• Member Since 24th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen May 31st


The only thing saving me from the horrible ideas my muse comes up with is that I'm too busy writing the last one.


This story is a sequel to The Equestria Diaries

Twelve humans came to Equestria and were thrust into a deadly 'survival game' by the mysterious Text. Seven survived to return to Earth. Their game is complete, but a new game begins, as they return home to find those who have been charged with making friends with them. But with friends like these...

Meanwhile, Equestria is still reeling from the effects of the Humans' War, and all of the changes they left behind after using the ponies' nation as a battlefield.

Chapters (25)
Comments ( 55 )

Wow, you... You set that up perfectly! Also, if you would like, I could send you a bit about Sonata, Mainly about her coming about. It explains a bit about why she's different.

I got who it was when you said that she was forgetting little things. Changlings, when they change form into an existing pony, get a small splash of recent memory of the pony, as well as some of the muscle memory burned into the pony's brain. They miss details, like dates and times or where the spoons are kept, which is one of the ways to detect a changling.

5909938 I'd appreciate it, as it would help me make her part better.

Out of curiosity, why were flim and flam on their hind legs?

You flipped aria and sonata. Sonata is the blue one

Also will the siren magic work through screens? Based on some tests I've done, it shouldn't, because that would mean that the speaker had some magic inside it. The reason it worked at the battle of the bands with the microphones was because they were there, projecting their magic directly.

5909994 they are more accustomed to using such posture to raise their stature and assist their salesponyship through subconscious means: with humans it ends up being more to be eye to eye and not, literally, looked down on.

5910007 doh!
I tried to be careful to keep them straight, and still got it wrong. Will fix.

That was an interesting ending also. And it almost exactly summarized my initial experience with the Internet. I was horrified after the first half hour, and stayed away for a good week and a half when I saw some of the things people were writing about my friends.

And the Writer said "Let there be Refrences" and there were.

Indeed. But was the chapter enjoyable?

Also, is the format too problematic? I worry about that with this one. There's seven threads of plot on Earth side, and probably nearly as many on Equestria, so it takes a long time for each thread to loop back around to the forefront. They will start impacting each other more in chapters to come, when I get there.

I loved it! I don't find anything wrong with it, and making discord dyslexic is an interesting, but believable, twist. I am also curious as to how the other equestrians are faring with the war, losing their princess, and other such things.

Are there any in particular you would want to hear of? I am more locked in on the Earth side of the plot than the Equestrian side so far.

5940811 well, someone in one of the towns that was overrun would be interesting, perhaps a child that was helped by Luna before?

Hmm. Seems like a good seed for an idea, I'll need to think on it a bit until it comes together more. Actually very fitting for the next chapter's title.

I need to keep this in mind in some of my other fics, especially Itinerant Kingdom, where there's a lot more changelings coming into play.

The gold itself would be worth more than anything they could get for the coins as collector's items. Augh!

I figured the fact of them being solid gold to be factored into the price. Any that didn't fetch more than the gold's value would have been melted down and sold that way. Flim and Flam aren't here to give you a discount!

That was an emotional chapter. But you did do a good job on it. The somber mood is really well portrayed, as well as the feeling of shared loss

Thanks. Also ended up with a weird sort of crossover with Itinerant Kingdom. We get to see two divergent fates for the same filly, though neither is particularly good. Poor Cherry Blossom, perhaps your cutie mark will show how good you are at being doomed. :fluttercry:

Retconjuration warning:
I realized belatedly that I wrote Zeke's magic Magic deck into the chapter, when it was left behind in Equestria. In this timeline, Daniel is the only one who brought his item back to Earth (since it can't be safely removed from him).
I have rewritten this section accordingly.



I hope this is a joke chapter, because absolutely nobody here is reacting naturally.

Would you care to PM me with more detailed thoughts? While a few of the characters do have (I hope clear) reasons for acting very unnaturally, your response is certainly not what I was hoping to elicit. Perhaps it is not too late for some clever retconjuration?

The title of the chapter reminds me of this:


Sorry if this was unecessary comment.
Good story tho, but not the most original premise in my opinion. A bit rushed at parts as well.


Thanks. I can see the connection, though looking at the picture I can't help but think: why is he wearing black in the desert?! That's going to absorb the maximum amount of light and convert it into heat and make him uncomfortable and maybe dead! He should wear white! And maybe the other guy should wear black to absorb the maximum heat since where he is looks cold, but there probably isn't enough light for it to really matter.

I'm glad you're enjoying the story. I'm a bit surprised to see the unoriginal commented on in this particular leg of the story (Friends Like These); the first story definitely has an unoriginal premise, so I get it if you are counting back to that point. If you did mean just this one, then do you have any suggestions of other stories that you think are similar? I might give them a read sometime.

This is going to get curious. (Continued in the next PM)

I can just imagine somepony coming over to congratulate RD, only to find... That. Priceless!

Thanks. :)
It's also a subtle nod to Silververse continuity, wherein Apple/Dash is a confirmed thing. While this is alt-timeline relative to that, there's no reason that would change. Just that in this timeline here's their first date, in Silver Stars you see them years later (having, of course, had a different first date) where they are just starting to come out more publicly.

That was a really :heart: moment. I feel nice about it. Also, really?! Celestia's interdimensionial shipping service?! (Also, double meaning puns: ha!) that literally made me walk away from the monitor and laugh on the floor from that single line!

I was wondering about how the world was reacting to the 4 pony, 3 siren, 1... Tierek... Takeover. Also, calling Celestia "sun-butt", or "princess exposition" will get you somewhere between a life sentence in jail, exile, or death. Just a heads up.

Sambra and Istaran forced awareness into the public with their stunt, which was part of Istaran's plan. It's not his style to be hidden in the background.

So, wedding plans indeed. That relationship escalated quickly, and with out much showing of it. But there really isn't a way to show it without taking away from the narrative. So, a good choice from a list of not so good choices.

Wait, wahhhhhhhhh?! What just happened at the end there?

Also "GRAPPLING GOOK!!!!" (That is a reference I will appreciate you more for getting)

damn shipping service. stay away from me. i'm perfectly content hiding in the dark. but really if there were other verses out there that could contact us they would have done so and with my bad but at the same time good luck it would be me they contacted. with me the silver cloud has a black lining just as the storm cloud has a silver lining. like the time i had to go to the hospital on christmas eve. i should have lost my eye that day but i did not. i just needed 8 stitches in my eyebrow.

Hmm, I decided I like this story and I am somewhat surprised it has so few up votes.


It's kind of a 'risky' story to write. The first story isn't going to be everybody's cup of tea to begin with. If you didn't like that one, you won't have the background to read this one. Even if you did, it's kind of almost more an anthology of story starts until the later acts start tying them in together. And even then, it's never a simple clean single story.

Except in the sense that it's the story of two worlds coming into contact with one another. And at that, it's an odd one.

Glad you like it. :) I'm actually pushing a bit more to finish this one over the others just so it'll be Complete at some point.

Was that a bit of mind control at the end to make him not want to lose the pesky stallions that made him lose em?


Yes. Istaran knows the trigger and used it to send Flam to Equestria. Flim is still on Earth, as being dead constitutes an end to his part in the game, and prevents 'winning'.

Scott wasn't far from it himself, he just needed a bit of nudging. And besides, Istaran had a message to send, and needed a carrier.

His greatest heist is still to come.

Long time, no type.glad to see you got back to the world of ponies.

The progress seems slow for the time being, I eagerly await when the cliff has been thoroughly clipped and solid ground greets us as an open field with much to see.

In terms of writing speed: real life responsibilities have taken away most of my writing time. The bulk of that is over though, so getting back in the swing!

In terms of story pacing... I hope you are enjoying, but the anthology like nature of this story means a few other threads get screen time before the gathered pieces serve their purpose.

6624618 oh yes, it is quite well and good, I was more stating that the story is in a lull suggesting a big reveal is, likely, on its way.


...and far too soon all of the pieces were in place.

Sounds like a big reveal on the way to me. :)

Oh god, I laughed the entire way through. The situation just kept getting more and more bizzare, and then the detective came in.

6721965 Well someone has to investigate all this nonsense!

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