• Published 12th May 2012
  • 1,763 Views, 75 Comments

Dashing through the Rainbow - somedude

Imagine yet another day at school,another day of pain and unhappiness without anybody to love. until

  • ...

Chapter 11

We sat there on the couch, in Fluttershy's cottage, and everypony was there.

"W-what just happened?" Twilight asked.
"I..... don't .....know." Dash replied still tearing lightly.
"The only thing I know is that I felt something strange and........... I just knew where she was and that she was in danger."

It was quiet for some time.

"Why?........... Why would anypony even try such a thing?!?!" Carl shouted.
".........Who was that guy........and why you?" I asked

We had a long conversation, and did some research at the police-station.
It turned out this guy was a dangerous psychopath that had escaped from prison.

we where at home, alone.
We sat on our couch, and I just held her in silence. We sat there for what felt like hours.
Rainbow didn't cry but only looked down.



"How did you know where I was, and that I was in danger?"

"I have no idea but..... I felt something strange, shooting in my mind itself, and for some reason I just knew where you where and that there was trouble."

"That's strange. And....."

"And what?"

"How did you ever manage to come to me so fast?"

"The Sonic Rainboom, of course."

She looked up to me, smiled than looked down, and than hugged me tight.

"I-I'm so scared."

She cried some more.
I could feel the warm tears rolling from her cheek and jumping over to mine.

"Thank you... thank you so much for saving me!"

"I think it's time for some sleep."

We slept for what felt like 4 minutes, before the sun came rolling in.



"Let's just sleep some more."


I closed the curtain and went back to sleep.
I awoke late afternoon.

"Wow, it's late." i said

Rainbow was still asleep.
I made some breakfast for her: a salad, a grass sandwich, and a glass of Apple juice.

"Raaaiiinboooow??" i said to wake Dashie.

She was still dreaming and.... i heard her talking:.

"No.... don't........ touch..... me....please leave me...."







With the last word she spoke, she kicked the dinner plate with everything on it out of my hands.
But i didn't care i jumped onto Dashie and shook her awake.


She woke up looked me in the eyes and kissed me and hugged me tight while tears started leaking again.
We had a long slow breakfast before heading to Twilight's library to find out why I knew why rainbow was in trouble.

"Twilight, are you home?!?" I yelled.

We heard her from what sounded like upstairs.

"We've got some questions for you!"

"Okay! I'm coming!"

We heard hoofsteps getting louder to see Twilight coming from upstairs.

"Rainbow are you alright?!"

"Yeah, I'm fine but we do have a question."

"Oh?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Well, do you know why Jake knew were I was, and why he knew I was in danger?"

"Yes, i have been thinking about that. I may have an answer."

"PLEASE TELL US!" I was excited to finally get some news.

"Well I think, and this is only a theory."
"That since you to have been traveling together through dimensions that something connected you . I have done some research about traveling through dimensions and I think while you got transported back to our dimension your souls got crossed. So you can now feel each-other's fear." Twilight replied.

"...........Wow.........." Me and Dash both replied.

"Yeah, but it's only a theory." She waved a hoof around.