• Published 11th Nov 2011
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The Sweetie Chronicles: Fragments - Wanderer D

Sweetie Belle must find Twilight by travelling through different Fanfic worlds...

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Night's Favored Child Pt. 3

The Sweetie Chronicles: Fragments
Night's Favoured Child
By Wanderer D and Municipal Engines


Sweetie woke up and yawned, rubbing the sleep off of her eyes, before blinking and squinting at the lack of light coming through the window. Although she couldn’t really tell, her instincts told her it was morning already, and the gently receding darkness outside seemed to confirm her suspicions.

A sudden thought ran through her mind and she smiled. “Twilight! Wake up! It’s school time!”

Twilight’s eyes opened and she sat up, quite groggily. It took her a little while to adjust to consciousness, but when she did a smile formed on her face.

“Someone’s excited,” she said pointedly.

“Hey, I haven’t been to a real school for… years!” Sweetie playfully whined. “Can you imagine all the theory I missed?”

Twilight nodded forcefully. “Yes, oh my gosh! You have so many new things to learn! I wish I could experience learning some new magic again, like the first time I levitated something or the first mental entanglement spell I learned.” Her grin then deflated. “Oh, but wait, wouldn’t a lot of your knowledge not translate over to my world?”

“Well, some things.” Sweetie nodded. “Depending on certain worlds, but you know how school is… you learn a lot of little things you never think you’re going to use, and admittedly you don’t—ever—but sometimes you simply have that knowledge and it proves useful? Most of my training was done in very specific things, so my general knowledge suffered as a result.”

“Uh, that’s not really how the Imperial Academy works,” Twilight said, pressing her lips together tightly. “Unlike normal schools, where all the less useful stuff that they just repeatedly tell you from when you are eight to when you’re twelve, my school just skips to teaching you the more advanced general stuff. In the first year. They expect you to have learned all of the little, basic bits in your breaks. Then it just gets harder from then on. At least, that’s my experience with it.”

Sweetie blinked, then a smile slowly formed on her face. “Oh, my Celllle—ebratory synapsis…” she cleared her throat, ignoring Twilight’s bewildered look. “Sorry, that was uh… a lapse. Anyway, that sounds amazing! So, a bit of guidance and then a lot of work?”

“Yeah! It’s really great. The way they cut out all of the less useful and more basic stuff lets us do all our exams earlier than the rest of the country too. We take the exams we would have at the end of high school about three years earlier than everypony else.”

Sweetie nodded. “That… sounds so cool. Come on, let’s go get ready! I can’t wait to learn!”

The two showered in a hurry, wasting no time by taking turns, and ran out to get breakfast. Twilight was busying herself with putting on a shirt, a brown sweater-vest and a tie as she walked. Sweetie Belle trailed along beside her, still unfamiliar with the layout of the Royal Apartments, and she was led downstairs and along one of the hallways into a surprisingly modest kitchen.

There she found something which she thought she would never see in a thousand years. Humming to herself, laboring over a stove, was Nightmare Moon. She wore no regalia, no armor; nothing save for a frilly purple apron that, when she turned around, Sweetie could see read “I kiss better than I cook”. She greeted the two young ponies with a warm smile.

“Good morning! I made you both porridge.”

Sweetie closed her mouth. “Um… thank you!”

“Thanks Mom!” Twilight beamed as she sat down at the table in the middle of the kitchen. “Do you have Sweetie’s school uniform ready yet?”

Nightmare Moon dished up some porridge into two bowls and put it on the table along with a little sugar bowl and a plate of sliced bananas. “I have thought about that actually, and I have come to the conclusion that Sweetie Belle won’t be joining you in school until after the winter break.”

“What?! Why?!” Twilight shot up and leaned forward, propping herself up with hooves on the table.

“Hooves off the table, Twilight,” Nightmare Moon said calmly. “You have only a few weeks left of school, and it would not be fair to Sweetie for her to have to go to lessons when they are likely about subjects she has not learned yet. It is better to give her the winter vacation to catch up on what you have learned so she will not be behind when she joins you next year.”

Sweetie tilted her head. “That makes sense. Especially in light of what you told me about the school, Twilight… I enjoy a challenge, but I’d rather be marginally prepared for it!” She grinned. “I bet I can still learn a lot indirectly, if you don’t mind me doing the same homework you do.”

Nightmare Moon smiled. “I have thought of some possibilities for Sweetie Belle to pursue, but they will take some time. For now, she should learn what she can from you, Twilight, and the library. I might be able to help a little as well.”

Twilight nodded. “I bet you’ll love to learn history too. Mom has given me some first-hoof accounts.”

“An unfair advantage for Twilight that I would be happy to share with you,” Nightmare Moon said, sitting down at the table with her own porridge. “In exchange for learning more about me, I would love to learn more about you, Sweetie Belle.”

Sweetie Belle smiled. “Oh, I would love to learn more about you! And feel free to ask me anything, I think it would only be fair!”

“I would like to know if there is anypony I should contact to let them know that you are staying with us for the time being,” the Empress said. “Somepony in this Ponyville place, perhaps?”

Sweetie’s smile became sad. “I’m afraid, your Majesty, that there’s nopony left in this world that—” she cringed. “I really don’t have anypony, your Majesty. Just my long-lost mentor. And I’m the one looking for her.”

Nightmare Moon’s demeanour seemed very sympathetic. “Ah, an orphan then. I can offer the resources of the Empire to help locate your mentor, if you wish.”

Sweetie nodded firmly. “I really appreciate that, your Majesty, but to be completely honest, finding her is something I have to do on my own, both for myself and for her.”

The Empress sighed and nodded gravely. “I understand. I too have had such quests in my life.” She finished the last of her porridge before standing up and floating it over to the sink. “Twilight, try not to be late for school. I have to go and get ready for a meeting now, so I will leave you two to finish up the porridge if you like.” She levitated something, placing it in front of Sweetie.

Sweetie Belle glanced at the medallion in front of her. It was silver and had a depiction of the imperial seal on it.

“This necklace gives you the freedom to visit most of the palace. With it you won’t be stopped at every corner by a guard. Try not to get into too much trouble. Have a good night, both of you.”

With those terse words, Nightmare Moon left the room after hanging her apron on a hook. Twilight peered over at Sweetie Belle, looking rather unsure of herself. She fidgeted and opened and shut her mouth repeatedly, very obvious in her desire to say something without knowing how to frame it. Sweetie gave her friend an arch look and gestured for her to speak.

Eventually Twilight sighed and blurted out, “So you are an orphan? Or do you have parents your other world and just couldn’t tell my mom that?”

Sweetie smiled at Twilight. “I’ll talk to your mom about where I come from soon but… it’s true. My parents died when I was very young, and my sister is the one that raised me. She’s… I’ve always loved her as if she were my mom… although I never got the chance to tell her.”

Twilight seemed suddenly sad. “My parents left me at an orphanage. Miss Loch - the head of the place - always told me they died and they loved me, but I think she was just saying that. They couldn’t have loved me if they just abandoned me.”

Sweetie’s smile went away. “That’s not true. Sometimes ponies don’t have a choice… I can’t say for sure, Twilight but… I doubt your parents didn’t love you. If they didn’t care, they wouldn’t even have tried to find you a family.”

“Except they just left me there, at an orphanage. That’s not finding me a fam—” Twilight stopped herself there and sighed, quite frustrated, before shrugging. “Anyway, it doesn’t matter now, I have a home and a mom that I know loves me.”

Sweetie Belle nodded, placing a comforting hoof on top of her friend’s. “And that’s what matters, most of all.”

“Yeah,” Twilight pushed a smile. “So, what are the most interesting things you’ve seen on your travels?”

Sweetie laughed. “Are you sure you have time for a whole story before you go to school?”

Twilight glanced at the clock. “School doesn’t start for almost an hour, and it’s attached to the palace, so I won’t be late.”

“How about I tell you about Knight Commander Twilight Sparkle, and her secret love with Princess Luna?”

The princess grimaced. “You’re lying! You’re just trying to gross me out!”

Sweetie grinned. “Nope. I even got knighted as well. I guess Dame Sparkle and Princess Luna wanted to keep their affair a secret from commoners, but for those in the know… it was kinda cute.”

“Ugh, no more, no more!” Twilight screwed her eyes shut and waved her hoof. “I don’t want to even think about it!”

Sweetie laughed, and elbowed Twilight gently. “I’m telling you, Twi, you get into the strangest relationships.”

Twilight tentatively opened her eyes. “What do you mean?”

“Now, that would be spoilers.” Sweetie tapped her chin. “Okay, I have a story for you, it’s about a little filly called Puppy Smiles.”

“Puppy Smiles? Okay, let’s hear that one.”

Sweetie nodded. “It all started when I arrived at this desolate world… we’ll call it the Wasteland. I didn’t know where I was, but I was attacked by mechanical ponies!” Sweetie’s eyes glinted as they stood up and headed out of the kitchen. “They attacked me, but this little filly suddenly came out of nowhere and smashed their heads with a rock! She said her name was Puppy Smiles…”


Sweetie Belle sighed, watching Twilight Sparkle leave for school. “Sure, I’ll find something to do… later.” She shook her head and looked around. “I wonder how different this place is from…” she noticed a couple of ponies glancing her way. “...other palaces.”

She started to walk slowly, keeping close to the walls and mostly out of the way, stopping from time to time to look at tapestries or even admire the gardens and city from a balcony. After a full hour of ambling about, she finally sat down on a bench and sighed. “I guess I should head to the library… I don’t know anypony here and the Empress is most likely really busy to be bothered at this time.”

Everywhere she went, Sweetie received more than courteous, if still quite confused, greetings. All it took was a glance at the pendant she wore and ponies would do their utmost to ingratiate themselves with her. It wasn’t just the servants either; some curious nobleponies cautiously and politely stopped her in the halls and made inquiries. The question they most often asked was if she was being apprenticed by the Empress.

Sweetie was reluctant to claim anything, so she kept her answers polite but short: She was currency under the Empress' protection. Any more information would be forthcoming in the near future, she was sure, but she was pleased to make their acquaintance. She had decided to roll with the Lady title, as it was easier for the nobleponies and staff to talk to her as such.

"I should just go back to Sunset's," she muttered as she bowed once more. Being called a 'lady' was a bit hilarious in her opinion, but a necessary evil for now. It gave other ponies a sense of understanding and familiarity that actually managed to help cut conversations short. Always a bonus, that.

Even out here on the bench she wasn’t safe from being disturbed. From the corner of her eye she spied a young peach-coated pegasus stallion around her apparent age, maybe a year or two older, who wore a strange military twist on the fashion of the Canterlot elite: an aiguillette and a pair of epaulets, both gold, garnished his blue suit. He smiled at her as he approached, his white teeth shining like the snowy mane he sported. Strange considering the lighting.

“Hello there, young miss,” he said, bowing his head slightly. “Do you mind if I have the pleasure of your company for a moment?”

Sweetie blinked and curtsied slightly in return. “It would be my pleasure,” she responded. “I’m sure I can spare a little of my time for you, sir.”

At the invitation, he sat down next to her, keeping a respectful distance. “My name is Sir Cirrus, of the Septentrii.” He thinned his lips for a moment, before adding for her benefit, “We govern the Northern Reaches. Ah, I apologize for explaining, but I am not exactly sure if you would be familiar with my family. I do not recognize you, if you will forgive my ignorance.”

Sweetie nodded politely. “Oh, don’t worry about the explanation,” she said, “I do appreciate the consideration. I am Lady Sweetie Belle, and I am afraid that is all I can say at this time, please do not take offense, it was… requested of me.”

His mouth twitched and his eyes sparkled conspiratorially. “By the Empress?”

“If I told you…” She winked. “I’d have to kill you.”

The young stallion chuckled. “Well, I think it would be worth it to know a little bit more about you, my lady.”

“No,” Sweetie said very seriously. “It wouldn’t. And I would have to deal with a lot of paperwork… unless you intend to learn about me in an unofficial manner?”

“I think I’d like to learn about you in whatever manner that won’t get me killed.”

Oh my. He's laying it on thick. Sweetie giggled, studying the pegasus. He was nice to look at: masculine, but in a more androgynous way. She'd dated a pegasus before, and spending some time with this one didn't seem so bad... maybe she had a type. She should be careful, but flirting was a legitimate way of finding information, after all. She just needed to keep some boundaries. “You sir, are a charmer. My favorite food is chocolate cherry cake, do what you will with that information.”

“Well. I am sure I can ask the chefs to whip something up if need be,” he said, absently brushing his mane back with a hoof. “I am sensing that you’re not a noblepony, or at least a rather liberal one if you are.”

'Cocky.' Sweetie shook her head, eyes measuring Cirrus, trying to guess what he was going to try. “They tried to make me a proper noblepony once." She smirked. "I resisted.”

“The temptation is too great for some.” He shrugged and leaned back on the bench. It was kind of cute. He was slightly awkward… but still aggressive when he was interested. Maybe it was because she didn't feel threatened at all, but she could appreciate his wings looking so fluffy. His attempts at aloofness were adorable. “It has its merits and its drawbacks. I prefer being a soldier to a diplomat or politician, which is what most nobleponies seem to end up as these days. It’s much more… rough and ready, I guess? Certainly a lot… spiritually cleaner than the more cloak and dagger and silver-tongued side of noble life.”

Sweetie frowned and looked away. “Clearly your experiences as a soldier have been better than mine.”

His smile dropped at that, and he became quite a degree more guarded. “What do you mean?”

Sweetie glanced his way and her lip twisted a bit into rueful smile. “Might have to kill you, remember?”

“Oh, I see,” his smile returned. “You are an amusing little lady.”

'Little lady. I suppose in his eyes I'm just another noble or quasi-noble delicate flower in need of a knight.' Sweetie sighed and tossed him a bone, curious to see what he'd do when faced with a little bit more of her real self. “You know that feeling you get, when you first find yourself in a situation where you know you’ll die if you don’t do something—anything, just to not lose a limb at best? That was most of my experience.” She looked at him. “I’m not a soldier in the sense you’re thinking, Cirrus, but even if I can’t tell you anything more, I can tell you there are things I don’t necessarily joke about.”

The young knight’s smile went again, replaced by a much more concerned look. “Oh…” The word came out as a little breath. “Is – if you don’t mind me asking – is that why you wear the imperial seal? Your…” his mouth twisted a little in distaste “child-soldier past?”

Sweetie chuckled, trying to break the mood. “Now that would be telling, wouldn’t it? But no, that’s not it. You can rest easy, it's not like the only things I've known are war and strife.” She smiled a bit more honestly, looking down at the seal. “And don’t worry, it really isn’t for any violent reason that I have it.”

Cirrus seemed to inflate at that news. “Good! I mean, ahem, that is good. For a moment there I thought our esteemed sovereign was in the business of exploiting such a soul as yourself.”

A mental image of Nightmare Moon in an apron making pancakes came to Sweetie’s mind. “N-no,” she giggled. She reminded herself that this young stallion was under the impression that she was not much older than Twilight, rather than closer to his. And that was discounting the years she had accumulated so far. Being 'phoenixed' back into her current age, and with all those years of memories gone, it was hard to argue that she was much older than him. She had a filly her own age, for Celestia's sake! Sure, she didn't have the life, years, or memories of what it was like to get to that point, but did that really matter?

She shook her head, bringing herself back to the conversation. “I don’t think she is at all," she said lamely. "The Empress is a very surprising individual.”

He nodded emphatically, good cheer rapidly returning. “She is indeed. I still remember when she adopted the Princess. I was still a squire at the time. That was very surprising for us all.”

Sweetie’s smile widened. “Princess Twilight.” She shook her head. “I still find it amusing. I have to admit that it gives me an endless amount of teasing material.” She tilted her head, looking at him curiously. “So, Cirrus… what brings you here to Canterlot?”

The stallion pursed his lips. “I am attending the Imperial Military Academy of Canterlot. I have my knighthood but my education is still lacking. I’m also here to represent the house when I can; we are so far away from Canterlot it is a hassle for my mother, the Marquessa, or my father to come down here so periodically just to be heard by Parliament and the Lords.”

Sweetie nodded. “I can imagine, it must be hard to stay away from your family for so long.”

“I was fostered for a few years in Prance and only saw my family intermittently, so I guess I am just used to it.” He raised a brow. “What about you, Lady Sweetie? Do you have family in Canterlot or are you a guest of the Empress while away from them?”

Sweetie Belle gave him an amused glance. “Not even the threat of having to kill you will dissuade you from asking, will it?” She smiled coyly at him. “I’m away for an unknown period of time,” she confessed. “And I am placing a lot of trust in you, sir knight.”

He bowed as formally as his seat on the bench would allow, struggling to mask a grin. “Your trust will be well-placed, my lady, I can assure you that.”

Sweetie leaned a little towards him. “I think I might like to know more about my knight gallant, perhaps he would see fit to find a way for us to enjoy each other’s company more often?”

The peach pegasus maintained his wide smile, though Sweetie could see his features stiffen slightly. “I, ah, I would like that... my lady.” He cleared his throat and sat up a little straighter, bringing his body slightly further away from Sweetie. “I could introduce you to my friend and comrade, Sir Shining Armor. He would be interested in meeting a pony who is friends with the Princess.”

Sweetie blinked. “Wait. Shining Armor? As in, white coat, blue mane?”

Cirrus nodded and gave her a wry smirk. “So you have heard of Arcturus’s son but not me?” He gave her a wan look that barely blotted out the grin.

She cleared her throat. 'He's too cute!' “He was mentioned to me. Once. But…” she smiled sweetly. “Even if I were to meet him, my knight spot might be taken.”

“Oh, so you already have a champion?”

“Oh, yes!” Sweetie sighed and swooned like she had seen Rarity do on several occasions. “He has the surest smile in the empire, and his mane-white as snow reflecting the moonlight… well, he hasn’t pledged himself to me yet but… in my heart of hearts...” she struggled to remember that one novel Rarity had hid under her bed, but couldn’t remember anything more other than… “I so wish he would.”

He coughed into his hoof. “Lady Sweetie Belle… are you asking me to champion you?”

Sweetie gave him a half-lidded look. “Are you offering?”

The pegasus stood and knelt before her, looking up into the teen's eyes and said with a gentle, youthful smile, making her eyes widen in surprise. “Lady Sweetie Belle, I would be your champion and defend your honor and virtue whenever I can. I pledge my fealty to you. Your causes are my causes, and your battles are my battles.” He added, with a strange, sudden sobriety, “You will never have to fight again. I will never let you become someone’s soldier if I can help it.”

'Uh… damn.' “Let's not get ahead of ourselves, but for now, I thank you my knight, and accept your fealty for as long as we both remain friends.”

He climbed to his hooves and quickly adopted a bashful look that made him look rather coltish. “I have never championed anypony before.”

Sweetie laughed. “Just be yourself and be there for me and Twilight, and you’ll be the best champion I could ever hope for.”

Cirrus was about to reply when another voice spoke up, “Oh, my, it seems the the blessings of the Great Mother are indeed never-ending,” the Hierophant stated, stepping into their sight. “She regarded the pair for a moment before approaching. “I was just thinking about you, young Sweetie Belle, and the Great Mother provided, guiding me here.”

Sweetie’s eyes narrowed and she stood up, placing herself next to Cirrus and bowed slightly, keeping alert. “Hierophant, a pleasure to see you again, I'm sure.”

“And you, Sweetie Belle. I see you were indeed more than you let on.” The Hierophant nodded to the imperial seal the mare wore at her throat. “A personal invitation and protection by the Empress herself. However did you manage that?”

“I’m afraid I’m not at liberty to disclose that quite yet,” Sweetie replied as politely as she could. “I'm sure you understand.”

North Star seemed taken aback by Sweetie’s answer and though her sweet smile remained, there was a flash of skeptical frustration in her eyes. “Oh? Well I am sure you can share it with me. I am on the Imperial Council, you know.”

Sweetie bowed slightly again, hiding her grimace. “If I did, I would betray the trust that was given me. To betray that trust would be to betray myself.”

The fuschia mare tutted—as if Sweetie were a little child that said something silly—and began walking closer. “Oh Sweetie Belle, you can trust me. Lyra trusts me. The Empress trusts me. They place me in such high regard and I think–”

Suddenly, Cirrus stepped forward, placing himself between Sweetie and the Hierophant. His face was locked in an iron scowl and he stared down the priestess, stopping her in her tracks.

“I think,” he said, his voice terse but not angry, “That Lady Sweetie Belle has made herself clear on the issue, Your Reverence, and the question of why she has the Empress’s seal is of nopony’s business but her and the Empress.”

The corner of the Hierophant’s mouth twitched. “The Empress’s business is my business, young colt.”

“I am no colt, Your Reverence.” The knight raised his chin, looking down his nose at the priestess. “I am a knight and Lady Sweetie Belle’s sworn champion.”

The mare paused at this, her eyes flitting between Sweetie Belle and Cirrus, before smirking. “I see… you are Marquessa Vaingloria’s son, are you not?” The stallion answered her only with a curt, stiff nod. “I recall your house, the Septentrii, needed funding for new mining settlements in the mountains on their borders. I recall I invested quite a few bits in those settlements. In fact, I continue to send sums over, for little return I might add. Your mother often tells me how grateful she is,” North Star licked her lips, “when she isn’t praising her son for his honor and loyalty to his family.”

Sweetie Belle frowned at North Star’s tone and words. It was easy to forget—even with all that Blueblood had told her—about political implications and the consequences of defying those in power. “And of course his first loyalty is to his family, isn’t it, Cirrus?” she asked, looking at him with eyes that begged him to stand down.

The stallion gritted his teeth, sparing only a quick glance to Sweetie Belle. His eyes locked with North Star’s. “I am loyal to my family, that is true, Your Reverence. But I am a knight. I uphold my vows beyond all else and I vowed to protect Lady Sweetie Belle from all that disturbs her and, forgive me for my frankness, but I believe you are disturbing her at this very moment.”

The smirk vanished. “You do not want to antagonize me, colt. All I desire is a private word with young Lady Belle here. I advise you to not incur my ire over something so trivial as that.”

“Cirrus,” Sweetie spoke after a moment, eyes fixed on North Star. “Would you mind if I spoke to Lady North Star in private? I believe she needs to hear some of what I have to say. I would love to see you again soon, however.”

Cirrus gave Sweetie Belle a pained look of pure worry, opening his mouth as if to say something. Instead, it just hung open for a moment, before snapping shut. He held his head high and swallowed before bowing his head low. “Of course, Lady Sweetie Belle. Should you need anything, I will avail myself to you.” He turned to the priestess. “Your Reverence. I look forward to our next meeting.”

The young stallion retreated from their presence, though not without much reluctance and not without throwing a few glances behind him as he left. Finally, the Hierophant and the unicorn teen were alone in the garden, and North Star smiled like a cat that had just cornered a mouse.

“So,” Sweetie’s voice was cold. “Now that it’s just the two of us, you were saying that the Empress trusts you with everything and so should I. Funny. I would think that if she trusted you as you're so ready to announce, you'd know by now, instead I find you here digging for information. How curious.”

“Sweetie, all I want you to do is be open and honest with me. I can see great potential in you. So can the Great Mother.” Her eyes flickered dangerously. “She spoke to you in the grotto yesterday.”

Sweetie snorted, allowing the shadows to sway behind her. “The Great Mother.” She shook her head and gave her a decidedly unimpressed look in return. “Oh, I know you recognize power, anyone with half a brain could feel it, sweeping through the room full of ponies giving in to their base desires with the obvious intention to shock and awe. But there is more to this Great Mother than a benign force that exalts a pony into the next level. How much do you hear?” Her eyes narrowed. “And how much did you promise?”

The mare stared at Sweetie with a curious expression for several seconds, before breaking out into a thin smile. “I promise Her everything, child, and She lets me hear enough. I see enough.” She leaned into her, a bizarre thrilled intensity burning in the whites of her eyes. “I see a queer little filly with something under her coat that she doesn’t want anypony to know about.”

Sweetie leaned forth, matching her gaze without flinching. “And I see a pony that has no idea what she’s doing, thinks she knows more than she actually does, and trusts blindly in a force that she cannot possibly understand. A pony that leans into danger without really understanding just how close she is getting to the edge of the knife.” She smiled a humorless, almost feral grin. “And if you could really see what I have under my coat you’d be running away right now.”

The grin grew wider. “Ohhh, Sweetie,” she breathed. “I think you and I are going to grow very close in the future. Maybe when you become as close to me as I want you to be, you’ll see exactly what kind of force… what kind of danger it is that supports me.”

“North Star,” Sweetie growled, slowly allowing the shadows to grow behind her and obscure the back of her body from view. “I sincerely doubt we’ll be as close as you want us to be, and as for finding out what sort of force you deal with… I felt enough with its feeble attempts to probe my mind. I have dealt with more powerful beings more than once.”

North Star drew herself up, no longer in Sweetie's personal space and hummed. “Sweetie Belle, I do think you and I will be close. I really do.” She grinned wickedly. “I know Lyra would like that, especially if it means she gets to see you at the grotto again. I know she’d feel… safer if you are there with her.”

Sweetie actually deadpanned. “As if you would allow a member of the Blueblood family—the only member I might add—that goes into your little gatherings, to come into harm under your guard. Try another one.”

North Star shrugged. “There are more things I can do to her than actual bodily harm but if you insist on me finding another pony… hmm… ah! How about that gallant young stallion I had the pleasure of speaking to earlier? Why, by the end of it, he will positively hate you for not acquiescing to me when you had the chance. It would be a shame to have to hurt such a handsome thing, but perhaps I can see what his pedigree is worth underneath that barding before I break him.”

Sweetie had become more and more cold with each word, until she literally growled. “I don’t think you know how close you’re walking to the edge of the abyss, North Star. Watch your words. I don’t think you’d be sorely missed.”

The two ponies stared each other down, one grinning like a predator in bloodlust and the other colder than arctic winter. The tension in their little corner of the garden became palpable until it was cut by a sound. A whistled tune.

The two ponies turned to the source of the whistling, just in time to see the Inquisitor stroll around the corner Cirrus had disappeared behind.

“Good morning, Hierophant,” he said, nodding. He greeted Sweetie Belle with a warm smile. “And you, Lady Sweetie Belle. I see you’ve met our esteemed priestess, Lady North Star.”

“I was about to cut the conversation short,” Sweetie said through clenched teeth.

“I wouldn’t blame you; North Star can be a bit too antagonizing for most ponies,” he smirked, his eyes drifting lazily between the two mares. “Why, I just saw young Sir Cirrus Septentrio walking in the other direction a few moments ago. He looked as if he had a run-in with Lady North Star. You wouldn’t happen to have spoken to the knight, Hierophant?”

“I had the pleasure just a moment ago, Inquisitor,” the fuchsia unicorn answered sweetly.

“Ah, no wonder he was so tense. You do have that effect on ponies.” The Inquisitor gave a boyish grin and raised a brow mockingly. “Do you mind terribly if I borrow Sweetie Belle?”

The mare looked back to the teen, who was still staring icy daggers at her. “Not at all.” She stepped away from Sweetie and began walking away from the two. “Our conversation had run its course anyway. Good night, Lady Sweetie Belle.” She bowed her head to tSweetie. “I look forward to seeing you again. Inquisitor.” She nodded once more to the stallion and was gone, sweeping away from the area, poised as if she had won some great victory. The Inquisitor chuckled as he watched her go.

He turned to Sweetie with a smile. “I trust she didn’t cause you too much upset.”

“She idly threatened the sons and daughters of nobles who happen more importantly to be my friends. I was about to do everypony a favor and get rid of the rabid pest.” Sweetie grumbled.

“Yes, that little dagger you had pressed against her neck was very scary. Fanatics rarely notice the most important little things when they think they’re on a role,” his smile dropped a fraction. “What were you thinking, pulling a weapon on her like that? Don’t draw your blade unless you’re going to use it.”

“I was.” Sweetie snorted, rolling her eyes and letting the crystal dagger fall into the grass and break into little pieces. “Until a witness appeared. I don’t think I could pull the same trick on you to begin with, much less after you caught me.”

He tutted. “You know it wasn’t a clever thing to have done, even if she didn’t notice. You shouldn’t have let her provoke you like that.”

Sweetie took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I’m sorry… you’re right. It’s just…” she shook her head. “I have done horrible things, and I realized at the same time that sometimes you can’t get away with clean hooves. And I promised myself that I would only go that far if ponies I loved were threatened or hurt. When she threatened Lyra… and then Cirrus, I wondered how far she would go, and how truthful she was about her attempts. Would she stop at them? Or would she go as far as threatening Twilight as well?” she closed her eyes. “I might have not done it this time… but I was really, really close. All I needed was one more word from her mouth.”

The Inquisitor walked closer to her and chuckled. “I wouldn’t worry about North Star if I were you. She is only as threatening as I let her be, and she wouldn’t dream of harming Twilight. Lyra is of too much use to her to irrevocably damage and she’s of too much use to me for her to even try. Cirrus? That’s another story… she can harm him, but I can help there if you’d like.”

“You’re much better at this than she and I are, I’ll give you that.” She grinned and gave him a considering look. “For some reason that’s reassuring. Thank you, Inquisitor.” 'But it's not just her that I'm worried about. She's messing around with forces that will cause harm to everycreature here.'

Unaware of her thoughts, he shrugged. “You can show your thanks by telling me where you got that weapon from… and where you got the inclination to it.”

Sweetie’s smile slipped. “That’s a dark story, and a very personal one at that.”

“I understand. We all have our secrets.” He hummed. “Would you mind if we move this conversation to my office? I was headed there anyway and I think you’re going to be a fascinating pony to talk to.”

Sweetie looked around before nodding. “Yes… I think our conversation is better suited to a more private area.”


He had led her back into the palace and through the labyrinthine hallways and service corridors. As far as Sweetie could tell, they were heading deeper into the mountain. At last, after all the twists and turns, they came to a seemingly random corridor that was very isolated from all the hallways and rooms that saw the usual traffic of servants, residents and visitors. The Inquisitor approached a dusty old still-life painting and swung it on its side. He pressed the wall behind it and the wood slipped away with a mechanical click, revealing a hole. He bent his head and inserted his horn, like a key, and with a quick burst of magic, a hidden doorway appeared where before there had been nothing but seamless wall. The stallion meticulously righted the painting, the keyhole automatically hiding itself, and disappeared into the doorway, Sweetie Belle following behind.

The tunnel was well-lit and even carpeted, though it seemed to be carved straight out of the mountain rock. The walls were smooth and straight and seemed to go on for quite some time. It took many minutes of walking until they came to an old, ornate door that looked quite richly crafted.

“This is the office of the Lord Commander of the Imperial Overwatch,” he said, opening the door. “It’s been here for over three centuries, though the position predates it by two more.”

They stepped into a room that was spacious and floored with polished, smooth wood. Along the walls were many bookcases, lined with an assortment of tomes – many of which were forbidden from circulation around the Empire – and even one extravagant fireplace sat on one of the walls, fires lit and smoke rising to an unseen chimney. The middle of the room was carpeted with a rich wine-red rug, and contained a large, magnificent desk – deep brown wood trimmed with gold paint. The wall behind the desk was non-existent. Instead, it was a large row of glass windows that let the moonlight spill into the office. The view let anypony know that the room had been built into the cliff-face of Mount Canterlot, a pony-made blemish on an otherwise untouched mountain side

“I usually teleport here,” the Inquisitor admitted. “But it’s been so long since I took the secret entrance and I have little opportunity to show a pony that passage.”

Sweetie stopped admiring the office and forcefully tore her hungry gaze from the tomes in the bookshelves to look at the Inquisitor. “Am I going to be sworn to secrecy?”

“I trust you of all ponies knows how to keep a secret,” he said, moving to his desk to take a seat. He waved her to sit. “There are some seating cushions in the corner if you want to make yourself comfortable.”

Sweetie nodded, quietly levitating some cushions and sitting down before looking up at him. She knew what he wanted to know, but somehow retelling it to somepony that pulled as many strings as he seemed to… it just made it unexpectedly risky. All the other times she had confided in ponies that she knew to a certain extent, except for Esteem, and even then, she had shared very little with him. This pony had many more secrets than her alternate father had. He was smarter, and more calculating, yet just as sure of himself, but without that almost palpable flaw that Esteem had. And Sweetie had a lot more secrets now, and this pony had it in him to find out all of them if she was not careful. And most likely would, if she was anyway.

She took a deep breath and looked him in the eye. “What do you want to know?”

The smile grew. “I’ve made guesses about you. A number of theories I mulled over since I saw you yesterday. You are… a very strange girl. You’ve been through quite a bit of trauma, though that much I knew from your telling us in the throne room. You weren’t telling us the exact truth however, and you are hiding... something else.” He shrugged. “I have many questions for you, but I think it would be nicer if you start on your own terms. So, what are you willing to tell me?”

Sweetie considered the question. “Can I have your word that all of this will remain between us?”

His gentle, boyish smile became somewhat more serious. “You have my word.”

Sweetie nodded and looked at all the books. “Tell me, do you know anything about other worlds?”

His eyebrows raised, evidently not expecting the question. “I know there are different planes… the spirit world, numerous heavens, the Foundation Plane and… others.”

“Those exist in the same reality, ” Sweetie said. “And that is how things work here. But there are other places, outside of this particular sphere, that coexist with this universe.” She bit her lip for a moment, gathering her thoughts. "That is what I sensed…"

“There was a filly once, a while ago,” she started talking in a whisper, trying to organize what felt like a lifetime into something coherent for the benefit of someone that was knowledgeable, but much more limited than say, Sunset Shimmer. “This filly messed up an experiment being done by a great and very powerful mage.

“She ended up catapulted through time and space, beyond the limits of her reality into another, similar world. The faces were the same, voices, places… and yet it was not her home. The history was different. Ponies that were bitter enemies where she came from, were friends or lovers there.” She sighed, drawing circles with her hoof on the surface of one of the pillows. “The filly repeated the cycle, appearing in other places, other times… sometimes her counterpart had been long dead. Sometimes, she was younger. Or older. This filly learned a lot of things during her travels, but she was also used…”

Sweetie’s hoof punched the pillow hard, and she clenched her teeth, forcing the story out. “She became a weapon, a sleeper agent for an evil queen… and then a weapon again, against her own family and trained in killing arts a filly her age should have never learned. This filly was captured and tortured and made into something not equine… she had to find someone that understood what it was living like she was… and then she was thrown again against her will into other worlds. Sometimes she found joy, other times… well.”

She sighed. “This filly… once made a promise, when she was in control of her faculties and the skills that had been ingrained in her: That she would only kill to protect her loved ones and only if they were in serious threat. But she’s been lost, and terribly afraid of what she’s become for so long now and clinging to her friends and mentors in a desperate attempt to fix everything and go home.”

Sweetie gritted her teeth. "It was only recently that I saw a light at the end of the tunnel… but it seems so far away that, even with some very powerful friends, I'm afraid I'll never reach the finish line, no matter what I do."

There was a heavy quiet after all that, with only the ticking of a grandfather clock to break the silence. The Inquisitor sat there, at his desk, with the tips of his hooves steepled together, looking intently at the teen before him, which he could now sense was not exactly as young as she seemed. His smile had been gone the whole time she had been speaking.

“Ah, I see,” he said simply. The smile returned. “The philosopher alicorn Aion thought there were material worlds beyond this one, not the heavens but actual new planets; nevermind that parasitical realm the breezies come from. It is said he died trying to reach one of these realities but, who knows… maybe he succeeded. This is an… interesting tale you have spun for me, Sweetie Belle.”

The smile then became a grimace. “I could see… and sense – more of the latter I suppose – something was… different about you. The deer have this natural glamor that enhances their bodies and charisma, and they are already a beautiful and charismatic race, and I have spent a significant amount of time and energy learning to bypass and ignore this kind of glamor. I suppose that’s why I could sense it with you; that non-equine side that you hide subconsciously. Well, that and I am naturally suspicious.” He smiled kindly. “So, what is it exactly that you're hiding?”

Sweetie closed her eyes. “What you’re asking… would be like exposing my soul. Very few creatures have seen me like that. Lifting my glamour is not… sometimes when I get upset, some of it shows through but my true self… the last time I was caught unawares I thought I might die just because of how vulnerable I felt, how horrified I was that—" She paused, gulping down the pain in her heart, even when someone could naturally see past it... someone that had experienced similar things as Sunset had, possibly more... even then... "—why would you want to look at a broken, tortured and mutated soul?”

“Why would I indeed?” His smile faded. “There is a magic, in this reality, that is a type of soul magic combined with illusion magic. It’s like your glamor, but rather than hide your soul it brings it to the surface. Everypony’s is usually different, like a cutie mark. Some shine with good deeds and others are the same stubborn stone that their owners are. You think your soul is tortured, broken and mutated? I have seen what that looks like, and I assure you… yours is likely positively pristine by comparison.”

Sweetie didn’t look at him. “What does yours look like?” she asked in a whisper.

He smiled again. It was devoid of good nature and entirely self-mocking. “Would you like to see?”

Sweetie was silent for a long time. “Do you want me to?” she finally asked, standing up and looking him in the eye. “All I see when I look at myself is a monster. Others tell me I'm not. When I look at you, I see a pony with secrets and a smile. But still a pony.”

“Sometimes, that’s exactly what a monster is.” He stood up and walked to the other side of the room, giving her a wide berth. “Because this is what it hides.”

His horn came to life with black aura and everything about him changed.

Sweetie stared in silence at the Inquisitor, eyes filling slowly with tears before nodding at him. Without a word, she slowly lifted her glamour, layer by layer until she revealed her true self to him. From the quartz-like mane, to the marble, rock and crystal fur and ebon spikes jutting out like barbs. Her eyes turned golden and red and she looked far thinner than a pony her size should be.

“Strange… almost like a crystal pony. Almost,” he muttered. His voice had acquired a bizarre flanging quality dressed as he was in his naked soul. Like multiple voices struggling over each other to be heard.

“I’m not made of pure crystal though,” Sweetie said, self-consciously looking down at her fur. “I’m more rock with the occasional crystal. The Fae can do horrible, wondrous, terrible things.”

“Like an earth spirit, perhaps?” the Inquisitor wondered aloud. He shook his head. “My soul, as you can see, is hideous because of my choices and the events of my life. All the pain I’ve underwent and inflicted have been mirrored in me like this.” The illusion was dispelled and the normal flesh and clothing of the Lord Commander of the Overwatch returned. “I take it you were changed by some harrowing event?”

Sweetie nodded. “I wasn’t lying when I told you and the Empress about what had happened to me.”

“I hazarded a guess yesterday that those who… taught you your contract magic were what we know as the Forsworn. In our world, the deer are one of the oldest races, and they have had philosophical disputes between themselves, with the greatest being the Forsworns’ rebellion.” His face twisted into a scowl. “The Forsworn are vile, barely even people. They’re more fae-like than the deer are, hard though that is to believe, and are beyond cruel. Did something like them capture you in another world?”

Sweetie rubbed the back of her head. “I was captured by pure Fae. I was only rescued because Twilight managed to bargain with the powers of their realm to allow me a chance to escape.”

“And that bargain brought about this…” the dark grey unicorn gestured to her marble coat “Change?”

Sweetie shook her head. “In part, her influence affected it but… it was being a slave for the Fae and having to survive in their world that slowly turned me into… this.”

“These Fae… they were dark spirits? From another world, or at least from another plane of existence?” he asked, cautiously curious.

Sweetie shook her head, eyes darkening. “They're not spirits. They're something else. Their home... it’s almost like a parasitic plane, like how you described the Breezie's world. The world of the Fae is like an aspect of a cornucopia of concepts, leaking into the Equestria of that universe. You could be walking in a forest and suddenly find yourself lost in a hedge that slowly strips away your empathy and values as thorns dig into your skin." She snorted. "It's not the worst place I've been to, but it is close.”

His face was grave. “We have such creatures here. Not in Canterlot, thankfully, but there are certain things that look hungrily into our world. Like those Fae and… worse.”

Sweetie gave him a wary glance. “You know that North Star has had contact with them, or something similar, right?”

His brow twitched into a slight frown. “I… did not know that.” The frown deepened and he added, more to himself, “I should have known that…” He turned away from her and went back to his seat at his desk. “Tell me,” he began when he sat down, “how do you know this?”

“I went to one of her celebrations… at one point she invited ponies to go to the altar and receive the blessing of the so-called 'Great Mother'. When I went there… I heard them. They were trying to pry into my mind.” She paused. “I don’t think they were the same as what took me… they felt different.”

The Inquisitor leaned forward. “Different how?”

“It’s hard to describe… the whispers were not the same. It was still alien and unintelligible, but there was something… like a will that… made sense…” She smiled sheepishly. “I’m sorry, I just can’t explain it. It’s a gut feeling more than anything.”

He nodded. “I understand. Well, there’s not much I can do about it at the moment. When more information arises, I will endeavor to nip any sort of trouble in the bud.” His lips thinned. “We cannot have creatures such as these infiltrate our empire.”

“I’m worried about Lyra, though.” Sweetie started pacing. “She’s getting really deep into that cult…” She sighed and stopped, looking at the Inquisitor. “But I guess you know what you’ll do.” She hesitated, but swallowed and asked through suddenly dry lips, “So now that you know my secret… what now?”

“Now? Well, now I think you’re not a threat, and you’re a remarkably talented young mare,” he smiled. “But more than that, it seems Twilight Sparkle has taken a shine to you, which is good. Do you know I give her private lessons like her mother does? Sometimes according to the Empress’s curriculum and sometimes not.”

Sweetie felt her glamour cover her again, but she was more interested in what the Inquisitor was saying. “Really? That must be very interesting! I’m sure Twilight loves the extra lessons!”

“She certainly appreciates what I have to teach her.” The Inquisitor grinned and scratched his neck. “What can I teach you, however? I assume you’ve collected plenty of special skills over the course of your adventures.”

Sweetie shrugged, although her eyes were glinting with undisguised anticipation. “I’m not sure… since I’ll be attending school with her after the Winter Break I’ll be catching up on regular magical studies… I know more than I want to know about combat, and my strength’s rely in misdirection, matrices and elemental combat magic.”

“I know a few tricks, if you are interested in learning them.”

“I’m always interested in learning,” Sweetie replied with a smile. “Plus, I get to study with Twilight!”

“Then I suppose you will be seeing more of me later. How long are you staying… in our world?” the question rolled uncomfortably off his tongue.

Sweetie pursed her lips, humming to herself as she thought about it. “I… don’t know. It can be anything from a day to a few weeks to… well, the longest has been two years and a half.”

The stallion raised an eyebrow. “If and when you get home, do you think it will be as if you never left, or will the years advance there as they do for you?”

She looked away. “I don’t know… I once saw my sister through a magical mirror… but it could have been a device to torture me, rather than my real world.” She slumped. “I could arrive in my original world hundreds of years in the future… I just don’t know how relative it is to my own time.”

“Still… two and a half years in a strange world. What was it like, that one? I assume not as dangerous as the one with the Fae.”

Sweetie licked her lips. “I um… repeated the exact same day every single time. I uh… died. Many times. Violently.”

“How odd. I think I read a book about something like that… a fictional scenario, of course.” He grinned. “Though apparently not for you.”

“I wasn’t the only one there,” Sweetie confessed. “Prince Blueblood had been trapped in the loops for a long time already by the time I arrived. He taught me a lot and helped me not lose myself even more.” She smiled at the memory. “He taught me Germane and Prench, sponsored my musical training, organized my birthday party and even adopted me unofficially into his family just to spite other Prince Bluebloods.”

A rueful huff of air left his lips. “Blueblood? That effete dandy? I can’t imagine his influence doing much good… granted, he is wilier than he appears, at least in my world.”

Sweetie huffed. “Hey! My big brother was amazing!” she smirked. “In fact, if you met him, you would like him.”

“Big brother eh?” he chuckled. “Well, I suppose if things vary between worlds, a pony's character can too. I wonder, have you met me before?”

Sweetie frowned. “No… so far you’re unique to this world… there are others I’ve met, but not you.”

“I guess that’s a little comforting, actually, that I’m… unique. I would love to visit one of these worlds.” He creased his brow thoughtfully and stared at his desk. “Perhaps… hrm…” He looked back up to Sweetie and smiled. “I have enjoyed this talk with you, Sweetie Belle. Whatever you need, I will be happy to help. Now, if you don’t mind, I have some work to do.”

She nodded, stepping back. “Thank you, Inquisitor.”

His horn flashed that black-coloured glow and, without warning, the office vanished before her eyes. After she recovered from the shock of being teleported so suddenly, Sweetie found herself staring at the bench she had met Cirrus at.


The Imperial Library was quiet except for the frustrated mutterings and fast page-shifting of a young mare.

“Gah, this translation doesn’t make sense!” Sweetie Belle muttered, looking from one book to the other. “And the numbers are all different in all four books for the exact same period of war!”

She rolled her eyes and turned to the tome she had found on the Griffon Wars in the original griffon language. “And of course Blueblood would’ve not taught me the nuances of the language to the extent that I need here.”

She was quiet for a moment, looking from a book to the tome and back and jotting down notes. “Okay, so the griffons claim that the eyrie in the North Crest was completely destroyed by Equestrian forces, but it was little more than a safehouse for the families of political figures… but none of the other books even mention it.”

She groaned and rested her head on the table. “So much censorship. Did the griffon massacre of the villages next to the border actually help start the war or did they fight over that territory after?”

A large, distinctive shadow fell over her. “Hello there, Sweetie Belle. I see you share Twilight’s enthusiasm for reading.”

The filly turned to find the tall, dark form of Nightmare Moon behind her, a small, elegant smile gracing her lips.

Sweetie’s eyes widened and she bowed so quickly she almost smacked her forehead on the edge of the table. She chuckled nervously rubbing her head. “I guess I do,” she acknowledged, glancing at the books. “I just figured I would catch up a little, if I’m attending school next year.”

The Empress’s draconic eyes fell upon the titles of the books Sweetie had gathered. “Studying history then.”

“What better way to understand the present?” Sweetie asked, turning to the tomes. “As always everypony involved has their own version of the same event… I’m just frustrated because a few events seem to have only happened in one version and never in another.”

“The war happened in the mountainous country of the griffons. It is easy for ponies to be lost in the isolated valleys and for villages to be wiped out in landslides or avalanches. This was only exacerbated by the war.”

Sweetie looked at the Empress for a moment. “It’s easy to forget that you were there.” She looked at a map displaying locations of relevant battles. “Sometimes I wonder, what's it like to have seen so much?”

The Empress shrugged, her wings fluttering slightly. “Sometimes I wonder what it is like to see so little, as mortals do. But I expect you have seen enough in your travels.”

Sweetie was silent for a moment, contemplating her next question. “Your Majesty… I-I do have a question, but I am a little afraid to ask it. It’s… a bit loaded.”

She gave her an arch look. “I would like to hear it anyway.”

Taking a deep breath, Sweetie spoke. “Why have you kept the night ongoing for so long? I don’t think just about anypony I’ve met here even knows what the sun is, much less seen it.” She gulped. “N-not that there’s anything wrong with the night, I just… want to understand.”

Those teal, alien eyes bore into her, and Nightmare Moon was evidently surprised by her words, her jaw stiffening. “Midderland is blanketed by eternal night. Everypony knows this. It is how things are.”

Sweetie sighed and looked down. “I’m sorry if I offended you, your Majesty. I just thought—” she bit her lip. “I guess I wasn’t thinking at all.”

Nightmare Moon let out a sighing breath of air, shaking her head. “No, no it is quite all right. That is just a… rare question I am asked.”

Sweetie nodded. “I just wondered… I have some strange phrases for ponies here, so they tend to notice if I use unusual words, or ask them how their day is going.”

“It is considered more… proper to use the term ‘day’ in reference to a twenty-four hour period.” The Empress snorted. “But luckily that is only relegated to the more learned and world-aware stratas of Equestrian society. Most ponies get used to it, Sweetie Belle, and most visitors from outside Midderland find it an endearing cultural quirk.”

Sweetie nodded. “Thank you for explaining that to me, I thought I was getting everyone confused with my choice of words.” She grimaced. “I had to deal with plenty of politics today, I wouldn’t want to have my words taken as an insult or a sign of some sort… other than me being from out of town, I guess.”

“Politics?” Nightmare Moon frowned. “Ah, I see the imperial seal brought you some trouble then?”

Sweetie shook her head. “The imperial seal brought me a new friend… it was my own doing that got me and him in trouble today.” She took a calming breath. “I might not be completely lost when it comes to it, but I am a far cry from being ready to deal with the likes of North Star without…” she cleared her throat. “Getting ready to throttle her.” She looked at Nightmare Moon with admiration. “How you can deal with them is beyond me.”

Nightmare Moon smirked slightly. “It is not easy… delegation is essential for my sanity.” The smirk morphed into a curious pursing of the lips. “You mentioned North Star specifically. Has she been hassling you?”

Sweetie almost rolled her eyes, but caught herself when she remembered just who she was talking to. “Threatening the few friends I have managed to make.” She paused, letting that sink in. “I… don’t think she knows I’m not much for hiding away from bullying. And the fact that I don’t know how long I’ll be here makes her trying to take advantage of me tenuous at best but…” She frowned. “My friends… my friends should never suffer because of me.”

The Empress frowned, an icy ire suddenly catching in her eyes. “Tell me what she said.” The tone brooked no argument.

“She was trying to convince me to go back to the grotto with her, and she said that Lyra, who I befriended, would feel safer with me there…" she emphasized the word, just like North Star had done, "and then, when I called her out on it she said that there were more things that she could do other than bodily harm... then she threatened Cirrus, who tried to step in and get her to lay off of me... saying that by the end of it he would hate me for not acquiescing to her.” Sweetie already felt angry again, recalling the words of that snake of a mare.

“Grotto? What grotto?” the alicorn’s eyes narrowed.

“It’s where she and her cult gather. They serve drinks and burn incense and I’m not sure what else but ponies there become really…” Sweetie struggled to find the word. “Relaxed. She conducts her ceremonies there.”

“What in the world were you doing at one of those ceremonies, do you not know—” She closed her eyes, sighing. “Of course not, you have been traveling for so long at such a young age you likely know little about Equestria. In any case, I trust that you know not to return to North Star’s ceremonies. They are entirely inappropriate for fillies your age. As for her threats…” Nightmare Moon opened her eyes and continued, her voice was edged with steel. “She will learn that whoever wears that seal is an honored guest under my protection, and I will not tolerate threats on you or the children of my vassals.”

Sweetie shook her head emphatically. “Oh no, I’m not going back there, ever again, even beyond her threats… the very nature of what they do and subject themselves to is… toxic.” She hesitated, recalling her promise to Lyra. “There is… one thing, your Majesty. I promised Lyra that I would not reveal her involvement with the cult to anypony. Although I’d rather have her safe than happy with me, I’d appreciate it if her involvement wasn’t made public.” She winced. “I know it’s a bold request but, I don’t know what else to do to protect her.”

Nightmare Moon thought on this for several moments. “Luckily, we have freedom of religion in this country; I will not forbid her from the Cult. While I would not advise a young mare to attend those ceremonies – they are neither spiritually pure or correct in my opinion – I will not betray the trust Lady Lyra put into you by allowing her secret to be further revealed, though it is admittedly a secret that is more open than not. If I sense she is in danger, I will act and tell her parents of her association with North Star, but I think she is in no real danger. The Hierophant cannot harm the heir of House Heartstrings, especially when I make my displeasure on this matter known to her.”

Sweetie smiled and bowed again. “Thank you.”

The black alicorn nodded and made to leave, stopping suddenly and looking back at Sweetie, her body half-turned. “Oh, I almost forgot. I have good news for you. I managed to secure you a place at the Canterlot College of Music as a special student. Your lessons, performances and tutors will be paid for by the treasury. It will give you something to do while Twilight is at the Academy.”

Sweetie’s eyes became wide. “Really?!” She squeaked, almost jumping with excitement. “That’s—that’s just amazing! Thank you! I have no words… thank you so much!”

“I heard you play for Twilight last night; you are a very gifted pony. It seems that clef on your flank is well deserved.” The Empress smiled. “I hope you are able to refine your talents at the College.”

“I’m sure I will!” Sweetie responded immediately. “I’ll make you both proud! I promise!”

The Empress smiled and glanced at the library’s clock. “Ah, Twilight’s classes should be ending soon. Would you like to come with me to welcome her back? I am sure she would appreciate your being there.”

Sweetie grinned and nodded, quickly using her magic to store away the books she had borrowed. “I would love to.”

Author's Note:

In addition to this chapter, I have published another world visit we never got to see, but it was hinted at in the description. And that would be: Summary That Never Was: The End of Ponies which I was collaborating with ShortskirtsandExplosions back when it was still going on.

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