• Published 24th Dec 2015
  • 2,074 Views, 46 Comments

Doctor Whooves: The Changeling Invasion - Draconaquest

It's the holidays at Canterlot High, and The Doctor decides to pay Sunset a visit. However, things turn sour when The Doctor discovers a crack in time leading to Equestria. More importantly, it leads right to a Changeling Hive.

  • ...

The Item

It was raining. The streets of Canterlot were virtually desolate, minus about a dozen people, who were doing their daily activities. Shopping, visiting, and other things. Davenport was standing outside Quills and Sofas store, with his umbrella blocking the rain from hitting him. He was waiting for a client, who was walking up to him at that very moment.

"Do you have it?" the Doctor asked, walking up toward Davenport. His trench coat was buttoned up, protecting his suit from the rain, though you could see the very top of his brown suit, tie, and dress shirt.

"I do," Davenport replied, tugging at his bag, "but, why did you want it?"

"I believe it has historic value." the Doctor replied.

"Well, if that's the case, you're not far off." Davenport replied, and entered his shop, flipping the sign to closed.

As Davenport headed behind the counter, the Doctor unbuttoned his coat, and brushed his soaking-wet hair back. "Ah, here it is!" Davenport said, standing back up. He was holding an old wooden box, about two inches tall, and ten inches wide, with an emblem lightly engraved in the cover.

"Is this what you requested?" Davenport asked.

"Yes, it is." the Doctor replied, "Well, go on, open it." Davenport gulped, and slowly opened the box. The Doctor reached into his pocket, and pulled on his glasses, examining the item. "What is it?"

Davenport cocked his head to the side. "I thought you'd know?"

"Just answer the question." the Doctor said, glancing at Davenport.

"Well, it's old, easily five centuries." Davenport explained, "And, according to the myths, it is a relic from another universe."

"Really?" the Doctor asked.

"According to the myths." Davenport reiterated, "From what is said in some old scripture, it made it's first appearance back in the fifteenth century, in the hands of a famed magician, called Star-Swirl the Bearded. He would often use it in magic tricks, opening portals to what he called another universe. He would pull thing out of it, such as plants, and things.

"Shortly before the occasion of his death, he passed it on to his apprentice, Clover the Clever."

"How did he die?" the Doctor asked.

"It was never stated," Davenport said, "However, Clover stated in a journal she kept that Star Swirl used it for something else. That he tried to duplicate it, and once succeeded, and opened a portal, sending the duplicate into another universe.

"Clover kept the item, placing it in this box, and stored it away, stating it was too dangerous to be used. Thus, the item disappeared in the myths of legend. That was, until, about seven months ago. A woman named Twilight Velvet walked in here, carrying the item. She said she found it in her attic, and believed it could be worth a price. She sold it to me, and then, not long after, I got a call from you, saying that I had recently acquired an item that you wanted to see."

"Why does it look like that?" the Doctor asked.

"According to Clover's journal, it changed shape depending on the era it fit in. But, each time, it was a small, circular item that could open and close, such as a locket, or a pocket-watch." Davenport said.

"I wonder..." the Doctor reached toward the item.

"I wouldn't do that, if I were you." Davenport warned.

"Why not?" the Doctor asked.

"You won't like what you see." Davenport said.

Nevertheless, the Doctor opened the item, and then, beside him, a portal opened.

Wind blew out of it, powerful enough to knock the Doctor backwards, landing on his back. There was nothing inside the portal. Just nothing. Davenport was absolutely still, as if the wind was non existent. "Help..." A voice came out of the portal. A girl's voice "Help me, Doctor..."

The Doctor's eyes widened. He recognized that voice. "He will knock four times, Doctor..."

Davenport now looked straight at the Doctor, his eyes shining a deep crimson, rather than their usual green. "It is returning, Doctor."

"How do you know my name?!" The Doctor shouted.

Davenport spoke again, his voice seeming layered with the voice from the portal, "The universe is cracked. The Pandorica will open. Silence will Fall."

And, before the Doctor could ask more, he woke up from his slumber.

"And, what would you like to drink?" Celestia asked, turning toward Sunset who was gazing over the menu.

Sunset looked up. "I'm sorry, what?"

"What would you like to drink?" Celestia reiterated.

Sunset glanced at the waitress, who was slightly smiling, and holding a note pad with a pen. "Oh, um, just lemonade please." Sunset said, and looked back toward the menu.

The Principal sitting across from her smiled, and said, "So, is there a reason you wanted to have lunch with me?"

"Um...not really." Sunset said, all too quickly.

Celestia smiled. "Sunset, since your reformation, you've become a terrible liar."

Sunset pursed her lips. "Well, you see, I believe something is happening at Canterlot High."

"Like what?" Celestia asked, now intrigued.

"Well, it all started with the Fall Formal." Sunset explained, "When Equestrian magic first showed up, I was the original bearer, turning into a raging she-demon, though, fortunately, Princess Twilight and the others were able to stop me, from the crown I was wearing and stopped me. However, if they hadn't been there, there would've been a huge mess at Canterlot High, one that would've cost people's lives.

"Now, the crown was taken back to Equestria, but, some magic was left here, or, at least, that's Princess Twilight's theory. This magic has myself, and my friends to grow ears and tails, and in some cases wings, when we play music, but, not other things. However, I have my own theory.

"I think it's possible that there's other magic in this world. Or, rather, another magical artifact. It's possible that there's another magical artifact supplying magic to us. I think that the Rainbooms can use this magic because we were exposed to Equestrian Magic during the Fall Formal."

"So, you think there's another magical artifact at Canterlot High?" Celestia asked.

"Well, maybe not at Canterlot High, but, maybe in the surrounding area, such as Crystal Prep, or Cloudsdale University." Sunset said.

"So, what does that mean?" Celestia asked.

"Well, I've looked at a map, and I've noticed something." Sunset explained, "Canterlot is surrounded by different towns and cities, which have similar names, and appearance to their Equestrian counterparts. And, it's in a circular pattern. And, once I noticed the circular design, I was able to connect the cities, and I noticed something." Sunset pulled out her phone, and pulled up an image. It was a map, with a circle and a star pattern drawn over it. "A pentagram. More importantly, the top of the star is pointing down."

"What's your point?" Celestia asked.

"In this world, it's the symbol of Satan, but, it Equestria, it's the symbol of Tartarus." Sunset explained, "You can find it on the gates of Tartarus, and, I'm pretty sure it's on Cerberus somewhere."

"Where are you going with this?"

"I believe that Canterlot is on the precipice of a magical disaster." Sunset explained. "If I'm right, a portal or something will open to Tartarus, and, I think it could bring the downfall of this world." Suddenly, the window next to the cracked. The crack seemed to be glowing, and Sunset heard a voice out of it.

"Sunset..." the voice said, which Sunset recognized, "Help me..."

"Who are you?!" Sunset asked, raising her voice.

"The universe is cracked. The Pandorica will open. Silence will Fall."

And, as the crack widened, Sunset woke up.

Twilight couldn't see anything. Whether it was the fact that her glasses were gone, or that it was completely dark was up to dispute. She didn't even know why it was dark, but, all she knew is that everything was dark. She couldn't feel the ground, or even anything around her. Suddenly, she heard a voice around her. "You've met a terrible fate, haven't you?"

It was a high-pitched man's voice. Twilight couldn't see him, but, she could definitely hear him. "Who's there?"

"Oh, no one important, just a salesman who is stuck here, same as you." The man replied.

"Where is here?" Twilight asked.

"This place?" the man asked. "Oh, it goes by many names, but, the most common name is Hell. You might've heard it called the Void as well, but, that's unlikely."

"How did I get here?" Twilight asked.

"Now, don't you remember?" the man asked.

"No." Twilight asked.

"Why, you were kicked into here, quite literally." the man replied. "But, it's your own fault."


"You really don't remember, do you?" the man asked.

"No, I don't." Twilight replied. "However, judging by your knowledge of where we are, I don't think you are who you say you are. So, I ask again, who are you?"

The man chuckled. "I am the Guardian of the Void. I patrol this place, and control what happens. I can choose if you live here for the rest of eternity, or, if you will simply disintegrate in here, and you cease to exist. However, sometimes things will break here, and someone may be sent back to reality."

Suddenly, there was a something next to Twilight. A glowing crack, causing her to be able to slightly see the man. He was rubbing his hands together, and grinning. "Well, it seems the universe is giving you a second chance at life."

And, suddenly, Twilight woke up.

Author's Note:

Foreshadowing! Woo-hoo!