• Published 5th May 2015
  • 860 Views, 13 Comments

Storm over Appleloosa - Blueninetails

An accidental storm created at the Cloud Factory force Rainbow, Billy, Hoops, and Score to work together before it floods Appleloosa.

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Chapter 1

"You're asking me to work with these guys?!" Rainbow Dash, a light-blue, pegasus pony with a rainbow-colored mane and tail shouted in utter shock.

"You're asking us to work with her?" two male pegasi ponies stated at the same time, talking for themselves and one other. The third pegasus would've spoken as well, but was never one to speak much anyway.

The three male pegasi in question are former classmates of Rainbow Dash back in Junior Flight Camp. They had met again for a couple of brief moments during the Best Young Flyer competition. One was a dark brown colored one with a rather light brown colored main that was fashioned like bangs over his eyes, and had a dumb-bell for a cutie-mark. The second was orange colored with a brown mane, which seemed to cover his eyes rather easily, with three basketballs as a mark. The last was a rather portly grey pegasus with black hair, and three footballs as a mark. Their names respectively were, Billy, Hoops, and Score.

All four were standing in front of the pony in charge at the cloud factory. She really is nice pegasus to know, and fairly easy to befriend due to her kind and willing-to-take-a-joke nature, but she was a 'no joke', 'no play' kind of pony and incredibly intimidating when pissed off, especially when it comes to her duties as weather manager.

"Yes!" she simply stated, "We need you four to go down to Appleloosa, and fix a huge mistake. It seems somepony had a major miscommunication, or was sleeping on the job, and accidentally sent a massive storm in their direction."

"So just have the weather team for their area go and take care of it." Rainbow Dash stated

"No can do." she replied as she shook her head, "The area for Appleloosa is designated as a desert biome, and there is no designated weather team for them, only volunteers."

"But why us?" Hoops asked

"Yeah, what makes us so unique to be sent there?" Billy asked

"Because simply you're the best we got at the moment. Billy and Score actually know something about the storm heading towards Appleloosa, seeing it was their shift when the cloud was made. You're the only one at the moment that proved some competence in flying during a storm, and she's the only one that has experience in ridding of that cloud. Not to mention the area's actual topography." she then gave them an extremely stern look that could probably would've even made one of Princess Celestia's guards turn tail, "Look, I'm somewhat familiar with your pasts, all four of you. I WAS one of your classmates you knew back in Flight Camp afterall. But you guys are going to work together whether you like or not, or I'll see to it your flight wings are clipped for an entire month."

The four pegasi didn't do anything, but give rather spiteful looks at the weather manager pony. Rainbow didn't have as much to worry as the three jocks, she didn't specifically work under the cloud factory, but the manager still had the power to do as she said. The jocks though had more to worry, being workers in the factory directly, the manager obviously had that power.

"Alright, fine, I'll work with them, but tell me first, what the hay could this kind of storm do to Appleloosa that would put it top priority?" Rainbow asked

"We...We're not sure yet; but, based on rough estimates, Appleloosa is going to become a rather large lake if this storm is left unchecked. At least that's what some of older superiors keep saying. It's at least gonna severely flood the area for weeks."

"Alright, we got ya boss." Billy stated, "We'll head over there."

"Yeah, were on it boss." Hoops agreed with a nod, as both Rainbow and Score nodded before going air-borne, as if to emphasis.

"We'd provide you a ride there by the train, but at the moment we think you'd arrive in better time by the air." the manager pony stated, "The worst of the storm shouldn't start for a few hours after your arrival. Expect only slight rain and gusts. That is if you guys make it there by our estimated time of arrival."

"No problem, shouldn't be too hard getting there." Rainbow simply stated.

"I sure do hope so, for all our sakes Rainbow Dash, because this issue goes beyond than just the Weather Factory's jurisdiction."

After a couple of hours of just flying, the four were already over what was starting to look like a desert, most of the familiar green vegetation had began to get sparse and smaller in size. Granted though it was still a little more than what would be normal for a desert.

Rainbow was now technically leading the three others, as she flew front-most out of the four of them. By this time the three pegasi stallions were starting to tire a bit, especially since Rainbow was indirectly forcing them to go faster lest they end up losing her.

"Hey Rainbow, can you slow down. Not all of us are in THAT much of a rush you know." Billy called out.

"Hey, if you can't keep up, that's your problem." she replied

"Come on Rainbow, we're suppose to do this job as a team. Slow down." Billy said as he sped up just enough to at least be flying side-by-side with Rainbow, "Slow down." he repeated

Rainbow remained silent, Billy's order falling on deaf ears with the cyan pegasus.

"I said, slow down!" he repeated before promptly biting down on her tail and pulling her back.

The action made Rainbow temporarily lose her balance in the air for a second or two before she recovered, before glaring at Billy, "Who died and made you the leader?!" then tackled him in mid-air, resulting in the two to almost fall out of the air in a heap.

"I'm always the leader." he said before kicking Rainbow off himself.

The two fought in the air for about five seconds, no real serious injuries though, mostly just the two knocking each other off balance as the two started to lose a lot of altitude. It wasn't until the two were a little less than 20 feet off the ground that Hoops and Score managed to catch both by their tails before they hit the ground.

"Jeez! Dudes, are you two trying to hospitalize each other?!" Hoops asked, as Rainbow managed to struggle out of Score's grip, "If Score and I didn't catch ya in time, you two would've hit the ground harder than a boulder off a cliff."

"Whatever." Rainbow stated, "It wouldn't have happened if Billy didn't tackle me."

"I had to tackle you, Rainbow Crash, because you wouldn't listen when I said 'slow down'." he stated as he glared at her

"Like I said, it's not my fault if you can't keep up. I just want to get to Apploosa A-S-A-P. Or are you admitting that I'm a better flyer than you?" then turned so she could continue on her way.

Billy just gave a loud groan before Hoops, Score, and himself pressed on as well.


After several hours or so of flying, the four pegasi took time to rest for the night at a rest-stop usually meant for the engineer ponies for the train. It was now nightfall, and the three male pegasi had convinced Rainbow to agree to resting for the night, despite the fact the cloudy sky indicated the storm presence ahead.

"Here will be your room Miss Rainbow Dash." a pony who was maintaining the rest-stop simply stated.

"Cool, thanks."

"You're very welcome. We'll have dinner ready soon." she added before going on her way.

"Hey, Billy! Are you sure this was a good move? The storm is just ahead of us. We could easily reach it in time and dissipate it." Rainbow stated as she approached him, who was just about to walk back into the room designated for him, as well as for Hoops and Score.

"We need our rest, Rainbow. That storm isn't gonna be easy, trust me. Besides, we'll have plenty of time, the storm shouldn't be a problem for a few more hours."

"Are you sure? Look, I don't know if you guys don't mind not flying for whole month, but I'd rather not get my wings clipped."

"Yes, I'm sure, we'll have plenty of time tomorrow." he replied firmly before giving a sigh, "Listen, I'm sorry I tackled you earlier, but you have to listen when I tell you to slow down."

"Still not my fault you three can't keep up with me." she stated with a smirk

"We get it, you don't want to get your wings clipped, we don't either, but we were given this job, as a team, so we have to work as one."

"Fine." she replied exasperatedly, "I'll listen, but know this. I refuse to consider you my boss. I'm my own boss."

At that Billy gave her a pissed off look.

"I know what I'm doing. If anything I should be the boss, since you guys work at the Weather Factory, your job is to make the clouds. My job in Ponyville is to keep the sky clear, meaning I dissipate the clouds on a daily basis." she added, "I'll listen to your directions, but you I don't need you holding my hoof, I know how to do my job."

"Just do it Rainbow Dash."

"I'll see ya at dinner. I'm gonna go take a quick nap." and with that Rainbow went back to her room and closed the door. Essentially ignoring what Billy had just said.

There was a brief moment of silence before Billy heard Hoops state, "Dude, you know it's not gonna help you get her attention if you're always fighting with her."

"What are you talking about?"

"Rainbow, you like her don't ya?" he asked in a tone that was suppose to imply that was already a given, as he approached his friend. He was coming from the dining area to the room.

"Hey! Can it, Dunderhead!" Billy yelled before quickly falling silent. He took a quick glance at the door to Rainbow Dash's room before turning back to his friend. "How do you know about that?!" Billy asked in a quieted tone.

Hoops gave a nervous chuckle, "Actually...I didn't dude. I only assumed that part."

Billy just gave his friend a blank stare before turning his head and banging it once against the wall.

"Score and I always assumed you might've liked her." he stated just quiet enough for him to hear, "I mean, dude, half the stuff I know about Rainbow was because you mentioned it, or made a joke about it. You just seem to know a lot of stuff about her that I always thought was a little weird that you knew."

"If you ever tell anypony about this, I will send you packing to the intensive care unit." he threatened.

"No worries dude, my lips are sealed."

The following day, the four pegasi were flying above the cloud to Appleloosa. Rainbow had been keeping track of where they were from the occasional landmark that protruded out though the clouds. So far Billy seemed somewhat wrong for the most part, it had actually started drizzling just below them, and was quickly threatening to worsen.

"We should be near Appleloosa now. We better get down below the cloud now." Rainbow stated

"Alright, follow me." Billy simply replied before diving straight down, followed by the others.

As they hit the cloud, like any other occasion, they sunk in, but soon noticed something out of the ordinary. There was actually some resistance. They hit a certain point where they stopped completely before the cloud forcibly retracted back to normal, shooting the four ponies back into the sky. Rainbow was quick to recover, and so was Score and Billy, but Hoops landed right onto the cloud.

"What just happened?" Hoops asked as soon as he got himself back onto his four hooves

"Resistance, that's what happened." Billy replied, "The cloud cover must be too thick, we can't fly through it. We'll have to go around."

Rainbow just gave a groan, "That'll take way too long. We need to get through NOW! Here follow me, I'll try getting us through." and quickly flew high up into the air.

"And how do you plan on doing that?" Billy asked as they followed her up into the air

"Same way I did it during Ponyville's last Winter Wrap up, just follow me in a line and try to keep up with me this time." she instructed before nose diving while using her wings to quickly raise her fall speed.

The three males just looked at each other before diving down to catch up with Rainbow.

Rainbow hit the cloud at top speed, not enough to produce a Rainboom, but enough to look like rather painful if the cloud wasn't as fluffy as it suppose to be, even by pegasus standards. Followed by the others at a speed that almost matched her's. Rainbow continued to force herself through the cloud, even as her speed began to be affected by the growing resistance of the cloud. Soon Rainbow felt one of the male pegasi crash right into her, followed by the other, then the other, before they all felt the slightest give and they fell right out of the cloud.

"See? Told ya I'd get us through that cloud. I bet you guys even doubted, admit it." Rainbow stated proudly as soon as she was able to catch herself and get herself stably back into a hover.

"Yeah, yeah...whatever, let's just get started." Billy stated

Looking around, they found themselves right over the apple orchard of Appleloosa. It was also obvious that the wind portion of the storm was starting up.

"Rainbow...? Is that you?" the four of them heard somepony shout out.

"Huh...?" Rainbow looked down to see a familiar orange stallion, "Braeburn?" and flew down, "Braeburn. Good to see you again."

"Ah could certainly say the same, and ah see y'all brought some friends."

"Oh, they're just old classmates of mine. This is Billy, Hoops, and Score." then turned to look at them, "This is Braeburn fellas."

"Well, a pleasure ta makin' yer acquaintances." Braeburn simply greeted as he made a gesture to slightly tip his hat, "Ah'd fancy givin' y'all a tour seein' that y'all are new, but the whole town is evacuatin' on a cause of the storm. Now that ah think about it, why are ya'll doing out 'ere in these parts?"

"We were sent here from Cloudsdale to deal with the storm. It's not suppose to be here." Billy replied

"Ahh, ah see. That makes a whole lot o' sense, seein' we don't see much rain around these parts. An occasional rainstorm, but they ain't ever this bad."

"What about you? What are you doing out here?"

"Ah was gonna see if ah can get ta the Buffalo tribe. It's only fair that we warn 'em."

"I'll go out there and tell them. I'm sure they'll still remember me, and can I get there much faster than you." Rainbow stated

"Right. The whole town is takin' shelter in an ol' cave just over yonder." Braeburn stated as he pointed out to a nearby mountain, "It's a bit of a climb, but it's a safe haven from the storm."

"Right, I'll be there as soon as I can." she said before racing off to the Buffalo tribe.

In the meanwhile Billy began coordinating Score and Hoops in moving some chunks of the cloud to areas it won't cause a problem, and kicking out any small clouds that were around, while Braeburn went to go look for Sheriff Silver Star to aid in the town's complete evacuation, as well as convince that stallion to get to the rendezvous as well. Celestia knows that old sheriff will probably stay in town, making sure all the citizens are safe, before leaving as well, even if he risked drowning himself in a flood.

Like Rainbow predicted, she made it to the Buffalo tribe area in good time, certainly way better than Braeburn would've done on foot. Little Strong Heart was the first to greet her upon arrival.

"Hey there Little Strong Heart, good seeing you again." Rainbow greeted

"Likewise, but what are you doing here?"

"It's about the storm, I need to talk to the chief."

"What's wrong?"

"The tribe needs to evacuate the area. This storm is a lot bigger than any this area normally sees."

Author's Note:

I will admit, this is actually a story that for a while I considered to be dead after failing to submit a 3rd chapter, and the interest for it dropped to nothing on my DA account. Such a shame considering the third chapter was actually half done, and I tried my darnest back then to plan the characters' movements over the course of the story. Especially since it countered my personal oath as a writer, to finish any story I work on.

I hope that perhaps this can garner some renewed interest here so as to kick my tail to actually finish and submit the third chapter after all this time.