• Published 16th May 2015
  • 1,652 Views, 38 Comments

I'd Like to Be a Tree - ThatOneWriter

Fluttershy would like to be a Tree.

  • ...


Fluttershy walked out of the gala, her wing draped over her date and longtime marefriend, Tree Hugger. She sighed.

“I’m sorry, Treesie. I didn’t know that Discord would take it so personally that I didn’t invite him.”

Tree flashed a relaxed smile. “It’s all good, Fluttershy. I sense nothing but good vibes coming from him now, and my aura is back to pink now.” She hugged Fluttershy. “It’s partly because of you, you know.”

Fluttershy smiled a little. “Thank you, Tree. You make everything better.”

Nodding, Tree patted Fluttershy on the back. “Restoring the harmony is like, my thing, man.” Her smile faded a bit. “But I’d like it if your friend didn’t harsh my mellow so much.”

“I just wish my friends could have met you.” Fluttershy slumped, leaning into Tree a bit. “That was also kind of why I brought you. I thought that maybe after so long, they might want to meet you.” Biting her lip, she looked into Tree’s eyes. “I mean, I don’t think most of them even knew I had somepony to bring as a date. I know Rarity seemed to be surprised. And a little bit put off, too.” She giggled as she remembered how Rarity’s shoulders sagged, no doubt disappointed that she couldn’t matchmake.

Tree wrapped a foreleg around her. “Hey, it’s okay. The bird knows when to fly home, right? When the time is right, it will happen.”

“You’re right.” Fluttershy’s smile spread as she nuzzled Tree’s neck. “You’re always right, Tree. I love you.”

“I love you too, my little tree.” Tree laughed, turning to kiss Fluttershy on the cheek.

Fluttershy giggled. She nuzzled Tree again, sighing as she breathed in the familiar, earthy scent of her marefriend’s mane. “I’d like to be a Tree. Someday…”

“Why not now?”

Fluttershy snapped her head up. Blinking, she looked into Tree’s eyes. “What?”

Tree shrugged. “If you want to be like, y’know, soul companions or whatever, why wait? I don’t have the ring or anything, but if you still want to, that’d be way groovy.”

“Really?” Fluttershy’s jaw dropped. She flung herself upon Tree, wrapping her hooves around her. “Yes! Absolutely yes!” She giggled again, giddiness rising up inside of her. “I would like that very much!”

Tree smiled, slowly returning the hug. It was a testament to her earth pony strength that she wasn’t knocked back. Either that, or it was because Fluttershy was so light. Either way, Tree remained unshaken.

“Then let’s make you an official Tree, my Mary Jane.” Tree shifted her hooves under Fluttershy and began carrying her away, smiling all the while.

“Wait!” Fluttershy wriggled a bit, and Tree set her down. “I’d like you to meet my friends first. I know they saw you, but… I never formally introduced you.” A small blush painted her cheeks. “I’d like to get their blessing first.”

Tree nodded. “No problem. I’d hate for your friends to have bad vibes because we didn’t tell them. Like, nothing but peace and love at our wedding, man.”

Giggling a bit, Fluttershy grabbed Tree’s hoof and raced back into the gala. The high-class ponies gave them odd looks as they rushed past, but otherwise made no acknowledgement of them.

When they made it back to the ballroom, Dash, Pinkie, Rarity, and Applejack were standing near the door, talking. The Cutie Mark Crusaders ran around nearby, playing tag, as near as Fluttershy could guess.

“Hi, girls!” Fluttershy beamed at all of them. Her smile faded a little when she saw that Twilight was absent. “Um, where’s Twilight?”

Applejack pointed behind Fluttershy. “Right over there.”

Dash looked at Tree, who was staring at the wall. “Why’s she here?”

Fluttershy grinned. “Oh, it’s about her.”

Pinkie let out a loud squeal. She bounced in place, a huge grin forming. “Oh, I think I know!”

Frowning, Fluttershy gave Pinkie a pleading look. “Please, just let us tell it.”

Pinkie instantly stopped bouncing. She crossed her hooves and pouted. “Fine,” she sighed. “But hurry up! I’m going to explode if I have to wait!”

Fluttershy trotted over to Twilight, who was still talking to Celestia. Celestia noticed her approaching, and gave her a warm, motherly smile. Twilight saw this and turned around.

“Oh! Hi, Fluttershy!” Twilight said. “Did you need to talk to me?”

“Oh, yes. I have some important news!” Fluttershy quickly bowed to Celestia. “Um, that is, if you don’t mind the interruption?”

Celestia laughed, calming Fluttershy’s fears. “Of course you may talk to your friend. Although I do not talk to Twilight as often as I would like, I can always send her a letter if I need to speak to her.”

Twilight nodded. “Princess Celestia and I were just catching up. We can always talk later.”

Fluttershy smiled. “I’ll try to be brief.” She led Twilight over to the group, who were talking to Tree.

“So how, exactly, did you and Fluttershy make each others’ acquaintance?”

“Well,” Tree said, thinking, “I was in the Everfree, trying to become one with nature, when Fluttershy happened to meet me.” She laughed. “She freaked out and said that I was in like, some serious danger. Her aura was such a dirty grey.”

“Uh, come again?” Applejack tilted her head. “What’s grey mean?”

“She was like, really freaked out, man. Lot of fear.” Tree nodded sagely. “And then this big manticore came out of nowhere. I think she just about dropped dead right then.”

“What?!” Pinkie cried. She trotted up closer. “What happened next? Did you die?” She grabbed Fluttershy’s face in her hooves. “She didn’t die, did she, Fluttershy?”

Tree laughed. “Nah. I just walked up to him and told him to calm down. His vibes were so messed up, man. Lot of negative energy going on there.” She turned to Fluttershy. “Fluttershy here just hugged me and said she was glad I was alive.”

“I’ve never been so happy to get out of that forest…” Fluttershy mumbled.

Tree shrugged. “Then, like, we hung out and got to know each other. We realized that we were like, soulmates. So Fluttershy came up to me all shaky and stuff and asked if I wanted to go on a date. I was cool with that, and we’ve been together ever since.”

Dash’s jaw dropped. “How long has this been going on?”

Fluttershy blushed. “Well, remember when I said I’d like to be a Tree?”

Twilight facehooved. “So that was what you meant! All this time, I thought you actually wanted to be a plant.” She sighed in relief. “I guess I can stop worrying about whether that’s normal or not.”

Biting her lip, Fluttershy wrapped a wing around Tree. “And um, there’s one more thing to announce.” When she felt Tree’s foreleg wrap around her, she smiled at her fiancée. “Tree and I are—”

“They’re getting engaged!” Pinkie took a deep breath. “Whew. Sorry about that, but I couldn’t hold it in any longer!” She wrapped the two up in a hug. “Aaaaaaaah! You’re gonna be so good together!”

Fluttershy coughed into her hoof. “Um, technically we are together.”

Pinkie giggled. “Yeah, but you aren’t married! Silly Fluttershy!” Her eyes widened. “Oh! Can the first filly be named Pinkie? Can I be the godmother? Ooh! I’ll be such a good Auntie Pinkie to them all!”

Fluttershy blinked. “Let’s just think about the wedding for now…”

Everypony shared a laugh at that.

And so, a few months later, Fluttershy and Tree were married. They adopted three foals, none of which were named Pinkie, much to Pinkie’s dismay, but they did make Pinkie the godmother. The foals were raised with the help of all of Fluttershy’s friends (and Tree’s too, as she became an accepted part of the group), and grew up to be happy, healthy ponies.

For her part, Fluttershy was quickly accepted into Tree’s family, especially by Tree Top, who loved to discuss birds with her. All in all, an animal caretaker was about as perfect of a fit as could be imagined in a family of nature lovers.

And that is the story of how Fluttershy became a Tree.

Author's Note:

I regret nothing.

Usually, I'd ask for comments telling me what you think and everything, but I don't know if there's anything constructive to say about this. It's just silly. You like it or you don't.

Either way, thanks for reading!

Comments ( 38 )

And so it begins. The amazing ship called FlutterTree! :rainbowkiss: (and I don't really find this a crackship...)

5984873 I thought it was the H.M.S. FlutterHugger lol

Majin Syeekoh

Anything constructive to say about the story.

It's borderline. There is quite a bit of fuel from the episode (at least, from how I saw it, shipping goggles being so tightly attached that they're practically part of my face), but it's just one episode. I said that mostly so people don't pick this up and expect even the pretense of depth. Hopefully I made it feel at least somewhat believable, but this is more in line with crack shipping than with actual romance.

Yeeeeeeees. Ship all the pones!

Also I'm basically assuming that FlutterHugger is canon, no matter what the writers say. They sure seemed like a couple to me.

5984898 FlutterTree is better, because... the many reasons that Fluttershy gave us back in that one episode :rainbowwild:

Whatever it's called, it floats!

... I want to be mad, but I can't. Well done.

Well this was pretty cute. ^_^

Never thought I'd see the day I'd like a ship as much as DerpyShy, but this one is right up there.

*raises finger*
*lowers finger, but raises it again*
I liked it. :rainbowlaugh:

I approve of this more than FlutterCord now... or any ship with Fluttershy in that manner. (well maybe RariShy and TrixiShy excluded...)

Yo, Mr. Disliker, I got two words for ya:

Mellow out, man.

5985329 Don't worry, it's just a jealous FlutterCord shipper

I quite enjoyed this! (And also, I ship them.)

That was fast! :rainbowlaugh:

Still cute, though (even if I'm not... the biggest fan of Tree Hugger)!

Groovy man

I knew the minute I saw the episode that someone would write this pairing, and you most certainly did not disappoint. It may be a crack pairing, but it was still very cute to read. :pinkiehappy:

That's just... wrong on SO many levels!!!
Why are these ships always lesbian? No offense to any lesbians who read this, but still.
Sorry, my ,like, aura is,like, really out of wack. I'm going to go and,like, take an herbal soak.


*raises finger*
*lowers finger, but raises it again*

Appropriate reaction.

RariShy and TrixShy are good ships. And technically, there was enough in the episode for FlutterCord to be interpreted. But this idea stood out a little more. I got to be the first FlutterHugger writer, judging by groups.

He totally, like, harshed my mellow, man.

Longtime Dislestia fan here, and boy do I love Flutterhugger.

That episode was a veritable navy.
Flutterhugger, Fluttercord, Dislestia, Rarijack, Smoozepie... it was just insane.

As for the story: cute, amusing, and shipful. Great fic!


That was fast!

My shipping goggles were on tight. I still have the imprints from them, but that may be because I never take them off.

There was too much fuel there. How could I not ship it? Heck, off of canon, there's probably more there than almost every other Fluttership.


Sorry, my ,like, aura is,like, really out of wack.

I can tell, man. Chill out. You're giving off like, the worst vibes ever, man.

(Also for a serious answer, I did this because I found it amusing. No more, no less.)

FlutterHugger, the most canon not-actually-canon ship on the show!

The way she was so focused on Tree Hugger over everything else, even to the point of not hearing Discord, suggests to me a romantic level of interest to me. But again, my shipping goggles were on tighter than normal.

I know that feeling. The whole episode screamed romance to me too.


That episode was a veritable navy.
Flutterhugger, Fluttercord, Dislestia, Rarijack, Smoozepie... it was just insane.

Indeed. My kind of episode!

Glad you liked the story!

5985759 The fact that your new avatar is Catherine Tate is just so full of win.

This was radical, Man. Killer story, bro.

5986411 Ahh, as a silly Fluttercord fan, I can certainly relate.

5986513 Why, thank you!


It's true, though. Miss Tate is ten sorts of wonderful

Sometimes. Not often. This one just happened to be a combination of inspiration, motivation, and opportunity, coupled with a desire to be first.

Looks like I won by quite a large margin.

5986858 Is she bovvered tho?

5986190 First: Because we can. Second: There's too much females on MLP and most of the males aren't the best ones. Third: It's so fucking good :rainbowwild:

What kind of ideas?

Oh, ignore the pencil and paper. I just want to remember what kind of stories to expect from you soon.


Nah. I'm sure I've seen worse. :P

I guess that happened. :rainbowlaugh: I got a laugh out of this, but I didn't even think about shipping these two after watching the episodes. I should have expected a story to come out quick involving Tree Hugger.

Oh, I always think about shipping, especially when Fluttershy is involved.

Also I definitely interpreted their interactions as romantic. Whether that's logical or just wishful thinking is up to others to decide.

I ship it. Also, good story.

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