• Published 11th Apr 2015
  • 844 Views, 10 Comments

Alone In The Dark - TurboTheGameGuy

I woke up with a throbbing headache and a pain in my right wing. I was in a hospital, all I remember was the screaming, and the blood, now, my only goal is to get out of here

  • ...

The Only Chapter

"Ugh...." Was all I could say as I slightly opened my eyes to a really bright light shining from the ceiling. "What- what happened?"

"Don't move around too much." A gentle, soothing voice said, I opened my tired eyes halfway to see a blue unicorn mare looking down at me with magenta eyes, and a smile on her face that seemed to say. "Everything's okay, you're in safe hooves."

"Where am I?" I said weakly as my world around me faded in and out.

"You were in an accident and got hurt, you're in the hospital Turbo."

The darkness around me started to close in again shutting off all view I had to the outside.

My hearing became that of a low mumble.

"What the hay are these things?! I heard a male voice say in the distance, I heard a door fly open and slam shut as something was clawing against it.

"Shit, there's a patient in here!" The voice complained as I heard something fall over slightly louder than the voice. The sounds of the voice struggling stopped, (save for the scratching at the door), I heard hooves clopping on the floor as the pony walked toward me. I slowly started regaining feeling in my body, almost as soon as my feeling returned a wave of pain struck my whole body all at once, my head feeling like a split melon, my left foreleg feeling like a red hot knife cut through the entire thing, my ribs feeling like that of shattered glass. My hearing soon returned to normal too, I could hear the loud screams of ponies in agony from something, my pain right now fealt like nothing compared to the agonized screams of the others that were in the building.

"Owwww....." I murmured, painfully sitting up and rubbing my head, cringing when I felt an array of bandages wrapped extensively around my head, I quickly inspected where it hurt to see a bloodstained bandage wrapped around my left foreleg, another array of bandages wrapped around my ribs, not looking as bad as my leg did, I looked at my right wing, noticing that it was wrapped heavily in a cast that held the injured appendage straight forward.

"Oh good! You're awake!" I heard the voice say. I looked beside me to see a red earth pony stallion with a blue and black striped mane and yellow eyes looking at me with an emotion that I've never seen before in his eyes. He removed something from around his neck and placed it in my hoof, after inspecting it I noticed that it was a collar of some sort with a silver box in the middle, I looked at him curiously.

"It's a collar that allows you to levitate items that you need like a unicorn does, and what you need is to get out of here Mr Turbo!"

"What's going on?!" I asked.

"Something horrifying, you need to get out of here as soon as possible, something happened on the top floor, somepony was doing something with the mental patients. Whatever it was it turned them into monsters, now, get to the exit as soon as possible! If you see any other patients take them with you!"

"But what about you?!"

"I'll buy you some time, this is our problem. This shouldn't be bestowed upon you patients." I fitted the collar on and climbed out of the bed. "Get down." I climbed under the bed like he asked and he opened the door looking around nervously before waving his forehooves in the air. "Hey! You! Monsters! You forgot a tasty, ever-so-yummy pony here!" I looked to my left and noticed a flashlight that rolled off of something. "Come and get me!" I heard a group of horrific shrieks and stomping, the pony started running away with a bunch of shapes running past the door all as a veiny blur. As soon as they were all gone I focused on the flashlight, noticing that it started glowing in a teal aura and it started hovering off the ground slightly.

'Good, that works.' I carried the flashlight with me as I limped out from the protection of the bed. 'Okay, check to see if there are any survivors, and find a staircase, get to the exit as soon as possible afterwards.' I made a list of objectives in my mind as I walked into the dark corridor. After seeing the vast length of the hallway I was in I decided to only check the floor I was on. I quietly trotted through the vast halway, noticing corpses of ponies who had become victims of whatever was invading this place, the condition ranged from just them covered in blood, to actual bite marks covering the bodies to many others, I felt myself retch in my throat a bit from the sight, the walls had written on them in blood, "We are the darkness that destroys the light." A strong twinge of fear slowly sawing through my stomach. ['Calm down Turbo, calm down, just try to find Somepony who's alive and-'

*squeak squeak*

I quickly switched on my flashlight and shone it in the direction of the noise to notice a small gray mouse that must've crawled into the building in the confusion. It stood on its hind legs eyeing me curiously before scurrying off.

'I can't believe that I was scared by a mouse...' I thought to myself as I continued my trot. I heard more noise coming from a room right next to me, it was a little filly crying! I quickly threw open the door to see a dark blue earth pony filly crying curled up in a ball in the middle of a lone light that was still active in the room. There was a creature walking in circles around the light source, seemingly avoiding it.

"Please don't hurt me!" The filly sobbed, clearly scared out of her mind.

'Celestia's Sun! I gotta do something!'

Without thinking it over I yelled at the beast. "Hey! Pick on somepony your own size!" The creature looked at me, it's eyes glowing a lonely white in the darkness as it inspected me, very soon it let out a shrill shriek and charged right at me.

"Use your flashlight!" The filly cried out to me, I listened and shone my flashlight in the monster's face causing it to stop in its tracks and hiss at me like a cat, the creature looked like a light gray pony without any fur and two staring, unblinking white eyes that were staring directly at me. 'Holy Celstia!' The creature scurried away and jumped onto a wall with a vent overtop of it, the creature tore off the vent cover and crawled into the shaft.

I walked up to the filly, who was still shivering there.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked.

"Thanks to you. Thank you mister."

I noticed that she didn't have any visible injuries anywhere on her.

"What are you doing in here anyway?"

"My daddy worked here, he told me to stay here, and stay in the light, but something happened to the lights in here and that monster came in. What about you mister?"

"I got involved in a flight accident, long story short, I wound up being hurt badly and I had to go here. Did you see anypony else while in here?"

"No... I can just tell that just about everypony in here was caught by those monsters."

"We can't be too sure."

"I know there are, normally there are a lot of ponies here but the place is now quiet."

"Listen, I'm gonna get you out of here."

"But you're hurt!"

"It doesn't matter! If all I need to do is shine a flashlight in their faces then we're safe."

"Well... Okay..." She said relunctantly.

Levitated her on my back and started trotting outside the door.

"Do you know where the staircase is?"

"Yes, just head down this hallway and take a right, you should find a staircase that leads to the first floor."

After walking down the hallway, and following her directions I came to a door that said 'Stairs'

"Looks like we're on the right track." I said to the filly quietly opening the door and closing it behind me.



"Thank you for helping me."

"Don't thank me yet. We still have to get out of here." I came to where the stairs stopped and opened the door quietly. "I don't see anything." I whispered. "Okay, I have an idea, but it is dangerous, I can see the exit from here, hold on alright?"

I felt her hooves wrap around my neck. I crouched down and got ready to run. I opened the door and eyeballed the exit. I felt a wave of pain launch through my left foreleg as I ran towards the exit, I simply ignored it and slammed my head into the door, opening it. As soon as the door was opened we were both greeted by Celestia's Royal Guard along with a crowd behind them chattering throughout the night air.

"They're safe!" One of the guards said. "They're civillians!" I sighed in relief knowing that it was now over.

'Sweet Celestia, that was close.' I thought joyously as the filly was lifted off my back by an earth pony mare, whom I guessed was her mother.

"Oh thank Celestia you're safe Bluetooth!" The mother cried hugging her foal to death. "Thank you, sir, for getting her out of there."

"You're welcome." I answered back.

"Little bro!" I heard my brother Mist's voice. Right before I could react I was pulled into a bone crushing hug.

"Mist.... Choking, not breathing!"

*The next morning*

The royal guards were traversing through the building, all with their spears drawn, and ready to fight if needed. A pair of red eyes opened up behind the group, along with more red eyes, that eyed the group hungrily, soon they all launched their attack.

Author's Note:

Yeah, I had nothing better to do

Comments ( 9 )

Pretty good, though, t he ends mg was quiet abrupt. Could have been better if Turbo had more close calls with some of those monsters.

5852272 Sorry, I kept having interruptions while writing it

5852332 it's ok, it's pretty good overall

You had one weird dream.

5854282 All my dreams are weird.

the ending was...eh, a little putting off but all in all interesting.

5875158 I'm making a sequel to explain more

Ooooooooo can i get involed with the sequle

7743671 Well, to tell the truth, the sequel was just an idea I had, I am planning to revamp this sometime on my Deviantart account, and try to improve on the shortcomings of this one.

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