• Member Since 24th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Monday

Wise Cracker

Just some guy, riding out his time.


Nine-year-old resident wimp Doldrum Whimper has a dream: to bulk up and become the buffest colt his town has ever seen, so he'll get some respect in school and no one will pick on him ever again. Except he's not actually bulking up from his current program.

But not to worry, the Rainbow Falls Traders Exchange has items for everyone's interests, and that includes the old strong stallion books that were all the rage back in the day. Why, there's tonnes of books about making winners out of wimps.

Only... one problem: he's only got enough for one trade, so he has to pick the right one.

This is going to be tricky.

Author's note: set in the same universe as Passiflora's Plight and Junior Flight Camp, taking place in between the events of those two. Reading either is not required for the purposes of this story, it just clarifies a few details.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 3 )

Huh. Ponies know of dwarves. Neat. Though now I'm wondering if Celestia's ever had to stop them from trying to flood the world with lava...

Steam ponies love hats


Pony-adapted tongue-eating lice!? :pinkiesick: That's... well, it's actually a quite cool idea. I do like unusual parasites, but only in theory. Seeing them inflicted on people is... well, see previous emoticon.

In all, a good story with a good message. People need to compare their words and actions and see if they match up; otherwise, there's a problem. Thank you for this.

I had passed up this story a few times because it looked kind of boring but decided to read it before the flight camp sequel. It was actually very good and revealed a bit about all three characters. We got to see Passiflora's history and how it clearly affects her parenting and how whimper acts when he's not stressed about being in a completely new environment. Honestly, he comes off a lot more normal here than in the flight camp fic.

Well, technically, he is more normal here. The stuff that made him abnormal hasn't happened yet. :twilightsheepish:

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