• Published 6th Dec 2017
  • 529 Views, 0 Comments

Equestrian Adventure 2! - DerpyHooves320

The world of ponies is in utter and complete chaos, since the villains have taken over and banished the princesses to another dimension. No pony knows where the elements are either. Even the human Zach was banished when he was sent to Tartarus.

  • ...

6: Rarity

"Rarity?" Zach asked, knowing there was only one pony who said 'darling' all the time. Actually, now that he thought about it, when did he hear her say 'darling'? Other than that, her voice gave it all away, since it didn't sound all crystal slave like yet. If she was a crystal slave, he wasn't quite sure. Was she? Nah.

"Why of course, who would it be besides me?" Rarity asked, stepping from the shadows, giving them a smile that looked nothing kind at all. "Now, be good and come willingly or else we'll have to get rough, and I don't really feel like fighting," she said, sounding slightly annoyed at the thought of fighting, as crystals started covering her starting from the necklace that she wore. The crystals looked like they were way thicker than that of the Cutie Mark Crusaders in their crystal forms.

"We should be going now, it'd be bad of us to fail our quest to save Equestria" Zach said, before turning around and booking it.

"Hey! Wait for us!" Masquerade and Applebloom called out at the same time, before turning and running after him.

"Fine then, darlings," Rarity said, her voice now echoing through Ponyville, carrying a chill along with it. Starting off with a slow walk to give them a slight headstart, she eventually picked up to a full on sprint going way faster than her fleeing targets. They knew this too, because they all looked back to see her gaining on them and started screaming in terror.

"Don't hurt me!" Zach squealed, picking it up a bit more, before promptly tripping on a piece of wood that was laying in the road.

"C'mon! Ya can't just fall like that!" Appleboom yelled at him in annoyance, as she stopped briefly to pick him up off the ground. Before she could get running again, Masquerade jumped onto her back, then onto her head, before leaping towards Zach.

"I call shotgun!" Masquerade declared, as she hopped into his coat's hood. Now secured inside his hood and enjoying how comfortable it was, she started calming herself down with her fur slowly lowering. "I hate scary ladies, they don't treat cats very well," she said while thinking about a nap, before peeking out from the hood only to be face to face with the crystal monstrosity.

"No need to be so rude, darling, I have a cat of my own and I'm sure she would love to play with you" Rarity said, opening her mouth beyond it's normal limits in a freakish manner, where a crystal started prying itself free.

"Oh god stop! That's disgusting bleh!" Zach said, since he'd now turned around to face her after hearing them talk behind him, only to be disturbed by what he saw. A sudden hissing stopped him, as a crystal cat jumped from her mouth and latched right onto his face. The scratching would have to be the worst, since regular cat claws were painful, but crystal cat claws were even more so. "GET IT OFF!" He started screaming, running around and flailing his arms at the cat on his face, who was hissing at him all the while, refusing to let go.

"I think she likes you," Rarity said with a chuckle, before she lunged forward and pinned Applebloom to the ground, her grip being stronger than normal. It felt similar to Applejack's. Almost.

"Rarity.....please" she pleaded, bringing her arms up to the fashionista's arm, trying to pry it off, but the hand loosened on it's own.

"Just for you, darling," she responded, before feeling something bat her away.

"Ya done fridged up- why am I saying that?" Zach said staring at himself in confusion, a broken wooden board in hand and a lot of cat scratches on his face. Behind him was a mess of two cats, hissing at each other with fur and crystals on end. Ignoring that, Rarity was not happy at all, angry even, that someone would dare to attack her! Getting up, she threw the most sinister glare she could manage at them. Which was terrifying to them, since the slightly cracked crystal features of her face boosted the intensity of the glare. Now sensing that they probably shouldn't fight her now that she was quite peeved, they turned to run. But that didn't work, because after a few feet they found themselves being pulled back by something. After hitting the ground, the two of them looked to see what had grabbed them, only to see a crystal whip around both of them, each held in Rarity's hands. With a hard tug, she dragged them across the ground all the way to her, which was rather painful to them, since dirt and rocks weren't the funnest things to be dragged on. With an evil cackle and a one liner involving the word 'darling', she held them both there so she could stand triumphant above them.

"I believe our little game is over," Rarity said in a menacing voice, as she got ready to do what she was brought to do: Capture them. Which was practically done with her whips around them, but she wanted them out cold so they wouldn't complain all the way back to the castle, with the 'are we there yet?' whining and such. Stepping up to Applebloom first, she gave a solid kick to her head, knocking her out instantly. "I hate this brutish task, but it's the quickest and easiest" she said, before turning to Zach.

"Don't you friggin' dare" he said in confusion about why he couldn't say that word, while kicking at her as best he could, trying to delay her from forcing him into a nap. Hearing her giggle from his weak kicks against her, he felt a little angry. "My kicks are your demise! Fear them!" He shouted, putting more effort into his kicks. Now his kicks were actually moving her legs, if only slightly.

"Well that got boring rather fast," Masquerade said, jumping onto Rarity's shoulder and licking her paws, causing Rarity to turn her head.

"What are you doing here? Where's Opal?" She asked, not sounding very happy.

"Hey, she's the one that wanted to fight near a stone wall, it's not my fault she got crushed into a pancake," the cat continued with a smirk, looking over to the stone block that was twice her size where a crystal paw was poking out. Rarity followed her gaze and gasped. Running over to it, she knocked Masquerade off her shoulder and onto Zach, who was wiggling free from the whip that she had also dropped. Lifting the stone off her cat, she saw that the stone hadn't cracked her, but rather pushed her into the ground making an Opal shaped hole.

Hearing something behind her, she turned quickly only to meet with the mailbox Zach had with her face, which sent chunks of face flying everywhere. Opal went to attack, but was promptly batted down into the hole again, this time in tiny pieces. The cat had no time to reform before the stone block was moved back on top of the hole. Feeling like he'd won this fight, Zach did a quick victory pose before leaning down to Rarity, reaching towards her neck.

"That's a second victory for us, and we've given freedom back to two ponies!" Zach yelled out loud in triumph, and went to pull the necklace off after getting a good grip. But alas, it wouldn't budge. Who would have thunk it? Giving a concerned look to Masquerade, who was laying down next to him, he then tried again. Same result. "Son of a bi-" he couldn't quite finish, since Rarity's fist came flying up and sent him back a foot or two.

"It's not that easy, darling," she said, getting up off the ground, the crystals returning to their normal places. "You see, me and my friends have extra thick crystals, so it's harder to break us free from our enslavement," she said, before looking a bit confused as to why she gave a direct answer on why they were harder to beat, but shook her head. Regaining a composed evil smile, she started walking towards the two of them. "Now, who wants to go to the castle?" She asked, before she started laughing.

"Me!" A voice came from a nearby shop, before a big figure came crashing through the wall and slammed into the crystal pony. They were all taken by surprise and had no time to react, debris raining down on them as Rarity was sent flying. After a second, Rarity tried to get up but was stopped when the figure jumped on top of her, their hands quickly flew to her neck.

"No, stop! Don't take my crystal beauty!" Rarity screeched, her crystal voice sounding strained, but her cry was too late. The necklace was ripped straight from it's place, causing her to let out a loud scream that lasted for a minute as her body convulsed wildly. As she quieted down, the crystals on her started to fade away and the dust started to settle. They all sat in silence as their savior got up.

"Are you three alright?" The figure asked, before turning to face them. It was Spike. Sitting there staring at the drake, after they dug themselves out of the debris, the two of them failed to notice some other figures walking up behind them. They finally realized they were there when Zach was engulfed by the two, their arms wrapped around him in a big hug.

"We're sorry we attacked you!" The two said in unison, which took him a second to realize what was going on, before he calmed down when he recognized their voices. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle let go of him, before they both went over to Applebloom and began dragging her out of the small pile of debris she was in.

"How?" Was all Zach could say, as he looked between the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Spike. With a slow chuckle, Spike walked over with Rarity's foot in his large hand.

"They almost won, but I caught them by surprise a mile out of town" Spike simply answered, with no extra details at all. Suspicious. Hearing a dissatisfied huff from Zach, he raised an eyebrow at him. "What?" He asked, watching as the human stood up.

"That's way too simple, I don't believe it for half a second," He said, watching the dragon closely.

"Even if you don't believe him, that's really what happened" Sweetie Belle said, placing herself at Spike's side, being closely followed by Scootaloo, since they were both moving Applebloom. Looking between the three of them, he just sighed before sitting himself down. As soon as he did, Masquerade jumped into his lap while purring softly.

"I believe them, since not everything has to be complicated," Masquerade muttered to him, before he started stroking her along the back mindlessly. They stayed like that for a bit, before they all agreed that they needed to move, since another group of crystal ponies could arrive at any time, and they really didn't feel like fighting them this soon. Heading out of Ponyville to find a new safe haven, they were unaware of the three figures following them, watching their every move closely.