• Published 26th Apr 2015
  • 6,102 Views, 16 Comments

Rising Moon - SpiralWriter

A vastly enlarged Princess Luna takes a stroll.

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Rising Moon

Rising Moon


Icy eyes shifted slightly, roaming over what once was so grand to her. She blinked, and in the span of sight transitioning to momentary blindness, she half-hoped everything would return to normal. However when she opened them once more, everything was still the same. Princess Luna sighed, breath parting the very atmosphere itself, but allowed a small smile to play on her lips briefly. A part of her did enjoy this new lifestyle, and she had come to find pleasure in the ‘small’ things, given how it was all small to her now.

“We will soon be moving. Prepare thyselves, citizens. Any and all pegasi should evacuate the sky, and move any cloud cities or homes to the edges of the kingdom. Forgive us if anything happens.” Luna announced, the power of her voice more than loud enough for all to hear. She had not grown careless since the incident, and merely considered it another burden a deity must bear.

The blue goddess raised her hoof slowly, the shadow stretching over many miles of land, those below who were in a safe vicinity gawking as chunks of earth larger than mountains fell from the underhoof’s sole, a new form of blue replacing the sky. She held it there for roughly five minutes, counting inside of her head, before moving. Always had to give the little ones time now when every action of hers became a literal natural disaster.

Finally, the tension almost palpable at this point, she moved, lowering her hoof into a earth-shattering step, making sure to aim for the imprints in the land where her hoof had already fallen before. The very world itself quaked as the alicorn of the moon strode across the landscape, towering high enough to cover days worth of travel in a single step. Luna momentarily shuffled slightly, letting her hoof sink the earth a couple more miles and enjoy the feeling of how soft everything was beneath her, but she let this relish leave rather quickly, moving on.

It had been this way for roughly six months, the entirety of the globe adjusting to the appearance of the largest living thing ever, the once ‘normal’ sized alicorn becoming so much more of a physical manifestation of divinity than she had already been. A simple spell gone awry while teaching usually has very little consequences or backlash, when done properly at least. One done out of haste without the proper precaution can lead to catastrophic effects, seemingly irreversible now.

Many attempts were made to revert her to a more manageable stature, but always she shot back up, possibly even larger than before after every spell or potion. Her physiology and magic itself seemed to fight back any foreign advance to fix her form, or with her new stature, her heightened size had come with an increase in power as well, putting any other comparable pool of mana to shame. It had become annoying more than anything else, and having lived for centuries and putting up with almost every kind of irritation, this took the metaphorical cake.

Princess Luna, titaness of dozens of miles tall, gazed out at the curvature of the planet, noting every small landmass and differentiating piece of the world below her. A sense of nostalgia washed over her, as if she had been seeing from the perspective of a flyer, making her miss it dearly so. Her wings could rend all asunder with but a flap, so they had been kept tucked tight against her back at all times, and if a feather showed a sign of loosening it was plucked off and thrown into space.

Small towns were almost indiscernible from dirt, and even the largest of cities were naught more than little specks. What she found most intriguing and almost laughable was that the highest peak, her home of Canterlot Mountain, could barely even be considered a pebble to her. Oh, how Celestia hated being the ‘little’ sibling it seemed, at least there was something Luna had to goad her solar sister with now.

With merely a few more stomps she had reached her destination, peering down to almost the entirety of Saddle Arabia, nothing more than a little patch of beach at this point. “We hope you do not mind,” She boomed, as if speaking to a pony instead of a nation itself. “But your sands are most warming, and we need to at least take pleasure in a few things now, given all we sacrifice.”

Turning on her hooves, like the sound of something great and grinding, the shadow now encompassing the land below had become entirely rounded, a literal blue moon hovering in the sky above, far outsizing the real moon. “Brace for impact~” Luna allowed a soft, singing giggle to escape, slowly lowering her flank as easy as she could, the looming blue cheeks soon entering sitting range, yet still miles above with their gargantuan size.

Finally, boom. A new shockwave erupted, blasting the planetside for miles far beyond the initial seismic zone. “Aah.” The lunar goddess wiggled once she was planted firmly, the heat of an entire desert beneath her warming the royal rump quite nicely. Her legs stretched on into other territories, with her raised hooves enacting as insurmountable walls nearly on the other side of the world.

“Thank you, Saddle Arabia, for becoming our temporary throne. We will be sure to have Equestria compensate any damage we might have done afterwards, but please, do enjoy the new landmark we have graced thou with. ‘The Lunar Valley’. We are sure it will be a rather profitable tourist attraction.” Just to enunciate this, she twisted her rear a little deeper, really making sure the imprint left behind would truly accentuate her ‘moon’, and by far what she considered her more prominent and favored feature.

Oh, a life as a massive multi-mile high being was something to adjust to, but she could take pleasure in the small things, which was easy when everything was small.

Author's Note:

Just a small drabble to work off the writer's block.