• Published 14th Apr 2015
  • 583 Views, 5 Comments

Silver Wings - rascal255

School sucks, we all know it, but it's not school that makes it suck so much. It's the bullies that go to it. Scootaloo, knows this all too well. What happens when she finally breaks?

  • ...

Point of Breaking

Author's Note:

This story is a collaboration with Cryce1 and Blackbolt. Criticism is welcome.

“There is nothing special about you, Chicken, what will it take to get you to realize that.” Diamond Tiara sneered towards Scootaloo. School was about to start for the day and Diamond Tiara was, as usual, picking on Scootaloo.

“You’re wrong Diamond, I know I’m special somehow!” Scootaloo growled toward the pink filly. She just grinned and laughed at Scootaloo.

"Ha, whatever, Blank Flank!"

“Now class, please take your seats,” Cheerilee instructed. And now another normal day of, insufferable classmates and boring lecture ensues.

School had just let out and the CMC were starting to walk home, but they can’t just have one day without Diamond Tiara saying something.

“Hey, blank flanks!” Diamond yelled to the CMC while walking across the playground.

“What do you want now, Diamond?” Scootaloo questioned in a frustrated tone.

“I can’t believe you’re even trying to earn a cutie mark, blank flank, I mean you never get them, and you won’t ever be able to fly with those useless wings” Diamond says grinning deviously

Scootaloo froze and just stared into space. Diamond smiled with satisfaction as Scootaloo stood there. Then came a small sob. Then a louder one and she quickly starts to run.

“What is wrong with you?!” Applebloom yelled at Diamond and Silver

“You are completely horrible!” Sweetie Belle added quickly

As the two fillies started to run off, Silver Spoon just stood there, thinking about what they had said. She looked over at Diamond who had started to talk to her about some ‘special’ thing coming up. Silver just stared as she realized she hadn’t even been fazed in the slightest. Silver continued to stare at her.

“And then daddy had to… Hey, Sil, are you even listening to me?” Diamond stared at her friend slightly annoyed by the lack of responses.

“You…” Diamond tilted her head slightly and was about to ask what about her when Silver spoke again.

“You… are a bitch,” Silver said slowly staring at Diamond. Diamond’s eyes widened when she heard this.

“W-what did you just call me?” She said stuttering slightly.

“You heard me Diamond…”

“Why would you call me that?”

“I can’t believe you said those things to her”

“What?” Diamond backs up slightly “Why would you care, she’s just a blank flank”

“Stop calling them that!” Silver Spoon stepped closer to her ‘friend’

“Silver, what’s gotten into yo-” She was stopped by an angry look from her friend, something she’d never seen before.

“Who cares if they haven’t got their cutie marks, I mean you used to not have one”

“Yeah, but now I have it, and you have one so why are you caring? We should be walking to my home right while laughing like we always do” Diamond looked at her friend a bit scared at why she was acting this way.

“Well… maybe that routine, will have to break…” Silver spoon muttered as she turned away from Diamond.

Silver Spoon began to walk away, and a set of hoof steps followed her for a second before stopping. Silver Spoon just continued, and then she could hear Diamond harrumph and then walked off like it didn’t even faze her. Silver Spoon continued to walk and didn’t really have any idea of where she was going.

Scootaloo was running away as fast as she could. That’s all she thought she could do. She continued to run, her eyes stinging with tears.

She soon found herself at Sweet Apple Acres, and then she found the tree. She quickly raced up the ramp and inside the clubhouse, shut the door tightly, locked it as well, and closed the windows.

Scootaloo looked around to make sure no one was inside and huddled up in a corner. She began to cry even more.

“Scootaloo please open up,” Applebloom and Sweetie Belle yelled in unison.

Scootaloo remained quiet hoping that they would leave.

After some time, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle gave up and walked back to their homes.

It had been ages since they both had left, Scootaloo could still hear what Diamond had said. She looked back toward her small wings and flexed them slightly.

“W-Wow… they are pretty useless…” She mutters as she folds them back down “Why do I even need them…”. Suddenly a thought crosses her mind and she sits up on her haunches.

“I-I could get rid of them… Then I could just be an earth pony.” She looked back at her wings again “I could pull the feathers out…”

She leans back and begins to take a feather out of her right wing. When she pulls it roughly it sends pain throughout her body, causing her to cry even more. She then pulls two more feathers out, even while nearly screaming from pain.

“T-this… isn’t… working…” she said in between sobs.

Scootaloo looked at the wall just across from her and found the old rusty saw they had used to renovate the treehouse.

“That… that could work.” She crawled over to the saw and picked it up. The saw was still sharp with only the slightest amount of rust on the teeth.

“Now I… can… get rid… of these… stupid wings…” Scootaloo muttered while holding the saw in her mouth. She held the saw up against the base of her right wing. As she started to cut into the wing, she screamed in pain causing the saw to cut the wing even more. She started shaking from the pain but tried to control herself.

“I...I can’t… do… this… but I… must get… rid of these… wings.”

As Scootaloo was continuing to cut her wing off she heard a knock at the door and a familiar voice. One she didn’t think she would hear.

"Scootaloo, are you in there?” It was Silver Spoon.

When there was no answer she walked over to the window to see that the curtains were left open. Silver Spoon peers into the room to see Scootaloo, her right side covered in blood and a saw in her wing joint.

Mortified by the sight Silver Spoon stumbled back. She couldn’t believe what she just saw. Before she could think she ran up to the door and bucked it hard, a few cracking sounds could be heard. Silver did it again twice until the door broke open.

The door fell and Silver Spoon ran over to Scootaloo. She looked down at her writhing mass. She went down and grabbed the saw with her mouth. As she pulled out the saw, she could taste some of the blood. Silver set it aside and she heard Scootaloo crying still.

“Scootaloo…” Silver Spoon quietly asked, “Why?”

“T-they’re better off gone, they’re useless anyway…” Scootaloo looked down, her eyes filled with tears. Silver Spoon stared at Scootaloo, the usually calm and cool pegasus, lying on the ground huddled up crying with a wing half attached. She couldn’t stand to watch it anymore.

“Get up Scootaloo…” Silver said. Scootaloo looked up slightly confused.

“I… I can’t…” Scootaloo muttered softly

“I’ll help you” She smiles slightly and walks a bit closer. She starts to help Scootaloo stand and lets her lean on her side. With this, they began to make the slow trek to the Apple house.

Silver Spoon knocked on the door as loudly as she could, covered in blood from Scootaloo’s half amputated wing.

When the door finally opened, it was Applejack who answered, she opened her mouth to speak but stops when she sees the fear in Silver Spoon’s eyes, the blood, and Scootaloo who is leaning against Silver Spoon’s side.

“W-what in sweet Celestia happened to you!” Applejack exclaims as she backs up slightly at the sight. Scootaloo started to hobble forward a little before falling down onto the door threshold.

“H-help me…” She weakly spoke as she laid there, still bleeding heavily. Applejack was stunned for a few seconds before quickly turning around into the house.

“Big Mac! Get in here quick!” AJ hollered into the house. She then quickly turned back to Scootaloo and picked her up. The sounds of hoofsteps come down the stairs as Big Macintosh comes down.

Applejack brings her over to the couch in the living room and sets her down, trying not to hit the wing so not to hurt her anymore. Big Mac was quickly over to AJ’s side as they looked to her.

“AJ… You need to get the doctors” He spoke slowly. AJ looked at him slightly confused, but then nodded.

“Ah’ll be back soon, try ta stop the bleeding,” She turned to the door, which she saw Silver Spoon still standing there. She trotted over and nodded to Silver Spoon before galloping off toward Ponyville.

Silver spoon watched her run for a few seconds before she turned back to the house and slowly walked in. When she did get into the living room she saw Big Mac pressing some gauze onto the bleeding joint.

She was about to take another step, but a voice rang out from over by stairs.

“Scootaloo!!” The voice belonged to Applebloom, who had just come downstairs. Silver Spoon backed up slightly to try and stay out of Applebloom’s sight, but it was for naught.

“You!” The filly growled at Silver Spoon “You did this to her!”. Silver Spoon was shocked, she couldn’t really believe that she had… well… maybe she could. Silver Spoon opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted by the stamp of a hoof.

“Ah don’t want to hear any of your petty excuses!” She growled again, “Leave!”. Silver Spoon felt mortified at this, but she knew she wouldn’t change Applebloom’s mind. Silver Spoon lowered her head and started to walk toward the door.

Scootaloo watched as Silver Spoon walked out of the door. Scootaloo’s eyesight was blurring from the pain, but she just continued to watch as Silver Spoon left through the door. It felt a bit weird, but some of the pain was worse now. Not the pain from her wing, but a pain inside her.

A few seconds later, Scootaloo’s world went black.

Comments ( 5 )

I LOVED IT!!!!!!!! :raritystarry:

To be honest I am not entirely sure what to make of this story, I mean it feels like this should be an important event from a much bigger one. Yet without build up or context set to give reason to the self mutilation it feels more like its a grab at emotions using tragedy. That is not to say this can't work if properly given time to develop a tragic story can be very gripping. However giving how little of scootaloo we get in the story prior to this scene all we have is the climax of a broader story. This of course makes us feel distant from the tragedy and less sympathetic to her circumstance. That is of course the main problem is the story shows scootaloo only as the victim and not much else. The rainbowdash worshipping daredevil filly we know from the show is absent replaced by a victim, who is defined by the tragedy. While this may resonate with some, most won't find the story very attractive due to the lack of anything of true substance characters. Still it is a rather good idea, if only you could flush out the characters first.

The one time silver is nice.

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