• Published 21st Jun 2015
  • 1,992 Views, 13 Comments

Always - IDontKnowWhatToTypeHere

Spike has dated pony after pony, none of them worthwhile... But the new pony in town seems to catch his eye.

  • ...

All The Small Things

All the small things,

5 o'clock. Precisely the time the doorbell rang, which startled poor Rumble. He had been in his room, doing some final moving adjustments. He really liked his room; Unlike his old house, he could truly express things he loved and, more importantly, who he was. He loved the small things, like the small rainbow flags from the pride parades he used to go to in secret. Honestly, he kind of enjoyed those moments of secrecy, things were much more peaceful that way. The gray pegasus shook his head, trying to get back on task. He soon left his room and closed his door.

He quickly headed to the door and opened it. It was that dragon from earlier and Princess Twilight Sparkle! Honestly, he wasn't sure who he should be more surprised by. He smiled and bowed down, and as he did he spoke.

"Good Evening Princess." He said in a rather polite tone, it was almost courtesy to greet royalty like that. Rumble soon got up from his bow, looked at both of them and cleared his throat. "My name is Rumble, my brother Thunderlane is probably still in his room. Please come in." Rumble opened the door further so they could be let in. Twilight giggled. Even though she had been royalty for a while, she would never get used to being treated this way.

"Please, just call me Twilight." The lavender alicorn said to the young colt. She continued "This is Spike," she said, gesturing towards the tired looking dragon "But you two already met didn't you?" She said with a bit of a giggle at the end, walking into the home. Spike looked at the similarly aged pegasus and smiled with a small wave as well. Before Rumble could say anything else, Thunderlane came out of his room. As he saw the princess, he bowed, saying the formal greeting to which Twilight sighed and told him the same thing she told his younger sibling.
"Is there any reason you have come here Twilight?" The older brother asked, making sure that nothing was wrong. The princess shook her head and smiled.

"Just meeting the new neighbours, this isn't that far from where Spike and I live." She smiled "We live in the Golden Oaks Library." Rumble's ears had perked up when he heard the word library. He loved reading, it was truly one of his favourite pastimes. He had to hide some books like 'Colt meets Colt' and 'Two Colts Kissing' from his family when he was younger, in fear that he would get caught. He still loved those books to death though. "Spike," Even though it wasn't his name, Rumble snapped out of his daydream. The Princess continued "Why don't you and Rumble go to his room? I have something I need to talk about with Thunderlane." Spike nodded and headed towards Rumble.

"Lead the way!" The dragon said to the gray pegasus in a very friendly tone. Spike was significantly taller than Rumble, about a head or so. Rumble stared up at the dragon and smiled, he then walked back to his room. He opened the door for Spike, who thanked him as he entered. Rumble headed in soon after and sat on his bed. Spike took this as an invitation to do the same. The door slowly closed itself. Rumble was feeling a tad nervous and didn't know how to start a conversation. Spike spoke up "So, where you from?".

"Cloudsdale" Rumble smiled, remembering his old town, his old friends, his old school. He missed it all. To be fair, it was a great town.

"Cloudsdale huh?" Spike smiled as well, even though he was unsure why. "That's cool! Why'd you move here?"

Rumble cringed at the question. "Uh... Long story." He said a tad nervously, looking back up at Spike. He was met by comforting eyes looking down at him.

"That's fine." Spike continued with a smile, finally analyzing the room around him and noticing the small details. "Hey, why are there so many rainbow flags in here?" Spike asked as an innocent question.

"Cause I'm gay," Rumble said, still smiling. He honestly couldn't care less who knew now.

Spike was shocked, not because Rumble was gay, but because of the fact he could just outright say it. "You..." He paused, "You're gay?" He tried to smile reassuringly, showing that he was okay with it.

Rumble looked at him with soft eyes "Yeah...? So what?" He smiled, knowing that the drake meant no harm. "I'm still Rumble."

"Yeah yeah!" He said nervously, carefully picking his words "I get that," He replied rather quickly, "But..." He had to think of how the best way to phrase this would be. "You can just say that?!" This was not the best way to phrase this.

"Yeah?" Rumble said with a small laugh "It's just as easy for you to say you're straight, so why would it be hard for me?" Rumble smiled again as he laid down his back onto the bed

Spike was quiet for a little bit after he had said that and finally replied with a small laugh. He understood what Rumble had meant, and his example had worked however it struck a chord in Spike. Why wasn't it as easy for him to say he was straight? He didn't know. Spike had also laid his back on Rumble's bed. Spike soon turned his head to look at Rumble. The pegasus did the same thing. Spike started blushing a little bit, and he soon got up off his friend's bed as he heard a voice from another room.

"Spike!" A familiar voice called. "We're leaving now!"

"Sorry, gotta go." Spike stretched and walked out the door looking at Rumble before he went. "See ya around?"

Rumble smiled as he looked up at the drake. "Sure, see you around..."

True care truth brings.

Author's Note:

Hey! Hope you enjoyed the New Chapter!

Just a quick note for all Blink-182 fans. The song names used for each chapter isn't saying what will be happening in each chapter per-say, however, the lyric snippet at the beginning and end, usually has meaning if you interpret it around the story. For example this chapter, 'All the Small Things' is reffering to the small things in life and in Rumble's room and 'True care truth brings' is reffering to the part where Rumble says something truthful about himself (Truth care), and it Sparks something in Spike to help find the truth of himself (Truth Brings).

Honestly, out of the 2.5 chapters I've written, this is by far my least favourite... It felt sloppy, please stick around, it can only go uphill from here!

Please leave criticism in the comments, and like if you liked it and dislike if you didn't! It helps either way!
Thanks for Reading

P.S. I'm still looking for a cover artist! If you are willing, please PM me.

EDIT: Found a cover artist! Their name is Talcom and they can be found in the story description
Thanks for reading!

Comments ( 9 )

Nice chapter!:pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by Asashi - Dark Fist Inari deleted Jul 8th, 2015
Comment posted by IDontKnowWhatToTypeHere deleted Jul 8th, 2015
Comment posted by Eldorado deleted Jul 8th, 2015

Isn't Spike x Rumble pairing already quite popular?

Is it? I have only seen 1 or 2 other fics with it... Maybe I'm wrong

6188276 Fics maybe. But pics...

If I look up Spike X Rumble pics right now, there are 2 or 3 pictures. Keep in mind I didn't check NSFW but I'd really rather not do that.

try stitching your first and second chapter together to make the length better. Also nice to find more gay spike stuff, I love me a good gay spike romance

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