• Published 27th Mar 2015
  • 12,953 Views, 269 Comments

Misunderstood and Mutated - TheGoldenDragon

Pokemon meets MLP:FIM in a humans acting like villians / displaced story

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Ch. 18 Mistaken Identity

I floated through the streets of Canterlot as the early night dragged on. I had spent the last few hours just wandering after the play the mane six put on for Hearth’s Warming Eve. Mostly thinking about the implications the Windigos raised. The snowstorm for the evening was also causing some worry, it just felt wrong. I was looking for what was causing me to feel so uneasy.

I started searching for a guard to talk to. Interestingly, I found Storm Bolt, despite his silver coat making him almost camouflaged.

I floated up to him and asked, ”Can you tell me why we’re having this snowstorm right now?”

He chuckled, “Every year the weather team does this ‘unscheduled’ blizzard as a prank, they see it as a way of driving ponies into their houses and the arms of their loved ones.”

I looked around suspiciously, before saying, ”One thing about weather-team made weather is that I always get an emphatic impression from it. Given your explanation, I should be getting mirth and maybe a bit of longing, but this… I’m not getting anything… or worse.”

He shuddered at this revelation, and asked, “Now that you mention it, this storm does feel off. Should we search for something in particular?”

I looked around gravely before responding, “If you do, make sure that whoever finds something like me should not engage, no matter what; don’t fight it, just contact me… Even though I have no rank, and really this can’t be more than a suggestion.”

He smiled, “Like I ever really cared about rank, I’ll take your suggestion into account.” He then flew off to the castle to do whatever he was planning.


Pinkie was walking through the castle courtyard, thinking of different types of parties she could throw here and what setups to use when she nearly tripped over a very thick, but small plastic that almost looked like a gray floppy disc.

“I wonder what this is...” she said as she picked up the object.

Instantly she heard, "For help, say F13."

After a few minutes of fruitless searching I heard yelling coming from the sky as a red and pink blur shot through the ski and and started doing tricks. I pulled Ice Punch, Aura Sphere, Psycho Cut, and Fire Blast to the front of my mind. I realised that it was Pinkie riding on a shiny Genesect, and the Genesect looked less than happy about the passenger. He started climbing higher into the sky and I chased after knowing that Pinkie might not be able to hold on for much longer.

I was only a several yards away when she finally fell off and I caught her in my telekinesis and let my subconscious take over letting her down slowly. The Genesect turned around just in time for me to slam it in the face with with a Ice Punch.

“01010100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100110 01110101 01100011 01101011 00111111 00100001” It responded angrily.

I replied, “What the hell, you would have killed her you asswhole?!”

It turned around slowly after the shock of my attack, “01001111 01101000 00101100 00100000 01110011 01101111 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110111 01100001 01101110 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01100110 01101001 01100111 01101000 01110100 00111111 00100000 01010100 01101000 01100101 01101110 00100000 01101100 01100101 01110100 01110011 00100000 01100110 01101001 01100111 01101000 01110100 00100001”

“Gaah,” I said in pained, “What is with the binary? Are you upset that I destroyed your lackie, and asked Arceus to send you to kill me?”

It fired off a Dark Pulse as its opening move, and it watched me like it was trying to gauge my response. I just fired a Aura Sphere in response, negating the the dark energy. It retaliated with Blizzard, seeming to aim much more easily than it would make sense. I just charged straight through the blast with blades of Psycho Cut emanating from my arms as I slashed at it. It was obviously unprepared for close range combat in its folded up flight mode, and as such, I easily knocked it out of the sky. It hit the ground with a loud clatter, before returning to its normal mode.

Elsewhere again

Pinkie approached one of the guards on duty, and told him, “Sir, I need to use your shield as a sled.”

“What?” was all he could say.

“Fine, if you won't give it, then I’ll take my business elsewhere.” she said as she approached the barracks and prying the oaken door off its hinges and walking away.

I floated down to meet it, and told the shiny Genesect, “I’m getting real tired of this, so now I’m going to end this!” Flames erupted from my hand, as I called upon Fire Blast, the heat melting the snow and scorched the ground even from my current height.

The Genesect retaliated with a burst of powerful water coming from the cannon on its back that quenched my flames near-instantly. It then blasted me with a Hyper Beam, sending me through the wall of a nearby building.

I called upon Fire Blast again, powering the attack far beyond normal as I floated out of the building and I mentally yelled, “I won't let Arceus endanger the ponies here anymore, I’ll kill you!”

“01000110 01110101 01100011 01101011 00100000 01000001 01110010 01100011 01100101 01110101 01110011 00101100 00100000 01010000 01110010 01100001 01101001 01110011 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01001000 01100101 01101100 01101001 01111000 00100000 01101101 01101111 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110010 00100000 01100110 01110101 01100011 01101011 01100101 01110010 00100001” It launched itself into the air, arms crossed and ready to slash as it charged me with incredible speed, that was only increasing.

The heat coming from my hand only increased as the patch of grass underneath me blackened, I yelled as charged forward, “Stop it with that god damned binary!” In the blink of an eye, we both meet ready to deliver killing blows.

“WAAAAIT!” Before I could end it, Pinkie had somehow wedged herself between the two of us, as a door sailed away on the right side of my vision, crashing to the ground and splintering.

I was the first to react, “What the hell Pinkie, do you realised how many ways you could have died just now?”

“Umm, I can think of about 9001 off the top of my head…”

“01000100 01101001 01100100 00100000 01110011 01101000 01100101 00100000 01101010 01110101 01110011 01110100 11100010 10000000 10100110 11100010 10000000 10011101” It seemed to ask.

I looked to Pinkie and asked, “Pinkie what is that thing saying? All I get is a headache and a ton of ones and zeros going very fast.”

“Well, he said something about ‘buck Arceus’ and then something about a Helix… either that, or something about bananas.” she said smiling.

I audibly sighed then asked again, “Just now what did he say? I need the exact words.”

“Right now? he said ‘did she just...’ I think he got my joke. before that, well, ‘Buck Arceus, Praise the Helix.’ except more vulgar.”

I closed his eyes for a few seconds, focusing on the last string of numbers and the words they might have corresponded to, I opened my eyes and looked Genesect in the visor, “Sorry about that, I was getting weird feedback from you, it gave me a massive headache and I understood jack all of what you said. Hopefully I created a proper translation now, so say something.”

“English motherfucker, do you hear it?” He said making a reference to the opening of Pulp Fiction.

I nodded, “Yep, it’s coming through loud and clear.”

“Maybe next time, you’ll use your ears instead of you head.”

“Uhhh, my legs are getting tired...” Pinkie said her legs visible wobbling.

I floated back a few inches and before Pinkie hit the ground, she was caught in my telekinesis. “I’m Medulla by the way.” I introduced myself as I held out my hand.

“Jerry.” He told me, holding out his claw and we shook hands. “What’s with the cold weather, anyway? Thought Canterlot would be sunny.”

I looked with a concerned expression, before telling him, “It’s Hearth’s Warming Eve, but you are right this storm is all wrong. I usually get empathic impressions from the weather, sadness, joy, longing, but this- this I’m getting nothing.”

“Emptiness?” He asked.

I shuddered, “Exactly...”

“Now, I’m assuming since you said stuff about Arceus’s lackies, you’ve been dealing with other pokemon?”

I laughed coldly, “I don’t have a full roster, but I can guess who based on what’s going on. I just can’t seem to find him, I thought I found the intruder once I found you.”

“Do I look like an Ice type to you?”

Now I laughed warmly, “I just knew that something was here, I only originally thought it was Kyurem.” Just then, a roar echoed through the city and the two of us turned towards the roar.

“You were saying?”

I smiled darkly and told Jerry, “Let’s throwdown,” Then I bolted towards the sound.

As we approached, the shadow of the Boundary Pokemon became clear, and golf-ball-sized lumps of hail started to fall, being a real annoyance. Soon after, a chilling wave of air washed over the town, covering everything in ice. I shook off the ice easily before Jerry caught up, “What’s the plan?” he asked.

I smiled back at him before responding, “Beat the shit out of him until he surrenders, dies, or is ejected.” I was then blindsided and knocked to the ground by a shadow launched out of the flurry of snow.

“You okay?” Jerry asked.

I shook my head, trying to clear my vision of the stars, “I’ve had worse. But not by much.” I levitated back up and rocketed forward again.

“Found him!” Jerry exclaimed, firing a dazzling blast of silver into the shadows which elicited a roar of pain.

I fired off a new combo of Fire Blast and Aura Sphere I had yet to name, the blast connected with the dragon but it didn’t doing as much damage as it should have. In response, Kyurem just blasted me with a Signal Beam sending me higher into the sky. Before Kyurem could launch another attack, Jerry delivered an ExtremeSpeed boosted Blaze Kick to the side of its head, causing its attack to veer off course, missing me.

I then got a really stupid idea that could work, “Can you keep him distracted while I try something… something that could be suicidally stupid?”

“What, use Selfdestruct?” he responded.

I swapped Psycho Cut for Metronome, and said “No, Metronome… which could result in that, but not what I’m hoping.”

“Okay!” He fired off Charge Beams and Zap Cannons eventually paralyzing it, as I began the arduous task of waving my finger in front of my face to cause a type of self-hypnosis.

“Okay, first try, aaaannnnd,” I appeared in front of Kyurem and used my tail swept Kyurem’s legs causing him to fall to the ground. “Low Sweep” Once I was back in my somewhat safe location, Jerry hammered Kyurem with another Zap cannon, its muscles seized up as paralysis took hold again.

“And number two...” I started flopping around like a fish out of water, and I groaned in embarrassment of getting Splash of all moves. “Oh no, this is embarrassing.” As I tried a third time, I felt an energy that was familiar to something from a previous fight.

“Oh shit, MOVE!” Jerry yelled as I noticed something glinting high in the sky.

“One last shot before I just go for something practical.” Then a light of incredible brilliance emanated from me, it was blinding and cold, nothing like the light from the sun. I could feel the wrath of an immortal pouring through me, “LIGHT OF RUIN!!!” I fired it from both hands one in the direction of the meteor obliterating, and the other crushing Kyurem into the ground tearing into its ice-like form but before it could do more damage a green shield enveloped the ice dragon’s form dissipating the remaining light.

“Are you fucking kidding me?!? Goddamn Protect.” Jerry said, sharing my irritation of the attack failing to damage Kyurem.

“Okay, now I’m pissed! That move has likely never been legally used and it didn’t end this.” My aura started flaring and becoming darker. “I need one more distraction, just do some damage while I charge a finisher.”

“Okay, how long you need?”

“Hopefully not five minutes, I’ll start yelling when it’s ready.” I said chuckling.

“...Seriously?” he said flatly.

I switched in Psystrike and Earthquake “Hey, this will be the first time I’ve tried this, I’m working off of theory for this combo.” I said floating higher into the sky, a ball of red and brown energy forming between his upheld hands.

“You are serious. Fine.” He said starting a relentless assault the damaged dragon. The next few minutes, I’m not entirely sure how long became a haze as all my focus was pouring as much energy for Psystrike, Earthquake, and Fire Blast into as small an area as possible.

Eventually I yelled “Yeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!” and mentally yelled the name of this destructive blast, “MEGIDDO!!!,” Before I hurled the semi-truck-sized ball of power down onto Kyurem’s form.

“HOOOOLY SHIIIIT!” Jerry dove out of the way and raise a green shield just incase.

The following explosion shook Canterlot Mountain, and shattering all the glass in the city only dust remained where Kyurem was. And after the dust settled, I passed out. When I awoke I was being help by Jerry and I said, “I’m going to make sure not to charge that up that much again.”

“Jesus, and he was only UU tier!” He said, shocked at how much it took to take out Kyurem.

I smiled, and told him, “Tiers mean nothing here, the wider the legendary that have domains the farther they spreads their control, the weaker they are in combat. Kyurem only just arrived, so he’d be near the top of his power.”

“Uh, if he looked like that, he wasn't at the peak of his power. Unless you mean in that form.”

“Yes, for that form.” I said as I floated to my normal position. “I guess you need to go home now.”

He sighed, then commented in reply, “Yeah, back to running from the entire equine population.”

I just nodded with sympathy, and told Jerry, “I know what that’s like, I would suggest creating decoys or distraction to send them on the wrong trail. But for now, our contract is complete.” And Jerry the Genesect disappeared immediately.

Not a second later, Pinkie appeared to my left, and asked she asked somewhat scared as she stared at the crater, “So, Brain did you really kill that guy?”

I rubbed my neck and drank an ether before answering, “I’m not going to lie to you, I wish I had but something teleported him away before enough damage was done.”

She appeared at the pile of ash and asked while pointing at it, “Then what’s this?”

I walked over to the dust, “It’s what ever was used to teleport Kyurem, I don’t think that it got out of the way in time.”

And to end this escapade as I floated away, Pinkie proceed to ask me a plethora of other question, most of which I avoided answering.

Somewhere Halfway Across the Multiverse

“Damn, that hurt!” the large one exclaimed.

“I supposed that would.” the small one said, not really caring about his own injuries.

“If I see that Medulla again, I’m going to tear out his skull and wear it as a crown.” The large one roared.

“Stop your blubbering, it’s not like these injuries are permanent.” the small one rebutted as he continued walking to the structure in the distance.

Author's Note:

This crossover was with rainbowPOOTIS's A Drive to Survive. Hope you enjoyed.

And before you all freak out, I'm going to pace myself better crossovers. There won't be any crossovers for at least one more chapter.