• Published 9th Apr 2015
  • 235 Views, 0 Comments

Written to Tears - Kittyluvr

The story features an Equestrian fanfiction writer. Shenanigans ensue.

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Chapter 6, Discussing CatAstrophe.

Novel levitated up another magazine and put it on the pile. It was quickly followed by one which Applejack placed. There was something mildly satisfying about working with his idols, even if it was only for minor tasks. His one worry was that one of them would notice him, so he tried to blend in with the few other ponies who had stayed to help.

As the gathered ponies collected the last of the magazines he walked over to Corncake, who had done a large amount of the cleaning. She turned and asked him “What do you think caused this?”

“I’m not sure, but I would guess that the top shelf wasn’t quite sturdy enough. It fell onto the lower one causing a chain reaction. The vibrations then weakened the other shelves. That’s just my guess based on what I saw though.” Novel replied.

“That makes sense. Still strange they fell now though.”

“Good point… I don’t have any other ideas though.”

Novel sighed.

“What’s wrong?”

“I was just thinking about Cloudy. I hope he’s safe.”

“Maybe you should put out fliers so that anypony who finds him knows what to do.”

“I suppose I’ll do that… I just hope he’s safe”

Novel was interrupted by the town’s six visitors walking toward the two of them. He overheard a bit of their discussion as they approached. Twilight was saying “It’s has been strangely eventful this week, hasn’t it? I just hope we don’t get caught in another mess.”

Corncake turned to the approaching posse. She thanked them, saying “I wanted to thank you all for helping me to pick up that mess. I’m sorry it interrupted your meal.”

Applejack responded, “Nah, it’s alright sugarcube. We’re happy to help. Besides, we’d already finished. We just need to pay.”

“Well, actually, the boss said that those who stayed and helped would get a voucher for a free meal up to twenty bits each, so you’re covered.”

“Oh… Thanks! That’s cool.” exclaimed Rainbow.

Novel slipped away from the conversation before the other ponies noticed him.


Twilight noticed the male pony slink away, but before she could say anything, she was interrupted by the waitress in front of her, who had introduced herself as a Corncake. “Hey, you’re ‘The Princess of Friendship’, right?”

“Yeah, though that’s kind of an awkward title. Just ‘Twilight’ is fine.”

“Can I have your advice?”

"Of course. I always try to help.

“I have this friend. He’s kinda awkward, but he’s been really worried lately. You see it’s his cat. This grey tabby? He escaped, and my friend has been really worried about him. He usually never gets outside alone. I wish I could help, but I don’t know what to do. I basically just told him to make fliers, but I doubt that will be enough. I can see it’s really getting to him.”

“I’m not really sure what to tell you besides just to help him look or make fliers and… wait, what type of cat?”

“Huh? Oh! A grey tabby.”

“Oh…” Twilight cast a sidelong look at Fluttershy.

“What? Wait, have you found him!?”

“You could say that…”

Fluttershy spoke up to stop the awkward silence. “Our train hit a grey tabby on the way. He wasn’t seriously hurt beyond a few broken bones. He’ll live.”

“Really? What was the name on the collar? Was it Cloudy? I can’t wait to tell my friend!”

Twilight looked pensive. “We don’t know. The collar was pretty badly damaged. I’d be careful telling your friend. What if it isn’t Cloudy? We don’t want to get his hopes up. I’m not saying don’t tell him, just be sure not to get him excited. That’s all.”

“Also, he’ll need to stay with me for the next couple days to allow his bones to heal.” added Fluttershy.

“Ok. I hope it is Cloudy. At least then we know where he is.” Corncake sighed.

Before the others could reply a voice came from inside the cafe. “Corncake! You need to get back to work. You were late this morning and we need to make up for lost time and money! Hurry!”

Corncake hurried inside. “Ok. Ok. I’m Coming!”

Twilight turned to the other five. “I think that stallion who was talking to Corncake before we walked up was the friend in question. Even if he was I never saw his face, did you?”

Nope.” They all responded in varying degrees of unison.

“Oh, that reminds me,” said Fluttershy urgently, “we should be getting back to the train. I need to check on the cat. That also allows me to see if he responds to the name ‘Cloudy.’”

The six ponies trotted off towards the train station, their hooves billowing up dust in a large but light cloud.

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