• Published 29th Apr 2015
  • 1,002 Views, 2 Comments

Today, I Became A Princess Because..... - JessVA

Headcannon of how each princess got to be an alicorn.

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Celestia- (The Sun Falls) [Part 2]

Author's Note:

Before you read this, there is no part 3. I just couldn't think of a way to end this without a cliffhanger of some sort. Prepare for Artlestia, Sadlestia, Motherlestia, and Sistlestia. Lots of feels, so grab tissues.

I looked at my parents in shock. My mother's gaze at me turned from a happy delight to a scolding glare. "Now you listen here young lady, you will not have that tone with your sister around, and you certainly won't have it around now!" she says to me. "Go to your room, and let the news sink in a bit, since it was so sudden..." I sigh and hang my head down as I slowly walk up the stairs. My light pink mane flows slower than before, as I shed a single tear from my right eye. I feel sadder with each step I take upstairs. I open the door slowly, look back at my parents, and walk in my room. I look out my window; it's time for me to lower the sun. I open my window again and use what magic I can conjure up to lower it. I don't have enough to raise the moon, and I'm afraid to ask my parents to raise it for me. I gain the courage to ask them and slightly crack open my door.

"Mom...? Dad....? I-i don't have enough energy to raise the moon right now..... Is it okay if one of you does it for me this one time....?" I ask. They look back at me.

"We never taught you to raise the moon.... I said we would teach you how to later on.... Sweetie, you will learn how to later on, so you can teach your sister." she replies to me in a sweet, soft tone like silk. I smile back and nod. I close my door quietly and use my magic to turn on a light. I go to my window to see my mother must be raising the moon from the living room. I smile as each star slowly rises and my sadness fades away. I close my window and look at my room. The off-white carpet with a golden sun-shaped rug, a flatscreen TV, a closet that is another room, and a queen sized bed. The bed is a princess style bed, white fabric curtains hanging from the sides to give an elegant, yet casual look, the white sheets, and the comforter that is laced with a gold thread, white fabric, and has my cutie mark on it. There is a little plush of my mother on the bed, in front of several pillows. Most of them have covers, but the two that are in front do not. They have a sun and moon on each. I run up to my bed and jump onto it. Every time I bounce higher, I try to fly with my new wings. SUCCESS! An idea pops into my head at the blank, rounded ceiling. I stop bouncing and grab some arts and crafts supplies on the nightstand next to my desk. I fly upwards and start to paint. I paint a mural of the sun, the moon, the crystal heart, and the middle symbol in the Tree of Harmony. I draw each element of harmony as each holds a jewel. The color of the sun shows a glistening gold, the moon a glow-in-the-dark white, the crystal heart is a light and bright turquoise, and the final symbol is a pink and white mix, with little white specks.

I wipe the sweat off of my forehead with my hoof, finishing the painting and flying down. I look at it from my bed and it is marvelous. I put the paint and brushes away. I sigh with relief and look up at my masterpiece. I go towards my desk and sit in the chair. The blue painted wood with a navy blue placemat has a gold Marebook on it. I open it up and watch some MeTube. A few hours later I yawn, and close my laptop. I see it is late, 12:01 am.... I trot over to my bed and jump in, snoring softly as I drift away into a dream.


"W-wha...? Wheere am I-i??"

I suddenly have sight of my surroundings; a grassy field, the castle in the distance, my mother and I learning how to raise the.... moon? Am I in the future? I look at myself to see that my body has a glowing outline.... Yep, i'm definitely in a dream. I see that I can now know how to raise the moon. I try it in the dream, and it works. I hear a soft ring in the background, and try to tune it out. It keeps getting louder and my eyes shoot open like I just got shot by lightning. I see that I need to raise the sun... I do that and then close my curtains, it's too bright in here. I go to my separate bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. My eyes show that I stayed up WAY too late. I splash water on my face and wipe it off with one of the cotton towels nearby. I yawn and put the towel on the rack where it was. I walk out of the bathroom and go to open the big door leading out to the hallway where the stairs are. I hear some faint yelling.

"WELL ITS NOT MY FAULT THAT WE CANT TAKE HER!!" I hear in a voice that sounds like my mother's.

"Honey, please calm down... you might wake Tia.." the father-like voice responds.

"I CAN'T CALM DOWN, MY BABY IS COMING!!!" Mother shouts again. I move my ear away from the door, and back away slowly...

"I'm going to have a baby sister!!!!" I exclaim, bouncing in circles and flying a bit with each bounce. I open my door softly and carefully as to not make a sound. What I see is phenomenal. My mother, who was just shouting a few minutes ago, has a small unicorn laying near her. She is a rich, navy blue color, with a galaxy-like mane (similar to my dad's). Her behind, however, looks like black paint was splattered onto it. She looks up at my mother, who is kissing her forehead. I smile and tear up a bit. "Welcome to the family..." I whisper to myself.

I go downstairs quietly, meeting my new baby sister immediately. She rolls over, and tries to stand up. With mom's help, she starts to trot towards me. I lay on my stomach to make it easier for her to see me. She looks at me and smiles. "Tia~!" she utters joyfully. She knew my name.... but how?


It has been 12 years since Luna was born, and 10 since father died. Mother is dying of pneumonia. I look at my poor mother, who can barely talk at the moment. Her formerly bright, ruby red mane is now faded into the stained-red lipstick esque color. Her deep, blue eyes are fading away, and are currently a blueish-grey color. I lay my head onto her chest, sobbing quietly. She kisses the back of my head, and rubs my neck softly.

"T-tia..." she utters. My ears perk up, trying to listen to what she is going to say. "Before I pass.... can you p-please do me a simple favor..?"

I nod, the side of my face slightly ruffling her coat. "Please teach Luna how to raise the moon.... I cannot do it anymore, and you are the only other pony who knows it..." she asks. My eyes widen. I look at her in the eye with sympathy and hope.

"I will, I promise.." I say, as I kiss her cheek and go to Luna to teach her how to raise it. The clock says 8:45pm, and it is time to raise the moon.

"Luna, now I have a question.." I ask her.

"What?" she replies.

"Do you want to learn how to raise the moon..?"

"YESYESYESYESYESYES!!!" she bounces around me.

"Okay, now focus.. try to focus on levitating the moon...." I say.

I see Luna with her eyes closed tight, her legs firmly standing her ground. Her horn starts to show a bit of sparking, as I see the moon slowly raise up. As the moon raises, so does my sister. I use my magic to create a wall so she does not fly up any higher. The moon is fully raised, and I see that the lights from my mother's hospital room in the castle has many pony silhouettes showing. I smile at Luna and quickly drag her with me to her room. I see the doctor turning off the machines, unplugging her and putting a sheet over her. "Celestia... I have some bad news..." the doctor says to me. This can't be good, as I follow him to another room. He tells me that mother has passed, and that I now have to raise Luna by myself.

Luna looks up at me, my hooves covering her ears. She sees that my eyes are tearing up, as we leave the hospital room and go to our separate rooms. I hear a knock on my door, and open it with my magic. Luna stands there and asks a question that I will never forget.

"Does that mean we are both rulers of Equestria..?"