• Published 12th May 2012
  • 3,074 Views, 13 Comments

Under the Old Oak Tree - BradMayFan

Scootaloo and Rumble meet and have a race with a disputed ending.

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Under the Old Oak Tree

Under the Old Oak Tree

Summer in Ponyville is a beautiful time. The sun stays high and hot in the sky for hours. The weather team schedules the rain storms few and far between. The fields and orchards around town are filled with the rewards of hours of spring labour. But most importantly, summer means no school for all the foals and fillies. For ten whole weeks each year the children of the town are freed from the routine and boredom of the classroom. Time for friends and time for adventure.
Rising late as all her classmates were surely doing, Scootaloo tensed as she dreaded the day at school. Cool relief flooded her mind and she collapsed back into her pillow with the realization that it was the first day of summer vacation. "Summer...summer...summer?...Summer!" her mind raced. Bolting upright in her bed she yelled "Summer!" and jumped out of the bed. She grabbed her scooter and helmet out from under her school bag in the corner where she'd left them the previous night. Tossing the bag to the side, Scootaloo watched smugly as it plopped down in the corner against the wall. It sagged over as if it was knowledgeable of the fact that it wouldn't be touched again until September. With scooter and helmet in tow, she raced down the stairs yelling "Summer!" with every step, the scooter flailing wildly behind her threatening to mark up the walls. Racing towards the door she didn't bother to check if her parents were around, the first breath of summer air could not wait.

The door creaked open and she stepped out into the warm summer morning. Standing on the stoop she could feel the first warm breeze of summer blowing down the street. Scootaloo admired the scene for a minute, there'd only be 69 more of these moments. The breeze abated and she buckled the chinstrap on her helmet. In a move that she had perfected over the years, she jumped off the front step bringing her scooter under her in perfect timing and form to hit the ground at maximum speed. Wings flapping at full speed she headed for the club house.

On the ride out to the edge town, she wondered what the summer would bring for the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Ten weeks would be plenty of time for them to find their talents. She figured that maybe, just maybe the three of them would be able to march back into the schoolhouse in September free forever from the "Blank Flank" branding. Round the last corner towards Sweet Apple Acres, Scootaloo noticed that the main gate to the farm was closed. The odd predicament forced her to come to a stop and carefully duck under the wooden gate. Rather than turning for the clubhouse she decided to go by the farmhouse to see what was up. With impeccable timing the four members of the Apple family were just heading out into the field together.

Spotting her coming down the entrance way, Applebloom waived the others ahead. Scootaloo pulled up to where Applebloom was standing. "Howdy Scootaloo! What you up to?" she greeted her.
Ignoring the question, Scootaloo asked: "What's the deal with the gate being shut, you told us last night to meet at the clubhouse this morning. It's first day of summer! We should be out crusading for our cutie marks!"

"I know! That's exactly what I was thinkin' last night when I said that!" Applebloom said with much enthusiasm. "But last night the Timberwolves were a howlin' and well..." she said trailing off.

"The Zap Apples." Scootaloo finished her sentence for her.

"You know it! And Granny says we all gotta do our part, even me now that I know everything." Her voice was noticeably less excited for the second part of her statement. Returning to her enthusiastic tone she continued: "In five days we'll have us a bumper crop of everything Zap Apple! But until then I'm gonna be too busy around here to hang out with you or Sweetie Bell."

"Well that does make sense, but you still didn't tell me why the gate was shut?"

"After those Flim and Flam brothers came 'round, Applejack has been a mite more careful with the farm secrets." Imitating her older sister she continued "I don't want no one figuring out the Zap Apples 'less they got Apple in their name."

The mimicry was too much for Scootaloo who nearly fell over laughing at the imitation.

From the field came Applejacks voice, "Applebloom! Get along! We got work to do!"

"Well that's my cue." Applebloom sputtered quickly, "Gotta run, why don't you and Sweetie Bell go do some planning so by the time the Zap Apples are done with, we'll have days worth of things to do to try and find our cutie marks!"

"Sounds good!" replied Scootaloo turning with one leg already on her scooter, "Good luck with harvest, can't wait for some of that jam!" With that she left the farm having to once again take care going under the closed gate.

Making course for the boutique the town seemed more alive than it'd been in weeks. The street filled with residents enjoying the sunny day. And on top of the good-weather crowds were the foals and fillies, who would normally be in school, out this morning enjoying their first day of summer. Racing down the street Scootaloo kicked up a cloud of dust behind her and set off a flurry of yells behind her. She grinned and hung a left towards the boutique.

Outside the boutique sat a taxi-cab, the driver impatiently looking at his watch. Ducking past the waiting driver, Scootaloo saw the boutique's "CLOSED" sign hung on the doorknob. She parked her scooter next to the door leaning it down carefully against the ground. Not calculating the possible embarrassment that would result from a locked door, she pushed through assuming is was unlocked and entered the showroom. Expecting nobody she was surprised to find four ponies waiting with mountain of suitcases stacked behind them. Rarity and Sweetie Bell were joined by two other ponies, Scootaloo recognized them as Sweetie Bell's parents from previous descriptions. The door chime alerted the four to Scootaloo's arrival, turning, they all faced the orange filly.

Sweetie raced over to Scootaloo and without hesitation started "Scootaloo! You'll never guess what happened!"

"What is it Sweetie Bell?" Scootaloo asked hoping to hear of an adventure in the making.

"My parents are taking me and Rarity to Los Pegasus for a week! Isn't that exciting!"

"Yeah sure..." The orange filly said quietly.
Sensing the disappointment in her voice Sweetie tried to comfort her, "Aww don't worry Scootaloo, you and Applebloom can still hang out, I won't feel bad."

Reacting to the news with false positivity, she replied, "Hehe, ya, we'll try not to have too much fun while you're away."

Trading goodbyes and goodwishes, Sweetie bounced back to where her parents and Rarity were waiting. Scootaloo headed for the door. Collecting her scooter from the ground she passed the taxi driver who hadn't seemed to have moved an inch since she first entered the boutique, still impatiently checking his watch. Disheartened by the sudden departure of her two friends, Scootaloo decided to head into town. She figured that Sugarcube Corner must have something that'd be able to distract her for a few hours.

The sugar-shop was buzzing with activity. For the Cakes, the first day of summer was second only to Nightmare Night when it came to candy sales. All the kids out for summer with nothing better to do but eat candy all day. Parking her scooter at the door, Scootaloo opened the door to reveal a packed house. Kids of all ages crowding the display cases in awe at the sweets sitting behind the glass. Despite the popularity of the place, she didn't recognize any pony in the store. Sighing deeply she pushed her way through to the relative emptiness of the center of the room. With every inch of display case crowded the only place in the shop with space seemed to be a stool at the soda counter. Scootaloo figured a milkshake might help her collect her thoughts.

She hopped up on the one empty stool next to an unfamiliar grey pegasus colt. After several attempts she was finally able to get the attention of Mrs. Cake so she could order a chocolate milkshake. Frantically Mrs. Cake raced from machine to machine behind the counter before finally producing the ordered milkshake on the counter. Slamming the tall glass down on the counter she hurried back to assist her husband in vending out the sweets to the kids. Staring at the condensation forming on the cold glass, time slipped away while she was alone with her thoughts. At least she figured she was alone.

"Are you going to drink that?" asked the grey colt on the next stool over.

"Uh, yes?" Scootaloo replied giving him a little intentional ribbing by making the statement a question.

"Well you've been staring at it for 30 minutes. It's not even cold anymore."

"I'll drink it when I'm ready! Besides, just who the hay are you anyways?"

"My name's Rumble." The grey pegasus turned on his stool and extended his hoof.

Forgetting the temper she had had just moments ago, Scootaloo met his hoof and offered a friendly "My name's Scootaloo! I've never seen you around town before."

"I live in Cloudsdale with my brother Thunderlane. He had to come to town today and let me come with him. He said we could do a bunch of cool things together but once we got down here, he told me to wait here until he came back for me. That was this morning...." he said quietly stopping.
"That sounds familiar, both my friends left me all alone today. On the first day of summer too!" Taking the first sip of her drink she continued, "But I can't blame them, Applebloom can't control the Zap Apples, and who wouldn't love a surprise trip to Los Pegasus more than Sweetie Bell."

Picking up his side of the conversation, "My brother said he needed to talk to my foal-sitter about something. She lives down here in Ponyville, her name's Flitter" Rumble explained to Scootaloo. "It was funny watching him get all dressed up this morning for a little flight down to Ponyville. I don't know what those older ponies are up to half the time."

"Haha no kidding." Scootaloo replied. Looking at her near full drink, she turned to Rumble and asked: "Since all my friends are busy, and your brother is out doing whatever it is older ponies do. Wanna hang out together? I have my scooter out front... Maybe you and me could have a race!"

Looking from Scootaloo, to his drink and back to Scootaloo, Rumble replied "I'd like that. Let's get outta this place."

With Scootaloo on her scooter and Rumble flying along beside her they walked together to the edge of town next to Whitetail Woods and it's numerous trails. Near the edge of town where the paved streets turn to dust, the two set the conditions for the race. The line at the edge of the pavement would be the start line. In the distance was an old oak tree sticking out above all the other foliage. They both agreed that it would make a suitable finish line, first one to touch the tree wins. To make the race worth running, Rumble agreed to put up a lollipop he had bought at Sugarcube Corner as the grand prize.

"OK, I'll count down from 3 and we go on 'Go', agreed?"

"Agreed," replied Rumble hovering above the ground.

"All right. Let's do this! 3...2..1...GO!"

The two little ponies took off at lightning speed. The combination of the scooter and wing flapping kicked up a massive cloud of dust obscuring the trail. The two ponies going at full speed rocketed down the trail. If any other ponies had been on the trail they would have had mere seconds to get out of the way before the orange and grey blur would have knocked them off the trail. The two racers constantly overtook one another, neither holding the lead for more than a few seconds. Together they were going so fast that the trees bent behind them filling the vacuum the two of them left.

Scootaloo took the lead as two of them continued down the trail took on a slight incline and the trees began to recede into shrubs and grass. Ahead of them they both could see the oak tree standing tall on top of a small hill. The incline took its toll on the grounded pegasus slowing her down and forcing her to flap her wings harder and harder just to keep up her speed. Rumble used this to his advantage and quickly closed the gap between the two of them. As the tree grew closer the hill reached its steepest gradient. Scootaloo looked over her shoulder to see how far behind Rumble was, she didn't see anything behind her but looking up she saw him flying directly over her.

The hill reached its crest and both ponies took the chance to give one last burst of strength. Giving it all they had the two ponies reached for the trunk. Diving forward the two smashed into the tree. They both bounced up and in unison proclaimed victory.

"I win! I win!" Shouted Scootaloo bouncing with exhaustion tempered excitement.

"No! I won! See!" Rumble said holding up a sap covered hoof. He pulled the lollipop out with his clean hoof.

"Give me that, I won it!" Yelled Scootaloo. Moving towards him.

Rumble purposely prepared to take a triumphal lick of the lollipop holding it in front of his face. Before he could carry through on his threat, Scootaloo tackled him sending the lollipop flying. It rolled down the hill covering its self with dirt and grass clippings that made it inedible. The two of them hit the ground hard under their combined weight. They rolled back and forth together struggling to be the one on top. Scootaloo continued to yell "I won that race fair and square! That's my lollipop!"

"I'll tell you again! It's mine and I got the sap to prove it!" Rumble yelled back.

The two of them continued to roll back and forth, wrestling to try and prove that they were the true winner of the race. The contest had taken a lot out of both of them, but each seemed to find enough strength to continue the fight. Rolling in the shade of the oak tree, the two of them fought for several minutes. Each could sense the others exhaustion and knew that if they could just keep going they would win. The two finally managed to free themselves from each other's grasp. They stood up and faced each other in one final stare down. The sinking sun cast long shadows of both of them on the ground. The two locked eyes, seething with contempt. The dual stares used up all the energy their bodies had left. Collapsing like two mighty trees they both felt their legs give out from under them. They fell into two tangled heaps of legs and heads, each too tired to move or talk. They lay on the cool grass as the sun sank lower in the sky and the moon began to rise. Scootaloo found the energy to crawl over to Rumble. "Think your brother ever came to get you?"

"Who knows, who cares." He said sleepily.

Taking the advice to heart Scootaloo turned to watch the moon rise as the orange sky turned to black. Laying her head back on the cool grass she closed her eyes and let her body relax. "One day down, 68 to go." She thought to herself.

Comments ( 13 )

Sounds cute, I'll have to give it a read when I can.

Read it. Cute. Godspeed and goodluck.
(I didn't see much mistakes! Good job.)

It's 'Apple Bloom' and 'Sweetie Belle'. Not 'Applebloom' and 'Sweetie Bell'.

Other than that, nicely done. *faved*

Please continue this. This is cute. I haven't seen a whole lot of Scootaloo fics that didn't involve Rainbow Dash somehow.

Ah, the start of a sunmer romance. How cute.

please continue this, if you don't fluttershy will cry:fluttercry:

That was cute... I didn't even realize until a good minute afterwards that is was marked complete :pinkiegasp: . It makes such a good start to introduce a colt into the mix, well it's a cute concept that would be nice to see expanded on later. Hmm, must make a note to look up Rumble, as he seems to be at least a background pony. I memory is a bit shot at the moment if he has done anything of note...

Wait. 68 days? Wasn't it 69?

He's from Hurricane Fluttershy. The colt that said that his brother came down with the Feather Flu.

So much friendshipping I think my heart stopped a few times. This had a lot of potential to be an extended fiction too. The setup was great, conflict was well planned out and was a excellent read overall. Only thing couting against such a good story are minor spelling errors and the fact it ended before it really began.

this was a really cute story

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