• Published 26th Apr 2015
  • 46,726 Views, 10,229 Comments

The Substitute Demon - Reykan

Right before the Elements struck, the Nightmare unleashed a spell out of desperation. A substitution spell. Otherwise known as the correct use of Kawarimi.

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The Start of the New Way and the Scars of the Twilight Coup

The mare blinked once, then twice, clear thought once again returning to her. She tried to stand up, but her legs refused to listen. She looked around her, seeing only the dim chamber where she'd first lost track of herself. Apparently she was still in Pandinus' chamber. Zelus blinked a few times, looking around and soon spotting the prone, still-comatose form of her fellow queen, a line of drool falling from the elder queen's gaping maw and trailing down her slender neck.

Zelus giggled at the sight, knowing how rare it was to catch the always-serious Lestidae in a compromising position. Truly it would be wonderful if she could find a crystal-recorder to immortalize the picture, but considering how dizzy she was feeling she wasn't certain she could hold the crystal in the proper position long enough.

"You're already up?" a voice asked from the other side of the room. Zelus managed to turn, seeing Pandinus smirking at her from the doorway.

"What time is it?" Zelus asked, rubbing her eyes with a foreleg.

"It's just past noon," the larger queen answered, approaching the blankets and helping the other queen to her hooves. "Flush the extra to the hive, Zelus. It will help clear your mind until you can adapt to the higher concentrations."

Zelus frowned at the order, her instinct to hold onto the emotions she'd ingested being very strong in its reproach. There was more in that single shot than she'd tasted in the last five years. Despite this, she took a deep breath and did so, opening her eyes to find Din smiling at her.

"This way."

She followed the other mare, curious about their destination. Soon enough they came upon a small door, a full compliment of guards standing before it. She felt them brush against her in the link, verifying those who approached and then stepping aside. Walking in after Pandinus, Zelus' jaw dropped.

The room was large, with several large covered pools throughout the room. Different emotions were stored in each, the colors varying depending upon the concentration and the contents. The queen walked between them, noting the consistency, the purity, the sheer amount of emotion contained inside the pools.

'They were diluting what they were giving us.,' she realized. If she'd tried consuming some of this in her previous state, it would likely have left her violently ill. Snapping out of her thoughts, she noticed Pandinus hadn't stopped, continuing on a path to the back of the room and a second door with yet another set of guards. They passed into the next room, and the sight nearly made the smaller queen weep.

"Love has always been the most powerful, most empowering of all the emotions. We keep it back here, away from the others so there is no cross-contamination." Pandinus explained, three true drones moving to clean the two of them with towels and brushes. Then, before Zelus could ask what was going on Din stepped forward, walking into one of the small one-person ponds in the room and letting out a sigh of contentment. Din looked back with a grin as the drones went back to their places.

"Are you going to sit there all day? Or does the idea scare you?"

"Why?" Zelus asked her. "You have so much here, why do you need us?"

Pandinus stared into the distance for a moment before responding. "Amare is not my daughter by birth, she's a proto queen that is only here because she was linked to Cadance. Mirage, Kris, Healing Mist, Umbra, Still, Gem, all of them a part of my hive, and yet the only drones that I've personally given birth to are a few true drones, including the ones by the door. I'm not worried though, do you know why? Because I know I'll live to see tomorrow. I'm not scared, trying to lay as many eggs as I can to increase my children's chances of surviving each day. I don't see other changelings as an obstacle, things that consume resources better suited for my own children. Instead I follow Cimmerian's plan. I make those here want to stay, I work to make this better than any alternative."

Zelus nodded as she cautiously slipped into a second personal pond, shuddering as she felt the warmth of the honey pressing against her shell.

"I, I can't say it's not effective."

Din giggled, focusing her stare on the other queen. "It's wonderful isn't it? I want you to do something for me though. I won't stop you from starting your own hive, but until you decide if you want to leave or not, I want you to guard my husband. This, all of this, is because he gave our people a chance. That love you sit in, that's yours. Use it, heal yourself. Force a molt, alter yourself in any way you see fit. The entire contents of that pond are yours, I'm not even going to add it to your debt. Keep my mate safe during this time of danger, and I'll consider your debt null."

Zelus stared at the other queen in shock, here eyes going from Din to the bathing pond of love she was currently standing in. Had she not seen and felt so much love and other emotions in the area, she'd have called the other queen mad for suggesting such a waste. As it stood...

Zelus took a deep breath, allowing her form to fall beneath the surface of the pool. Her heartbeat slowed, her eyes glazed, and her body slowly began its repairs. She knew what had been asked of her, and knew the importance of her new task.

A ghost of a smile graced her face. She would be the defender of her race's future. She would be the warrior queen she'd always wished to be.

Pandinus smiled softly as she felt the smaller queen's link going dormant. Zelus wasn't one for sitting in meeting rooms all day, that much she'd already discovered. As such, the best place for her would be in the field, which was odd considering she was a fellow queen.

She was, however, much easier to deal with than Lestidae. The older mare would likely have had an aneurism if she'd been put through a similar situation, but she'd have her own use. The changeling's face hardened in conviction. Lestidae would learn to adapt, or she would leave the hive.

Dunking her head under the honey and enjoying being completely encapsulated in love, allowing the warmth to permeate every part of her form, the changeling took a deep pull of the glowing emotion-laden honey. She broke the surface, stepping out of the pool carefully and allowing the drones to clean the liquid from her form. Afterwards, she left them with orders to maintain the depth of Zelus' pool. Her husband's guard would have anything and everything she needed.

Pandinus shook her head in frustration as she felt her gut gurgling once again, the constant need for both types of food weighing on her mind. She wasn't used to this need, nor was she happy about how slowly the nymphs were developing. It would be worth it, though. The intensity of the alicorn's love, even his desire for her safety had multiplied upon the discovery of her condition. She could only imagine how much it would increase when the young were finally born.

Entering the dining hall nearly an hour after the meal had ended, she was greeted by the sight of two other mares also seated at a table, munching on a late meal and giggling amongst themselves. Seating herself by them, she smiled kindly at the mares even as one of Slop's assistants approached to take her order.

"So it starts, hmm? Who are the fathers?"

The mares blushed, breaking out into a renewed fit of giggles before naming their respective stallions and asking the queen how her own pregnancy was progressing. Eventually the conversations were put on hold, all the gathered females having received their meals. Din smiled through her lunch, a free hoof finding its way to her barrel. Maybe this wasn't as bad as she'd first thought.


He tried waiting for her whimpering and groveling to stop.

He tried speaking softly to the mare, or even gently approaching her, but her shivering only increased to outright shaking.

Finally, he tried authority, demanding she explain what was wrong, why she was so fearful of him, but all it drew from the mare was additional tears.

Cimmerian sighed in exasperation, hooking a fetlock over his muzzle before standing and once more approaching the mare. He ignored her whimpers and shaking, laying down in front of her and using his magic to lift her face to his own.

"Look at me."

The mare struggled against his aura for nearly a minute before raising her eyes, though the second her eyes rested on his they darted back to the floor. She renewed her efforts to try and hide herself or meld into the floor.

"Why are you afraid of me?" he asked her with a mixture of curiosity and disappointment. "Do you know why I called your kind here? Do you know why I asked to speak to one of your people, a representative of the thestrals?"

Surprisingly she answered his question.

"Gram t-told me you'd come one day, to call us on our, our debt. I didn't believe her, oh stars, I don't want to die, please don't kill me!" she wailed.

The stallion's face scrunched up in a mixture of disgust and confusion. He'd seen a few thestrals that bowed or even groveled the first time they'd seen him, but he'd yet to see the mind bending fear this one displayed. His curious look towards the thestral guards was answered by the one to his left.

"I, I think she may be a descendant of the Nighthawks, sir."

Cimmerian raise an eyebrow. "And those were..."

"The Nighthawks were a group that decided to side with Nightmare Moon during the Twilight Coup. They pledged to side with her, but didn't manage to reach Equestria in time to help Nightmare Moon, so she swore to punish them when she returned. I heard that many Nighthawks were plagued by night terrors for years after Nightmare Moon was banished. Sometimes they even haunted the dreams of their descendants."

The guard shook his head. "Equestrians may have forgotten over the years about Nightmare Moon, but the loss of Princess Luna left a huge impact on our people. Princess Luna wasn't just a foreign ruler, she was an embodiment of our element. She was a physical representation of the night sky. Not only that, she saw us not as monsters or twisted pegasi, but our own people. She talked to us, she visited, she learned our traditions." The stallion took a shuddering breath, the topic very close to his heart. The second thestral took over, seeing her friend not certain how to proceed.

"Princess Luna became a symbol to our people. A symbol, and then a god. There are still places back home that worship the Lady of the Night. Many actually assumed Nightmare Moon was natural to her, a phase of her life just as the old tales told of the cycles of the moon in the times before Discord. Just as Princess Luna was the cool embrace of the moon's light, Nightmare Moon was the silent death that awaited those who disrespected her realm."

The alicorn nodded, a little bit of understanding lighting his eyes. "Therefore a physical embodiment of The Night's Hatred before someone who is a descendant of those ponies would be pretty terrifying."

Cimmerian took one last look at the quivering mare before turning back to the guards. "I'm going to step out for a moment, tell her I won't harm her or her loved ones in any way. I called for an ambassador to discuss the future of her people, should the Mad Queen move against them. I only want to see her people happy." The alicorn grinned at the female guard. "Tell her of your experiences at the Temple. I seem to remember a certain thestral who also acted similarly upon first seeing me."

With that he turned and left, hoping the other thestrals would be able to calm her down enough to allow them to continue the talks. Three steps out the door he almost bumped into Herrick, the old griffon wearing a concerned expression.

"What happened? Did she attack you or something?"

"No, apparently some thestrals have a bit of history with Nightmare Moon, and with how closely I resemble that individual..."

"I thought you were the Nightmare. Isn't that what those crazies set out to do in the Temple? Bring back the Nightmare?"

The stallion blinked at the counter, unable to form a reply for a moment. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, he looked straight into the griffons eyes, even as his guards looked at him for an answer.

"No, Herrick, I'm not creature they set out to resurrect."

The griffon looked at him for a moment in confusion before gesturing for him to elaborate.

"The Nightmare is a parasite, a horrible creature that did in fact want to destroy the planet. However, it's also a coward. When Luna returned from her exile, the creature once more attempted to fulfill its mad goal of destroying all life. When it lost and was about to be purged by the elements, it abandoned Luna to her fate, casting a spell that swapped its position with a random being amongst the universe. That being is me. Theodore Fredson, son of an accountant and a doctor, brother to an older sister, and a creature from a world devoid of magic."

The changelings eyes widened slightly, but the griffons beside him were left with their jaws on the floor. Herrick himself was left blinking in confusion, attempting to come to grips with the reality he'd been told of.

"So, no magic, but you... how do you know any spells?"

"The creature used a swap spell, leaving a copy of its host's memories in exchange for a copy of mine. I was sealed in that armor for forty years with several centuries of memories stolen from Luna. The only reason I can think of that I didn't fall apart to such a mess was because I didn't have a physical brain. My mind was free to handle the information as it wished," the stallion explained. "When the cultists went to free the Nightmare, they freed the creature that was trapped in the armor instead. When they gave the Nightmare a physical form, it was the one they believed it should have, that of an alicorn. This body, this power is the result of their freeing me. That is why I protect them, Herrick. I am a man who was helped when he was trapped in a situation he couldn't possibly understand. My upbringing taught me to help those in need, to return good deeds in kind."

Cimmerian stood up straight, staring down imperiously at the older griffon. "Despite my origins, I am exactly what you see. I am an alicorn, a being whose domain is the shadows. I command them, I bend them, I call them my home. I have millennia of experience to call upon. I wish to see this world protected from the parasites that even now seek the destruction of this world. The Mad Queen is my goal, Herrick. Once she's dealt with, we can focus on getting everyone home, griffons, ponies, and thestrals alike. I don't know if I can bring her down without bringing ruin to those I protect, though. So I move slowly, cautiously. I offer aid from the shadows. Call me a coward, call me a sham, a counterfeit, I really don't care. If I have to bear the title of a monster to see my children safeguarded, I will. I will wear the title of Demon King if need be. But I will see my own protected."

Herrick stared in silence as the dark alicorn left, the stallion making his way back to his quarters. The griffon guards were silent for a few moments, though the changelings quickly moved to follow him.

"Changelings, why would you still follow him? He just told you he's not who he pretended to be." The griffon called to them.

One turned around, its face a stony mask. "His emotions can not be faked. We taste them, we know liars and deceivers. Father is neither. He will see us through the day to the safety of the night." With that it turned to rejoin its brethren, no words being exchanged as they took up position outside the alicorn's room.

Herrick stared for a few moments, allowing the information to sink in. That's when one of the line's the alicorn had used came back to him.

'protected from the parasites that even now seek the destruction of this world'

Parasites. Multiple, more than one. According to the alicorn, he was moving against a creature whose end goal was likely the same as Nightmare Moon; the destruction of all life on the planet. If one removed the need for the Mad Queen's own country to be safe from the equation...

"Wings of the Skylord protect us," the griffon muttered, his eyes widening in horror. "She'd unleash them upon the world just to watch it burn."

He would have plenty of time to question the apparent alien at a later time. He needed to get this information to his brothers and the other nations before it was too late.


The mare never recovered enough to allow her to speak to the alicorn as her position demanded, so Cimmerian was forced to cancel the talks. He offered the mare a tour of his home instead, given by the female guard, Shrike. The group would make their way back to the Temple, then, barring any big problems, set out for Transylmaneia within the week. It would be just over a weeklong trip even flying for the entirety of each day, but Cimmerian felt an obligation to the ponies. He had to make the trip, he had to at least try. Besides, as one of the griffon guards had said, who would believe the mare?

He'd been worried after his outburst, afraid that his guards would lose their faith, afraid that the Talon's would attempt to kick him out or worse. Instead, he woke up to a very strange occurrence the next morning. His guards were also unshaken in their duties, the changelings still seeing him as their King, or Queen's Consort. As for the Talons?

"Captain Herrick is nau' present at the moment, sir." A griffon merc told him. "Captain left late last night on impor'ant business, something about worst-case scenario prep'ration. I don' know what you told him, muh lord, but I've not seen Cap'n Herrick that rattled in a long time. Still, Cap's orders were to see you and yours were properly looked to fo' as long as needed, so iff'n ya need anythin' just say the word."

"I see. Thanks, Geert," the alicorn said, moving silently to the courtyard. His entourage was already there, even the thestral ambassador who he'd since learned was named Jasmine Breeze. The group did their final checks and took flight, the storm having long since past, but the alicorn knowing his troubles were only beginning. Just past the walls of the Talon compound, a voice called out for them to stop. Cimmerian turned, seeing a small company of well-armed griffons moving towards his group while at their center stood the unmistakable form of Princess Isana.

"I wish to see your city, I wish to learn of these creatures that have become such a terror to my people." Princess Isana said as she reached his group. She grinned slyly to the alicorn, continuing "If Herrick were here, I'd likely not get the chance, as he's the only one here who would stop me. I also wish to see Shadowtalon Port. Would you allow me to enter your country, my lord?"

Cimmerian looked at her and her guards for a few moments, the soft beating of wings the only sound that reached them at their current height. With a sigh the alicorn nodded. "I'm sure Lady Thrisha would love to have you visit the port. I don't know if we'll have any rooms suited for one of your station, but we will do our best to see that you're comfortable, Princess."

No sir, Cimmerian's troubles were just beginning.

Author's Note:

Your backstory is leaking, Ted. No stopping it now.

Also, I'm going to have a lot of fun with Zelus here. She's going to be a joy to write. Pandinus was fun, but she had to grow up, had to learn to be what her race needed. Zelus doesn't have that. :pinkiecrazy:

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