• Published 13th Apr 2015
  • 2,931 Views, 31 Comments

The Return of a King - Killjoy_Writer

Years after his defeat, Sombra has been revived and has to cope with all that's happened.

  • ...

Final Challenge and Renewal

Cadence led both Sombra and Twilight through the snow towards her secret laboratory. Sombra needed to destroy his creator, once and for all. Cadence stopped at the bar and gestured them in. "Get a drink if you want. I'll be but a moment." Cadence offered as Sombra and Twilight shook off the snow that collected on them. Sombra took her offer and ordered a hard apple cider. Twilight sat next to Sombra but didn't order a drink. They sat in silence, save for the band that played and the other customers. Twilight could feel her heart pounding in her chest. Seeing Sombra do deeds that saved his name not only was rejuvenating, but it gave him charm.

Twilight tried her best to hide a blush but Sombra noticed it too quickly. "Something the matter, princess?" Sombra wondered.

"Y-Yeah!" Twilight lied as she managed to shake the blush off. Twilight turned to face Sombra but he turned too and things escalated quickly. Both the lips of his and her met. Twilight's face formed a red that rivaled Big Macintosh. Both of them turned away and resumed their silence. Moments later, Cadence came back and told them that everything was ready. They rose and followed Cadence. Twilight knew from where they were headed of what was going to happen. They were going to destroy a god.

"....Sombra.....my son.....my heir....." the voice greeted upon their entrance.

"Mother." Sombra coldly greeted back.

Twilight and Cadence went off to separate areas of the room and watched. "...Why so cold son...?"

"You stole my life from me. You took what I held dear to and forced me to throw it all away." he shot.

"....But I gave you.....enlightenment.....no one loved you.....because they were driven by fear.....to stay away from you...." the voice lied.

"Silence you cur!" he yelled. "Hope was the one who cared for me. Amore saw that I was confused. They tried to help me!"

"....But they kept a secret from you......the secret.....that was......your true nature....an Unbrum sees no light...."

"But I see it while you cringe away like a scared dog!" he yelled, his rage starting to crack the gem and his horn. "I don't care if I'm an Unbrum! I want to be accepted!" Sombra reared up and slammed his hooves down, the gem and his horn shattering to pieces. The voice laughed malevolently in triumph as wisps of black, green, and purple swirled up from the shards. "You incompetent fool!" she bellowed. "Now I will make it so that you won't be able to see even the smallest twinkle!" Several wisps lunged out and grabbed Sombra, hoisting him into a large cloud.

"Cadence!" Twilight yelled over the winds. "What's happening?"

"He's completing his final challenge!" Cadence yelled back. "He needs to destroy her so he can be free!"

Twilight felt something in her as she looked up at the struggling Sombra. What was it about him that made her feel attracted? Was it his charm? His bravery? His loving nature on the inside? But one thing was for sure, she was in love with him. Sombra struggled as he couched out each wisp that tried to take him and as his natural magic shot at the cloud which did little to help him. "Wiggle all you want you traitor!" his mother laughed. "Your efforts are nothing!" Sombra began to grow weak. His vision was blackening. But then he saw it, a small twinkle in his vision.

Sombra's head snapped up and his horn ignited in a fierce blue hue. Beam after beam of magic shot out uncontrollably until they formed one solid beam. "Nooooooo!!!!!!" his mother screamed as the wisps and shards evaporated into nothing. As the last shard vanished, Sombra's Magic Spike cooled and he fell limp and passed out onto the ground. Twilight and a group of paramedics rushed to him and scanned his body. Twilight noticed that his mane and tail changed from a dark black to a lighter black with blue highlights. The one true change was his horn. It was no longer a red gem that notified Equestria of an Unbrum.

She sighed in relief and backed away so that the paramedics could do their work. Twilight turned and saw a smirking Cadence there. "I know what's going on." she noted.

"N-No you don't." Twilight denied with a small blush as she started to head out.

"Twilight, don't forget that I'm the princess of Love. Your secret is safe with me." Cadence vowed as she reenacted the Pinkie Promise. Twilight sighed in relief. If the public got their hooves on this news, her secret relationship would be jeopardized. Now all she needed to do was wait.

Sombra woke up with a groan to the sound of the EKG. "Can somepony turn this blasted thing off?" he wondered aloud and Redheart entered. She walked over and took the pads off his arm and turned off the sensor. Twilight was the next to enter with a smile on her face. "How are you feeling, Sombra?" she wondered.

"Tired. Sore. Thirsty. Hungry." he groaned.

"Well I haven't had any lunch yet, so let's go." Sombra looked at her with a smile. Her charm was extraordinary. If he wanted to, he could call this their first date. But, they weren't in a relationship.

At least he doesn't know about that....

Comments ( 4 )

Well that......escalated quickly

6168735 (insert over used Ron Burgundy meme here)

A little... speedy in the pacing and development, but an interesting and oddly sweet story in my opinion.:moustache:

This was cute, but too short, too quickly paced. It looked like there were a few world building things too, but you didn't really explain things.
Maybe someday you could re-write this? But until then :moustache: :raritywink:

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