• Published 12th Apr 2015
  • 1,246 Views, 14 Comments

Pancakes : The Pancakening. - Lady Lorelei

Exactly how many Pancakes did Pinkie Pie make with Twilights help?

  • ...

The Pancakening.

Everypony began to dig into the delicious pancakes Pinkie Pie had made for the breakfast at the castle.

Each stack was flavored with chips, berries or other surprises.

Each mare chewed in delight, flavors bursting forth onto their taste buds.

Pinkie was even enjoying the taste of her own work, playfully she ploped her face into the soft pillow like cakes, whip cream smearing over her muzzle cutely.

Each bite was better than the last, Pinkie felt lost within their flavor almost missing a compliment from Applejack across from the table.

Pinkie quickly swiped her tongue across her face, sweeping up all the cream in a single lick, a smile across her lips. " Thanks! "

" Twilight stayed up all night helping me pick the flavor , I kept thinking we found the right one, but she insisted I make more to try- and more and more and more and more... " Pinkie began to go on and on, stacking a tower of pancakes atop her plate with ease.

Her friend's casting a worried glance over to eachother, no doubt about Twilight-yet Pinkie Pie had her mind on other things.

Such as if the other batches of her pancakes had found a good home this morning.

It took her all night to find good homes for them, while Twilight was off decorating their cakes.

Pinkie was busy for a better sense of the word.


Scootaloo smacked her lips while she slumbered on her bed, the small filly tossing on her sheet softly while the sun began to shine through her window.

She loved the bright warm sun atop her coat in the morning , added with the coolness of her pillow on her head and she was on cloud nine.

Her soft, buttery pillow.

Scootaloo shot open her violet colored hues quickly, gazing down to her pillow expecting to see something else, yet all was normal.

" Phst!- for a second you smelled like pancakes..." Scootaloo gazed down to see a extra large pancake had been placed over her, her blanket nowhere to be seen.

" Huh? " Scootaloo folded the light as air cake back slowly, sliding out of bed noticing she was drenched in butter.

" Huh?? " She quickly trotted over to her closet, swinging it open with ease and snatching her scooter.

She had to get out of this room, the extreme smell of butter and batter was making her feel sick.

Running out of her room towards the stairs she hoped atop her scooter, ready for the bumpy ride down she had taken over a million times.

Yet as her hooves made contact with the scooter, she couldn't help but see out of the corner of her eye that the scooters wheels had been replaced.

Replaced with small round pancakes.

" Huh??? " Was all she could say as she tumbled-down the flight of stairs roughly , rolling down each step with a loud thud before hitting the bottom with a crash.

" Mo..." Scootaloo felt her scooter fall atop of her backside with a loud pop.

" Om...." The small filly winced in pain, slowly crawling towards the kitchen, surely her mom had heard the loud crashes.

" Mom.... Pain...Pancakes....Paaaancakes....." Scootaloo spoke voice shivering as she pulled herself weakly into the kitchen.

Her mother was standing over the stove, wearing a light pink apron- back turned to her daughter.

" Mom?....mom? " Scootaloo spoke in a fearful tone ears folding back.

Slowly rising up to her hooves, she walked to the front of her mother.

Before her stood a pony-sized sculpture of her mother, complete with a chocolate frosted mane and blue berry eyes.

" Ahhhh!-ahhhhhhhh!..........ahhhhhhhhhh! " Scootaloo began to scream in horror before she curled into a small orange ball, rocking back and forth, eyes twitching close to a breakdown.

Suddenly the backdoor to the kitchen swung open as Scootaloo's mother trotted in carrying groceries , her eyes falling upon her daughter with a blank stare and a sigh.

" Honey!- I thought I told you not to play with your food. " Her mother shook her head softly, as her daughter started to sob.


Shining Armor galloped down the stairs of the Crystal Castle, mind set on eating a few apples for breakfast and perhaps a nice cold glass of Orange juice as well.

Smiling happily he slowed to a trott into the royal kitchen, everything was put away neatly and all around him was clean to a sparkling shine just like his wife liked.

Whistling a happy tune he used his magic to swing open the fridge door, a large wave of pancakes falling out and onto the floor pooling around his hooves, eyes narrowing in confusion.

Backing up he accidentally bumped into the counter, the toaster making a loud clicking sound as two pancakes shot up and out of the slots burned to a crisp.

" Cadance!?- are you still mad that I said your cooking could use some work!? " Shining Armor sighed confused walking over to the coffee maker, using his magic he floated a glass mug from the nearby shelf to him.

Grabbing the glass pot with a hoof he tilted it to the side over the mug, Pancakes slowly sliding out and into his mug , soggy and mushed.

" I already apologized !!! " Shining Armor yelled up towards the stairway as he walked over towards the kitchen table.

Taking his seat at the table, he slowly picked up the rolled paper near his seat.

Hoping the paper might settle his nerves a little, unrolling the paper in hoof he noticed warm butter rolling down his fur.

Eyes slowly fell upon a large pancake in his hooves, tears slowly forming as his lower lip quivered a bit.

" What do you want from me !? " Shining spoke in a cracking voice as he ploped face first into the table cloth, which had been replaced with a giant pancake.

" Whast Youd Whant Rom Meh? " He mumbled from the pancake cloth a beaten stallion.


" Muffin's , Muffin's ! - I love me some muffin's ! " Derpy happily sang as she fluttered into the kitchen with her wings, hooves barely grazing the floor as she flew close to a large shelf.

Lined across the shelf in her home were large Muffin Jars , very similar to a cookie jar , but for muffin's of course.

Honey colored eyes followed the line of jars to the Saturday labelled one , her tongue slowly licking across her upper lip.

" Mmmmm- Super Lemon Surprise Day !!! " Derpy giggled blonde bangs shading over her eyes cutely , hooves extended grabbing the jar.

Within second's she tossed the lid away and plunged her hoof into the jar, feeling the warm soft muffin in hoof , she plucked it forward to enjoy its lovely goodness.

Yet instead of Lemon Surprise, she held a Lemon flavored pancake in her hoof.

" Muffin? " She gasped tossing the pancake away and tipping the jar over completly, a stack of pancakes falling onto the floor before her.

Gasping in worry she grabbed the Sunday jar labelled " Chocolate Chip Muffin's" , tilting it over as well she watched in horror as chocolate chip pancakes fell to her hooves in slow motion.

" Muff....muffin's? " Derpy whimpered tears forming in her eyes.

Within a muffin driven haze she grabbed jar after jar tossing each open , in hopes she'd find a single muffin to call her own.

Cherry Muffin's were replaced with Cherry Pancakes!

Blue Berry Muffin's vanished switched with Blue Berry Pancakes!

Bran Muffin's spirited away, in its place Bran Pancakes!!

Derpy screamed in horror flying off into the living room, Dinky gazed to her mother in worry sitting atop the couch.

" Mom is everything al-ahhhh !!! " Dinky screamed as her mom fliped over the couch in a single swipe , the filly rolling off into the corner.

Punching a hole into the bottom of the couch , Derpy grabed her secret stash of muffins pulling it forward.

Only to pull out hair covered Pancakes instead.

The grey mare screamed aloud in horror , tossing the hairy cake aside as she galloped over to a family portrait.

Lifting it off the wall , a hidden hole could now be seen.

Pancakes slowly dropping out from within to the floor.

" Nooooooooooooo !!!!!!! " Derpy screamed at the top of her lungs , falling to the floor beaten in spirit.

Eyes gazing up towards the heavens in sorrow.

" Why dear Celestia ! - Have you forsaken me ?!! " Derpy wept , tears rolling down her cheeks slowly.

" Thou have whisked away thy only love ! , the sweet taste of a loving muffin atop ones lips. - neigh denied to I ! - on this darkest of all day's !! " Derpy sobbed her whole body shivering in pure horror.

" I ask Thee why ?- Why ??- WHYYYYYYYYYYY !!!!??? " Derpy screamed even louder while outside a sudden storm formed above her small house , lightning striking wickedly as thunder bellowed high above , the skies weeping in sorrow.


" Now Mrs.Tia...." The therapist pony began to speak to his patient in a calming tone , only to be cut off by a soft slightly worried voice.

" Please just call me Screwball ! " The purple mare twitched in her seat slowly, teeth chattering softly in pure fear.

" Well Screwball.- why are you back here at the asylum ?- I was sure you made progress , the last time you were here." The doctor spoke with a raised brow while the mare shot him a uneasy gaze.

" I did too doctor !- Hay! , I might even have thought I was cured !-But...." Screwball quickly did a double take around the room , as if she were being watched.

" I see Pancake Ponies....." Screwball spoke in a whisper.

" Pancake ponies? " The doctor asked in calm tone , giving the mare a blank stare.

" Yes!- I was walking home last night , enjoying the night air when I saw a pony made of pancakes near a bench !!! " Screwball almost yelled aloud her eyes twitching wildly.

" Not only that !- as I ran as fast as I could towards home I saw it !! " Screwball winced in fear as the doctor gazed on in awe.

" What was it ? " He asked intrigued to say the least.

" Muffin's !!! - Muffin's everywhere !!!- In the trash ! - hidden in the trees ! - even the bushes were stuffed to the brim with muffin's ! " Screwball yelped shaking back and forth in her seat , never noticing her doctor calling in the orderlies.

" And when I thought I'd lost my mind. - there she was ! " Screwball spoke in a slow whisper , eyes becoming as wide as twin moons.

" A mare pink as a salmon , walked past me a wheelbarrow in hoof filled with Pancakes of all kinds- Berries, chips and dare I say even flavor's one might have never dreamed of..." Screwball trailed off in silence as two stallions grabed her by the hooves , slowly carrying her out of the room before she snapped back into reality.

" What ? - No ! " Screwball whimpered in shock , being carried away.

" We'll get you help. , don't worry. " The doctor spoke in a reassuring tone, the mare kicking her hooves wildly.

" You gotta believe me ! - The pink mare has the Pancakes ! - she will doom us all !!! - This whole town's a Madhouse ! - A MADHOUSE !!! " Screwball screamed as she vanished deep into the asylum , her cries for help drowned out by the madness around her.


The sun shined brightly in the morning sky as Princess Celestia made her way to her throne , the bird's sang their nature song outside her large open balcony , while the fresh air of the world flowed within bringing a pleasant scent.

Taking her seat on the throne , she gazed ahead seeing a single stallion dressed in royal armor make his way towards her.

" Your Majesty ! - a letter had arrived from Ponyville for you ! " The stallion spoke as he lifted up a single scroll to the princess , tied off with a pink ribbon.

" Thank you. " Celestia smiled using her magic to lift up the scroll , undoing the ribbon the scroll unraveled before her.

" Dear Princess Celestia.

It's Pinkie Pie from Ponyville! , today I learned that making pancakes is harder than it seems.

I mean I thought I knew how to make a good batch , but Twilight kept saying it needed something extra or was missing something altogether.

Before I knew it we had more pancakes than I knew what to do with! , so I shared them all around town.

I gave some to Scootaloo because have you seen her ? , she's soooo small maybe a few dozen pancakes will fatten her up some!

I know kids love playing with their food , so I even made her a Pancake pony !!

I think Twilight said her brother really loves pancakes , or was it apples ? - anyhoo! - I sent him a few couple dozen-dozens.

Derpy should be happy too ! - I gave her nothing but my best batches ! , Pancakes are just flat muffin's right ?

Anyway I just wanted to say , when you bake a few thousand pancakes with friend's it's always fun !

But sharing with all those you love , now that is a feat worth smiling about !!

P.S.- The Scroll is really a Pancake.

Best Wishes, Pinkie. "

Celestia slowly narrowed eyes to the butter soaked pancake floating before her, after a moment of silence she leaned forward taking a small bite from the letter.

" Mmmmm.- It's good. " Celestia spoke through a mouth full of pancake , a smile forming across her lips.

Comments ( 13 )

Oh Pinkie, you did NOT just fuck with Derpy's muffins.

Pinkie fucked derpy's muffins? Wow I knew she loved food but that's really taking it far XD just kidding yeah she messed with the muffins and derpy wouldn't like the muffins starlight forced sugar belle to make.

Sweet Celestia!!!

That was the best ending ever!!!!!

I'm glad so many people are enjoying this, makes my day to see that :raritywink:

Oh yes and DyslexicFoal I got caught up writing this the other night, I'm working on finishing up the first chapter to your fic today.

A bit overboard. Needs a dark tag.

:pinkiecrazy: TOO MANY PANCAKES!!

So it is probably safe to assume that everypony not shown in the episode was suffering from the Pancakening? :derpyderp1:

I somehow think the flower ponies could have been victims recipients of the Pancakening. "The horror! The horror!"

P.S. This post is actually a pancake. :pinkiehappy:

6015776 If you enjoyed this tale.

Then when Discord ordered all the cakes, then cancelled his order after they were boxed.

You know all those cakes can't be put back on the shelves for the public now.

Coming Soon...

Cakes: The Cakening.


Pinkie Pie.

Diamond Tiara.

Derpy Hooves- Again...


And the mother of the night herself.

Princess Luna.

I... I... I must see this new story :pinkiecrazy:

6017269 It'll be up within the week, I've been working on it in my spare time since the gala episode.- Thought it would make a good follow up tale to this one.:pinkiecrazy:

The plural of muffin is muffins, not muffin's.

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