• Published 9th Apr 2015
  • 2,585 Views, 40 Comments

Octavia Is Getting Sick of All This Semen - Miss Marionette

Semen. It's damn everywhere. Octavia is getting sick of it.

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Comments ( 40 )

I agree with Octavia, Vinyl, and Luna... This needs to stop NOW:flutterrage:... That is, if you would agree...Please agree with me. :fluttercry:

Yay, another semenfic to add to the pool.

OK, it exists now...

The Semenverse!

I looked at the title. I thought the entire story could be summed up by rewriting the title as Octavia is The Author and the Rest of Fimfiction Are Getting Sick of All This Semen. I thought it would be nothing more than a blatant metafic.

But what I found inside... Well, it's still slightly meta. But it's much more than that. Octavia has a fucking good point. Nobody should have to suffer through that kind of existence, especially after what Celestia did. First, Twilight hit Rainbow. Then, Rainbow hit Twilight. Then, Pinkie hit Twilight. The thing about those three is that even though it was super gross, it stayed between the three of them. That was okay.

But when all of Ponyville suffers, or Canterlot, that's where you really have to say, "No! Stop!"

Octy and the other innocents have every right to be pissed off. I would say, without having your author's note, that someone needs to do something. But instead of continuing on yourself, you've basically left the door wide open for someone else to do it in your stead.

Now I'm entirely unsure whether you, as an author, actually hate this new... Trend... Or want it to continue. Hmmm.

Oh, and for the record? This is actually competently written. For that, and for being much deeper than I originally thought it would be, have a fave. Unlike the others, this one isn't entire what you think it is.

Majin Syeekoh

I can dig it.:twilightsmile:

I guess it's official now. We're not only inspiring sequels, but reaction sequels at that.
... I am so going to fic hell for this, aren't I?
edit: cool story, bro. Nice subversion. I agree with this guy 5844053

Fic hell is a cold place, buddy. But at least we'll keep each other warm.

5844123 5844168 *rubs Hooves together Diabolically* :trollestia: Alll according to plaann. MUWAHAHAHAHAHAH!!

Perhaps... The true prank of my contribution has not yet been made light!

Smoker #9 · Apr 9th, 2015 · · 2 ·

Well I agree. .. I'm getting sick of all these semen stories.

Too short, couldn't bring myself to orgasm. My room does not smell of semen.

So in a way... Good job?

Responding to the jizz stories with TaviScratch? It's like a truckload of shit crashing into a freight train full of dead bodies.

5844724 We thank you for your contribution!

You could have at least proofread it for errors before posting.

God I can imagine the Major overlooking the semen bombed, Ponyville. Conducting it, the battle is his symphony and they are his instruments, great howling, semen covered instruments. How can anything stand against him?

5845581 do you mean the 'major' from hellsing?

5845980 ah, just making sure :D

I love 'Voar' too!

5845547 It's a story about a town covered in semen.

Proof reading is at the bottom of my list.

5846052 XD maybe we can get girlycard to use the "love beam" on a few people and end this semen nightmare.

I would have called it "The Semen Stories". It isn't really a whole universe, and that way the group could include other stories with a similar theme that don't purport to be part of the same canon.

5846202 If they're not part of the same series, they don't belong in the group.

I don't see the series having the longevity to make a group worth it. I'd be surprised if it reached 10 stories or for any new stories to come out more than a week from now.

5846068 But..But... We can't comprehend his sexual preference!

We're always open to new contributors!:pinkiehappy:



:pinkiecrazy: 'I' can! MUWAHAHAHHAHAH!


I'm not sure anyone saw this series getting ONE sequel, let alone a series of them. All bets are off the table now for how far down this rabbit hole we will fall.


Just salty enough to add to a pool of jizz.


If it's not a whole universe of semen yet, it will be.

When the quantum foam has transitioned into seminal foam, THEN you have my permission to stop reading! No brakes on the nut train!

Is this a group yet? Why isn't it a group yet. The Semen Prank Group?

5847028 Hellsing has conquered the comment section!

I'm getting sick as well, please make it stop.

It's everywhere! It's in my racoon wounds!

It's also most excellent.

Then stop reading them. It's like getting annoyed with the idiot-commenters on Youtube: Ya don't want to see it? Don't look at the comments.

This entire series was ridiculous
and i want a continuation, sad nobody doing good one, actually

I'm pretty sure this is the only one other than the trollfic that I haven't read yet. I wonder if th eoriginal author would approve me writing 'Spike helps Luna re-paint the moon white'.
Welp, let's on with this.

Honestly, I like those two ponies from the last story would be overjoyed to have an opportunity to "play" in all that white gooey spoo. :pinkiehappy:

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