• Published 12th Apr 2015
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Principal of Equestria - MareDoVVell

Why is Celestia laying on the floor in Twilight's library? Why does she seem so confused? Why does she look different? WHY IS THE PORTAL MIRROR STILL ON?

  • ...

19: Fear and Loving in Las Pegasus

"Princess Cadance please! You can't tell anypony about this yet! I'm just not ready!"

Cadance resisted the urge to scratch her head in confusion as she watched the purple pony groveling before her. She cast a quick glance to the other pony in the room, noticing she looked rather annoyed, but understanding as she gently patted the shivering form next to her. Quite frankly the whole slightly pathetic display sucked all the righteous fury right out of her as she heaved a long sigh.

"Starlight it's fine. You shouldn't hide your love, it's something to cherish and be proud of, but for now I'll still keep your secret until you are ready." Cadance lectured, while taking up a much softer expression. "Especially since this is months ahead of schedule..." she added under her breath, trying not to grit her teeth.

Starlight Glimmer simply nodded, sniffling a bit as she sat back upright and shuffled up closer to Trixie.

"Now more importantly, why are you two down in the dungeons? And why is Spike with you?"

Starlight winced, scrambling for a moment. "Uuuuh....privacy? No one ever comes down here so we figured it'd be a good spot, and Spike's here for, um, moral support!"

Cadance looked from the strangely nervous unicorn over to Spike, who crossed his arms with a frown. "Mares are weird."

"You don't know the half of it kid." echoed Shining Armor's voice from the open trap door overhead.

Cadance rolled her eyes, choosing to ignore that remark. "Look, we can all discuss this more later, for now, have any of you seen Twilight? It's urgent that I find her."

Starlight put a hoof to her chin in thought. "Hmmm, I think I heard her muttering something about Las Pegasus this morning? Something about eloping, I'm not really sure, I wasn't really paying attention."

"WHAT!?" Cadance practically screamed, curls of hair springing erratically from her mane. She looked up through the trap door to see Shining with his eyes wide and jaw hanging open. "We need to go, but mark my words, I will be back to talk about this with you two." she added in an eerily calm voice before spreading her wings and rocketing up through the trap door, grabbing her husband as she passed the front door.

Waiting a few moments to ensure the coast was clear, Starlight heaved a long suffering sigh. "That was too close..." she grumbled as her horn lit up and roaring purple flames washed over both herself and Trixie.

"Elopement Twi, really?" Sunset asked with a teasing chuckle. "I love ya but technically we've only been on one date."

"Desperate times call for desperate measures." Twilight grumbled as she stretched her wings, sore from clamping them as close to her sides as she could in order to maintain the illusion.

"How'd you learn to do that anyways?" Sunset asked curiously, still rather impressed by Twilight's magical ruse.

"I spent some time studying changeling magic after my brother's wedding, I figured if I could reproduce it, I might find a reliable countermeasure." Twilight explained with a shrug. "Didn't work out as well as I had hoped but at least it's come in handy."

"Oh we are so having some fun with that later." Sunset said with a devious grin. "Anyways, that should get her off our trail for a bit. Even at the speed of a crazed Alicorn, Las Pegasus should still be a few hours flight from here if my memory of Equestrian geography serves. What do we do now?"

Twilight frowned, trying to sort out a plan. "I'm not really sure, I guess we should head to Canterlot, I'm sure the Princess has a plan for this kind of thing."

Sunset frowned, crinkling her snout. "Ugh, she just forgave me and now I have to tell her that I'm banging her prized student?"

Twilight's muzzle reddened at that, though she couldn't help but giggle a bit. "Judging by her warning letter, I think she already knows...somehow. Either way we'd have to tell her eventually, might as well get it over with right? Ready?" she asked, extending a wing around Sunset as her horn again began to glow.

Sunset nodded, cuddling herself up against Twilight as the magic surrounded them just before they disappeared with a flash and a crack.

Spike let out an angry huff. "Not even a thank you... No that's fine, I'll just sit here in the dungeons, which I don't even know the way out of, it's totally cool."


The doors to the throne room creaked open, allowing Twilight and Sunset to trot down the long chamber towards the white figure seated atop a large golden throne. Immediately Twilight noticed something wasn't quite right, and she grew increasingly uneasy as she noticed the conspicuously empty silver throne next to her mentor's.

"Uh...Princess?" She called as they grew closer, squinting her eyes to get a better look at the lopsided figure in the throne.

After a few more moments they got close enough to actually see the problem.

"Pri...Celestia?" Twilight's eyes widened as she realized just who was sitting before her.

Slumped from the weight of a comically over-sized golden peytral and a crown that was far too large sat Celestia, struggling to stay seated upright.

"Hi girls." she muttered sullenly.

"Wh-what's going on? Why are you on the Princess's throne?" Twilight asked anxiously. This was not at all what she had hoped for when she came to Canterlot for asylum from her sister-in-law.

"I'm the decoy, I guess." Celestia answered grumpily. Being press-ganged into court intrigue hadn't exactly been high on her list of to-do's when she had woken up that morning. She hadn't even gotten her royal breakfast.

"Um...ok...where's the Princess?" Sunset asked, casting her eyes around the otherwise empty throne room.

Celestia simply pointed behind herself with a hoof.

Following the gesture, Twilight noticed a familiar rainbow tail drifting out from just behind the massive throne. She circled around it with Sunset following close behind, not fully prepared for what she found behind it.

Princess Celestia and Chrysalis were coiled tightly together in a small(for their sizes) ball, huddled against the back of the chair, quivering in fear with their eyes slammed shut and hooves over their ears. Luna had adopted a similar position behind her own throne.

Sunset cast a nervous look at Twilight. "Uh, how about I let you deal with these two while I go check on Luna."

Twilight nodded blankly as her marefriend walked a few feet away to talk with the younger princess. Twilight could never remember a time when Princess Celestia had shown any sort of real fear, and seeing it now left her rather unnerved. Not to mention finding her terror cuddling with Queen Chrysalis was an interesting development all on it's own.

"Um, Princess?" Twilight asked meekly, prodding at one of her shoulders to try and get her attention.

Slowly, Princess Celestia cracked open one eye, expecting to be faced with her imminent doom. When instead she found the worry creased face of her beloved student, every muscle in her body seemed to simultaneously un-clench with relief. "Oh thank the stars it's you Twilight." she breathed as she began to extricate herself from Chrysalis, who eventually also opened an eye and realized she'd get to live for at least a few more minutes. "When we heard the teleport spell, we assumed Cadance was here."

"Eh heh...I take it she's not too pleased with you either?" Twilight asked awkwardly, already deducing she and Sunset weren't the only ones to suddenly find romance.

"I should have seen this coming," Princess Celestia admitted with a sigh as she stepped back around the throne and levitated her various adornments off of her would-be impersonator, who promptly collapsed off the chair with a tired groan. "but in my defense, Cadance should really be more on top of this sort of thing, I mean that restaurant was practically glowing with love energy thanks to you and Sunset."

Twilight leveled an accusatory stare at the Princess. "Do I even want to know how you know anything about that?"

Princess Celestia responded with a sheepish but not at all remorseful grin. "We can discuss it later, but suffice it to say I like to keep tabs on my favorite students." she admitted, using a wing to playfully ruffle Twilight's mane.

Twilight was about to respond, not at all mollified by her teacher's reassurances, when she was interrupted by the throne room doors slamming open as a panicked pegasus guard swept into the hall.

"Your majesties! We've received reports of a terrifying pink monster attacking every chapel in Las Pegasus!"

Twilight's mouth snapped shut as Princess Celestia gave her a rueful look.

"Twilight, why is Cadance all the way out in Las Pegasus?"

"I, uh, may have panicked while I tried to throw her off the trail..."

"This can't possibly end well." Princess Celestia muttered as she massaged her brow before looking to the increasingly confused guard. "Send a contingent and find Captain Shining Armor, he should be somewhere in the city, probably either hiding or shouting reassurances at the monster, just do whatever he asks, also have them bring as much chocolate and roses as they can carry."

The guard nodded dutifully and flew back out of the room, trying not to think too hard about the bizarre orders he was about to relay to his superiors.

"The repair costs are coming out of your own royal coffers this time." Princess Celestia said with a sigh as she looked back to Twilight.

"Fiiiiiine." Twilight groaned, already lamenting the number of books she'd have to delay purchase of for the "public" library in her castle.

"So what do we do now Princess?" Sunset piped in as she approached the two, a still skittish Luna and still exhausted Celestia in tow.

Chrysalis in the mean time had managed to sneak up and under one of Princess Celestia's wings, nestling herself between the soft fur and feathers while trying not to think about how her former nemesis would have her executed for seeking royal booty without written permission.

"I'm not sure my little pony." Princess Celestia admitted with a sad sigh. "We might just have to pony up and deal with Cadance once she finally arrives...hopefully she'll have had time to calm down some by then..."

"Can someone at least explain to me who this Cadance is." Celestia interjected, starting to feel tired of being out of the loop. "Is she another weird magical villain or something?"

"Quite the opposite I'm afraid." Luna answered weakly. "Mi Amore Cadenza is the ruler of the Crystal Empire, and the Princess of Love. Not to mention adoptive niece to my sister and I, and Twilight's sister-in-law."

This time it was Celestia who took on a look of concetrated fear as she stared wide eyed at Luna. "D-did you say Mi Amore Cadenza?"

The rest of the group nodded in unison.

"Oh fuck!"


It was a beautiful day in Las Pegasus, as friends and family all clustered together in a small chapel in the center of the city. Broad smiles and a few hints of tears graced the muzzles of onlookers as the bride and groom took the stage, and a weathered looking pony in white clergy robes stepped up in front of the pair.

Clearing his voice a few times, the clergy pony lifted his nose in the air and began the ceremony.


Mawage is wot bwings us togeder tooday.

Mawage, that bwessed awangment, that dweam wifin a dweam…"

Suddenly, he stopped in his pontification, his eyes going wide, as the room seemed to collectively be on the edge of a gasp.

After another moment, he turned his head into a hoofkerchief and sneezed.

"I'm so sorry about that, I'm recovering from a bit of a cold." He apologized in a much more serious voice. "Now where was I, ah yes!

...and love!

True love!

Will follow you forever!"

The ceremony was interrupted yet again, this time by a sharp crack, as the chapel doors were blown off their hinges, revealing a pair of burning purple eyes, gleaming through the shadows of the entryway.

An usher pony took a hesitant step toward the menacing figure, swallowing hard. "T-t-this is a private ceremony ma'am...p-please wait until the reception..."

A low growl echoed through the chapel in response.


"Uh...who?" The usher asked nervously, now taking a few steps back.

A furious wind seemed to whip up from the shrouded figure and burst into the room, causing more than a few wedding guests to scream and hide among the pews.


Author's Note:

So first of all, props to AdverseFlower95 for almost calling the opening twist to this chapter

Second of all, I got laid-off recently yay...:applejackunsure:, so I might actually get the chance to hammer out a few updates in quick succession, but hopefully instead I'll get hired in the next couple weeks...who knows heheh :facehoof: