• Published 16th May 2012
  • 5,758 Views, 188 Comments

And Hell Will Follow Me - Vedavyasa

Vamponies, Undead Necromancers, massive battles.

  • ...


Pain. All of Twilight's world was pain. Lying in her bed, she screamed for help. ”Celestia! Luna!”

Several days ago, Twilight had found an interesting spell in a book she had found in the restricted section of the royal library. Most of the pages were smudged, but a few mostly harmless spells had survived intact. This one's title was so faded as to be nonexistent, but after reviewing the instructions and energy involved, she believed it would safe to test, if she was careful.

In her daze of research and discovery, she hadn't noticed that the next page, totally illegible, was a continuation of the same spell. She built the spell matrix in her mind, then applied in the precise amount of magical energy the book had specified. The energy poured through the matrix, found it had no proper outlet, and for a bare moment before the explosion she realised that far too much pressure was building.

She had time to cast a quick shield before the world went white, and then black. Spike, who had seen the accident, kept his cool and quickly sent a letter to Canterlot, begging the Princesses for help. Celestia and Luna both had come, and both were horrified at what they found waiting on the floor.

Twilight's beautiful lavender coat was burned and melted away, the skin underneath seared, blackened and cracked. Blood seeped out of her mouth and nostrils, dripping into a slowly spreading pool on the floor. Burst blisters down both of her broken, twisted front legs wept a clear fluid into the pool, making both the alicorns cringe. Worse than that, however, was her face. There was a splinter from the floor buried deep in her face, having ran along her jaw and narrowly missing her left eye. Her right eye hadn't been so lucky. It looked as if a lance of flame had pierced straight through it, leaving it looking like a popped balloon.

Celestia quickly cast a stasis spell to keep her alive, and Luna sent Spike to retrieve Twilight's friends, both to break the news and so he wouldn't have to see what had become of his friend and adoptive sister any more.

As Celestia levitated Twilight off the floor and onto the bed Luna teleported down from the loft, they looked at each other with concern in their eyes. They both knew that saving her with magic would be difficult, dangerous, and time consuming and even then, much of the damage would be permanent. She would be left half crippled physically, and there was no easy way to tell how extensive the damage to her brain was.

Celestia braced herself to accept what she thought to be the inevitable decision, but Luna instead touched her horn to Twilight's and let loose a torrent of angry, dark red energy. The Sun Goddess' eyes widened, and for a moment she considered interfering, but she instead stepped back and waited. After a few seconds, Luna stepped back and sat with a sigh.

“What have you done?” Celestia quietly asked her sister. “That is a power we denied ourselves for good reason.”

“I have saved her,” Luna replied, her voice soft. “You know as well as I she would have never truly lived, even if she had survived. I will not see a good pony with so much potential die so young if I have the power to save her.”

Celestia thought a moment, watching as the worst of Twilight's burns started to fade and the gash in her face started to close. She knew there would be scars, both physical and mental, but it seemed as if she would survive to bear them.

“There will be consequences,” she said after a time. “You have upset the natural order of life. She will survive, but we may wish she had not.”

“Worry more about what she will think,” Luna said. “She may think herself a monster.”

Celestia raised a single eyebrow. “You simply healed her, did you not? Why would that-” Celestia stopped speaking and whipped her head towards her sister. “You turned her.”

“I did. It was the only way to be sure she would survive.”

“Do you think she would want that?”

“She is strong. She will adapt.”

“I hope you're right.”

A short time later, Spike returned with Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash in tow. Luna frowned when she heard the door open. “They should not see Twilight in this condition,” she whispered to her sister.

“That may be true,” Celestia whispered back, glancing at the still nightmarish wounds the unicorn had suffered, “but I think you'll find they can be very insistent. Let them decide, it wouldn't be right otherwise.”

Luna nodded, unhappy but acknowledging the truth of the statement. She walked down the stairs, examining the faces of the five ponies waiting for her below, and her heart tore for the fear and concern she saw there.

“Friends,” she began, speaking softly and calmly, “Twilight has had a very serious accident. She will survive, but her injuries are still grotesque. It may be best if you were stay down here tonight, and see her in the morning when the magic in her has worked its course.”

“Princess,” Applejack said her voice strained, “with all due respect, Twilight is our friend and we'll be seein' her tonight. We've seen some nasty things in our time, seein' a few more aint gonna stop us from bein' there for her.”

“Are you sure?” Luna asked. “She was very badly burned.”

“Princess, would you be content to sit and wait if Celestia was the one injured in a bed?” Rarity asked, her voice tight with suppressed anger.

“So be it,” Luna said. “Brace yourselves, and follow me.”

She gave the small group a moment to do just that, then lead them slowly up the stairs to see their friend.

She opened the door, and after the five friends pushed past her, she saw them all cringe at the sight of Twilight's burned and broken body. Pinkie Pie and Rarity both looked as if they were about to be ill, while Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy's expressions were grim.

While the worst of her cuts and burns had faded away and blood no longer dripped from her mouth, her coat and mane's growth had not been accelerated by the spell. It left her looking like a half melted wax figure, and on her face was a large scar. A thick, jagged line of angry red ran along her jaw, turning up to leave her mouth set in a smirk and her eye slightly open.

The assembled friends looked to each other, realising that while Twilight would survive, she would never be the same again.