• Member Since 23rd Aug, 2014
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Specimen of Maximum Nerd.


Comments ( 32 )

There are multiple areas where you refer to this Twilight as female.

Twilight didn't even notice her until Celestia was breathing down her neck,

That was the first I remembered, I'll need to re-read to find the rest, I made a note that it happened but not where. Other than that looking forward to more, Submissive Celestia is definitely my favorite.

Would be better to rename Twilight into Dusk Shine.

Something I noticed is that you refer to Celestia's breasts as 'brown tits'. How is Celestia, a alabastar alicorn, have brown tits?

She might be human, with normal skin tones (In this case tanned) rather then the usual anthro and Equestria Girls skin tones.


Fixed that one! Thanks for pointing it out. If you see any others, let me know?


I strongly dislike the fanon names and I won't be using them. Sorry!


The original concept for this story was based on an image by Sunnysundown of Celestia wearing Junketsu, in which she had with dark skin. I since reworked it a little bit since then to make the story a little more open-ended. My goal with a lot of my anthro/human writing is to make it so that the writing doesn't bring up the colours/equine-specific features too much, so that the reader can easily pretend they're anthros or humans depending on preference! That said, thanks for pointing it out, it's gone now!

"yet he only felt mollified" - I see what you did there. :pinkiehappy:

This was cute! Always a fan of busty Celestia.

is this a n#oneshot or do you continue this and make this a harem-story? ;)


There are follow-up chapters planned but I have so much going on right now I'm not sure when I'll be able to get to them!


Way too many ! in this story for me! there are other punctuation marks one can use! i barely got a quarter through this and counted at least nine! i have nothing against exclamation marks! but here they seem a tad overused!

Good read. Marked as incomplete. Following for (hopefully) more! :pinkiehappy:

You know, Twilight DOES have a rule 63 name, Dusk Shine. Just pointing out, and yeah, seeing as Celestia's been pretty much bullying Twilight here, it's a bit hard to believe that he's supposed to end up on top.


Actually this art is being done by Spindles! Phurie did do a few pieces for me, but it's not pony-related so no reason to post it here.

6903311 That's impressive. It saddens me that Phurie can't be bought ;A;

wow funny, I read this story on hentai foundry before work today and then found It here lol good story I like it a lot,

Aw, why are making them humans? They're a lot better as anthromorphs!

Celestia licked her lips and leaned back into the balcony railing, planting her elbows just so, so that the fabric of her dress visibly creaked and strained over those mind-meltingly large breasts. They were proportionally oversized on her, even before taking her towering height into account. "Of course, of course, my precious student. What's on your mind?"

You're a troll, you know that?

Absolutely no-one had seen. Well, probably no-one anyway. But even if someone had, Celestia still had plenty more to say. "Besides, my little pony, that's entirely missing the point. I couldn’t care less if anyone saw!”

You don't, but he DOES.

Spurred on by drunkenness, Celestia was being a wicked little pony. Absolutely diabolical. “Anyone speaking to me in such a fashion, yourself included, will likely end up having their face used as the next royal throne. I answer to no authority. And you... You need another stiff drink, my child."

No, methinks you need to sober up.

Her donut had been completely glazed.

*sigh* Really?

Well, perhaps she'd simply desired a target she couldn't possibly miss.


She might have had a bit too much to drink.

A bit too much? From the sound of it she's had a LOT too much.

Purely for the good of Equestria, of course!

So that's your rationale.

You know how Gods and wine are, sweetie

Yes, if memory serves, it was wine and mustard that was used to make Kronos vomit out his kids in Greek mythology, and Zeus was probably drunk more often than not.

"Just what do you think you're doing, you sissy? Why would you waste good wine?"

Because you're bad enough sober.

Obviously, Twilight still had a long way to go.

No shit. And considering that he's been called a sissy more times than I can count and Celestia's being a massive bitch to him, I doubt he'll be getting anywhere anytime soon.

Tease level...This whole chapter.

Twilight still has a ways to go.
Also, milf Celestia?
Well, I guess Blueblood doesn't call her auntie for no reason then :rainbowlaugh:

What if she sent him back to being wrapped up under the covers with one hand fisting his cock and a dirty novel in the other...

I should somehow feel insulted by this... cheap shots are cheap.

But it was hard for Twilight to swallow that particular line of reasoning. How could he, after just some thirty minutes ago he had witnessed the large, excessively-plump rump of one Princess Luna, Ruler of the Night, wiggling from side to side in alarm as it was glazed in a sticky, slimy coating of Sparkle spunk! She was Celestia’s own sister!
And then there was the matter of the load itself... Pony ejaculations like Twilight’s were far from small. When his spunk rod had seen that large behind straining under the material of her dress, it had definitely gone into overdrive. A gushing hot deluge of cum had splattered her ass over and over again, each cum-shot hitting with as much force as a spank from one of Twilight's little hands. And Luna had stood there and taken every last drop.
The normally intimidating and imposing monarch had trembled under the slimy shots, crying in alarm and doing her best to shake it off with coy wiggling, but to no avail... Her donut had been completely glazed.
On its own? Not so bad. But when you factored in a cackling Celestia being the one blurring her fingers up and down Twilight's rod in the first place, while the cutie-boy just stared down in wide-eyed, open-mouthed dismay, it got a little worse! And when one realized this was happening right in the centre of the Gala's dance floor to the finest string quartet in Equestria, it got a lot worse! The icing on the Luna-shaped cake was that Celestia had done it on purpose, intentionally catching her sister's oversized rear in the crossfire.

Wait, wait... are you saying that Celestia made Twi cum all over Luna's ass, in the middle of a crowded hall, and that no-one saw them? Really?

Her body was learning the obedience brought pleasure, and she was still aching for more.

I'd correct this as to say *that obedience* but reading it as a noun with "the" as a definitive rather than an adverb added a definite dominance to girly Twilight. I don't know if this was an accidental misspelling or deliberate but don't change it. Keep it like it is.

Power. Dominance. It could all he his.



Thanks for correcting the error! it's fixed now :moustache:

It's going to be a bouncy ride!

Bumpy. Bumpy ride. Okay, bouncy and bumpy and other words that start with B. Like booobs. It's going to be a booby ride?

What a conclusion. That is a way to end things with a bang :rainbowlaugh:
Who would have thought that Celestia's weakness are eldritch tentacles?

This was very enjoyable. Look forward to the sequels.

Celestia's tried and true method of titty-slapping things until they stopped struggling was about to claim another victim!


You made the list! Ha ha ha !

"Celestia's tried and true method of titty-slapping things until they stopped struggling was about to claim another victim!" -Frocto

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