• Member Since 17th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Sep 5th, 2017



Legend tells of two swords that brought a kingdom to its knees. Hidden and sealed away in the deepest region of Neighpon, they have since faded into obscurity.

Daring Do embarks on an adventure to find these swords through treacherous Neighpon mountains and dark forests. Along the way, she obtains a curious new partner, who also has interest in the weapons, all the while followed by a dangerous adversary, who wishes to obtain the swords at any cost.

Can Daring trust this strange companion? Will they survive to stop the vile schemes of their enemy, or will the whole of Equis fall under unrelenting darkness? Find out on this exiting adventure in Daring Do and the Celestial Swords!

Part of the Trebleverse. No real knowledge of past installments necessary.

Chapters (2)
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