• Published 14th May 2015
  • 3,489 Views, 136 Comments

Shattered Souls: Sunny Town - Brony Parasite

A Brony goes to Brony-con, and gets sent to his favorite show as Pinkamena. But sarrow takes its hold on him, and he must protect Equestria from monsters, MLP bad guys, Sunny Town, and... Himself...

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Brony-Con Was Not Fun

{Third POV}

Marcus skipped through the rain in his Pinkamena Hoodie singing, "I'm proud to be a Brony~" as he made his way to Brony-con. Marcus, or Mark, was a 19 years old male fan of the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. He was scared to admit it, yet after two years of hiding, a friend asked him to come to Brony-con. At first, Mark was hesitant. But the more she begged, the more he caved, and after the thirty-sixth try, he gave in. Mark was a nervous guy, and going scared him. But after arriving, he got into it. Going as far as to make a hoodie based off his favorite ponies alternative persona: Pinkamena.

His love for her started weirdly enough. He hated her with all his guts when he saw the show, 'Clearly never going to see her again.' He thought ran away from Twilight in the first episode. That hate turned to love when he aw the Smile Song, and when he read 'Cupcakes', the pink mare jumped from the bottom of his list, to the second, and when he watched all the episodes again... Top of the list, Pinkamena Diane Pie! Now Rarity was his least... Not that he hated her... he just disliked most of her episodes...

But, that's not what this is about. Mark turned the corner, seeing the massive building in front of him. He ignored the design and ran.

There where Bronies and Pegasisters alike. That was all Marcus saw before bolting.

Once inside, he scanned the crowd. Most wore MLP T-Shirts, hats, pins, stickers, ect. Mark was amazed. All these people where fans of a little girls... Amazing!

Mark looked for his friend, Marry.

"Well... Crap..."

Mark was lost. He hadn't found Marry, so he decided to look at venders. Maybe there wasn't that many, but the things they had where AWESOME!!! Mark surveyed the stalls and found this guy sitting in a corner with various fan based stuff. Including something from the Fanfic Cupcakes. Rainbow's Cutie Mark.

"How much for that?" Mark asked, pointing at the thing of his interest.

The vender looked at it, then smiled, "Fifty. But if you buy this knife, then twenty."

Mark smiled. He didn't know much about prices at cons, but he guessed they where expensive. He looked at the knife. It was a real one, was a darker version of Pinkie's Cutie Mark at the hilt. Mark took the money out of his wallet, and gave it. 'Shut up and take my money!' Mark thought with a giggle.

The vender chuckled, "Never thought I'd sell that. I was beginning to worry." Before Mark could thank the vender, a weird feeling caught Mark by surprise. Mark quickly walked to the men's room because he didn't want to throw up.

Once he arrived in the bathroom, he looked in the mirror. His face looked pale, and his brown hair drooping. His eyes fluttered, and he fell backwards. He passed out.

Mark woke in water. He began panicking, trying to reach the surface but to no avail. He looked at his han-

'What the-'

Instead of hands, two, pink hooves wiggled to his every command. He felt a weight on his back and looked. A backpack(Not saddlebag, it wasn't on either side) was strapped over his shoulders. Long dull pink hair floated in the crystal clear water. 'Oh... My...'

Mark was pulled out of his thoughts as his lungs began to burn and scream for oxygen. He swam as fast as he could, finding that it was much easier.

He surfaced, gasping for air. He splashed swam towards sore. Once he reached land, he pulled himself out as quickly as possible. His drenched coat clung to his body in a strangely pleasant manner.

He collapsed. Still gasping. Trying to collect his thoughts. Is this a dream? It can't be. Dreams aren't this real. If it isn't a dream, then where was he? And why did he have hooves? Wait.

Mark sat up and stared into the pool. Fear, shock, and excitement going through him all at once.

He- or she, was a pink earth pony with a strait dark pink mane, dull blue eyes, and looking at her flank to see three balloons, two of which were blue like her eyes, and the third one was a yellow. Her memories felt foggy, and simple things like her name began fading away. She looked back into the reflection of... herself... She looked worried as her emotions portrayed. She began shaking. The full force and weight of the situation dawned on her, and she wept.

'Where am I?'

[Location: Ponyville]

Pinkie hopped happily down the street. The Pinkie clone situation had been resolved, and things were back to normal. With only one Pinkie.

Pinkie's happy nature stopped when her body began shaking. A doozy! Pinkie was about to tell her friends, but she felt it was too urgent. She ran towards the Everfree Forest. 'Of course its here. Bad things never happen in original locations...' Little did she know, a human was grumbling about the Fourth Wall shouldn't be broken in a story.

A cyan Pegasus watched her friend. She began following the pink mare into the forest and landed right in front of her. "Sup Pinks?"

"Doozy! No time to tell the others! Come. Now." Rainbow didn't pretend to know what Pinkie meant most of the time, but Dash didn't need more than 'Doozy', and 'No Time'. The two galloped/flew towards the center of the Doozy. They arrived at a boulder, which they both recognize.

"The Mirror Pool!" They said in unison. Pinkie and Dash slammed into the rock, which wasn't that hard to move and rolled away. As soon as it was gone, they heard sobbing. Had they left somepony there?

Pinkie hopped into the hole, and Rainbow glided. When they reached the bottom, they saw a dull colored Pinkie Pie. Dash got into a fighting stance, but Pinkie held a hoof in front of her.

Pinkie trotted towards herself and knelt, "What's wrong?"

The dull mare looked up, barley remembering who she was. "I-I c-c-c-c-can't r-r *sniff* remmmmmember wh-who I a- am!" She sniffed again, and quickly hugged the mare in front of her, crying.

Dash was shocked, 'A Pinkie clone with something other than excitement?'

Pinkie didn't seem that surprised, and hugged the mare back, "Ssshhh, sshh. It's okay, Anty Pinkie's here. You don't have to be sad." A thought came to Pinkie, "How about we give you a new life!"

The other Pinkie sniffed, "I... I'd like that..." She smiled.

Rainbow stepped in, "Wait! We can't have two Pinkie's!"

Pinkie smiled, "Why don't we rename her? I like Fourth Wall! It sounds fun!"

"But we can't keep her! Even if we did, Twilight would just send her back into the Mirror Pool!" Dash argued.

Pinkie turned to the Pegasus, giving her the puppy dog eyes, "Pwease?"

That did it. Dash sighed, "Fine... But she has to stay here. We'll come by and feed her, and teach her."

Pinkie jumped up and hopped around the cavern screaming, "YesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm gonna have SO much fun with her!"

Rainbow sighed, this was a risky move, and if the town found out... Rainbow shuddered at the thought. She and Pinkie'd have to protect her.

'I hope I don't regret this...'

Author's Note:

Please comment! I love to hear all you have to say as long as it isn't mean!

Pinkie Pie! Away!!!
And The Song Of The Day Is: