• Published 23rd Mar 2015
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The Knights of Tambelon - Catrina37

Twilight is caught in a storm and rescued by four beings known as the Knights of Tambelon. Their leader is none other than Tirek's brother Scorpan. Secrets will be revealed as well as an evil greater than Ahuizotl.

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Knights of Tambelon to the Rescue

Chapter 3: Knights of Tambelon to the Rescue

“What Twilight and the rest of Ponyville don’t know is that evil storm was on its way to our home on Shadow Mountain because it’s meant to flush me and my fellow knights out. The storm was created by our former king: Grogar the Ram Wizard. He sent it to drive us out long enough for his minions to track us. We were living in an old abandoned castle when the storm came, causing it to crumble down…”

Inside this old abandoned castle, there were a group of anthropomorphic beings who were trying to keep it from getting crumbled down by the storm. Scorpan was among them, but the others are ones we don’t know about yet.

One of the others is a male anthro bat imp who is knee high, wears a peasant blouse and black pants, and resembles a brown bat. The other creature is a male anthro chameleon who wears a green shirt and a guard helmet.

Scorpan and the chameleon were quickly nailing beams up to prevent the ceilings from falling down, and so far, their plan has worked. The bat imp is busy sealing the windows to prevent anything from flying through them, and checking the walls to make sure there were no leaks coming from holes.

“Hey Rep! Do we have anymore beams?” Scorpan asks the chameleon.

“This is the last one. We should be good after that.” The chameleon named Rep responds while holding a beam.

After saying that, Rep uses all the strength he has to lift the beam in his hands, with Scorpan aiding him in straightening it out. The bat imp flies right next to them, ready to let them know that he accomplished his task.

“All the windows and holes are closed and patched, guys.” the bat imp tells his friends.

“Great work, Thorne,” Scorpan thanks the bat imp, “I think now we can just relax.”

The moment Scorpan said the word ‘relax’ silence had suddenly descended on the trio, and they collapse themselves on the ground with a thump, sitting on their bottoms. They take a deep breath as they sat. But the moment of just sitting was cut short when a hole on the wall suddenly came up and water was coming through it, much to Thorne’s sudden surprise and frustration.

“Aw, come on!” Thorne says with aggravation.

He flies to the hole that was on the wall at the other side of the room in order to plug it up.

“Where did this storm come from anyway?” Scorpan asks aloud.

“Something tells me that this is no ordinary storm,” Thorne says as he plugs the hole with a cork, “This is Grogar’s handiwork.”

“Where’s Catrina?” Rep asks with worry.

“She went outside to stop the storm with her magic,” Scorpan says as he sat against the wall.


Outside, the one called Catrina, a female anthro brown cat who wears a red gypsy gown, and has blonde hair, is on the castle wall. She gets out her magic wand, closes her eyes, and then speaks with words of chant which no one but her can understand, even as the lightning and winds got bigger. With a sudden jerk of her arm, and the wand pointing at the clouds, she casts a magical beam at them, causing the sun to shine through, and making the storm and the upcoming tornado disappear.

Opening her eyes, she sees with a smile that her spell had worked.

Scorpan flies up to her, seeing also that her spell had stopped the storm.

“Good job, Catrina,” he complimented, “Another moment, and the storm would have killed us.”

“I’m just glad to have stopped Grogar,” Catrina said.

“Thorne and I are gonna patrol the skies to make sure our food route is not blocked; you and Rep wait here and guard the castle.”

“Okay, but you two be careful.”


Thorne and Scorpan are flying in the skies, making sure the route to their food source isn’t blocked by things like fallen trees or rock slides. Within a minute, they came to a stop because they came above where their food was kept. A large garden full of berries, carrots, and all sorts of fruits and vegetables. There was enough to make a vegetarian buffet.

“Looks like Catrina stopped that storm before it could do any damage, Scorpan,” Thorne says to Scorpan.

“Great. Let’s head back home and tell the others,” Scorpan responds.

But just when they are about to fly back, Scorpan sees something lavender below. It was something that wasn’t part of the garden.

“Thorne, wait,” he stops him, “I see something below us.”

He swoops down and lands on the ground to take a closer look. It was an alicorn, and she was unconscious, covered with berry juice, and had a broken wing.

“It’s a pony, and an alicorn at that! That means she’s a princess!” Scorpan says to himself as he examines her wing, “and she’s also hurt.”

Scorpan lifts the princess up and cradles her like a mother or father would cradle a child.

‘She sure is soft. And pretty. Even if she’s covered in berry juice,’ he thought to himself.

He had no idea why he thought that, but he knew that this pony needed help and fast.

Thorne lands to see what is taking Scorpan so long.

“Scorpan, What-?” Thorne gasps when he sees the princess, “Scorpan, you know who this is!”

“Later, Thorne,” Scorpan says, “We need to get her to Catrina.”

Scorpan carries the alicorn as he flies back to their home. Thorne follows behind, although while he did, he still couldn’t believe that they were bringing back a very famous pony he knew of.


Moments later, Twilight is on a couch as Rep gently cleans the berry juice off with a washcloth, and Catrina tends to her wing. Catrina smears healing herbs on it, and then wraps bandages around it.

“She’ll be fine, but she won’t be flying for a few days,” Catrina says to the others.

Remembering that Thorne was going to say something before they took off, Scorpan turns to face his friend.

“Now what were you saying before, Thorne?” Scorpan asks his friend.

“I know who she is,” Thorne states, “She’s Twilight Sparkle. The Princess of Friendship and the same pony who defeated your brother.”


Wanting to get a good look at her again, he turns around to find that Thorne was right. It really was Twilight Sparkle!

“I thought she looked familiar,” Scorpan says while looking at her.

‘She looks even prettier without the berry juice all over her,’ he thought to himself, much to his confusion.

“This is bad!” Rep said in a panicked tone, “Princess Celestia and her friends are probably on their way here with a search party. If they find us, Grogar will know where we are and send his thugs after us.”

“What’ll we do, Scorpan?” Catrina asks for his wisdom.

“When she wakes up, we’ll talk to her,” Scorpan says, “Maybe she can use her magic to help us. I always thought that if we ever asked a pony or more for help, they would help.”

“You did save the lives of Equestria’s citizens when you told the princesses of your brother and Grogar’s intentions,” Thorne said.

They hear Twilight yawn as she slowly wakes up. Groggy and a little unsteady, she slowly opens her eyes to bring herself back to consciousness. For a moment, her eyes were a little blurry, but they cleared up like fading fog. The moment Twilight sees the four knights standing next to her, she is shocked out of her sleep and crouches down in fear with her ears flat on her head.

“Don’t be afraid. We won’t hurt you,” Scorpan calms her.

Assured by his words and no longer scared, she slowly sits herself up to where she’s sitting on her flank, and perks her ears back up.

“Where am I? Who are all of you?” Twiight asks as she looks around and looks at the four.

“We’re friends, Twilight,” Rep says.

“You know my name?” she asks.

“We’ve heard of you and your friends and how you defeated Tirek,” Thorne says, “We are the Knights of Tambelon. I am Thorne.”

“I’m Rep,” Rep introduces himself.

“Catrina the Sorceress at your service, Princess Twilight,” Catrina bows to Twilight.

“And this is our leader and Captain. And my best friend if I may add,” Thorne says as he introduces Scorpan.

Twilight recognized him right away.

“You’re Scorpan! Tirek’s brother!” Twilight says in awe.

“Also at your service, Princess,” he says as he bows to her and extends his hand.

She didn’t know why, but, she felt mesmerized that he was holding his hand out to her, extending it so that he could help her get back on her hooves. Out of politeness, she connected her hoof to Scorpan’s hand, and he slowly helps her get up from the couch and back onto her hooves. She and Scorpan also couldn’t help but look at one another’s eyes for a moment, then coming back to reality before anyone could notice.

“Anyone hungry?” Thorne asks everyone else.

As if to answer his question, Twilight’s stomach growled loudly, wanting to have some food and nourishment after the ordeal with the twister. She couldn’t help but giggle shyly at that with a slight pink blush on her cheeks.