• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 1,405 Views, 6 Comments

Promise me you'll come back? - Dr Equinox

The ever faithful moon goddess and her lover meet once again.

  • ...

Uh, so about that...

Back again. Same deal.

Right as I had that thought I got teleported. Teleporting is like going through a wormhole or something. I can't really explain it in good detail, but its like you see everything at once but then forget about it the next second. It's something you have to experience to understand. I'll have to ask the Doctor about it later.

Anyway, I arrived at the normal meeting place, albeit it was midday instead of night time, and managed to hear a surprised gasp before getting tackled to the floor by a dark blur. Said blur was hugging my body to theirs, let out a small gasp, got off of me, dragged me inside, and then closed the entrance to the balcony. All the while I was in a daze of what was happening since I had no idea that was the reaction I would get. I managed to get a clear view of what was in front of me before It was blocked again, but this time it wasn't something I'd complain about. After our bodies parted she hugged me again, with the same strength mind you, and gave a little mumble that I couldn't understand. Over all, it think I did a good job in that situation.

"Ok, how about we talk without mumbles?" I asked.

She looked up at me with one of the largest smiles I'd seen on her and talked to me normally.

"We-I said that I had missed you." she said with a little blush on her cheeks.

"Well your not the only one who missed this. Also, I think I forgot something here."

She tilted her head in a confused manner. "I hadn't found an item of yours. What could you have left?" She asked quizzically.

I smiled at her. "This" I said as I leaned down and captured her lips with mine, though this time it would not be short. In fact we stayed like that for at least a minute or more, the two of us just standing there in her room, getting to finish something I'd left unfinished last time. After nearly two minutes we parted, each with a blush on their cheeks. Me being the person I am, decided to get some info.

"So how have you been doing lately?"

She gave an adorable giggle and said "I have been well. What of you?"

That's where the mood ends. I was hoping I could have thought of a way to stall it, even if just a minute or so, but apparently it was for naught.

I grimaced and rubbed my hand on the back of my head." Um, about that..."

She looked at me concerned. "Is something the matter?"

I sighed. No holding it back anymore I guess.

"There actually is an issue. Its a monumental issue that I don't think I can accomplish in time. I need to ask something of you. Something really important."

She cleared her face of emotion and turned serious. "Any task of yours is worth the effort."

Right as I was about to say the plan, she seemed o remember something.

"Oh, I had nearly forgotten!" She said as she turned and walked over to her balcony.

"What the matter?" I asked.

She angled her head towards me while still walking and said "With you here I had almost forgotten to raise the Moon. If you'll excuse me for a moment."

I was about to question her when remembered that magic is a thing here. So, as to avoid further delaying of her job, I just said.

"Go right ahead. I've always wanted to see it anyways."

She opened the doors to the balcony and walked out towards the edge, all while charging her magic for the action to come. I just stood back, crouched, and watched from a distance. When she got to nearly charging enough energy to 'Move the Moon' I couldn't help but admire her. She was an actual goddess in her realm of her night. It was truly remarkable to be near her, much less be in a relationship with her. That, and she didn't have too bad of an-

"The night is upwards dear Patrick, though I hold no ill contempt to those who wish to admire a figure such as my own."

Well, can't blame me for looking.

With a chuckle I stood and walked forwards onto her balcony, noticing that the ritual had already started and that throughout my admiring, the Moon had reached halfway up to its position, still steadily climbing the black canvas that was space. It was like nothing I had ever seen before. To see the moon actually move that fast, along with its closer proximity to the planet, was astonishing. Just mind-blowing. Apparently, she noticed.

"I take it thou enjoys our night?"

I gave a little chuckle to the old English, but still replied: "I've got to admit, this is nothing like Earths night. You could barely see the stars there, but here? Not only do they all show, but there all different. This has to be one of, if not the best night sky I have ever seen. Its beautiful Luna. Thank you for letting me experience such a miracle."

I turned towards the teary-eyed Princess, kneelt down to get to the same face level, looked her straight in the eyes and said: "My dearest Princess of the Night, I Love you.". And then I kissed her. And she kissed me. It wasn't one sided or anything, it was at the exact same time. It was really enjoyable, but it couldn't last, because of a certain mood-killer I now am slightly angry at. By that I mean, my 'Wrist Watch' had sent me an acceptance message to talk with someone, which makes it beep or vibrate constantly until answered. You can see how that ruined the mood.

We broke apart and were breathing heavily. I told you it wasn't one sided. It was intense. Anyway, we broke apart and I looked at her apologetically before looking to see who's ass I was about to beat for tha- oh, it was Doc. Alright then. I answered the call and went Inside.

"-ill you pick up already? Oh, hello Patrick. Deeply apologetic if I interrupted something."

I looked at the screen as I held it close to my face, glaring. I was really tempted to either be a sarcastic asshole or just hang up, but it might be important.

"Your fine Doc. What's the news?"

"The news is that the good Captain is looking for you. Wanted to see your progress on things."

I glared at the watch again. "Doc, I swear if you told him-" I was saying, but got cut off by him.

"Have some faith in me Patrick. Anyways, I was just wondering if you want me to stall him, or if you were going to come back early. Its still just about the afternoon here, so feel free to take some time explaining. Also, say hello to that Princess of yours for me would you? Send a good message from humanity and all that."

"Actually Doc, you can say hello yourself. She's right next to me."

"Oh, splendid! Greetings dear Princess, My name is Doctor Paradox Equinox, good friend of the crazy man your with, and head of the Science and Medical teams for the Rebellion and on the EAS Damascus. Good to meet you!"

Luna, probably not used to this kind of technology, looked at my watch in confusion and asked me.

"Am I supposed to respond to your wrist device or do something else?"

Before I could help her, the Doc intervened.

"My lady, you just have to merely speak into the device and I will hear clearly."

She looked at the watch again and spoke in an uncertain voice.

"Um, greetings stranger. I am Princess Luna, Co-ruler of the country Equestria, and am also in good relations with the one named Patrick."

"Ah, well it is very nice to meet for the first time, even though it could be under much more viable circumstances, but nevertheless I shant let a minor issue stop me from being the gentleman that I am. Might I say that your voice sounds as elegant as the stars movement across the night sky."

She blushed and said:" My thanks to you good Doctor. Might I also say that your voice sounds as enthusiastic as the rapid movement of the sea."

"Oh, now you've got me blushing. I would love to stay and chat, but I must remind our mutual acquaintance about his current assignment."

I looked at the watch and was reminded of the reason I was here. I had totally forgot about my peoples impending doom. I must take this more seriously.

"Anyway, I must be going now. Someone's got to cover for our crazy friend. Good day."

"Good day Doctor."

With him now gone, she was free to question me again. That she did.

"Now what was this assignment of yours that is so important." she asked me.

"Alright, I guess I've got no choice now. My people are going to all die unless I can transport them here."

She looked at me with surprised eyes and trotted over to her bed, laid down on it, and waved me over. When I sat down on the edge of the bed, she looked at me from her side and asked m a question.

"Now when you say 'your people', you mean the Humans?"


"Alright. how many of them would be here?"

There it is." That's the problem. I need enough room for an entire city. One nearly three times the size of this one."

She looked inquisitively at her floor, rubbing her chin, basically in a thinking pose. Then she gave me suggestions.

"You could always try the-oh no that wont fit... or you could...or...hmm. I am afraid to tell you that I cannot think of any area that you people could enter unnoticed."

"That's another thing. The way were coming in, it wont be unnoticed. Do you know how large a starship of ours is?"

"I am unaware of its size, so no. I would guess it is fairly large."

"Well, you'd be right. Its extremely large. Would you have a map with you?"

"I do" she says as she uses her magic to open a drawer on a desk near her front doors, and levitates a map of Equestria over to the bed. She gives it to me to look over and as far as I can tell, there's about two options available. Both are in either unsettled land, or are large plains ruled by nations.

"Alright I see two places, but they would both require the full consent of the countries either in control of the area or bordering it. One is the Mountains right about there (I point at the mountains) and the other is right there (I point to a small land mass off of the western coast). Either would be suitable for us. Though this is only just you and me deciding this, so I doubt either of those two would ever be our 'Official' home."

"Yes, an event such as this would require a meeting of all neighboring countries. A meeting between them all would be difficult to set up I'm sure, but it may be the only option."

Right as I was about to agree and say that's what I was going for, something happened. By that I mean, someone came in. Just opened the door and walked right in. No 'excuse me' or anything.

"Sister, are you all right, you had hesitated earlier when raisi-"

She just stopped. Just stopped in the middle of the room and stared directly at me, mouth agape, and all that. Same situation for Luna and I. So you know what I did? I decided to introduce myself.

"Uh, hi."

Oh, I am so fackered.

Author's Note:

Shabam, cliffhanger! see if you can guess how she will react. Also, lets see if she's who you think she it. It could be or not, you never know.

...But I do

... Its totally who you think it is.