• Published 12th Apr 2015
  • 457 Views, 5 Comments

Tirek's 5 Quests - Short Stories 2

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7: A Pool of Lava [Rainbow's POV]

Flava sat on top of the block she was on, making us both crane our necks to see her. I didn't feel right drinking the Healing Potion just yet, so I stashed it in my saddlebag before she noticed.

She began to tell us on how she met a ghast who spit water orbs instead of fire balls. His name was Fen, and they had become best friends. Unfortunately, Fen started to act stranger and stranger around her until he eventually never showed up at their meeting spot. Flava had waited for five long hours every day for a week until she had finally given up hope in Fen. She'd never seen him again.

"That's why I don't know where he is." She sighed, "but our meeting spot is close, and he might be there, if we're lucky."

I scoffed at her words, feeling she was being to optimistic. "'Lucky'?" I ask mockingly, "Lucky?! Really? 'Lucky' could get us killed, Flava. 'Lucky could mean we'd never be able to go home again!"

"Ah think yer using the word 'lucky' all wrong." Applejack said, "just hope fer the best, Rainbow. You an I have faced Tirek before, ya know. Ah'm pretty sure we can beat him again."

I was shocked at Applejack; I could not believe she was hoping for the best. That sounded wrong...I sigh, knowing, in a way, she's right. I bow my head and let her have this one. It was like she couldn't see the seriousness of the whole situation we were in. "Lead the way, Flava." Applejack said cheerfully, "long it don't take more than three hours, we're right behind ya."

Flava grinned and hopped onto Applejack's hat. "Turn around and walk forward until you reach the soul sand spot, then turn left."

"What soul sand spot?" I ask, following Applejack who had already started walking.

"Turn left." I look down and see we're on soul sand. I look back to where we were and see we're not even half a foot away. Rolling my eyes, I turn left.

"It should be up ahead...." Flava mumbled, "I can't...oh! There it is! Right past that lake of lava." She smiled and jumped off of Applejack's hat, onto her nose, the on the ground, where she ran towards the lake and cannon balled in. Applejack and I took a couple of steps back; not wanting the molten hot lava to touch our fur or skin.

Flava gave us a curious look then face-hoofed herself. "Right." She said, "your not fire proof." She sighed and reached into her pocket, flinging out two orange bottles a moment later. "Fire resistance. Once you drink, you won't burn up." She smiled and dove under the lava. She popped up again immediately. "Drink away!" She added.

We both grabbed the bottle from the nether rack it was resting upon and drank half of it. "I have tons of Fire Resistance. Just drink it all." She insisted, so we did; we drank every last drop and dove in. The lava felt like warm water; like the hot tub at the sauna. I laughed and was ready to scoop some up and spit it out, when Flava warned me against it. We all started to swim over to their meeting spot after a good minute.

"Land! Land! LAND!" Applejack started to scream. I wondered why she was saying that, only to find out seconds later.



"LAND!" We chorused. Flava finally noticed out shouts of pain and brought us over to a small stretch of nether rack in the middle of the lake. Our potion was wearing off; by the time we got onto the nether rack, it was gone completely. Flava handed us more, which we drank swiftly. The immense heat didn't seem as bad anymore and we dove in again, so close to the spot I could hardly see it.

I also saw a huge ghast sitting on a raised platform; looking mad yet happy.

It saw us, too. It gave a cry and, even though I hoped it would start shooting water orbs, it flung fireballs at us instead.

"Flava...?" We asked her with uncertainty. Flava was a little ahead of us, still swimming towards the thing that was trying to kill us with full determination.

"What in Equestria do ya think yer doin?!" Applejack called.

The little breezie turned around to face us, pointing at the creature with her free hoof. "I'm going to meet Fen." She said, "what does it look like?"

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