• Published 2nd Apr 2015
  • 441 Views, 6 Comments

The Journey - aliengirlguy

A Prince, an Assitent, a Breezie, a Wonderbolt, and a Mysterious pony with an enchanted book walk into a bar.

  • ...

Your a Pony Harry

Chapter 2: Your a Pony Harry

"Where are my feet!?"

"Now really lad, there is no need to panic, you have them, all four of them are right there, all though they don't call them feet here, they call them hooves."

"I mean feet with toes!, Two feet with toes!"

"Bah! Like toes are ever useful."

"What about my hands! Oh great Merlin! My hands! I want my fingers!"

"You really shouldn't use my name in vain, now just calm down!"

"Calm down? I'm a freakin' pony! and what the heck happened to my cloths?!"

"You know, I never could figure that part out," came the thoughtful hum.

This was how Harry James Potter's first hour in the new world that was to be his home for the rest of his new life started out.

Harry would have paced, but he kept tripping over his own hooves.

"If it's any consolation I did tell you that you would look different when you crossed over."

Harry grumbled, glowering at the spectre, who, by the way, had managed to keep his own fingers.

"And why are you still the same?" Harry growled as he picked himself up again, turning his eyes downwards and trying tentative, more smaller steps, one at a time.

"Well, I was hardly human to begin with," Merlin pointed out, "I'm a magical construct remember?"

"Well, I guess," Harry grumbled, and was pleased when he managed to take a step with all sets of legs this time.

"If you like we can sing a motivational non-diegetic song to help you," Merlin suggested brightly, then cleared his throat took a chest expanding breath, "Oooooohhhhh just take one step forward-"

"No," Harry gave the wizard a flat look.

"But I had the routine all worked out..." Merlin's lip trembled.

"Nice try," Harry snorted, "you already got me once with that act, and as the saying goes, fool me once shame on you, foll me twice shame on me."

Merlin's lips stopped trembling and he slumped and said sourly, "well aren't you just the happy little pony? spoilsport."

with that Merlin returned to the recesses of his book with a huff, the volume closing and putting itself back in the saddlebag it had wiggled out from in the first place. it hadn't been able to do that before, but Harry decided to chalk it up as some sort of affect of the transition after all.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Harry slapped his forehead, then promptly swore as he accidentally beaned himself with a rather hard hoof, "the closing spell."

While he couldn't close the gate on the other side, he could at least make sure that nothing from this world could be sent back through. At most it would be a one-way trip for anyone stupid enough to take the leap from his old world, even if by slim chance they were able to figure out that he had used the Chamber in the first place, able to get into the Chamber of Secrets, which could only be accessed by a Parselmouth, and if the planets were in the right alignment in the first place which, apparently, only happened once every few years for a 10 minute window.

He turned around, wobbling dangerously, but still managing somewhat to remain upright and intoned, "Traveller through, so journey begun, onto the future, let the past begone!"

A flash and the large boulder that he had apparently come out of returned to normal.

Nodding to himself he returned to practicing walking.

ooo ooo ooo

After about an hour or two, he felt relatively confident that that he could at least walk without falling on his face every other step.

Then came the next hurdle.

"How do i get this bloody thing on my back?" Harry sighed, starring at the bulging pack.

He didn't have a wand anymore so he couldn't levitate it, and having a lack of fingers, he couldn't exactly lift and buckle it on himself.

It turned out that his new limbs were more versatile then he thought. After shrugging, and with no other alternative, he tried the physical approach anyway, and much to his surprise, while his limbs pointed in different directions then what he was used to, he actually discovered that ponies were apparently double jointed in this world.

Huh, go figure.

one tangle later, he was finally ready to begin.

And that lead to his biggest hurdle yet.

What did he do now?

He sat on his haunches- then did it again because that felt oddly satisfying- and thought about this.

Merlin had helped him achieve what he was after, an escape from the tournament, and more then that, an escape fro ma steadily worsening situation in the human world. According to their deal, he would be required to become the old man's student.

Harry had brought this up with Merlin during the preparations. At the time he had not really believed tha he would actually succeed with the old man's plan, but still felt obliged to ask.

The old man's explanation had been, "I believe in doing, so for your second lesson, you will need to learn about the place you will be dwelling in, and the ways of the peoples you will become a part of. I leave that up to you in how you do that."

Harry hummed thoughtfully, scratching an ear with his back hoof -doing that again for the sheer luxuriating in being able to do it- and figured that from what Merlin had implied about this place, ponies appeared to be the peoples of this world, so far anyway, and given his ranting earlier, it was safe to say that he was a talking pony, and communication implies some sort of co-operative evolutionary ability of some sort, so he figured that there was likely other talking ponies out there and if there was, then finding them would be the first thing on his list.

Unless ponies lived out in fields or forests like equines from the human world, it was possible there might even be places where a lot of them gather.

Another satisfying scratch, then Harry got to his hooves, picked a direction and began walking.