• Published 11th Oct 2015
  • 2,280 Views, 29 Comments

Star Butterfly vs. The Magical Power Of Friendship - Peridork

Twilight Sparkle gets stuck in Echo Creek and meets another magical princess from another dimension. A Star vs. The Forces Of Evil Crossover.

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Episode 1: Welcome To The Echo Creek Stop & Slurp

It would have been a normal day in Equestria if not for the fact that Twilight was planning to have a scientific breakthrough.

Twilight Sparkle and her friends stared at the purple alicorn's newest magical contraption that she had built after fighting the Sirens at Canterlot High. The Crystal Mirror, on loan from Princess Cadance, stood in the middle of the room and Twilight's scientific instruments were placed in a seemingly haphazard arrangement in concentric circles around the ancient and barely understood mirror. Twilight had looked into the history of the mirror, but she could only find references to Starswirl's apprentice Clover the Clever building a planar lens to view possible realities as a way to one up the other two races in surviving the Windigoes.

And with the issues of deterioration on the early sources of Clover the Clever, most of what Twilight could learn was that the Mirror could be the same thing mentioned in the History of The Three Tribes by Mannus. Which didn't explain how anything worked- Mannus just said that it was an eye opening experience for Clover.

Twilight sighed. The lack of knowledge about early Equestria was something that bugged her when dealing with ancient magical artifacts like this.

"Now Twilight, I know that you often like to show off your magical doohickeys when they might not be finished yet, but this just looks like a mess that Spike made in his sleep."

Twilight looked at her contraption again and saw that maybe Applejack was right. It did look a little rushed, but Twilight had crunched the numbers in her head and her plan to connect the human world without waiting on the moon in the human world and the Equestrian moon to sync up was sound. Because, even with Sunset's new journal on the other side, it still had issues with keeping the statue side open. And Twilight and her friends were going to test it. If only some ponies weren't being so dangerously forgetful about machinery.

"Ooh, Twilight! What does this do?" Pinkie was poking the mirror and seeing if she could see her forehoof go through the mirror. It would be a normal occurrence for Pinkie Pie, if she wasn't trying to see if Gummy could turn into a human by tossing him at the mirror and yelling something about a transformation sequence.

"Pinkie, this is a perfectly safe machine if used properly. And Gummy won't be able to talk anyway on the other side, there's no magic there. So please stop trying to do. . .whatever you are doing."

"Aw, sorry Gummy, I guess we wont hear your voice yet."

Twilight sighed. Pinkie being Pinkie was just one thing that she had to learn to accept when she moved to Ponyville, but the pink pony still had some moments that even the other girls thought were a bit too crazy for even Pinkie to say sometimes. They figured that maybe Pinkie was smarter than she looked and somehow knew about things that were beyond what ponies should know. Twilight turned away to think about how to possibly fix the machine's coordinates into a-

"Come on Egghead, if you can't turn pets into human things or figure out if you're faster than the human version of yourself- what's the point about a place where all they do there is learn about boring human stuff." Rainbow Dash glided lazily around the room just waiting for Twilight to finish up her preparations for the journey to the other, less awesome world.

"Rainbow, that's not the point of the mirror. . ." Twilight's eye twitched a little bit at Rainbow's comment but she thought of Cadance's breathing technique, counted the first fifteen digits of pi, and moved onto grabbing the last few bits of wiring and attaching them to the top of the mirror. "Have you girls seen Rarity? She's almost late for this."

Fluttershy, who had been sitting quietly in the corner just watching her friends spoke up. She had been sitting there because she hadn't wanted to get in the way of Twilight. Also she had been worrying about the animals she had left in her cabin- maybe Bon Bon wasn't the best pony to ask for help. But her animals had calmed down once Bon Bon had used her real voice."Uh, Twilight, Rarity told me that she would be a little bit late because she was gathering a few things."

"Okay. That's good. . . I just hope that she won't go overboard- this isn't supposed to be a long trip."

"Or she could just do what I do and store things in her hair. It really helps Gummy and me when we get really bored." Pinkie pulled out a Daring Do and Do Not book and sat down to read the newest adventure of the Daring Gang. Twilight had gotten Pinkie stuck on the filly series when she showed Rainbow the original versions.

Twilight just sighed. She still couldn't figure out Pinkie Pie's abilities. She probably never would. She had tried to figure out Pinkie and she had ended up in a body cast for that. So for her safety, even though being an alicorn made her stronger, Twilight didn't want to take a chance on studying Pinkie for sanity reasons.

Before Twilight could aim for one of the nearby desks and just shut her brain down for a few minutes by slamming it into the wooden top, the library door opened and the one pony that everypony was waiting for strutted in with 'only' a few clothing items all over her back.

"Sorry girls, Twilight's invitation to try out this new idea she had created made me worry about where exactly we would go and a lady can't help but be prepared for any eventuality in case of a fashion emergency. I mean what if I see some kind of fashion that's new to me. . .so I might have then decided to pack some notebooks and then I thought maybe I need some of Sweetie's color pencils to give it a splash of color. . .and now I'm rambling." Rarity's speech faltered as Rainbow rolled her eyes at the fashionista.

"Come on, Rarity, it's not going to be that bad. Even if this Canterlot High seems to be a cutie mark free borefest."

"Well Rainbow, Rares might be right though. Since Twilight hasn't really said where in the wide world of somewhere we might land." Applejack was trying to get the friends back on track. "So Twilight, might filling all of us in as to what we will be doing since for some reason you've been more focused on building this and not filling us in?" Applejack cocked an eyebrow and waited- sure she knew that Twilight could be focused on a task too much at hoof and forget to tell the girls but her forgetfulness didn't usually involve travelling beyond the borders of Equestria.

Twilight blushed and smacked her hooves together. Finally, she could get into her own element and explain her plan. Pulling up a nearby chalkboard that she had placed in the tree for this eventual happening, she began to write her plan onto the chalkboard with a flurry of movement and enjoyment. Not every day could she prove a crucial theorem of science.

"Now, if my calculations are correct, we will be able to enter the human world anywhere. This was made possible with a whole lot of magical theorems that I got from the Crystal Empire's archives and combining it with current ideas on magic to create a stable portal that will be open as long as we need on this end."

"That's it?" Applejack raised an eyebrow because the farmpony was more used to Twilight's more involved explanations for sciency doodads.

"Yeah. Pinkie told me to keep it to the point earlier today so I had to take out the explanation of multiple realities and small changes and all that." Twilight blushed a bit because she remembered the last time she had tried to teach a pony with a short attention span a difficult concept and that had involved almost burning down Canterlot.

"Yeppers I sure did." Pinkie Pie grinned.

"Okay so before we all head off into possibly a different area of the human world. . .I just wanted to hand out a few magic mirrors just in case something goes wrong."

Twilight had learned a lot from all the times she had messed with science and she now believed that if something went wrong scientifically, it would be at least a good idea to make it easier for each of the girls to contact each other. And the mirror thing was Spike's idea. He thought it was a nice touch since the Crystal Mirror was, just that, a mirror.

The girls all quickly agreed that having some form of communication just in case something happened when they were in a different version of Canterlot High. The six mares grabbed their own hoof mirrors, even Rainbow Dash who had a separate mirror to accentuate her non girliness, and stood in the center of the machinery that was attached to the portal.

"Girls, just remember that is a research mission so please be careful since I hope that this moment will be put down in history when Equestrians make contact with possible new races."

"Uh, Twilight, I know you are wanting to make sure things go okay and all but can't we have a little bit of fun when we 'meet new races'" Rainbow Dash shook her head. Twilight was kind of dense. Why wouldn't it be great to hang out with new things? And anyway being careful was not her middle name. Danger was her middle name.

"And anyway I'd love to share with thingies my special baking powers that I've learned." Pinkie Pie smiled at Twilight and waited somewhat patiently with Gummy in her hooves. Twilight had tried to make Pinkie leave her pet at home but Pinkie had refused quietly.

"Fine. But seriously everypony, this is supposed to be some sort of science mission affirming Clover the Clever's Third Law of Temporal Dimensional Mechanics. The fun part is just an added bonus."

"So aren't you gonna tell Spike about this crucial mission, Twi? I don't want to be stuck in a place forever. I'd miss my family and everything." Applejack was right, Twilight thought. The idea of leaving Shining and her family in the dark about this would have been an issue. Before she forgot, she levitated a piece of parchment over to her and began writing to Spike about what he needed to do while she was gone. Couldn't hurt to at least have a way to get back since Twilight didn't know if the places her friends and her were going had technology like her machine to get back here.

"There. I told Spike everything on how to run the library when we are gone and to send letters to each and every one of your family members- and for him to get some ponies to help with take care of business while we are gone. . .anything else before we go where nopony else has probably gone before?"

Pinkie Pie waved her hoof about excitedly. "Ooh, ooh, pick me pick me!"

"Yes, Pinkie?"

"Well I felt a Pinkie Sense feeling earlier today so I made these packs for each of you while I was waiting." Pinkie grabbed her boxes that she had carried over from Sugarcube Corner that had been sitting by the front door of the library since she had entered the Golden Oaks library. Speeding around the circle, Pinkie gave each and every pony a box color coded to their coats.

"Duh, so you made a basket of stuff. Can't we just open them now?" Rainbow Dash playfully rolled her eyes since she had been secretly eyeing the care packages or whatever Pinkie would call a box with stuff inside that wasn't really a present.

"Silly. You can't open them now. Open them, you will know when to." Pinkie Pie smiled and giggled at her joke that nopony understood.

"O Kay then. . .well I guess we'll get a move on then. Time can't really wait. Well, it could but. . .you know what I mean." Twilight shook her head and began powering up the spell necessary to send each of her friends to a different reality tied to the Crystal Mirror. Theorems and practice attempts flashed through her head as slowly each of her friends quickly faded out of the current Equestrian reality with a pop and with that she cast the final spell with a blast of magic.

Twilight faded out of Equestria.

Echo Creek, California was a normal town by any stretch of the word. Some streetlights, a Stop and Slurp, Echo Creek Academy- a kindergarten to twelfth grade public school, and a magical princess from another dimension.

Well, okay. Maybe most towns did not have a magical princess, but this one did.

"Ooh. Marco, Marco, Marco. Look at the deal that Stop and Slurp has today. A pizza and Slurpzilla combo pack? I don't even know what that is and I'm excited!" Princess Star Butterfly, Princess to the land of Mewni and current foreign exchange student, grinned at her best friend Marco Diaz. Her blue dress with a pink squid thing and the cute red devil horn hair piece making her stand out even in the California day. And her little hearts on her cheeks that showed her emotions were currently normal pink hearts. The blonde haired girl jumped in place at she pointed to the deal on the side of a convenience store.

Marco Diaz, in one of his multiple red hoodies and black pants combos since he liked the look, turned to Star and frowned. Being the kid that looked out for Star wore on his nerves and it had only been about a week since she had moved into his house. He ruffled his brown hair with a hand and shook his head. "Star, no. Do you remember the last time we had pizza? You accidentally thought the hot peppers were a monster because they were spicy."

"But, Marco. . .we don't really know of hot foods on Mewni so everything that's 'spicy' is thought of as poison."

"You then punched the waiter and made a water monster by accident because you were freaking out. We still can't go to Fazbear's because of the mess you made."

"Can I at least get one tiny Slurpzilla? Please Marco! I need to see if the flavor combo your dad told be about is tasty!" Star had heard about the Super Slurper combo from Mr. Diaz. The idea of putting every flavor intrigued Star. There had been no convenience stories on Mewni. The peasants sold their gruelish slop in the market. Flavors were not really known in Mewnian culture. Only recently had dimensional scissors made it possible to trade with different dimensions for spices.

"Okay. But I don't know where exactly my wallet is. . .one of Ludo's goons threw it near here." Searching nearby a dumpster was not one of Marco's favorite things to do. It wasn't even on the list. "Dang it. I had some of my allowance in there."

"Oh Marco. I could just use my magic and find your wallet. . ."

"Nah, Star, I got this. I mean it couldn't have gotten that far. Ludo's minions kind of suck." Marco took off his hoodie and stood there for a moment. He had a grey shirt underneath the hoodie and the heat of California had cooled off so he shivered in his t shirt. "Though it's a little chilly right now." He jumped into the dumpster, hoping that he wouldn't have to take a super long shower once he got out. Wow. He felt something somewhat sharp poke him in the side and something plush moved underneath him.

"Ugh, my horn."

"Oh Dios Mio, my side." Marco moved as quickly as he could in a dumpster covered in trash and possibly a hobo living in the squalor. He touched his side and he felt something sticky pool on his side. Please don't be blood. Please don't be blood.

"Star? Get your wand ready. I don't know if that is one of Ludo's new minions or not but its better to be safe than sorry cause I might need medical assistance if I think I remember what I learned in Biology."

Star nodded and pulled out her cute little Princess wand that was also the main reason her evil nemesis, Ludo, who just so happened to be a short evil kappa overlord of evil, was fighting her and Marco. And it was cute- with little wings and a star design. It was supposed to show the current holder's heart because when her mother gave it to her, it was different and more regal than now. Star aimed the wand at the back of the alleyway.

"Jellybean Hallucination Mist or Magical Narwhal Blast, Marco?"

"Second one. It poked me in the side."

Marco, who had seen the power of some of Star's more offensive spells limped behind a car and waited. And waited. Marco poked his head up and looked at the creature that walked out of the alley. A purple unicorn with wings stared back at the human and the Mewman.

"Uh, Star? Is that a unicorn?"


"Is it a breed that you've seen before."


"Hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle, and I am a Princess of Equestria. Where exactly am I?"

Huh, a talking unicorn. Not to be unexpected from some of Star's stories about Mewni, but she had to have a special purpose if she had wings. Marco guessed those were new. Unicorns weren't supposed to fly.

Marco would have said something if he wasn't feeling dizzy from- blood loss- yeah that was blood. Breathing slowly and trying to stay awake he heard Star scream in joy.

"Marco! Do you know what this means? I get to be friends with a talking unicorn Princess! And roomies! Best. Walk. To. The. Store. Eva!!!" Star ran up to Twilight and hugged her 'new friend'. Twilight just looked uncomfortable.

"Well I wasn't expecting getting a hug so quickly but I guess this isn't that bad. Though I thought I cast the human spell. . .I shouldn't be a pony in a land of humans."

"Yeah some trip to the store. Uh, Twilight. That's Star, she's a Princess. I'm Marco, and I am currently losing blood cause you poked me with your horn. And whatever you did to me with just a touch of your horn hurts really really bad."

Twilight shook her head and wiggled out of Star's weakening grasp as the Mewman realized that Marco wasn't faking. The blood had started to cover the bottom of his shirt. Twilight knew practical spells to heal bones, but blood loss wasn't a thing that was often a thing in Equestria. Magical residue in the air made Equestrians very hard to hospitalize. Rainbow Dash was proof of that fact.

Twilight looked into Star's worried eyes. The hearts had turned into small dark rainclouds because she was just about to start crying.

"Can't you do anything, because I don't want to explain to his parents how the best trip to the store almost killed Marco. I. . .don't know what to do. I-" Star began to cry.

Twilight breathed. Think, think, think. She looked at 'Marco' and she noticed that even with her magic- she didn't know how much magic this dimension had compared to Equestria- she'd be working with unknowns and with a life in the balance, unknown variables could be fatal. And even as Celestia's faithful student, she didn't focus on medical applications for magic. Magical theories were her forte. She could save him but only if she quickly decided on what to do.

"Okay. But you might not like it. . .Star."

"What is it? I mean I hope its not blood magic or something."

"No- though that might be a thing to study later- we're going to the hospital."

"But you don't know where. . ."

Twilight lay her horn on Marco's head and focused on the words. Nearby hospital. Nearby hospital. Faintly, she began to see a route to the closest one in the general area. Echo Creek Medical Center. Quietly, Twilight thanked that she had taken some lessons from Luna after the Changeling Invasion. Memory spells were not a common spell type in current magical texts.

"Done. Star you might want to grab onto my hoof."

Star reached out timidly and took Twilight's hoof. She was confused how Twilight could have gotten information from Marco without talking to him- Mewnian magic didn't really have mind powers. Trading stories could be important later. Marco needed to go to a hospital fast. Gripping Twilight's hoof tightly and placing Marco on Twilight's back- Star breathed. She only had one chance to get what she came for tonight- and since Marco was going to go to the hospital it might be her one chance for the night.

"You want to give me a slurpy..." Star tried to wave her hands and bug her eyes because mind control eyes were a thing in Earth cultural traditions. That movie with the snake and the secret history of a past kingdom in the stars set to film told her that mind control was possible.

"I want to give you a slurpy...? Wait, what's a slurpy and why are you doing that?"

"Well I tried." Star quickly grabbed Marco's wallet that he had found in the dumpster and ran as fast as she could into the Stop and Slurp. Screams of 'The Super Slurper combo is mine' and 'but you have to pay. . .' could be heard in the convenience store. Twilight just watched as Star ran out and grabbed her hoof. Twilight decided that maybe following the law might not be the best idea since Star seemed to have just stolen a drink.

"Let's go." Twilight charged up her horn and winked out of the Stop and Slurp's parking lot.

First thoughts on contact with new creatures- while I do like this version of Earth because of the more magical elements compared to Canterlot High- I don't know if I'll get used to a magical princess who has a power similar to mine but the outlook of ruling like Pinkie. Might have to be worried about my future here.

Also I don't remember if I said the last half of the spell that gave us a way back to Equestria. Will have to find out in the coming hours once Star stops styling my mane. She's worried about Marco. He's okay. Though I didn't think horns were so sharp- testing needed?

I wonder how the other girls are.

Yours, Twilight.

Author's Note:

Mirrorverse Book 1

List of references in the chapter- Star Trek, "Transformation Sequence"- Sailor Moon, "The Daring Gang" supposed to be the Hardy Boys or the Boxcar Children, Pinkie's mixed up sentence- supposed to be a reference to Yoda, Freddy Fazbear's Pizza- Five Nights at Freddy's, mind control trick referenced Kaa from the Jungle Book movie and the Jedi Mind Trick and Star Wars.