• Published 15th May 2015
  • 1,442 Views, 9 Comments

Finer Things: The Rarilight Collab - Donraj

100 to 500-ish word Rarilight Prompt Stories

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Applejack's Ale by Donraj

Written by Donraj

“Canterlot,” Twilight Sparkle growled. “From up here she's BEAUTIFUL.”

Rarity sighed. “Twilight, come down from there.”

Twilight ignored her. “BEAUTIFUL,” she continued, “like EDGAR ALLEN PONEIGH'S sweet LENORE!”

“Twilight darling, ponies are beginning to stare,” Rarity said sotto voce.

“Until her small COUGH brought a spot of BLOOD to her lip and the poet KNEW that she was PLAGUED, DOOMED.”

Twilight started to shout something else but then she fell into the fountain. This interrupted her.

Rarity rolled her eyes and began to levitate her friend out. “Really Twilight, Discord of all ponies offers you a drink and you actually accept? At the Gala of all places?”

“Not another Celestia-damned word!” Twilight slurred back. “I am the Celestia-damned Princess of Friendship and I can drink whatever Celestia-damned thing I want wherever I Celestia-damned well please!”

Twilight paused for a moment to concentrate on not falling over before adding, “Sides, it has Sweet Apple Acres' logo on it.”

“Darling, Sweet Apple Acres doesn't have a logo,” Rarity said patiently as she tried to lead Twilight back onto the castle. “That's just an apple that happens to look like the ones in Applejack's cutie mark.”

“I am the night!” Twilight declared, very drunkenly.

“Best not let Luna hear you say that,” Celestia said cheerfully as she stepped into the garden.

“Princess!” Rarity gasped.

“Yes?” Twilight said, still drunk. Rarity ignored her.

“I'm so sorry, I'm afraid Twilight is-”

“It's quite alright,” Celestia said cheerily. She was still flushed with excitement from the party winding down inside. “Best Gala ever!”

“Hey!” Twilight said as she grabbed Rarity and grinned into her face from inches away. “Wanna see my cutie mark?”

Rarity flushed. Celestia giggled. “Maybe you should take her up on that,” Celestia suggested. “Wearing that wet dress can't be good for her or the dress.”

Rarity's attention snapped back. “Oh dear, you're right. My dress! Thank you, Princess,” she said as she hustled Twilight toward the royal suites. Celestia smiled.

“Of course,” she said gently. “We marshmallows have to stick together!”