Dash stood up and walked in between Celestia and Derpy. "That's none of your concern." She said.

Twilight walked up to Dash and gave her a nod. "Its ok Dash." Derpy said.

Derpy stood and stood next to Dash, she then moved the hair away from her eye revealing it.

Celestia gasped and Luna looked ready for a fight.

Fang looked at Roxanne. "Hey Roxie, you want to help out?" He asked.

Roxanne looked at him. "Na, don't get caught up in local affairs." She said.

Fang shrugged and went back to reading.

Celestia examined the eye and couldn't help but shiver at the sight of it.

Derpy kept her gaze focused on the royal sisters and noticed that Luna was angered.

"Wow, I didn't think my eye was that big of a deal." She said in her deep voice, it was clear that Golden Freddy was the one talking.

Dash and Twilight stayed silent.

Celestia calmed down and returned the gaze. "So tell me, who are you?" She asked calmly.

Derpy chuckled. "Well, that was fast, but your compulsion wont work on me, after all, I have nothing to lose anyway, but seeing as I don't know your name, I will tell you my name if you tell me yours, no titles necessary." She said.

"My name is Celestia." She said plainly.

Derpy smiled. "See that wasn't so hard was it?, my name is Golden Freddy, now how about you drop the psychic glare before I return it back at you, I swear no one in this world has any real psychic power, or any resistance to it." She said in a disappointed tone.

Celestia did not know what she meant but had ceased her deep stare.

"What are you doing inside miss Hooves?" She demanded.

Derpy shrugged. "Just a teleportation gone wrong, believe me I thought that once Dash returned home I would be able to return to existence, I guess I was wrong." She replied.

Luna had not dropped her guard and charged a spell.

Derpy's head snapped in Luna's direction, she smirked. "Do you really think you can cast that spell before I counter it?, if so go on ahead, in fact, so why is it that you blame everyone else BUT yourself for turning into Nightmare Moon eh?" She said darkly.

Luna gasped and the spell broke. "How do you?" She asked.

Derpy chuckled. "Tsk tsk tsk, that would be telling, now I just want to get this out in the open, all I want is to get the fuck out of this mind, now nobody has to get hurt because of this now do they?" She said looking at Celestia.

Celestia knew that this actually made sense, if she were stuck in another's mind she would hate it.

Dash thought it would be best to break this up before it got ugly, she stepped in front of Derpy. "Alright Golden Freddy, you can knock it off now." She said.

Derpy sighed and closed her eyes. "I should get back home, I need to get some sleep anyway." She said, she gave Dash a wink before walking away.

Fang and Roxanne had put the books they were reading down and were now standing.

Dash smiled at Derpy. "Well I should get going as well, see you Twilight, Princesses." She said in a hurry as she ran after Derpy.

Fang and Roxanne shrugged and went to follow after the two pegasi but found their path blocked by Luna.

"You two are not going anywhere, you are going to tell us who you are right NOW!" She demanded.

Fang had a neutral look on his face as he cocked his head to the right. "You are not my boss, so beat it." He said pushing passed Luna.

Roxanne sighed in annoyance and followed Fang. "Fang one day you are going to get us in trouble, like you just did!" She said, Roxanne continued to scold Fang after she hit him hard in the head causing the wolf to yelp.

Luna and Celestia decided it be best that they leave.

As Roxanne exited the library she found that Fang was being held down by three guards, she sighed. "You mind telling me why your holding down my partner?" She asked in an angry tone.

Two of the guards then proceeded to lunge at Roxanne but she simply moved to the left causing the guards to ram into the tree getting their heads stuck.

"Seriously, what did I do to you?" She asked.

Fang shoved the guards pinning him down off of him and stood up quickly. "I have no idea, I walk out here and these guys jump me." He said.

Roxanne rolled her eyes and walked towards the direction that Dash and Derpy were going.

Fang went to say something but sighed, he followed his partner reluctantly.

Two of the guards pulled their fellow guards out of the tree and quickly composed themselves as the royal sisters left the library.

Twilight was in the library thinking heavily on the words of the Princesses. "I don't know what happened to Rainbow Dash in that other world but whatever It was is making the element of loyalty fade, I fear that soon it will be gone forever, I need you to do what you can to repair this." Celestia had said.

"Also Twilight Sparkle, I have a request for you, I would like you to keep an eye on Derpy Hooves, I believe that the creature inside of her has darker intentions than simply returning to the physical world, regardless we must be cautious, if we are not It could mean the end of our peaceful nation." Luna had said.

"But know this, if the element of loyalty fades we will have no choice but to wipe Rainbow Dash's memory of this entire incident, it may seem drastic but it will be our last resort." Celestia had added.

These words were troubling to Twilight to say the least, the idea of Dash not remembering any of this was enough to put a knot in Twilights gut.

______*Gwen Dash's house, Dash's bedroom, 10:41 AM*______

Dash laid in the bed with Derpy and went to give her a kiss.

At that precise moment and at the major annoyance of Dash, Fang had burst in.

Derpy gasped in shock and Dash was furious. "Seriously Fang! we're in the middle of something." She snapped.

Fang had his same neutral face. "Sorry about that but someone is here to see you." He said.

Dash calmed down a little bit. "Who is it?" She asked.

Fang's face turned into one of confusion. "A group of children." He said.

Dash was confused but stood up and walked towards the door. "Did they say who they were?" She asked.

Fang shook his head. "No but they're five of them, all female." He replied.

Dash sighed in annoyance. "Fang, I am going to have to teach you about goddamn emotions." She said.

Fang was confused but kept silent, he looked at Derpy and something began burning inside of him, he could not explain it so he walked away.

Dash walked down the stairs and walked towards the front door, she opened it and sighed, it was Sparkler and Dinky, Sweetie Belle, Applebloom and Scootaloo.

"Hey girls, shouldn't you be in school?" She asked.

They all shook their heads. "Its Sunday." Sparkler said.

Dash rolled her eyes and facepalmed. "Alright, so you want to come in?" She asked.

The five fillies didn't waste anytime and rushed inside, Dash soon heard screams and rushed to them. "What is it?" She asked with worry.

Dash saw that they were huddled in a corner and raised an eyebrow, she looked around and saw Roxanne was leaning against the wall eating what looked like a chicken thigh.

"Roxanne what did you do?" Dash asked accusingly.

Roxanne put her free hand up in surrender. "I didn't do anything!, I was just eating when these girls came in and screamed." She replied.

Dash looked at the five fillies and sighed. "Its ok girls, Roxie wont hurt you." She said.

The only one to move was Sparkler who walked up slowly to Roxanne.

But at that moment Fang walked into the kitchen causing the four remaining fillies to scream.

Sparkler turned around and her eyes widened.

Fang suddenly stopped. "Uh, what did I do this time?" He asked.

Dash knew that this day couldn't get weirder. "You came in at a bad time, that's what." She said.

Roxanne walked up to Fang and slapped him. "What was that for?" He asked.

"For your bad timing." She said simply.

Dash sighed. "This Is going to be a bad day, the only way this could be weirder would be if Pinkie came in randomly." She said.

As soon as Dash said those words a pink blur entered the room.

"Oh don't worry Dashie! just wait for the next story!" Pinkie said cheerfully.

Dash gasped and fell backwards.

Pinkie giggled as the world went black around her, just as the world went black she made a hole in it all.

"I can't believe it and I can't wait for the next one also we need less cheery moments because this story has way to many," she said as the blackness covered the world.

Author's Note:

I have no idea, so don't ask me, I had to do it.

I hope you enjoy, also Damn you Pinkie for breaking the fourth wall!.

Pinkie: Oh come on its not that bad.

*Falls backwards and hits floor in shock*

Comments ( 8 )

6380454 Na, it's just that Roxanne likes to tease Fang.

Edit: Although......that would be funny as hell.:rainbowlaugh:

If Roxanne and Fang were voiced, what would they sound like?

7281886 I never really thought on that, but I would have to say they would have the voice tone of 28 year olds, with no thick or obvious accents......but for some reason I am picturing Fang with a British accent, might just be me.

7281981 This irony.

Roxanne walked up to Fang and slapped him. "What was that for?" He asked.
"For your bad timing." She said simply.
Dash sighed. "This Is going to be a bad day, the only way this could be weirder would be if Pinkie came in randomly." She said.
As soon as Dash said those words a pink blur entered the room.
"Oh don't worry Dashie!, just wait for the next story!" Pinkie said cheerfully.
Dash gasped and fell backwords.

Also, sorry to say this, but i did read the story carefully, and i did find a mistake. (the underlined word is supposed to be backwards. Again, sorry.)

7287415 Huh....I actually forgot about that mistake, thanks.

Interesting story. Onward to the sequel!

Luna is still an bitch I see, time to read the sequel

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