• Published 20th Mar 2015
  • 272 Views, 2 Comments

Blue Eyes, Black feathers - cmg12344

Axis Is an important and unique mare. Learning to guard the castle for Princess Luna, having fun with new friends. But destiny has other plans for her...

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Chapter 1 "Moving"

Axis's P.O.V.

I'm a mutant. A monster. A freak of nature. This is how I've always thought of myself.
My yellow eyes had terrifying slits. My hooves, wings, and horn had holes in them. My fangs were sharper than anyone
could think possible. I was the only one who looked scary.

Maybe my mother didn't understand. She and Dad looked at least a tiny bit normal. They had my eyes. And similar manes.
But I guess mom must have had some doubts. If she did, I was never told. I used to ask her, hoping I would get a little bit of an answer out of her,

"Momma? Why do I have to be different. I don't have a pretty mane, or a silky coat like others. Why am I scary?"
But somehow I knew it hurt her. And that hurt me even more. But she would only reply,

"Embrace your difference. Someday, ponies will appreciate it." she said the word 'someday' with uncertainty, which concerned me.
And she would walk out of the room, and nuzzle Dad. Like she said, someday they would appreciate me. But someday could be a very long time...

I sat looking at our house as I fluttered slowly. It looked as if the cloud had become darker, and full with rain already, upset because of our departure. I sighed and scratched the back of my head with a hoof full of holes. Today was a day I would never forget. Moving Day. I flew toward the carriage, Dad flapping his wings straining slightly as he tried to keep in the air. This extra weight was practically killing him. I strapped myself to the left side of the carriage and pulled, my wings flapping franticly. But we managed, and I said a final goodbye to the house and flew off, zipping away quickly with the help of Daddy.

We were near Canterlot by now. My face was red with sweat and strain, and my mother gave Dad and I snacks at our last stop! But I was still hungry, as always. I muttered to myself, complaining of the hot weather.

"Its never this hot at night! We could be flying with ease, and not sweating our brains out if we left later." I grumbled

"Stop whining, be a big girl, and look on the bright side! At least nights coming soon. We'll be flying with ease like you said soon. Just have patience." Dad exclaimed, glancing at me then turning to keep his eyes on the road ahead

I snorted and flew bit harder, knowing he was right and thankful that night was approaching. I could almost see the magic around the moon as it slowly rose. Bit by bit I saw the giant town of Canterlot. I gasped. The castle was even bigger! The windows were made of smooth stained glass, and the walls were carved out of marble and quartz. It was a beautiful sight, as moonlight lapped at the buildings lightly. Aunt Celestia and Luna must have worked hard for such an elegant castle.

I galloped down to the grass, still pulling the carriage with my father to the entrance of Canterlot. It's gates shimmered gracefully, and the guards' armor was spectacular. I stared in awe at them, nodding my head in a quaint bow. They returned the motion. One flashed a quick smile. I grinned back at him.

"Welcome to Canterlot 'mam," said the taller one "I believe you are of the 'Catcher' Family?"

I nodded and began, "Yes, and um, my Dad wanted to talk with his sister-in-law, Princess Luna."

The guard who smiled replied formally,

"Of course Mr. Catcher. Much obliged."

The gates slowly swung open and I pulled the heavy carriage, Dad at my side, his every step was struggled and stiff. I felt bad for him. The poor old stallion was tired and ready for retirement in his job. His relation to the Princesses gave him no advantages either, all he did was guard this castle at night. I wanted to follow his hoofsteps, and become a strong and independent mare. Being a Princess was keeping me from that. Or was it?


I helped unload the carriage. Mom pulled our clothing and fragile belongings inside with her glowing, green, holey horn. Dad pushed a hoof-chair inside with his head. We worked together trying to get the house into shape. Mother guided Dad and I inside as we heaved our final bit of furniture into the house. My bed. I tried to lift it up the stairs with my yellow magic. Nothing. Mom tried helping too, and I strained my hardest to get it into my room. So instead of going down stairs again to get my covers, I curled up in bed, the day approaching slowly. This was a normal time for a regular Bat-Pony to sleep. But remember, I'm a mutant. A monster. A changeling, and a bat-pony of a freak.