• Published 18th Mar 2015
  • 5,172 Views, 425 Comments

Discord Underground Talk Radio - Ironskull

With the invention of the magical radio, ponies from across Equestria await the first public radio broadcast, which will come from Princess Celestia herself. One week before the presentation, an unauthorized broadcast appears, hosted by Discord.

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Second Broadcast

"Welcome to the second program of Discord Underground Talk Radio, hosted by yours truly, Discord Lord of Chaos. I understand that there are a lot of new listeners tuning in today, and what a good looking group of ponies you are!

"To begin today's program, I shall address a particular bit of feedback that listeners have expressed in overwhelming quantity. Many of you have made the accusation that the contents of this radio program are outright fabrications, or, worse, that I cannot possibly be who I claim to be.

"I assure you all that both of these accusations are lies. It is scientifically proven that only approximately eleventy-six percent of facts presented by D.U.T.R. have the even the slightest hint of falsehood.

"And now, a word from my sponsor, Princess Twilight!"

"Discord, I can't believe you broadcast a public radio show without asking anypony! And before Princess Celestia has even given her speech! Do you even know what you have done? From now on, when anypony asks 'what was the first public radio broadcast', the answer won't be whatever the princess says next week, it will be you saying 'Hello? Is this thing working?' "

"I have carefully thought about Princess Twilight's words and realized that she is right. I should feel honored to have taken part in such a pivotal point in Equestria's history. I can only humbly offer Princess Twilight my deepest thanks for providing me with such a unique opportunity.

"This leads me to the topic of Princess Celestia's speech, which was delivered mere hours before the recording of this program. I confess that while I did tire of hearing fifty different ways of saying how proud the princess is of Equestria as a whole and how far we have come over the years, she did make valid points. Without the ponies of Equestria, Equestria would be a much more boring place. The ponies of Equestria mean much to me. You are the reason that I am bringing you this radio show right now, because I care.

"Of course, I must offer Princess Celestia a personal thanks. In the Princess's speech, she thanked everypony for listening to Equestria's first public radio broadcast. I can scarcely believe that she took the time to acknowledge my little endeavor and thanked my listeners for being there for me.

"And now for the top story for this week! Are Equestria's princesses hiding something? After discovering Princess Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia whispering conspiratorially with one another, Discord decided to find the answers!

"Unfortunately the princesses refused to speak with me, and furthermore, forbade me from disclosing any information I might have accidently heard concerning the matter.

"On an unrelated note, in the event of national emergency in the near future, please scream and run around in circles.

"And now an update on last week's report of apple induced paranoia. Shortly after the announcement, scattered outbreaks of panic were reported in towns and cities across Equestria. The situation is now under control. However, my anonymous informant has reported that further research has indicated that apples in fact do not induce paranoia and apologizes for the misinformation. Further study now indicates that misinformation is the primary root of paranoia.

"Here in Ponyville, the Apple family is offering a new promotion as reparations to those inconvenienced by the misunderstanding. For the next week only, all visitors to Sweet Apple Acres will be given a complementary keg of apple cider! Feel free to swig it all in one go; it has no side effects.

"Next up today, the element of generosity, Rarity, gives her view on the public school system!"

"This. Is. The worst. Possible. Thing!"

"Thank you for your insight, Rarity. Your concerns are taken very seriously and an investigation regarding your accusation is being arranged. The findings will be presented in next week's program.

"And now I will respond to the mail that everypony has sent me. Unfortunately, because this week's mail consisted almost entirely of complaints and accusations of lies, there are only two legitimate questions.

"This pony asks, 'Discord. What is it like to spend thousands of years as a statue?' "

"Unfortunately, the answer to this question is not as grandiose as listeners might hope. It is boring beyond belief. When the sun set in the evenings, it was just a reminder that nothing has changed since it rose in the morning. As those days drag on and on, I was suspended in misery at my inability to change the slightest thing. In other words, not being able to move or even sleep is miserable.

"That does, however, remind me of one occasion when I got a little bit of excitement. It was about two hundred years after initially being turned to stone, back when the capitol was in the middle of the great Everfree Forest.

"It was bound to happen sooner or later. One fateful morning, a cockatrice somehow managed to wander into the castle garden and discover my petrified form. It saw how my magnificence had been imprisoned, unable to spread chaos across the world, and took pity on me. For those of you who don't know, cockatrices are creatures that are not only capable of turning any living thing into stone, but also back into their former selves.

"It was glorious to be free from imprisonment, and I naturally expressed my joy in the most chaotic way possible. Looking back on it now, I see that I should have done so in a way that didn't upset everypony so much. But it ended almost as quickly as it had begun when the princesses used the elements of harmony to imprison me a second time. I can't believe I fell for their trick again. Afterward, they posted a guard to keep wild critters out of the garden.

"And now for the second question. The letter reads as follows. 'There is much debate as to how many stars there are in the universe, and Princess Luna refuses to give a straight answer. So I ask you, Discord. How many stars are there in the universe?'

"That's a very good question!

"Let's see... one... two... three... four... five... six... seven...

"Okay, you know what, I'm not doing this right now. I'll have to get back to you on that. I'm ending the program here for today.

"You have been listening to Discord Underground Talk Radio. For those of you who missed part of the program, tune in again in two hours for a repeat of this week's program."

Author's Note:

Once upon a time, I used this space to ask people reading this story to offer me questions to ask Discord in order to further the story. I now have all of the questions that I need to last me until the end of the story, so further questions are now no longer necessary.