• Member Since 11th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen April 23rd


Just an unknown person who likes writing stuff.


  • TFlight
    A year after the Pie Family was attacked by Pinkie Pie, Marble Pie realizes the real reason why her family was attacked. After hearing this, she runs away from the Pie Rock Farm, afraid to stay in the same house with them. Where will she go?
    TheUnknownPerson · 33k words  ·  20  0 · 1.4k views

This story is a sequel to A Certain Urge

Pinkamena has taken control of Pinkie's body. Its easy to say that she has done some heinous and horrific acts with that control. If Pinkie doesn't get control of her body soon, she'll fade away and Pinkamena will be in control of every aspect of her life. She needs to fight. Will she be able to regain control, or will she fade away while Pinkamena does anything and everything she wants to her life?

EDIT: Currently re-editing the chapters. So if you read through one and the next is different, that is why. Should be finished in a week or so.

Chapters (17)
Comments ( 47 )

One thing wrong: (Other than a bit of grammar, but that's hard to avoid) I can't like it more :pinkiehappy:

I'm backkkkkk... :pinkiecrazy::pinkiesad2::pinkiecrazy:
I will probably start writing again either later tonight or tomorrow.

5960410 Good thing to hear(and yes, it is difficult. I'm gonna try to improve the grammar).

5954751 Oh my... Well, it's good to hear that I grabbed your attention. Let's just hope you'll join us for the next chapter(i also caught the DBZ reference).

5977425 Mwahahaha:pinkiecrazy:
Just kidding. The next chapter will be out either late tonight, early tomorrow morning(like 12 A.M or 1 A.M). or late tomorrow night.

It's also your mind, Pinkie. Duh!

5991766 Be careful not to fall off the cliff hangers!
Fun Fact:
This update was actually delayed by two hours because I spilled soda all over my keyboard and it wouldn't work(well, it did for half-hour, but I really didn't get much done because I was freaked out that it'd electrocute me). I searched all around for a keyboard, couldn't find one, gave up, looked behind my desk and there was one there. My reaction: :facehoof:


5992736 Good to see that you like the story.

5992947 I don't know.. but I appreciate these comments I get like your's and Eua's.

5993020 No, thank you. Both of you. I probably would've stopped doing this if I didn't get as much support as I did through this whole series.


Heheh... Your welcome!




Pinkie should've broke the fourth wall, borrowed Pikachu, and thunderbolt Pinkamena.

5997291 That certainly would've been a twist :pinkiegasp:


Yeah, it would... Ow, now that I think about it.

I thought that you have done a fantastic job with this story and the previous series before. Asides from some small spelling errors, I can't really fault you for anything. Your character representations of Pinkie Pie and the others is on par and you know how to write a good storyline. I am interested as to where you intend to go with this tale next.

Have a follow, a like and a favourite to all your stories that you have written thus far! I look forward to reading more from you!

Take it easy!


5999787 Thanks. That means a lot to me. Really:heart:

You do so as well:pinkiesmile:

... Twilight can make magical wings. Celestia can make legit wings. C'mon, Pinkie! You have connections with both of those ponies!

6015147 True. But perhaps she isn't quite ready. I mean, she'd have to give her normal life as she's known it if she was to ask them to give her the wings. Perhaps there's another option that would please both Pinkie and Pinkamena that just hasn't been found yet.

I may not be able to get the next chapter out today. Mainly because there's some personal events going on in my life that will most likely take up most of the day. I apologize.

6059130 She did. It is said in a later chapter(specifically chapter 14) that she told a few doctors.

6060815 Kinda. I'm not really used to skipping around from scene to scene like that.

Heh... thanks :twilightblush:

It's fine.

I'll try to get it out either late tonight or tomorrow. Things have been busy in my life lately...

Okay, my emotions take me over easily, but holy crap, Pinkamena! You're going overboard!!

6062814 She's... volatile to say the least...
Driven to near insanity by her parents' actions, she'll do anything to get them back...
Now, let's see if she can swallow her dignity and apologize.


How many years ago did she lose her wings? :ajbemused:

6063286 Approximately 12 years...
She still angry at them and angry at the fact that she lost something precious to her. Angry at everything because she can't accept it.


But, c'mon! 12 years! That should have been plenty of time to calm down! I usually take a few minutes at least, a day at most!

12. 12! Just... How? Just how?

6063409 But you have to think, she was very young at the time. The physiological damage from an event so traumatic would be astounding. Plus, after her angry tyrant, she calmed down after a couple of minutes within being inside of the cell.

~begins nodding in approval~

Short and sweet! :twilightsmile:

6072619 Thanks!
I'm going to put out an epilogue to this story and then I'll move onto something I've been planning to put out for a long while...
(P.S: It's inspired by a story I recently favorited, "Crumb-y Day")

they all know she wasnt in her right mind right? like it wasnt pinkie you think her friend would understand that but i guess they lack the mental compacty to understand what mental illiness does the mane five were never the brightest when it comes to knowing pinkie if they are quick to believe she would do this on her own.

seriously girls screw you. if you had the concept the mental abilty to understand what the hay mental illiness and abuse can do to somepony then you would stop acting like stupid jerks towards pinkie why the hell are you so quick to bleieve she did it? the mane five were always stupid they lack any reasonining when it comes to pinkamena they dont seem to comperhed that pinkamena is sick! when your sick you dont think straight you arent in the right mind i should know i have anger issues i tend to say things to hurt people but idont mean to and my friends dont blame me for it or hate me for it they understand me instead of being backstabbing bitches and turning their back on me. this is friendship is magic not your friends are assholes who will turn on you because you are mentally ill. just ugh she needed you assholes! *kicks table over* and you bloody turn on her for what? because shes mentally ill? hey everyone if your friend is mentally ill ABANDON THEM! hate them shun them and treat them like monsters mentally ill people have no heart and they should be shunned away by everyone not helped! *claps* congrats everyone now said mentally ill person is going to commit suicide because everyone abandoned them so they lost all hope and support. princess of friendship? more princess of abandoing your mentally ill friends in their time of need!:flutterrage: i am done reading this shaming of the mentally ill by people are suppose to support and help them.

6108130 Well in some previous chapters they did magically know about Pinkamena with no explanation, even though Pinkie didn't until recently.

A small cloud of dust enveloped her. Once the dust cleared, there was a sight that neither Pinkie nor Pinkamean could believe.

That might be a typo, but that describes her perfectly! :rainbowlaugh:

IT WAS THAT SIMPLE?! :twilightangry2: <--- Twilight Pinkie

And not only that, she was shut down a short while after Pinkie took over (the sonic rainboom), so she really hasn't been around for most of those 12 years.

"I'd rather not say with her standing there..." Princess Celestia whispered. "Pinkamean, can you join us now?"

There it is again!

It’s even worse…

She was in her right mind as Pinkie is the fake one. Which is why the most likely ending will be the saddest; her body stolen again and never receiving the help she needs…

The ending was better and worse than I could imagine. Celestia's (and the guard's/Twilight's) reaction and treatment of the emotionally damage Pinkamena is on par with cannon. And the real monsters of this series get away (almost) scot free. I wish them horrible dreams for twelve years to come.

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