• Published 5th May 2015
  • 2,657 Views, 75 Comments

My Little Colossi - HolyCross9

Equestria's in for a shock when they discover immense, yet kindly giants composed of stone and earth suddenly appearing and residing within their land.

  • ...

Chapter Three

Back in the throne room in Canterlot, both Princess Celestia and Luna had spent a long time speaking with Gaius, answering all manner of questions to the best of their ability. And it was from these given answers that Gaius learned an immense amount of information about Equestria, including the existence and locations of other towns and cities, like Ponyville, other sentient beings living alongside ponies, such as griffons, minotaurs, thestrals, dragons, etc; the various kinds of magic used by unicorns and alicorns such as teleportation (Princess Luna even demonstrated that for him), and that most ponies in Equestria were often quite friendly with each other and other races.

But one of the most interesting answers for Gaius came to him when he asked the Princesses about, in his own words, "the images adorning your graceful posteriors." For a moment, both princesses blushed brightly, feeling flattered and slightly embarrassed with how Gaius addressed the question. They both immediately composed themselves and answered him with a detailed explanation about cuties marks and how they affected ponies throughout Equestria. This prompted further questions from Gaius about the subject.

When Gaius finished his lengthy inquiry, Celestia and Luna decided to ask him some questions of their own. Unfortunately, both alicorn diarchs found that they weren't able learn very much about Gaius or his home world.

But from the few things they did learn was that in the world he originated from, Gaius lived in an expansive and mostly isolated area simply known as the Forbidden Lands and that within this same enclosure of land existed fifteen others like him known as Colossi. Each of the Colossi served as guardians whose purpose was to prevent a great evil sealed there long ago from being unleashed into the lands beyond. Gaius additionally noted that each Colossus within the Forbidden Lands differentiated from each other in both size and form, meaning that not all of them were bipedal like him.

All in all, the verbal exchange between the three of them proceeded smoothly and peacefully.

It was during this long discussion that both Celestia and Luna had given Gaius' request to join the Royal Guard some considerable thought. Once all three have finished asking each other questions, Princess Celestia and her sister looked into each other's faces for a moment before looking back toward Gaius.

"Gaius," she said politely. "Could you please move back a couple of paces? I'd like to speak with my sister in private."

"Of course, Your Highness," replied the Colossus obediently before he stepped back several paces, giving the two sisters enough space to ensure that he wouldn't hear them at whispering range. Likewise, the two guards also walked away from the throne and toward the door on the other end of the room.

Thus, the two sisters shifted their bodies to where Celestia leaned her face down very close to Luna's.

"So," whispered Luna. "What do you think?"

"Well," replied Celestia softly. "I think Gaius certainly has a lot of potential: not only is he very strong and powerful, but he's also demonstrated traits of respectfulness, gentleness, loyalty and a willingness to protect others. All of which are qualities of character that are required of a Royal Guard."

"I agree, Tia. But, I also feel a little uncertain about this, especially since we just met with Gaius and we don't know very much about him yet. I mean, don't you think that there has to be something questionably suspicious about that?"

"Do not worry, Luna. I'm positive that Gaius has no intention of harming anypony."

"How can you be sure, sister?"

"Because I could sense that within him the moment he was teleported directly into the throne room. But it wasn't until after Gaius genuflected before us did I completely realize that his immense aura emanated with benevolence."

While whispering, Princess Celestia briefly stole a glance at Gaius.

"After all," she continued. "Both you and I are capable of looking into the aura of ponies and non-ponies alike to determine the goodness within them. In fact, didn't you sense that same goodness within Gaius like I did?"

Princess Luna's eyes grew wide with astoundment over what her elder sister asked her before she swiveled her eyes in Gaius' direction, looking hard into him for a moment. She gasped softly and looked back into her sister's eyes with a remorseful expression.

"You are right, Tia," she softly confessed. "I just peered into Gaius' being and I saw the goodness in him. In fact, I actually did recognize it the moment he bowed down to us, just as you have. But I now realize that I allowed my fear and doubt cloud my judgement of him up until now. I'm so sorry for not noticing that."

"It's alright, little sister," replied Celestia softly, giving Luna's cheek a comforting nuzzle. "Not all of us are perfect. And since you've now recognized the goodness within Gaius, are you willing to give him a chance to join the Royal Guard?"

Both alicorn sisters looked at the patiently awaiting Gaius for a moment before they refocused their eyes on each other.

"Yes, Tia," whispered Luna. "I am willing to give Gaius a chance on this matter."

"I'm glad to hear it," whispered Celestia joyfully.

"However, I'd like to make suggestion."

For a moment, Princess Celestia had a slightly puzzled expression on her chiseled features before she composed herself.

"Very well. What is this suggestion?" Princess Luna quickly glanced at Gaius for a moment.

"I propose that we give Gaius a test. A test not just to determine if he's worthy of joining the ranks of the Canterlot Guard, but also to make it easier to convince the rest of the Guards of giving him a chance as well."

"That is an excellent idea, sister, one that greatly I approve."

"Good to hear, Tia. Shall we now tell him?"

"Indeed we shall, sister."

Thus, both immortal sisters, with smiles adorning their faces and ready to announce their decision, readjusted themselves to where they both looked out at Gaius.

"Gaius," said Princess Celestia aloud. "Would you please come forward?"

The giant earthen biped silently obeyed and walked forward, stopping a few paces from the throne's first steps.

"Gaius," said Celestia. "I would like to announce that me and my sister, Princess Luna, have come to a decision regarding your request to join the ranks of the Canterlot Royal Guard." Gaius' facial expression brightened with delight as he eagerly awaited to hear the co-rulers' answer to his request. "We've decided that—"

"Princess Celestia! Princess Luna!" The shout came from a Royal Guard pegasus who ran into the throne room with an urgent expression on his facial features, before he stopped upon seeing Gaius' posterior. Princess Celestia quickly vanished from her seat on the throne in a flash of light before reappearing behind Gaius. When she looked at the pegasus stallion, she observed that he had a shocked and frightened expression on his features and was seated on his haunches, making her realize what had happened.

"Do not be frightened," said Celestia gently to the guard. "This one here is known as Gaius and I assure you that he will not harm you." As she spoke, Princess Luna teleported right next to her while Gaius turned around carefully, so as not to damage anything with his sword arm.

"A-are you sure, Your Highness?" asked the stallion, looking up into Gaius' eyes.

"I'm positive, my little pony." He instantly felt relieved in hearing those words before rising back up on all fours.

"Pray tell, sir," said Princess Luna. "What is it you wanted to see us so urgently about."

"Oh, right," he replied as he remembered why he came. "A couple of guards and I were stationed near one of the observation platforms along the western edge of Canterlot when we suddenly caught sight of some kind of large flying creature in the distance coming from the same direction. And although we haven't determined whether or not its friendly, we could tell that its currently heading straight for Canterlot."

"Have you or any of your comrades made any moves against it?" asked Celestia.

"No, ma'mm. They remained at the landing platform to maintain watch over it while I went to seek you and Princess Luna for help."

"How long ago was this?" asked Princess Luna.

"Only recently, Your Highness." For a moment, both Princesses had hard, thinking looks on their faces before both of them looked each other in the eye and nodded. Princess Celestia looked over at the two guards near the door.

"Guards, come forward, please," she said loudly.

"Yes, Princess," replied the two guards simultaneously before they rushed on over.

"Do you mind if I accompany you and your small group, Princess Celestia?" asked Gaius. "For if this creature is indeed a danger to your subjects in Canterlot, then you may need my assistance in combating it."

"But of course, Gaius," replied Princess Celestia. "I'd appreciate it if you would accompany us." As she said this, the two approaching guards halted before her, Luna, the pegasus guard, and Gaius.

"Do you intend to teleport all of us to where this observation platform will be?"

"That is correct, Gaius," answered Princess Luna. "Now, could you please remain still for this?"

"Of course, Princess Luna."

Thus, all five ponies huddled up close to Gaius before both co-rulers' horns lit up with magic, followed by an enormous flash of light. In an instant, they all had vanished from the throne room.

Out on a large, circular observation platform along the western edge of Canterlot, there was sparse crowd of ponies standing within the outer portion of it and close to the rim, including a small group of pegasi Royal Guards. Down below the platform, where half of it extended outward, was very long drop down to the bottom of the mountain itself. Everypony was looking out west, as if they were gazing at something coming from that direction.

Suddenly, everypony's eyes shifted to the center of the platform when a immense flash of light emerged before immediately vanishing, revealing Princesses Celestia and Luna, a trio of guards, and the enormous figure of Gaius standing close together. Within an instant, most of the ponies on the platform immediately gasped loudly, while a few others yelped aloud with fright, and some others became paralyzed with trepidation. For a moment, the air was filled with a tense anxiety as everypony within the platform gaped at the sword-wielding Colossus fearfully.

"It's alright, my little ponies," said Princess Celestia gently and reassuringly. "You have nothing to fear. For I promise that the one standing before us is named Gaius, and he is a very friendly and gentle individual."

"My sister speaks the truth," added Princess Luna. "Gaius is not here to harm you, but to help you." Gaius himself nodded to the crowd a few times, silently affirming with what the two Princesses said about him.

It was then that two things happened at once: first, everypony who heard the Princesses' reassuring words utterly felt mollified of their initial fear of Gaius and felt at ease with his presence before starring back toward the west. Secondly, the group of guards immediately trotted up to the two princesses and Gaius, not only because they heard about him wanting to help, but because they also recognized the pegasus who went to summon the two co-rulers a short while ago.

"Thank you for coming so quickly, Your Highness," said one of them. "Has Aerial Lookout informed you of the situation?"

"Indeed he has," replied Princess Celestia. "But what is the current status of this flying creature?" The lead guard beheld a worrisome expression on his features for a moment.

"Well, perhaps it would be better if we showed you." The guard and his comrades turned and walked back to the edge of the platform with the two Princesses, their three guard escorts, and Gaius (who did his best not to accidentally bump into anypony with his sword) following close behind them. When they had all gathered near the edge of the platform, Aerial Lookout raised up one hoof and pointed westward.

"Look, Your Highnesses," he declared strongly. "You can see it coming from over there."

Sure enough, the two Princesses and Gaius looked out to where Aerial had indicated and, sure enough, they caught sight of the flying creature a few miles away from where they stood, which looked like a bit of a black speck against the vividly green country side of Equestria beyond Canterlot. The three of them also observed that not only was this creature approaching directly toward Canterlot, but that it was also ascending from a lower elevation. Suddenly, Princess Celestia's face and eyes brightened up for a moment.

"Please excuse me, my ponies" she said politely. "I shall be right back." The solar Princess vanished in a flash of light before reappearing a few seconds later levitating her personal telescope in a field of golden magic close to her. Gaius refocused his eyes toward Celestia and her telescope.

"What is that strange device you have there, Princess?" he asked, pointing at the telescope with his left arm. Princess Celestia looked back toward Gaius with a gentle smile.

"It is called a telescope, Gaius," she replied. "Which is used to help other ponies in having closer look at something from far away." Gaius nodded to her in understandably. Princess Celestia looked back toward the oncoming speck of the flying creature before she raised her telescope up to her face and placed the eyepiece against her right eye, closing her left in the process. Celestia spent a few seconds readjusting the telescope's visual until she finally managed to get a fix on the flying creature with it. But when she did, her mouth opened with a soft gasp, drawing the attention of her sister and the guards.

"What is it, sister?" asked Princess Luna.

"The flying creature," replied Celestia with amazement. "It...it is a bird and a large one at that. But it is unlike any bird I have seen or heard of about."

"What kind of bird is it, sire?" asked one of the guards.

"It is a bird composed of both rock and earth." The other ponies gathered around on the platform had puzzled expressions upon hearing this from the Princess Celestia, especially since they've never heard about such a bird like that before. For Gaius, who also heard what the Princess said, he momentarily felt something stir within him that made him curious about this new, bizarre bird, as if there was almost something familiar about it.

Suddenly, Princess Celestia made a sharp gasp, drawing everypony's attention to her.

"What is it, my sister?" asked Princess Luna.

"It's Philomena," replied Princess Celestia in a tone shock. "And she is flying alongside that other bird." Everypony around her began murmuring fearfully, including the guards themselves.

"Who is Philomena, Your Majesty?" asked Gaius.

"She is my sister's pet bird, Gaius," replied Princess Luna as she turned to look at Gaius. "And she has been missing since sometime yesterday."

"I am truly sorry to hear about that, Princess Luna. What kind of bird is she, Your Highness?"

"She is a phoenix, Gaius," replied Princess Celestia anxiously, still peering through her telescope.

"Is she alright?" For a few moments, Princess Celestia didn't answer. But when she did, she spoke with a much calmer voice.

"Yes. From what I can see, this earth-like bird has not laid a single talon on her. So far, I am grateful for that."

"So why is Philomena leading her companion her to Canterlot?" asked Princess Luna.

"I don't know, sister. But I am certain that we will find out why when they get here."

And when they do, she thought to herself. I will make sure to scold Philomena for running away and bringing strangers home with her.

The elder alicorn sister levitated the telescope from her face before looking at group of guards.

"Have any of you sent word about this to the other guards within Canterlot?" she asked them.

"No, ma'am," replied the lead guard. "For we felt it would cause widespread panic throughout the city if word of this ever got out."

"Very well. Do not take any form of action against Philomena's companion until we know for certain if it is hostile or not."

"Yes, Your Highness," replied the guards simultaneously. Princess Celestia smiled before she resumed gazing at the oncoming pair of birds through her telescope. All the while, the small crowd of ponies watched anxiously as the speck of the mysterious bird continued approaching the platform alongside Philomena, who was still invisible to them.

But when that same dark speck gradually looked more bird like to many who were watching from the landing platform, an unexpected thing happened. The earthy bird suddenly diverted its flight path to the right before curving upward at a steep angle in the same direction. Most of the ponies and Gaius watched with both amazement and puzzlement as the small outline of the earth-like bird ascended up into the sky. When the bird flew high enough, it dipped down and curved up again in a half-circle before performing a small series of loop-de-loops and other fancy aerobatic maneuvers. The amazed crowd of ponies and Gaius were still watching all of this when they suddenly stared at Princess Celestia, who started giggling loudly while watching the spectacle through her telescope.

"What is so funny, sister?" asked Princess Luna. It took a few moments for the solar Princess to compose herself.

"Oh, I'm sorry," she replied with a giggle. "It's just that my pet bird is giving us all quite an airshow with how she has been making her companion chase her all over the sky." She erupted into another fit of giggles while the crowd looked at her with surprise.

What the crowd didn't know was that Princess Celestia, through the visual of her telescope, had previously observed that it was Philomena who made the sudden shift in direction and began flying in random directions in the sky while her larger, earthen companion followed her as best as it could, even to the point of attempting to imitate the former's complex aerial maneuvers.

As the crowd of ponies watched Philomena's little air show, their anxiety simmered down into a more relaxed state. That's when Gaius averted his gaze toward Princess Celestia, who was still smiling as she continued watching the two flyers from afar.

"Princess Celestia," he said politely, prompting the elder co-ruler to levitate the telescope out of the way before she shifted her eyes at him.

"Yes, Gaius?" she replied.

"Would you mind if I have a look through your telescope?" Without hesitation, Princess Celestia, with her telescope in tow, flew up near Gaius' head and levitated the eyepiece over his right eye. It took a few moments for the Princess to help Gaius find and pinpoint a good visual of Philomena and her companion.

"Can you seem them now, Gaius?" asked Celestia.

"Indeed I can," he confirmed as he followed the two birds visual with Celestia's telescope. As he did so, the sensation of familiarity about Philomena's companion came back to him, only this time it felt much stronger than before. Suddenly, Gaius shifted his head away from the floating telescope and abruptly stumbled back two giant paces, making it seem that he would fall backwards. But thankfully, he didn't.

Within that instant, two things happened: firstly the civilian ponies gathered on the platform became startled by Gaius' sudden shift in movement, but thankfully, the guards had managed help calm them down. At the same time, the two Princesses diverted their attention from the skies to Gaius during the moment of his stumbling and observed that he had an evidently shocked expression on his furry face that made it seem like he had seen a ghost.

"Gaius!" exclaimed Princess Luna as she rushed up to Gaius while her sister, who hadn't dropped her telescope, fluttered over to him.

"What happened, Gaius?" asked Princess Celestia concernedly as she hovered close to Gaius's head. The giant biped immediately composed himself and straightened his posture before peering at Princess Celestia and then down at Princess Luna for a moment

"Your Highnesses," he gravely replied. "That mysterious bird who flying is with Philomena...somehow...I have the feeling that I now know who it is, or rather who he is." For a moment, both Princesses had confused expressions on their faces.

"What do you mean?" asked Princess Celestia. While answering, Gaius raised his left arm and pointed it in the birds' direction.

"That bird...is Avion...he is one of the Colossi I spoke of earlier." As Gaius slowly lowered his left arm, he observed that the crowd of civilian ponies and the guards immediately had puzzled and fearful expressions on their faces, several even whispered with each over the matter. "Please do not be frightened, little ponies. For I promise you that Avion is very peaceful and will not harm any of you."

The crowd immediately relaxed themselves after listening to Gaius' calm, gentle words of assurance and resumed watching the little airshow ahead of them. All the while, Princess Celestia, with her telescope in tow, gently descended, settling down next to Princess Luna, whose eyes remained fixed on Gaius' head. Both of them had come to a dreadful realization: that Avion had been felled back in the Forbidden Lands and had somehow transmigrated into Equestria after death like Gaius, which also explains why the tall knight was so shocked in recognizing his fellow Colossus.

"Luna," Celestia whispered, gaining the attention of her younger sibling. For a moment, the two co-rulers looked into each others eyes, as if having another one of their silent conversation with each other before they rotated their gaze out toward the sky beyond the platform, where Philomena and Avion still frolicked together in flight.

"You're heading out there, aren't you?" asked Luna softly, as if knew what her sister was going to do.

"That's right," murmured Celestia as she and her sister shifted their gazes at each other. "I trust you will handle things here until I return?" Luna's blank expression shifted to a gentle one as she smiled warmly.

"Of course, Tia."

"Thank you, sister." Celestia nuzzled Luna for a moment. "I won't be long." She proffered her telescope to Luna, who grasped it in a blue field of her magic. Celestia gently ascended until she was at eye level with Gaius. "Gaius."

"Yes, Your Highness," replied the giant knight.

"I am going to retrieve both Avion and Philomena. When we return, I am certain that Avion will delighted to see you again, Gaius."

"As will I, Princess. For I now feel an immense warmth of joy coursing my entire being in knowing that Avion is alive in your land of Equestria." Princess Celestia smiled in hearing Gaius's words, which were laced with a tone of utter delight and joy, which matched the jubilant expression in his eyes and face.

"Can you wait here while I retrieve them?"

"Of course, Princess. For I swear by knight's oath to patiently wait until you, your pet bird, and Avion return."

"Excellent. I will return shortly." Princess Celestia turned and flew away from Gaius before instantly vanishing in a burst of light.

A few miles from Canterlot, Philomena was having a tremendous time. For she had been frolicking with her traveling companion, Avion, all across the beautiful skies of Equestria for a few minutes while performing various aerial maneuvers while he did his best imitating them while following her. But at one point after doing another series of loop-de-loops, Philomena leveled herself out on a straight path with Avion several yards behind her. However, at that same moment, Princess Celestia appears in a flash of light not far ahead of the airborne phoenix. Squawking joyfully, Philomena immediately accelerated over to her master while Princess Celestia stretched out a foreleg for her pet to perch on.

"Philomena," said Princess Celestia warmly, nuzzling her pet phoenix for a moment before shifting to a more dolor expression. "You've been gone since yesterday afternoon, young lady, and I've been so worried you. Would you mind telling me where you've been?" Philomena slumped her head down shamefully upon her master's words.

"Perhaps I could answer that for you."

Princess Celestia immediately unfixed eyes from Philomena and looked toward the source of the deep, baritone voice. What she found hovering close by in front of her was Avion, the giant rock-like bird who had been accompanying Philomena to Canterlot. Celestia also observed that Avion was indeed both a large and mysterious bird to behold: with a wingspan a bit larger than hers and a banner-like tail long enough to make him look taller than Gaius at his standing height. But upon noticing Avion's eyes, Celestia was surprised to find that they looked very similar to Gaius', even to the point of having the same color. Yet these same eyes also had an expression of curiosity.

"Are you by any chance Princess Celestia?" asked Avion. A smile formed on Princess Celestia's lips upon hearing Avion's polite inquiry.

"Why, yes I am," she replied politely.

"My name is Avion, and it is an honor to finally meet you, Your Highness." Avion briefly bowed his head reverently to the solar Princess.

"It is an honor to meet you as well, Avion."

"Thank you, Your Highness. Your bird has told me much about you on our long flight."

"Oh, has she now?" asked Celestia, glancing at Philomena for a moment.

"Indeed. Not only did Philomena describe you as a tall and beautiful white alicorn mare, but she has also mentioned that you are both powerful and a very wise and kindhearted ruler, one who deeply cares about your subjects. I admit that I found it hard to believe that alicorns, having both the wings of a pegasus and a unicorn's horn, actually exist and yet here I am speaking to one face-to-face."

He's not the only one to assume that, thought Princess Celestia to herself as she took another quick glance at Philomena.

"So what do you think of Philomena, Avion?" she asked.

"She is a very magnificent and graceful phoenix, Your Highness," replied Avion, who noticed Philomena blushing from his kind compliment. "She is also very dexterous and athletic with her amazing flying abilities. For I can promise you that it was quite difficult in trying to catch up with her while performing some of her complex maneuvers, especially since she is smaller and faster than I am." Princess Celestia giggled merrily for a moment, much to Avion's dismay.

"Yes, well she can be quite mischievous with others sometimes." She looked toward Philomena, who was covering her head with one wing. "Now go over and apologize to Avion, young lady!" The ashamed phoenix nodded to her master before she flew off her foreleg and hovered over to Avion, softly squawking at him apologetically.

"It is alright, Philomena," replied Avion in a forgiving tone. "Though I will admit that it was quite also exhilarating flying with you and I am very thankful for your help in leading me to Princess Celestia." Philomena's expression brightened as she heard Avion's encouraging words.

"So, Avion," said Princess Celestia, drawing his and Philomena's attention. "May I ask why you wanted to see me?"

"Because your phoenix has informed me that you, being a ruler of great wisdom, could possibly help me understand how I came to be in this land of Equestria. For I should be dead and living in the afterlife." Once again, the airborne Colossus found himself perplexed as he observed Princess Celestia chuckling lightheartedly for a moment.

"Oh, I apologize, Avion," said Celestia as she composed herself. "But you see, my sister, Princess Luna, and I recently encountered another who came to us in seeking the exact same thing."

"Really?" asked Avion curiously. "May I ask who that would be?" Princess Celestia's muzzled formed into another great smile.

"He is an old and dear friend of yours named Gaius." Within an instant, Avion had a shocked expression on his stoney face.

"You...you mean Gaius is here too? W-where is he?"

"He is currently in Canterlot, over there." While speaking, Princess Celestia rotated herself in the direction of Canterlot and looked down at where a certain observation platform was positioned miles from where she, Avion, and Philomena were hovering. She fixed one eye at the two birds who were now looking Canterlot's direction. "And right now, he, my sister, Princess Luna and several others are awaiting for our return."

"Can you please take me to them, Princess?" asked Avion eagerly.

"But of course, Avion," she replied with a smile. "Just follow me and we will be there shortly." With that, Princess Celestia flew down toward Canterlot with Philomena and Avion following right behind her.

Back on the observation platform, the small crowd of Canterlot citizens were murmuring with one another while looking out at the horizon. After Princess Celestia vanished in a flash of light, all of them became worried about where she'd gone. Thankfully, Princess Luna quickly assured them that her sister went over to speak with Avion and that she'll return shortly, which calmed them down a bit. A few minutes had passed since and the crowd had been waiting impatiently. The only ones who waited patiently were Gaius, the guards, and Princess Luna, who had been watching her sister speaking with Avion and Phliomena from afar through the telescope.

Suddenly, Princess Luna let out a loud gasp, prompting everypony nearby, including Gaius, to gaze at her.

"What is it, Princess?" asked one of the guards.

"They are coming back," she replied, levitating the telescope away from her face. "My sister is coming back here with Philomena and Avion."

The reactions from everypony gathered on the platform were mixed; for although the citizens and all of the guards felt relieved that Princess Celestia and her pet phoenix would be returning safe and sound, a few of them still felt nervous with meeting Avion, despite what what Gaius had previously said about him earlier. For Gaius, he felt quite joyful and exuberant with meeting Avion again, even though he didn't seem to show or express it. The giant knight noticed Princess Luna giving him a warm, hopeful smile before turning her attention to the guards.

"Guards," she said with a gentle but firm voice of authority. "Please ensure that the ponies gathered here remain calm and make sure to have a space cleared for my sister, her pet bird, and Avion."

"Yes, ma'mm," replied the guards simultaneously before they set about with their tasks.

"What shall I do, Princess Luna?" asked Gaius, prompting the dark blue alicorn to look back up at him. Princess Luna pondered that question for a moment until she eyed the giant knight's left arm, prompting her with an idea.

"Gaius," she said. "I would like for you extend your left arm out when Avion arrives." While speaking, the lunar Princess demonstrated this to Gaius by raising her left foreleg and bending it at an angle. Thus, Gaius raised his left arm out and flexed the lower portion of it at a ninety-degree angle just as Princess Luna had done.

"Will this be acceptable, Your Highness?"

"That's perfect, Gaius." Knowing that Luna sounded pleased, Gaius lowered his left arm down while she turned and walked over to Gaius' right. "Now all we can do is wait."

"As you wish, Princess."

Thus as Gaius and Princess Luna waited, the guards managed divert the crowd of citizens over to an area on the platform on Gaius' right side. After that, everypony had their eyes fixed toward the sky and on the gradually enlarging speck that was Avion, waiting not only for him, but for Princess Celestia and Philomena to arrive as well. Thankfully, they didn't have to wait very long. When the trio finally arrived, Princess Celestia and her pet bird landed next to Luna, both sisters embracing each other with their wings, while Avion, went straight for Gaius who at that moment raised his left arm at a bent angle.

"Hail, Gaius," proclaimed Avion happily as he perched himself on Gaius' left arm. "It is good to see you again."

"It is good to see you as well, Avion" replied Gaius jovially. The tall bipedal knight slowly rotated himself and flexed his arm out enough to give everypony on the platform a better view of Avion. “Everyone, I present unto you my good friend and fellow Colossus: Avion.”

“Greetings, little ponies," said Avion. "It is a pleasure to meet you” With the exception of the Princesses, everypony else beheld expressions of both amazement and nervousness with not just encountering Avion up close, but also with how he spoke in their language despite his animalistic form. Yet a moment after Avion introduced himself, Princess Luna flapped her wings and ascended until she was eye level with the large bird.

"Greetings, Avion," she said courteously. "I am Princess Luna, co-ruler of Equestria, and I humbly welcome you to Canterlot."

"Thank you, Your Highness," replied Avion, bowed his head respectfully. "It is also an honor to meet you. Philomena has told me much about you and your fair city of Canterlot." Princess Luna respond with a giggle.

"Oh, I'm sure that she has." For a moment, Avion diverted his eyes down at the smaller ponies, who still bore expressions of awe on their faces, before fixing them back at Princess Luna.

"If you will permit me, Princess, I would like to say something to the smaller ponies gathered here." Princess Luna took a quick glance down at said ponies behind her before giving Avion a smile of approval.

"Of course, Avion." The younger Equestrian co-ruler maneuvered over to the side while Avion looked down at the crowd of ponies.

"Little ponies, please hear me. On my way here, Princess Celestia has informed me that my presence may have frightened some of you and for that, I greatly apologize. I have no intention of ever bringing any harm to you in coming here for I only wish to speak with both of your Princesses peaceably." Though the citizens and guards were initially surprised by Avion's apology, they quickly relaxed themselves and smiled in knowing for certain that he is indeed quite peaceful as Gaius had promised them. Their attention shifted to Princess Celestia when she politely cleared her throat.

"Alright, everypony," she declared. "I would like all ponies who are not of the Royal Guard to please vacate the observation platform, for my sister and I wish to speak with Gaius and Avion privately. And make sure not to tell any pony about what you witnessed today." Without hesitation, the crowd of Canterlot citizens obeyed her and trotted away from the observation platform before dispersing in different directions and going about their daily business. After watching them leave, Avion focused his eyes down at Princess Celestia.

"Princess Celestia," he said, drawing her attention. "Could you please find me something else to perch upon?" Princess Celestia smiled and nodded in Avion's direction before she swiveled her head at Aerial Lookout.

"Aerial, I want you and two other pegasi guards to find a long strand of cumulus for Avion to perch on as quickly as you can."

"Yes , ma'mm," said Aerial Lookout, saluting the solar Princess before he and two pegasi guards swiftly ascended into the sky to find the requested cloud type while Princess Luna hovered down next to her sister.

"Princess Celestia," said Avion, drawing the solar ruler's attention again.

"Yes, Avion?" replied Celestia.

"What exactly is a cumulus?"

"A cumulus is a type of cloud, Avion, and here in Equestria, pegasi and other creatures capable of flight can easily stand or walk on clouds. I felt that a cumulus cloud would be perfect for you to perch on." While she spoke, Celestia watched as Avion's dumbfounded look in his eyes shifted to a mixture of both grateful and awkward ones.

"Um, thank you for that, Princess."

"You're most welcome, Avion."

A very short time later Aerial Lookout and his two escorts to return with an elongated cumulus cloud before carefully positioning it a few feet from the edge of the platform. Everypony on the platform watched as Avion dismounted from Gaius' left arm and flew out past the platform's rim. Once he was out far enough, Avion turned around and made his way back until he finally settled down on his cumulus perch with his stone talons. Most of the guards feared that Avion would have slipped through his perch, despite what Princess Celestia told him, but they were now relieved that he didn't. Even Gaius initially found the idea hard to believe, yet here was his companion and friend, Avion, perched on a cloud and at eye level with the former.

"Incredible," he said himself out loud.

"Alright, Avion," said Celestia politely. "Would you be so kind as to tell us where you found yourself in Equestria?"

"Of course, Your Highness," replied Avion happily as he watched Philomena dismount her master's back, fly up to Gaius, and perched herself upon his shoulder. After that, Avion began describing what happened when he first appeared in Equestria.

It happened yesterday morning when Avion awoke to find himself in the tender care of two pegasi, Skywatcher and his pregnant wife Feather Fancy, both of whom are famous ornithologists in Equestria. Furthermore, he also discovered that he had awoken near the couple's summer residence, located within a forested area several miles west of Canterlot. Avion confessed that upon awakening, he felt confused, not only because he should be dead, but that he no idea of where he was. He also admits that the couple, though initially surprised with his capability of speech, immediately came to realize that he'd need their help.

Skywatcher and his wife, while tending to Avion as best as they could, revealed to the giant bird that he wasn't dead, but he was present within the world Equestria. At this point, Avion began learning more about Equestria from the couple, including the fact that its sentient inhabitants consisted of a variety of ponies, which he found quite fascinating and surprising. Unfortunately, Avion found to his disappointment the couple had no idea how he came into Equestria. Thankfully, the couple also heartened Avion not to let that discourage him since there may be others within Equestria who could help find those kind of answers.

It was during this discussion that Skywatcher and Feather Fancy diagnosed that Avion was in good shape and asked if he could stay at their home for a while, an offer he gratefully accepted, since he had no other place to go for the moment.

While Skywatcher and Feather Fancy didn't learn very much about Avion himself (such as where he originally came from), the three of them quickly found common ground with each other when it came to the subject of birds. The couple admitted that they have never seen or even heard of any species of bird like Avion, especially not any made from both earth and stone, which they also found utterly fascinating. Feather even notes how Avion greatly resembles the phoenixes native to Equestria. Avion tells the pegasi couple of his past experiences of flying alongside eagles during his time in the Forbidden Lands. The young pegasi couple even shared with Avion what they have learned from the large variety of bird species they've seen and record over the years, how they have been enthralled and fascinated with birds since foalhood, and how that same passion eventually brought them together in holy matrimony. In turn, Avion joyfully divulges several aspects about what its like being a bird, including the sensation of flying like one and how it felt perching himself on two legs.

At one point during this long and cordial discussion, Avion discovered—much to the surprise of him, Skywatcher, and Feather Fancy—that he could easily communicate with birds and understand what they saying to each other. He even shared a brief conversation with a several of the birds native within the area at one point.

By the end of the day, Avion managed to become quite good friends with the two pegasi—friends who treated him with compassion and respect since first coming to Equestria.

Later that evening, the trio of friends were visited by Philomena, Celestia's pet phoenix, who—to their surprise—traveled all the way from Canterlot to speak with Avion. When Avion asks the phoenix why she wished to speak with him, Philomena informs him that last night she had a dream, showing him lost and confused in Equestria, along with hearing a voice telling her to head west to find him. When she woke up the next morning, Philomena had a newfound urge to find Avion and help him in any way possible. Thus, after leaving a note for Celestia, she departed from Canterlot and headed out west in order to find him. While Philomena had no idea where Avion would be, she felt like something was nudging her in his direction (Skywatcher assumed this to be part of Philomena's sixth sense).

Joyous over this prospect of Philomena's help, Avion immediately asks her if she could help him understand how he came to Equestria after he died. Although Philomena didn't know the answer to that, she tells Avion that her master, Princess Celestia, may be able to help him in that matter on account of her great wisdom. Thus, Philomena offers Avion to lead him over to Canterlot, where Princess Celestia resides.

Although Avion felt overjoyed at the prospect of going with Philomena to meet her master in Canterlot, he sadly knew that it would mean leaving the company of Skywatcher, Feather Fancy, and all the birds he befriended near their residence. Thankfully, the couple gently asked Avion not to worry and encouraged him to go with Philomena and find the answers he seeks. Feather Fancy even promised Avion that he is more than welcome to come back for a visit.

Touched by the couple's heartwarming words, Avion bid farewell to them, promising to return one day for another visit before he lifted himself into the air and followed Philomena east, which began their long flight to Canterlot.

"…After the sky went dark, Philomena and I stopped to give her some time to rest, for I did not want her to overexert herself during the flight. Since I usually do not need any sleep, I watched over her for a little while until she awoke and felt ready to continue. The rest of the flight went on very peacefully between the both of us when we finally reached your fair city of Canterlot today. And one thing I will never forget is how Skywatcher and Feather Fancy treated me with great hospitality and kindness."

Thus Avion finished his tale of what happened since he first appeared in Equestria. All the while, both Princesses, the guards, Philomena, and Gaius spent a very short duration of the afternoon listening to the giant bird's narration with great interest. Most of them were initially surprised with Avion appearing near Skywatcher and Feather Fancy's summer house, since it was located somewhere halfway between Canterlot and Vanhoover. Princess Celestia couldn't help but smile in hearing how Philomena, not only found Avion, but that she also led him back Canterlot knowing that her master could help him where she couldn't.

"That is quite a account you have given, Avion," said Princess Luna. "Still, it was most fortunate that you wound up in the care of Skywatcher and Feather Fancy."

"Indeed it is," replied Avion gratefully.

"Quite so," added Princess Celestia. "And to answer your earlier question, Avion, both my sister and I believe you may have gone through a complex form of transmigration." She went to briefly explaining to Avion the process of how transmigration worked just as her sister did with Gaius.

"Incredible," declared Avion dumbfoundedly. "I never imagined that such a thing was even possible."

"I know it sounds hard to believe," replied Princess Luna comfortingly. "But it is the only way you would have possibly turned up in Equestria after dying in your world." Avion let out solemn sigh before shifting his glance toward Gaius.

"Still, it warms my whole being knowing that I won't be the only Colossus here."

"Agreed," said Gaius happily, before briefly glancing at the Princesses. "Avion, some time ago before your arrival, the Princesses were about disclose an important decision they have made regarding a request I made."

Both Princesses' had terse shocked looks on their chiseled features when they realized and remembered what Gaius meant: their unanimous decision in allowing him to join the Canterlot Royal Guard. They quickly composed themselves into more formal expressions.

"He is quite correct, Avion," confirmed Princess Celestia.

"Very well, Your Highness," said Avion calmly. "Please proceed." It was at this moment, that Philomena dismounted from Gaius and perched right next to Avion. All the while both Princesses turned from Avion's direction and looked up at Gaius while the giant bird, Philomena, and the guards listened attentively.

"Gaius," began Princess Celestia. "Both my sister and I would be delighted to announce that we have decided, that after thinking it over, to let you join the ranks of Canterlot's Royal Guard under one condition: that you must first go through a test. One that will not only determine if you are worthy of becoming part of the Royal Guard, but also prove to others of your potential and desire to protect my subjects both within Canterlot and throughout all of Equestria."

There was a brief moment of silence throughout the platform as everypony present awaited Gaius' answer.

"Very well, Princess," he finally replied, nodding respectfully. "If joining the Royal Guard involves proceeding with a test, then I will not object to it. I also thank you most humbly for giving me a chance to join, Your Highesses." Both Princesses smiled at Gaius' humble reply.

"Gaurds," said Princess Luna. "Do any of you object with Gaius' intentions of joining your ranks?" All guards present smiled as they shook their heads. Although they initially felt nervous with the announcement of Gaius being allowing into their ranks, the guards present quickly remembered how impressed they felt in witnessing the giant biped calming down the ponies who felt frightened over Avion earlier along his expressed desire to protect other ponies. They also felt more comfortable with Gaius going through a test to become a Royal Guard, which is what both Princesses had been expecting.

"Excellent," said Princess Celestia happily looking up at Gaius. "Now Gaius, would you mind if we gave you a tour of the Royal Guard's barracks? I'm certain that the captain, Cobalt Shield, would be happy to meet you and help show you around the place."

"I would appreciate that, Your Highness," replied Gaius before looking at Avion. "Would you care to accompany us, old friend?"

"Of course, Gaius," answered Avion. "I would be delighted to come." The giant bird immediately observed a ash-colored trail of smoke swiftly approaching Princess Celestia before it condensed and materialized into a scroll of paper in front of her. The solar princess picked it up with her magic, opened it up, and began skimming through the written contents of it while Luna and the guards huddled close around her.

"A message from Twilight, sister?" asked Princess Luna.

"Indeed it is," replied the elder alicorn sister who had just finished skimming through it.

"Could you tell us what she wrote?"

"Of course." Princess Celestia loudly cleared her throat while everypony else, with ears open, prepared to listen.

"Dear Princess Celestia,

You won't believe what happened in Ponyville today. Earlier at noon, my friend, Fluttershy invited me, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash over to her cottage, where she introduced us to two new friends: Celosia and Cenobia, both of whom are brothers. But here's the thing: neither of them are ponies, but are creatures that greatly resemble large felines covered in ancient stone armor and with brilliant teal eyes. I admit that some of my friends and I felt nervous when Fluttershy first introduced them to us just because of their frightening appearances but we quickly warmed up to them after she told us about how the two brothers saved her life from a viscous wyvern who nearly ambushed her yesterday. All of us were quite thankful for their heroic actions. Adding to that, Celosia and Cenobia were quite friendly and polite with all of us.

We pretty much spent quite a bit of time with the two brothers and we learned a few things about them: both of them are quite young—around the same age as the Cutie Mark Crusaders—that they're not native to Equestria and are from somewhere different altogether, and they classify themselves as Colossi, two out of sixteen in existence. I found some of that information most perplexing, since firstly neither Celosia or his brother could not or would not even want to specify where they are from and only mentioned that they're from somewhere really far from Equestria called the Forbidden Lands. I decided not to question them any further on that topic because I presumed that it was a sensitive one for them. Secondly, when I returned to the library later, I skimmed through every single encyclopedia on shelf and couldn't even find a single trace of information on the term "Colossi." I'm seriously doubtful that there's even anything on record about the subject and I frankly find it utterly frustrating!

Yet, despite all the mystery surrounding them, my friends and I quickly came to genuinely liking and befriending Celosia and Cenobia during our short visit at Fluttershy's cottage. This interesting experience has made it abundantly clear that you can easily befriend, not just ponies, but non-ponies too. You're also more than welcome to come over for a visit in case you feel like personally meeting Celosia and Cenobia.

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle

P.S.: If you ever need anything, Spike and I will be at Sugarcube Corner attending a party that Pinkie Pie's called the "Welcome-To-Ponyville-Celosia-and-Cenobia/Thank-You-For-Saving-Our-Friend-Fluttershy Party", which the two brothers are also attending since they're the guests of honor."

After Princess Celestia finished reading the letter, there was a brief moment of silence throughout the observation platform. For Gaius and Avion, they felt surprised, overjoyed, and relieved in hearing that two more of their kind had mysteriously appeared in Equestria. Similarly, the Princesses and the guards reacted to this new information with astonishment since none of them expected to hear about. But those feelings shifted to a more pleasant tone when they smiled in remembering an important detail in Twilight's letter: that Celosia and Cenobia rescued and saved a Fluttershy—a pony well-liked by the Princesses—yesterday from a wyvern, which they all knew were quickly deadly to any ponies who encountered them. Even Philomena, who remembered Fluttershy from before, was deeply touched by this news.

"What shall we do now, Tia?" asked Princess Luna softly. Princess Celestia smiled as she slowly rolled up her faithful student's letter back with her magic.

"It looks like we'll have make some slight alterations for today," she replied with a whisper. She looked over to Philomena, who had herself against Avion's side at this point. "Philomena, would you please come here?" Squawking affirmatively, Philomena flew over to Celestia and perched upon on outstretched foreleg. The solar Princess rotated her eyes on Aerial Lookout. "Aerial Lookout, I would like for you and two other pegasi to escort Avion to the Royal Guards barracks please."

"Yes, ma'mm," replied Aerial before he and two other pegasi flew over the bird-like Colossus. "Are you ready, Avion?"

"Of course," replied Avion, who dismounted from his cloudy perch and followed his pegasi escorts as they lead him to their barracks within Canterlot. Princess Celestia shifted her focus to her younger sister.

"Luna, could you please teleport Gaius and the other guards to the barracks for me?" she asked.

"Of course," replied Princess Luna. "But where are you going?"

"Over to my personal chambers, not only to drop off Philomena and to also write a response to Twilight. But rest assured that I will be joining you shortly when I'm done. Until then, I will see you there." With that Celestia, Philomena and the telescope vanished in a flash of light. Princess Luna quickly composed herself and cleared her throat.

"Alright, is everypony ready?" Gaius and the guards nodded before they huddled close the younger co-ruler while she charged her horn with strong magic. Within an instant, an enormous burst of light engulfed them before it vanished, leaving the observation platform utterly vacant.

Author's Note:

That's right, in this story, the Colossi do have stone eye-lids to give them.

I also apologize in disappointing some of you in finding that I portrayed Avion as a male. But part of the reason for doing so was to make it possible to hint Philomena, Celestia's pet bird, having strong, romantic feelings for him. Thus, I felt it would be impractical to portray Avion as a female (in fact, I don't see him in that light).

I also hope that none of you aren't disturbed with the length of Avion's explanation, for I meant for it to a short narration but it grew more than I had originally planned it to be.

I also apologize for the long wait, for I ran into several snags while writing this chapter.

I'd like to also thank bluecatcinema, another author on FimFiction, for helping me name Skywatcher and Feather Fancy in this chapter.

EDIT: I made a few changes to this chapter, such as giving Gaius a few more lines of dialogue.