• Published 14th Dec 2015
  • 482 Views, 6 Comments

Memory in the crystal - ShadowStorm7

ThunderSword has a crush on a mare named Aqua Night, but what will she think of him when he tells her whom he's related too?

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Internal Struggles


I saw the door to the hotel close, I start heading back to the Crystal Castle knowing that if I tell my parents about the cute mare I met they will ask him a ton of questions. Well, at least it's not Aunt Twilight that is asking me the questions or I would be in the Castle for hours upon hours, a small smile was beginning to make it's way on my face. As I walk I can't stop thinking of Aqua Night and how she treats me. I mean, all my life I had been bombarded with questions about what it was like to be a Prince and how my life was, and what it was like to live in a castle but to me I don't want to be giving answers to stupid questions like that, for me it feels good being treated like any other colt, and Aqua's cute smile and her soft voice. That's what made me warm and tingly inside. I shake my head trying to stay focused, all my life, mares have been trying to get close with me, only because I'm royalty but yet this mare... this mare seemed special. I continued to ponder more, it seemed as if the more I walked the more I began to wonder if she would go for a stallion like myself if I told her who I am related to, but I knew that will make it more complicated so I will keep the fact i'm a Prince a secret I want her to like me for who I am and not whom I'm related to. I come to the entrance of the castle, I shake off the events of the day and enter my home sweet home, I walk up to the kitchen and there is a note taped to the fridge from his Mom and Dad. He scans the note and reads "Gone to check in on your Guards, will be back in time for dinner. Love Mom and Dad" Thunder sighs and realizes he's home alone. So for a change he goes out and plays in the sun and for once doesn't worry about training, he smiles to himself and wonders what Aqua Night is doing.

Aqua Night

I look around my room and exhale sharply. I never have been the type to feel romantic or cute. Heck, when I was younger I would throw a fit if I had to wear a dress. And it's not like this is the first stallion I've met, I've met lots of them in my life, but none like ThunderSword. Yes, maybe she had a relationship with them but none of them lasting more than a month, and nothing serious moreover, no kissing, or anything, just talking, but then why do I feel so different around ThunderSword? She questioned herself. He made me tingle all around and made me feel special. I am not the type of mare to get girly on you but heck I ama mare so I have a valid excuse on this.

"I need to get ThunderSword out of my head" If I didn't bad things could happen, I knew that for sure. The only thing was I don't really know how to get him out of my head. Tomorrow, he's going to give me a tour too! Which I do appreciate but that isn't going to help me get him out of my head.

I came here for one purpose and one purpose only, Work. Yeah, it's a bummer but as a professional photographer I had a job to do. And she was determined not to let some cute stallion with dreamy eyes get in the way. There you go again Aqua Night. I thought to myself. I really need to go home, but I have a job to do.

"Let me see, if I can just get a little more photography in before bedtime, I'll be golden!" I really don't want ThunderSword to notice me, but who knows maybe he went home. Hopefully. I sprang to my hooves and galloped around the room, gathering my fedora, camera, and sunglasses. Since it's getting dark it maybe less likely that anypony will notice me. I just need to get a little bit of photography in.

I put on my fedora and hung my camera around my neck. I took a deep breath and opened the door. I peeked outside and looked both ways only to see normal crystal ponies, but no ThunderSword.

I walked to the Crystal Castle , I took a few more pictures in a different lighting of the castle and they were pretty good. I saw a silhouette of a unicorn walking inside the Crystal Castle, in the dim lighting I couldn't really make out his face but he saw me and waved. I quickly ran behind a crystal house.

I decided that was enough photography for one day and decided to go back to my hotel. I was tired. As I walked back to my hotel I tried to think who that could've been waving to me from inside the Crystal Castle? I was too tired to put a hoof on it. I came to the hotel and reached my floor. I got into bed but I just couldn't fall asleep. I tossed and turned all night trying to put the pieces together. I tried to put my mind on other things too, but this... this just didn't add up. I tried to fall asleep but every time I did start to doze off my mind started to wonder. WHO was that just randomly waving?