• Member Since 16th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen Sep 30th, 2019


Just a girl who likes Star Wars and ponies.



I've heard of others, stories just like mine.

We dress up as a character.

We find that old man, we buy something, and then we end up in some version of this place.

I ended up in the middle of a war.

I have long since forgotten what my name once was, I chose to protect those that needed me.

I was betrayed.

And I want to know why.

A Displaced story.

Tags for Shining Armour and Blueblood too.

Tags will be added as the story progresses.

also teen for violence, not gore.

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 81 )

Not bad. There's some spelling mistakes, not enough to make the meaning misunderstood,

Reading this chapter started to hurt my head. The jumping from one character's perspective to another's was poorly executed and really lacking in any kind of transition. Not to mention they weren't labeled, so I had to take clues from the text to tell who's perspective I was reading in.

I hope this doesn't come off as mean, I'm just trying to be helpful.

I'm kind of curious which direction you'll take the force stuff in this. Too often the Light/Dark split is always treated as Good/Evil even though that is completely wrong. I'm almost hoping that by the mention of Grey in the title that you take a more realistic view of the actual balance of how not all good is good and not all evil is evil. There is a reason there are things labeled as 'necessary evils' as without them all things could suffer.

5990293 I plan to, I just hope I don't mess it up.

5990194 Yeah the jumping is pretty sloppy and it needs work. I didn't want to label simply because I don't like labels in stories, but I might have to until I can get the transitions down better.

so just guessing your luke from starwars?

5994531 Nope, Revan is a character from the old republic. He had a game that came out in 2001.

Agreed Lord–01

FIRST also keep it up i find this enjoyable.

6142583 And if it's not fun then hopeful funny!

I love this, new chapter and it;s exactly what I hoped for

oh boy daddy has come to see if the boyfriend is worth it, i wonder if he found them doing something unappropriated

godslayer vs shinning armour. A tiny bit unfair for the captain, but should be amusing.
more please!

We would think that Cadence, would HIGHLY resent her previously thought of 'aunt' celestia. For telling her that her father was dead, hiding that SHE imprisoned him in stone locked away in some cave to be forgotten. While Shining Armor would likely side with princess celestia, out of military duty or training/raised under her rule. It would likely call off any engagement if not Revan having a firm say in the matter, because he could outright refuse to allow such a thing to happen.

Under these current conditions we could see a split divergent from canon happen, even Cadence wanting herself and her father far away from the 'bitch who took my daddy away from me'.

While I will agree tha Cadence will be quite pissed at Celestial for the lie she told her... I think a good punishment if the wedding still takes place is for Luna to precide over it instead of Celestia with Shining Armor going to Luna's guard if she has one.

In addition the Elements could also be wary of Celestia and her motives. Maybe not Twilight, but who knows.

Anyways, awesome chapter and can't wait for more!!!

6148289 i agree with most of the thought but i think shinning may end siding with revan due to his military background after all revan is the greatest general and any soldier would respect him more than celestia, the same way the pegasi almost revere the god slayer

6148508 The only reason shining armor would side with Revan, is from selfish reasons. Who wouldn't 'kiss ass' with their potential father-in-law? That is IF he truly believes it, plus he is likely SWORN to Equestria and it's rulers, so if thy ruler commanded thou, it would be done.

6148438 There are a couple flaws with what is stated, 'pissed' is a understatement. thou had made the 'Alicorn of Love' LIVID with thou, she LOVES her father. Plutonic family yes, but if she KNEW Celestia took her father away from her? Burned bridge will be assured no matter the attempts made to try and fix it, she likely GRIEVED for decades if not centuries. Add into the fact Shining Armor IS captain of the royal guard, not the solar guard, but BOTH factions of it. he is likely in a position as 'head of the army' from how canon paints events, if he even wished to marry Cadence if somehow getting approval from said father. (if he still lived.) He would likely have to Resign from his post as one of likely 'conditions' to even get approval for a marriage, Oh and so help him if they had shared a bed before then.

As for the Elements? They would be on the Princesses side regardless, Thou cannot stress the fact alone that Celestia is a second mother to her besides mentor. As her friends will likely have her back, besides wouldn't Rainbow Dash likely would want to duel him just to increase her ego? what Pegasus wouldn't wish to say 'I dueled the greatest badplot ever! and made a bet to have him date me.'? It can highly happen if personalities are taken into mind, As for the other descendant of his other child. They will likely look down on him for not being royalty or a 'ugly beast'.

As a final note we wish to state that the Solar monarch is KNOWN for white washing history records except likely for her own personal archive. Or those found outside of Equestria if sought, but what pony would go out of their way to suspect their pristine ruler? A dissident most likely or a rebel.

6148664 well since there is no real reason for celestia to turn him into stone that works for anyone else besides herself, otherwise she would have said it already, revan is still equestria greatest general and like luna he will resume his post, unless she wants to lose more luna of trust along with candance once she learns she lied to her.
as for shining armor he seems to be quite stricken by the greatest general legend, since most of his combat style seems to follow the skills revan created around his time, so there is a chance he goes to respect him the same way the ponies from the 66th battalion did
for the elements the opinions would be divided
twilight being the teacher pet she is would be all the way with celestia regardless of what is happening around, until celestia decides to spill the beans
rainbow dash she would side with revan just because as the element of loyalty wouldnt feel right being with someone that basically betrayed a friend trust for no reason. regardless hero worship, yes she may challenge him but that is another topic
rarity would be with celestia just because she doesnt know the full truth of what happened, but that may change once the true reasons for what happened are known
pinkie pie and fluttershy would be neutral since for one he told them that they arent cursed, and dont know the reason for celestia actions
applejack would be wary of celestia since as the element of honesty it wouldnt sit well with her that she was able to lie to everyone for so long and be okay with it and will start to wonder about what else she may have lied about

Aww! I wanted a full on death match!

5994531 it clearly says Revan

From the word count to how things played out, we are disappointed. But from how things have transpired we shall revoke our tracking of this story, to prevent ourself from lashing out in anger but also for the lack of decorum to the rules set in place. We suggest referencing it as a guideline to improve thy work and the critic stance of others of a legitimate nature taken account.

Blueblood is fucking screwed when revan gets to him

Tsk tsk Blue-Balls, you just HAD to open your fat mouth.

6172802 Thats too bad! I'll miss seeing your comments. But if you do have any ideas to make the story better, please share.

And we have to wait for the frickin vengeance.

Thanks for the head text's telling us who is speaking.:pinkiehappy:

Ah, but this is not the Element's purest form, is it?

You're doomed, Twilight. You're sooooo doomed.

DUDE I can't wait for more chapters
Please tell me you are still writing chapters for this story
BTW do you have an update plan?:rainbowhuh:
P.S. This story is AMAZING:yay:

6409900 I am still writing chapters for this! :pinkiehappy: Sadly, I have no update plan. I write as it comes, but I do try my best to post at least once every two-three weeks. Thanks for the comment! Made my day! :yay:


I want to know what happens next I really really need to know. WE ALL need to know LYRA's reaction :pinkiehappy:

Please release another chapter from it's prison. You know it's the right thing to do.

This is good, but really rushed

I enjoy chats. Oh, and long walks on the beach... Can't forget about those :trollestia:


Can you do more chapters

Update, please? :fluttercry:

6793701 Go check out the side story! It takes place right after breakfast!

6016609 ok good, I thought I was thinking of the wrong series

"Trust you?! You suck my in a cave for a thousand years with no explanation. You even did it while I was attempting to see if we could free Luna from her banishment and help her! YOU TOLD LUNA THAT I WAS DEAD! YOU BETRAYED ME! SO NO CELESTIA I DO NOT TRUST YOU."

Suck my in cave? I think you meant stuck me right?

Revan: blueblood... I am your great grandfather

Blueblood: No... No, that's not true... that's impossible!

Revan: come with me and we shall live in ponyville as great grand father and grandson

Come with me... It is the only way

the Elements in their purest form.

I think it's talking about the "Rainbow Power" the mane six used to defeat Tirek (Or tried, I never watched the episode).

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