• Published 14th Apr 2015
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The Golden Armor Part II: Lost chapters - Comet Burst

The lost chapters of The Golden Armor: Part II.

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That Awkward Moment

Comet could only glare angrily at the scene in front of him, his rump planted on a wooden stool. Across from him, still fumbling with a teacup, was the changeling who had nearly cost him his life, his marefriend and his freedom. She was every bit as menacing as he remembered her with her two large fangs, burning green eyes and imposing size. It was only because of Princess Celestia's presence that he did not leap over the table and start trying to strangle her.

Princess Celestia sat quietly, watching her newest Captain with mild interest. The tense silence that had followed after she had asked him to join them was making her uncomfortable, but she waited to see if the two would eventually speak to each other. If either one managed to say something, it would be the first step to repairing some of the damage they had inflicted on each other in the past. She honestly hoped it would be Comet, but his gaze spoke otherwise.

Gorgon herself snarled at the teacup in front of her, trying to lift it with her hole ridden hooves. It would be so much easier to lift the stupid thing with magic, but she absolutely refused to. Using any kind of magic that stemmed from her reserves caused something strange to happen, something she didn't want the whelp in front of her to see. It was an embarrassing secret that she was now sure the demeaning Princess was going to reveal to him. Her thoughts only darkened from there.

"I hate you," Gorgon muttered, finally getting the teacup grasped in her hooves.

"The feeling is mutual," Comet snarled back.

An angry flash crossed Gorgon's eyes as they focused on him.

"I wasn't talking to you, whelp!"

Comet's blue eyes flickered red again as he bared his teeth, ready to tear into the changeling, before Princess Celestia cleared her throat, silencing anything he was about to say. That didn't mean his angry gaze wavered an inch, though.

"Calm yourself, Captain," Princess Celestia spoke smoothly, "This is not a battle, just a simple meeting."

Another silence even more tense than the last followed her words before Comet managed a sentence.

"Why are you here?" he spoke through gritting teeth, "I told you never to come back."

"I'm not here because I want to," Gorgon snapped back.

"Then why?"

"It's none of your concern, whelp!"

"Gorgon," Princess Celestia spoke in a warning tone, "Remember, kindness is key here."

The changeling rounded to the Solar Princess, hatred burning in her eyes like an inferno.

"Shut up!" she roared at the Princess, causing Comet to rise to his hooves, "You brought him here only to torture me!"

Princess Celestia gazed unflinchingly back into her eyes, her face becoming slightly disappointed.

"Manners," she spoke in a little harsher tone, "You are only here because I allowed it. If you wish to stay safe, you will do this like a mare of respect, not a feral animal."

"I DON'T WANT TO STAY HERE!" Gorgon shouted in her face, "I NEVER ASKED FOR YOUR HELP!"

The disappointment in Celestia's face became one of anger as she rose to her hooves, halting Comet's advance with a hoof.

"You will control yourself, young queen, or I will throw you out and let the guards deal with you," she spoke in an icy tone, "I'm sure they will not be nearly as lenient as I am. Correct, Captain?"

Comet nodded gravely, wishing his liege hadn't stopped him. His muscles were itching to attack her and his blood ran warm through his veins.

Gorgon started to rise to her hooves as well, but stopped under the power of Celestia's gaze. Frustrated, Gorgon turned back to her teacup and fumbled around with it, muttering incoherently. Satisfied, Celestia sat back down and nodded to Comet. Reluctantly, he took his seat as well and continued to glare at the changeling.

"Now," Princess Celestia began, "I'm sure you two remember each other all too well, so we will skip the pleasantries. Captain, I called you here to inform you of your newest charge."

She nodded to Gorgon, who bared her teeth at the cup.

"Gorgon is my guest and newest student. It is my hope that you will treat her as you would any other guest of mine."

"More like prisoner," Gorgon mumbled under her breath.

Princess Celestia seemed to ignore that and pressed on.

"I also would like you to aid her in something. Gorgon, you see, is not well."

Comet frowned at that, his eyes flickering red again.

"I will never help this monster, Princess," he hissed.

Gorgon's eyes flashed to him, a sneer starting to curl on her face.

"Sucks to be you then," she hissed.

Comet's teeth ground together again, baring his teeth at the changeling. He so badly wanted to jump over the table and beat her senseless again, but he had to retrain himself, as painful as it was. Princess Celestia, luckily, intervened for him.

"Did I not remind you of your manners, Gorgon?" she asked in a stern whisper, "Or do I perhaps need to drill you in proper etiquette again?"

The sneer on Gorgon's face was wiped instantly, becoming a frown in seconds.

"You promised I would never endure that again," she said.

"I promised that should you behave, you would never go through the training again," Celestia corrected.

It was Gorgon's turn to grind her teeth as she returned to the teacup, fumbling with it for a second.

"Why not use your magic, monster?" Comet growled to her.

He swore he hit a nerve, because Gorgon stopped fumbling with the cup and Princess Celestia turned to him, her face crestfallen. Gorgon slowly looked up from the teacup, anger burning in her eyes at him.

"Why don't I use magic?" she squeaked.

"Oh dear," Princess Celestia spoke, covering her face with a hoof.

"WHY DON'T I USE MY MAGIC?!" Gorgon roared at Comet, making him flinch and stand up reflexively.

Gorgon rose to her hooves as well, her translucent wings spreading wide as he horn began to glow.


Comet glared daggers at her, lowering himself and getting ready to pounce.


The glow on her horn became more pronounced as she glared with utter fury at him. Comet acted instinctively, leaping at the changeling as her magic burst into a bright light. He closed his eyes, bracing for the impact of the spell, but felt nothing. Instead, just before he collided with Gorgon, she screamed in an ear piercing tone. Comet made contact with her and they fell to the ground, Gorgon writhing underneath him.

Comet tried to hit her with his hooves, but her screaming only got louder, causing him to cover his ears. He winced at the ringing noise in his ears, risking opening his eyes to prepare himself for a counterattack, but instead stared at Gorgon with a shocked expression. She was twitching and screaming, as if she was in pain. Her eyes glowed an eldritch green, her pupils lost in the light. Comet risked removing his hooves and tried to scurry back from her, but instead ran into Princess Celestia.

"Princess, go! I will protect yo--"

He was silence as a hoof swept in front of his mouth. The Solar Princess watched sadly as Gorgon continued to scream, her horn glowing slightly. An aura of comforting blue wrapped around Gorgon and she slowly calmed down, her screams dying off.

"Commander, I would have hoped you would've show more professionalism around her," Princess Celestia spoke.

Comet stared at his princess with a confused expression before moving her hoof away.

"My Princess, she attacked you a year ago! She nearly killed me, my friends and the rest of the guard! She's--"

"In pain, Commander," Celestia replied tonelessly.

"Good!" Comet shouted, "She deserves it for what she did!"

Turning to him, Princess Celestia glared slightly at Comet, causing him to recoil a bit.

"Commander, I will ask you once more to restrain yourself before I nullify your promotion," she spoke sternly, "You are letting your emotions override your judgement."

She turned back to the changeling, who was now stirring slightly.

"I had hoped the two of you would set aside your past and talk as civilized ponies, but I misjudged how deep the scars really are. I suppose this way is the best for you to see why she is here."

Comet looked at his princess with a dumbstruck face before turning to Gorgon, who seemed to be waking from a sleep.

"I don't understand. What is wrong with her? Why have you allowed her to stay here?"

"Be patient and you will see why," Princess Celestia answered in a finite tone.

The two ponies stood there silently as Gorgon woke up. She lifted her head, her eyelids still closed, and yawned widely before rubbing her eyes. Once she opened them, Comet noticed the lack of anger gleaming in her eyes. Instead, she looked almost normal with her gaze no longer in a snarl. She glanced around the room before seeing the two ponies, breaking into a broad smile.

"Princess Celestia!" she sing-songed happily.

It took Gorgon less than three seconds to run up and hug the Solar Princess, shocking Comet and causing him to almost stop her.

"Welcome back, my student," Princess Celestia spoke warmly, "How was your rest?"

"It was lovely!" Gorgon squealed back like a filly, "I had the most wonderful dream! I saw my younger brother again!"

A pained smile graced Celestia's face as she turned to Comet.

"Is that so?"

Gorgon looked up from her hug, a confused expression on her face.

"What's wrong with that?" she asked, concern lacing her voice.

Princess Celestia looked back down at the changeling and smiled wryly.

"Nothing. I have somepony I want you to meet, though."

Princess Celestia turned to Comet, along with a confused looking Gorgon. The changeling seemed to scrutinize him for a second, as if she didn't know who he was, before gasping loudly and covering her mouth with her hooves.

"P-Princess, i-is that?"

"Yes," Celestia replied softly, "That's him."

Comet stood there, absolutely bewildered by what was going on, before Gorgon spoke again.

"D-does he kn-know?"

"No, I wanted you to tell him."

Gorgon gulped audibly as she lowered her front hooves, quivering slightly.

"H-hello," she spoke timidly.

Comet remained silent as his gaze flicked up to Princess Celestia.

"Er, hello Gorgon," he stammered, looking back to Gorgon.

A look of sadness crossed Gorgon's eyes as he spoke. Her gaze fell to the floor as she spoke softly.

"You don't recognize me?" she asked meekly.

Comet's gazed became bewildered again, especially when she looked back up. Tears were threatening to fall as she gaze beck to him.

"Comet... it's me, Nova."