• Published 14th Apr 2015
  • 1,157 Views, 11 Comments

Machina - Gordon Freeman_1

A awful accident has resulted in Twilight being mutilated from head to hind hooves. However, could she possible be saved?

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Chapter V: Celestia's Sympathy

“Are you going to take me there?” Twilight said following closely behind Starlight.

“No Twilight, you’re going to fly yourself there!” Starlight said turning around.

“What? Are you coming with me? Besides, I don’t know how to fly with this suit yet,” Twilight said looking down at herself and at her staff which was still mounted on her back.

“Twilight, I have many patients too look over here at Canterlot Memorial Hospital. I would love to come with you, but I can’t! Too busy!” Starlight said with a slight frown as she continued to walk towards the entrance of the hospital. “Besides, flying isn’t as hard as you think! You just have to set your mind towards it.”

Twilight stopped in her tracks. “Are you absolutely sure about this Starlight?”

Starlight stopped and turned around. “Yes Twilight Sparkle I’m sure. I helped develop this suit, well kind of.” Starlight started to become unsure of herself. “The point is, you can do it, I promise! Just try to put your mind towards it!”

Twilight took what Starlight said and closed her eyes. She thought about flying, how majestic it was to soar through the air. Her eyes reopened and they were white as heavenly lights. She started to lift up into the air with her top two hooves pointing towards the air.

“Now you’re getting it Twilight!” Starlight said cheering her on. “Now go! Go tell Celestia you’re okay. And if you need any help whatsoever, come and find me! I’ll most likely be here at the hospital!”

A tear ran down Twilight’s eyes. “Thank you Starlight for saving my life. I never knew you had goodness inside you.”

“We all have goodness inside all of us Twilight, we all do.”

Twilight nodded and took off towards the stars. Starlight watched her as she quickly faded from sight. “I’m surprised that actually worked, none of us thought Project Machina would be a success!” Starlight said out loud as she walked back into the hospital.

Twilight flew high in the air so nopony on the ground could see her, the last thing she wanted to happen was for somepony to question why she’s a robot now. It was still late at night so not many pegasi were out flying during this time of day.

Canterlot Castle wasn’t too far from where Twilight was. Her eyes still beamed white light as she continued to soar through the air. She could feel the diamonds in all parts of her body start to glow as they gave power to her so she could fly through the air.

Twilight touched down on the balcony right outside of Celestia’s room and her eyes returned to normal. She contemplated in her head on what to say when she was going to go meet Celestia. It was a tough battle for the robotic mare being that she was unsure about how Celestia would react.

“I have to be strong!” Twilight thought to herself. The only way to conquer this next obstacle was to be optimistic, which was something Twilight wasn’t too great at.

“You got this Twilight, you got this!” Twilight continued to fight with herself inside of her mind on what to say. She looked down at her upper hooves and down at her lover hooves.

“Should I walk on all four hooves? Nah, I want her to see me at my full potential with this new body,” Twilight thought as she inspected herself again.

After coming to a final consciences, she pulled out her staff and walked down the hallway. Celestia’s room wasn’t too far from the balcony that Twilight was on so she didn’t have to worry about running into any night guards.

After approaching her door, Twilight raised a hoof to knock, but lowered it. Going back into her thoughts, she thought about what she was going to say once she walked in.

Twilight took a deep breath and pushed opened the door. When she walked in, the room was as dark to the point where you couldn’t see one foot in front of you. Twilight raised her staff to produce a light that instantly illuminated the room.

“Huh, wha-?” Celestia groaned as she tried to shield herself from the light. Eventually after getting annoyed with it, she perked her head up to see who it was.

Twilight lowered the staff and dimmed the light to where only her face was visible. Celestia was able to regain her bearings and notice her.

“Twilight!” Celestia said getting out of bed and flicking on a light switch. Celestia almost fell backwards when she saw Twilight.

“Twilight, you’re, you’re alive?” Celestia was inspecting Twilight’s body.

“Alive and kicking Celestia!” Twilight said putting away her staff. “Now this is me, an almost completely robotic mare.”

Rubbing her eyes, Celestia made eye contact with Twilight. “Starlight told me about Project BX2, however she never told me you were the candidate.”

Twilight started to walk around the room. Celestia couldn’t bare the fact that Twilight was walking on only two hooves. “Well I am Celestia, and thanks to it I’m alive and kicking. Do you not like it?” Twilight said stopping and turning towards her former mentor.

Celestia nodded and walked up to Twilight. “Of course I am, I just thought it wouldn’t work. When Starlight told me about Project BX2, I thought she was crazy. But seeing how it actually worked, I may give her a reward.”

Twilight smiled. “I’m glad you don’t think any less of me Celestia.”

“Of course I wouldn’t Twilight. So how is the suit treating you so far?”

“I see it two ways: As a reminder that I’m alive and more powerful than almost anything, however a reminder that I’ll never have my old body back,” Twilight looked down and closed her eyes.

“Think about this Twilight,” Celestia said lifting up Twilight’s chin. “You’re unique now, you’re powerful! You’re a figure to everypony saying ‘hey, I survived a massive bombing’! It’s nothing to be ashamed of Twilight, I don’t think any less of you, and neither will Luna, Candence, your family.”

Twilight froze at family. “My brother, my parents, will I have to inform them of what happened to me?”

“I’ll arrange a meeting so you can speak with them. How about tomorrow since it’s late out?”

“Sure, that’ll be nice,” Twilight said smiling. “So tomorrow I get to speak with my parents and brother?”

“Yes Twilight, and I’ll make sure that your wonderful personality is one-hundred percent unchanged!”