• Published 19th May 2015
  • 1,620 Views, 88 Comments

The Break of Dawn - Kodeake

In a world of magic and monsters, with beings like Discord, is it truly so hard to believe that there are other creatures out there? Things that the common pony would deem "Supernatural". No, and for Rainbow Dash monsters are about to become too real

  • ...

7. Bleeding Hearts

The Break of Dawn
Chapter 7
Bleeding Hearts

Rainbow's hooves shook as she paced around the guest bedroom. The curtains and been drawn shut to protect her from the light, but she was having a hard time keeping herself from simply jumping out the window and letting the sun decide her fate. Even with only one other pony in the room, her ears still rang with the beating of her heart, and if she strained she could hear the Princesses talking all the way in the basement. The sound of Spike's scaled feet scampering across the floor in the main room was as loud as a pony speaking right next to her.

“Rainbow...” Twilight whispered, lowering her voice as much as she could and placing a gentle hoof on the distraught mare's shoulder. “You need to calm down.”

“Calm down!?” Rainbow roared angrily, shoving the hoof from her shoulder and whirling around to glare at the alicorn, no longer caring that her fangs were on full display.

Twilight took a hesitant step back, giving a small nod. “I know this is hard for you, but we knew this was going to happen eventually.”

“You did, maybe,” Rainbow muttered, more to herself than Twilight. “I kept telling myself, over and over, that I wasn't going to be like the others. I wasn't going to be like this. But just look at me.”

“Rainbow, you're not like the rest,” Twilight assured, still in the quietest voice she could muster.

“Look at me!” Rainbow screamed, grabbing Twilight's shoulders with her hooves and staring into her eyes. “I can hear your heart, Twilight. I can hear it, and it's driving me crazy because I know that part of me wants to... to bite you and...” she trailed off as tears formed in the corners of her eyes. “I already tried to kill you once, Twi... I don't want to do it again.”

Twilight placed her hooves on top of Rainbow's own, smiling as comfortingly as she could. “You're not going to hurt anypony, Rainbow. And even if you tried I'd stop you.”

“P-promise?” Rainbow asked, almost sniffling.

“Promise,” Twilight said with a firm nod. “But right now we need to take care of your... condition.”

Rainbow shuddered. “H-how? I don't wanna... you know...”

Lighting her horn in a magenta glow of magic, Twilight brought forward a few items from her bathroom. She sighed. “If you're going to stay alive long enough for us to find you a cure then we're both going to have to get used to this.”

“Get... used to it?” Rainbow looked up hesitantly as Twilight pulled back.

Twilight nodded. “Do you know what a blood transfusion is?”


Twilight levitated a tube into view, tipped with a thin metal needle. “It's a medical procedure used on ponies who have lost a lot of blood. A donor of the same blood-type gives some of their blood to replace what the injured pony lost.”

Rainbow cringed as she watched Twilight bring the needle closer to herself, examining it for a second before stretching out her foreleg and placing the needle against her fur. “T-Twi...?”

Twilight smirked. “I've donated blood a few times before, mostly back in Canterlot. Never thought it'd be used like this though.” Taking a breath and squinting her eyes, she slid the needle beneath her skin straight into a vein.

Rainbow had to look away as a rich red liquid started flowing through the short tube, but her hyper-sensitive ears could hear it flowing. The sound made the hunger gnawing at the back of her mind grow stronger, and she peeked hesitantly over her shoulder. Twilight was collecting her blood in a small mason jar. “Twilight.... stop...”

“What's wrong?” Twilight asked worriedly, though she didn't remove the needle from her foreleg.

“I just... I can't do it,” Rainbow shuddered as the sound of blood flowing into the slowly-filling jar resonated in her ears. It was louder than water, slower and thicker. “I don't know how you can be so calm about this... I mean... look at what you're doing to yourself! For me...”

Twilight gave a small smile. “When I came into your house two nights ago, I had been tracking that vampire for almost a week. Somehow he'd gotten into Ponyville without triggering any of my wards...

Twilight, disguised as Dawn Guard, glared at the trees lining the outskirts of the Everfree Forest. Their branches ruffled slowly in the midnight breeze, as though they were laughing at her. Nothing seemed out of place, and yet, she knew something was wrong. Her wards, set up to trap, track, or kill any vampires who tried to enter Ponyville had been broken. Not just activated; actually broken.

“It doesn't make any sense!” She shouted at the forest, only a few waving leaves responding. “Those wards were virtually undetectable... how could anypony have broken them?”

She sighed, shaking her head as she re-applied the wards and turned. “If it was the vampire, then I have a problem. Where could they have gone?” Reaching into her saddlebags with her magic, Twilight pulled out a large, rolled up map of Ponyville, spreading it out before her.

“Probably the closest place with ponies... which would be Fluttershy's cottage.” She scratched the back of her head. “But I already checked there, and she was the only pony nearby.”

Twilight groaned, slumping her shoulders and shifting as the sword sheathed across her back slid around to a more comfortable position. “I know some vampires have higher resistances to magic than others but this is ridiculous! At least one of those should have worked.”

As if to prove her point she lit her horn, running a trace using the signature her tracing ward should have placed on anypony who triggered it. Nothing. Turning back to her map with a tense frown, her eyes narrowed. “Shortest distance possible to ponies...”

She drew a line connecting the edge of the forest and Fluttershy's cottage. Then another one connecting the edge of the forest to Rainbow's cloud house, crossing over the lake instead of going around to the bridge. The second line was almost as short, but only for somepony who could cross a lake.

“Unless they were a pegasus... oh no, Rainbow.” Twilight dropped her map where she stood and took the air, flying as fast as her inexperienced wings would carry her across the nighttime sky. Sure enough, the flight took her only a few moments, and as she landed on the doorstep her heart sank as she saw the front door slightly ajar.

“Get off of me you creep!” Rainbow's voice shouted from inside, and Twilight's heart jumped from her hooves to her throat as she drew her broadsword in her magic and slammed the front door open, charging in. Her eyes widened when she saw her rainbow maned friend pinned against the wall, the vampire already at her throat.

“Get off of her!” Twilight shouted, readying her sword as she charged across the room. Rainbow cried out just as she let loose a single, precise swing. For a moment the room was silent, moments dragged out by Twilight's speeding mind, then the stallion's body fell to the ground in a heap, blood springing from his neck. His head, however, stayed attached to Rainbow's neck by his fangs, already sunk deep into her neck.

The head fell away as Rainbow fell to her knees, face white as a ghost. “Rainbow? Rainbow!?” Twilight ran forward, catching the pegasus's head as she fell backwards.

“Please... Rainbow... no...”

Twilight felt tears spring to her eyes as her sword clattered to the ground and her disguise faded. Brushing the prismatic fly-away mane out of the way, Twilight leaned down and examined the two holes on Rainbow's neck, already bruising.

“No... Rainbow please no... not you...” Twilight whimpered, doubling over the mare as tears streamed from her eyes. Her breaths came in hitches and gasps as she sobbed over her unconscious friend.

A feeling of dread welled up from deep in her gut as she realized what this meant, and she cried harder. Slowly, she stood, still crying, and took a step back. Collecting her sword in her magic, she acted before her emotions could argue and brought it inches from the pegasus's throat, ready to strike with a single thought.

“I'm sorry, Rainbow.... I'm so sorry...” Her tears blurred her vision as the tip of her sword rested against Rainbow's neck, pressing against it slightly.

“I... I have to do it...”

Twilight watched the mare's chest rise and fall peacefully, before it hitched suddenly. Rainbow groaned, clenching her eyes shut and wiggling. Suddenly, she screamed in pain, writhing on the floor. Twilight pulled her sword back instinctively before Rainbow could impale herself on it, watching in horror as the pegasus convulsed on the floor, writhing and screaming.

She'd always heard the transition was brutal, but never before had she actually seen it happen before her own eyes.

“Oh Rainbow...” her sword clattered to the floor as she walked over slowly, careful to avoid the flailing limbs. Twilight slid over until she was next to the pegasus and laid down, quickly wrapping her hooves around Rainbow and trapping the mare's hooves against her own chest. “I'm so sorry... I can't kill you...”

Rainbow whimpered, struggling weakly against the embrace, but she stopped screaming.

Twilight wiped a tear from her eye. “It looked so painful... but I couldn't bring myself to kill you and spare you from that. Maybe it was selfish, but I couldn't imagine what it'd be like if I did... I'd never be able to look the rest of the girls in the eye and... and I'd never see you again.

“I decided then that... that I'd do anything I could to help you. It was my fault that vampire got in, my fault he turned you. If there is anything at all I can do for you, I'll do it without a second thought.” She pulled the needle from her foreleg, the mason jar having filled nearly completely over the course of the story. “This is nothing; I'd do this for a friend in a heartbeat. I've done this for strangers I'll likely never meet on the off chance they'll need it. Now, I’m doing it for you.”

Rainbow swallowed slowly, looking down into the deep red liquid in the jar. Her face reflected in its surface, staring back at her with a pensive frown. “Twilight I... I don't blame you.”

“I know...” Twilight smiled kindly as she stood and walked out of sight, tucking her needle away in the bathroom. “But I still blame myself, because it was my fault in the end. Now drink; it'll help you.”


Twilight sighed. “I honestly don't know... but at the very least you won't be... craving for a while. I don't know if it'll help with anything else.”

Rainbow nodded, lifting the jar with a hoof. Her heart beat madly in her chest and the hunger gnawing at her mind screamed at her to just drink it even as her nose wrinkled at the metallic odor. Only a monster would drink this… her mind taunted, stilling her hoof. You promised yourself you wouldn't be like him, but look at what you're about to do.

You're nothing but a disgusting monster, preying on the guilt and loyalty of your best friend and drinking her blood.

Rainbow's hooves shook, the thick liquid sloshing around in the jar. The amplified sound making her nauseous. She jumped as she felt a hoof rest itself on her shoulder from behind, a few drops splashing out and running down the side of the jar. “It's okay, Rainbow.”

“I... I'm not like him, Twilight... I can't do this...” Rainbow muttered, turning away from the jar, though she did not put it down.

Twilight's hoof left her shoulder for a moment before she felt both of the alicorn's forelegs wrap around her barrel from behind. A purple muzzle peaked into the edge of her vision as Twilight rested her head on Rainbow's shoulder. “You'll never be a monster, Rainbow. It's not your fault you have to do this, and I willingly gave it to you. Drink.”

Rainbow shuttered, a tear sliding from her cheek as the sincerity in Twilight's voice stemmed the tremors running through her hooves. Slowly, in halting bursts of movement, she brought the jar to her lips. A strong, pungent odor filled her nostrils and made her cringe. The alicorn's hooves gave a reassuring squeeze around her barrel, and after taking a breath of the rancid smell, Rainbow tipped her head back.

For how strong the smell was, the taste was even worse. She was no stranger to the taste of blood, but the amount carried with it a thickness that she wasn't prepared for. Yet, even as she tried not to gag on the first, thick swallow, some small part of her mind rejoiced in the feeling and taste. That thought made her want to throw the jar as far away from her as she could, but the feeling of Twilight's body pressed against her back gave her the strength to continue.

She gave this to me to keep me alive, Rainbow thought, struggling to keep another mouthful down. Every swallow made the liquid taste a little less terrible. She feared it would start tasting good before too long. We'll find a cure... this is just for now... I may never have to do this again…

Rainbow paused, lowering the jar from her lips and taking a few breaths. The same small part of her mind that encouraged her to drink in the first place stuck her tongue from her mouth and ran it over her crimson-stained lips, collecting every last drop she could find. Looking down, she noted with some small sliver of pride and a painful wave of disgust that half the liquid had been drained.

“Feeling better?” Twilight asked in a whisper, pulling herself away from the pegasus's back.

Giving a small nod, Rainbow turned to face her. “Y...yeah, I think so...” The hunger from before had been silenced to little more than a small nagging at the back of her mind, egging her on to finish the jar. Her hearing, still amplified, was no longer deafening. Though Twilight's heartbeat could still be heard, it no longer rang in her ears like a thunder cloud right next to her.

Twilight smiled gently. “I'm glad. You gonna finish that or can we save it for later?” She asked, motioning to the jar in Rainbow's hooves.

Rainbow shook her head, bile rising to the back of her throat at the thought of trying to get down any more. “N-no... I'll be fine... I hope.”

“You will be fine, Rainbow,” Twilight assured, taking the blood in her magic. She sealed it with a sparkling magenta barrier over the top and teleported it into the very back of her refrigerator in the basement where it wouldn't be found. “We should really get down to the Princesses; I said we'd only be gone a minute or two.”

“Yeah... sure...” Rainbow shook the feeling of drinking blood from her mind, her nose wrinkling as she smelled it still lingering on her own breath. She followed Twilight back down to the main floor of the library, passing Spike has he busied himself with tidying what little mess could be found in the near-spotless home. He offered a wave and a smile which Rainbow couldn't bring herself to return as she went straight for the basement door.

She halted suddenly, holding out a hoof and stopping Twilight from opening the door as her ears swiveled.

“Rainbow?” Twilight questioned slowly, but she only got a hasty shushing.

Rainbow frowned, focusing on the sound of the Princesses talking.

“So you've told me,” Celestia said, “But I'm not asking if she's cured, I'm asking if she's safe.”

“We can't know for sure,” Luna relented. “not until tonight when she finishes turning. Even then...”

“So we can never truly be sure?” Celestia stressed, her voice demanding a straight answer.

Luna sighed. “No... we can never be totally sure that Rainbow Dash is safe. But her mind is clear, I did so myself. She's-”

“A possible threat right under our muzzles,” Celestia said firmly. “I've ignored possibilities like this before, and you know well how it ended.”

For a time, Luna was silent, before finally offering a quiet; “Twilight will not be happy; she cares deeply for all her friends, including Rainbow Dash. I believe this incident has only deepened that feeling further...”

“As important as my student is to me, Equestria's safety, as well as her own, takes precedence. I'm sure I can make her see things for what they are.”

“Rainbow?” Twilight repeated, noting the growing frown on Rainbow's muzzle.

“They don't trust me, Twi.”

Twilight blinked, raising an eyebrow. “Don't trust you? What are you talking about?”

Rainbow lowered her hoof and opened the door, making a show of strutting down the stairs as Celestia and Luna turned to look at her. She smiled, making sure her fangs were hidden within her gums. “Princess. What'd we miss?”

Celestia frowned while Luna averted her eyes slightly as Rainbow and Twilight returned to their seats. For a time there was silence, before eventually Celestia tried to break it. “Rainbow, how do you feel?”

“Fine, why?” Rainbow asked, not even trying to mask the accusatory edge in her voice.

Stifling a quiet sigh, Celestia hardened her eyes. “It seems we were overheard. However, that does not change my decision. Rainbow Dash, I'm afraid I must place you under arrest for the safety of Equestria.”

“What!?” Twilight shouted, her jaw dropping. “Y-you can't do that! She hasn't done anything wrong!”

Rainbow failed to hide her surprise at the vigor in which Twilight defended her from the pony that had practically raised her. “Twi, it's fine, if they don't trust me then-”

Twilight whipped her head around. “It is not fine! You haven't so much as tried to hurt anypony, why should you be thrown in prison?”

“Twi... you and I both know that's not true...” Rainbow muttered guiltily.

“What are you... Rainbow, I told you that will never happen again. You're not some mindless monster who deserves to be locked up just because you were turned.”

Celestia cleared her throat, smoothly cutting her way into the conversation. “I thought you of all ponies would understand, Twilight. Is it not your role as a member of the Rising Dawn to kill these creatures before they can harm anypony else?”

“Yes of course, but the monsters we kill are not innocent. They're already dead by time we find them, beyond help, and the ones we find are usually trying to hurt ponies” Twilight protested firmly.

“And what makes Rainbow Dash so different? The fact that she has, temporarily, retained her mind? What would happen if Luna's seal fails, if the curse takes over her mind one day?”

Twilight hesitated a moment, before setting her face into a determined glare. “Then we'd find a way to cure her again.”

“I have already told you, Twilight,” Luna interjected quietly. “A cure may not be possible.”

“That doesn't mean one is impossible!” Twilight argued. “The point still stands that you can't punish her for a crime she might commit. A crime that she'd never commit as long as the curse does not posses her mind.”

Celestia rose from her seat in a single fluid motion. “The matter is not up for debate, Twilight. I'm sorry, but I must insist that Rainbow Dash accompany me back to Canterlot. It is true that she cannot be convicted of a crime she might commit, but I hope she will see why this is a necessary precaution and come with me willingly.

“We cannot be reactive in this matter; we must be proactive. Which means eliminating danger as it presents itself. Including Rainbow Dash,” Celestia explained calmly. “Rest assured that she will be treated well, and this will give us a chance to study her and perhaps create a cure.”

“I'll tell you right now, Princess. I'm not going anywhere,” Rainbow said, keeping the frustration out of her tone as she leveled an even stare at Celestia.

Twilight placed a hoof on the pegasus's shoulder. “I won't let you take her, Princess. If she ever presents a danger then...” she swallowed thickly, closing her eyes and looking away. “I'll do what I have to – but that won't happen!”

“Can you promise me that, Twilight?” Celestia asked, leaning forward over the table and bearing down upon her student. “Can you promise me without any hesitation that, if Rainbow Dash loses herself to the curse, you will... take care of it?”

Twilight nodded firmly, keeping her gaze locked with her mentor's. For a few tense moments there was silence as the two seemed to argue without sharing a single word. Eventually, Celestia broke eye contact.

She sighed as she sat back in her chair. “If this is how it has to be, very well. I trust you, Twilight,, and as much as I worry, I cannot forcefully arrest her before she has done something to earn such punishment. However, in an effort to stem any possible danger I will say this: Until further notice, Rainbow Dash shall be placed under your direct care. Should anything, and I do mean anything, seem off about her, then you must do what has to be done. If you cannot, then you are to contact either myself or Luna and we will take care of the matter. Am I clear?”

Suddenly the bookshelf, sitting quietly on the far side of the room, burst open with a thunderous explosion. All heads turned to look as a single pony emerged from the resulting smoke. A unicorn with a white coat and two-tone blue mane stumbled into the basement, coughing and wheezing.

“Shining!” Twilight cried, knocking her chair to the floor as she rushed over to her brother.

Shining took a moment to catch his breath. “Twilight... princess... hurry; it's the Rising Dawn... we-”

“Are they still fighting?” Twilight asked worriedly.

The stallion shook his head as breath finally returned to his lungs. “No, we were attacked. Dozens of them came through the wall. I don't know how they found us but... they were grabbing everypony, stuffing them in bags and carrying them away.”

“What?” Luna rushed over, freezing in her tracks as her eyes grew wide, staring at the portal hidden behind the bookshelf. Twilight glanced up, following her stare until she found a rather tall unicorn stallion with a red coat and dull blue mane. Seven other ponies stood behind him, each with a matching pair of fangs.

Twilight's jaw nearly dropped when she recognized the faces of all seven of The Ancients.

“Why hello, Nightmare Moon,” the leader's haughty voice called with a chuckle. “Though I suppose you go by Luna now, don’t you? It has been so very long since we last saw each other. Perhaps some catching up is in order. Surely you have time for an old friend?”

Luna's expression grew into a furious snarl as she charged her horn. “Silence! You were never a friend of mine!”

“Tut tut, such anger. Still, I suppose we weren't really friends, were we? No... our relationship was more... master and slave. Or rather, Mistress, I suppose. Still, that was a long time ago, and I have since broken the shackles that bound me to your will. What do you say? Shall we let bygones be bygones?”

Celestia joined her sister as she too lit her horn, the air around the two alicorns crackling with a violent energy. “Who are you?”

The pony smiled, revealing pearly white fangs. “Why, how rude of me. Please, allow me to introduce myself. My name, as given to me by Her Royal Highness Nightmare Moon, is Night Walker. Though times have changed and I have given myself a name more fitting of my power.” He bowed low to the ground, grinning.

“It is a pleasure to meet you, Princess. My name is Alucard.”

Author's Note:

Homage to the most famous vampire ever, reference to one of my favorite anime's, or lazy name design? You decide!

Apologies for the lat upload; was busy today and this monster needed editing.

So, as of today, it's been a month since I finished a new chapter for this story. I'll keep working at it, though, and hopefully have something in two weeks for the next update. I really don't want to take a break right after something this big, and so close to the end of the intro chapters (yeah, we're still just getting thing started here).

For those of you who were wishing to see Dash bite Twi... well, what did you expect? The act of drinking blood is, for Rainbow Dash, accepting what she's become. Until now it wasn't really... real. It was a thing, but it hardly affected her. This was supposed to hit her like a truck.

Don't lose hope yet; I may or may not have plans for an actual bite to occur when the method in this chapter isn't available to them.... oh, yes, so many plans.

Also the flashback had absolutely nothing to do with a certain amazing picture. Nope, didn't influence me at all.

As always, let me know what you thought down below. I'll try to having something more in two weeks, promise. I'll be done my side project in a few days so I'll be able to focus more completely on this.

Comments ( 23 )

I love the new chapter! I like it how Rainbow struggles with with drinking the blood. It shows how much she doesn't want to be a monster. And I also really like how you've written the scene when Twilight found dash first.


Huh, it would be so cool if you referenced the seven deadly sins with the ancients.

I was wondering how long it would take someone to spot that. Honestly I thought I'd have to give the first one the proper personality before people caught on.


6203765 :rainbowlaugh: I was fully expecting the leader vampire to introduce himself as Pride in Spanish or something. 'Orgullo' as per google translate... Thats so cool that you did that! ... Wait, are you going to try and implement the personalities of the different sins into the story...? I'm even more excited now :pinkiecrazy:


Seven other ponies stood behind him,


He's not one of them. And yes, I do intend to make their personalities represent the sins. I have a few of them planned out already

Seven Deadly Sins? I like this story even more now. And would Rainbow Dash being a vampire make her immortal, since technically, vampires are everything-but-the-corpse dead and cannot die?

She sighed as she sat back in her chair. “If this is how it has to be, very well. I trust you, Twilight,, and as much as I worry,

Delete the second comma after Twilight

“It is a pleasure to meet you, Princess. My name is Alucard."

Oh my Celestia! You didn't not just bring in Hellsing! I think I may have fangasmed. Actually, I have not a clue what that means, but Hellsing is by far my favorite anime and I can't believe you brought it in. Also, blood doesn't taste bad. It has a metallic tang to it. No, I've never drunk someone else's blood, that's my own. It's also not weird because a lot of people have tasted their own blood and agreed that they liked it.

Veiwer Discretion is Advised. Not suiting for children. You may die of laughter. I think the thumbnail says all you need to know if you should or shouldn't watch this. It contains strong language that some may not like hearing. This is basically limited to swearing. That's all. I don't know why I didn't sum this all up. I guess I was too lazy or I was too mad at my little sister for being a jerks and not closing my room door after rudely picking the lock and walking in without knocking.

One last thing before you die of laughter. Bitchs love cannons!

This is an abridged version of Hellsing Ultimate and I don't condone drug usage or... other things that are implied. I did laugh at the ending part though. It was funny.


The taste of something can change greatly depending on the quantity. Most people don't mind the taste, mostly because they've only ever tasted small drops from the occasional cut or similar. This is something entirely different; this is an entire glass. Trust me, anymore than a few drops and blood starts tasting pretty bad. But that's not the only reason; for Rainbow, it's also largely psychological. The act of drinking blood is, in her mind, the same as becoming the same as the thing that turned her. The same as giving in to the thing inside her that tried to kill Twilight without a second thought.

It's not all about the taste, it's everything the act represents for her.

Also, bonus points for Hellsing abridged.

6249631 ah thx! And I guess you're right about that. Sometimes I forget about hiw the brain works. Though, usually when something is prepared by another, it tastes better. Maybe she just doesn't like the taste of copper.

Oh my goodness! So, Dawn Guard was none other Twilight Sparkle in disguise. I did not see that coming until now. Oh and thank Celestia Twilight did not kill Rainbow even if her friend got bitten by a vamping. Gah!

By the way, I want more please? :fluttershysad: I don't want this story to die.

I want to know what happens next.

This is definitely one of the stories I can't wait for an update for.

Wew, it was hell of writting in school, and it is so easy to haunt all the things down with pc at home:twilightangry2:
Chapter 1

Princesses moonlight as spies

*Brain meltdown*:pinkiehappy:

he predicted her doge

Missing "d".
Chapter 2

straight up intot he sky

into the.

Her grumbled


she dove in through an open window second floor window

Too much windows are dangerous for your life:moustache:

way t explain

Chapter 3

and taking taking a few steps back

No need to repeate.

the breadth of a feather


with ash a soot


trying o tie it

Chapter 4

closest to the them and

I dont think "the" is needed there.

magical prowess


Luna took a breath, turning away from the window slowly. “I believe that something big is coming, Twilight. The reason I left the Rising Dawn in your care was so I could pursue certain... leads on my own, without being burdened by other ponies. What I found is... disturbing.

Lost " in the end.

paced passed Twilight

"past" instead of "passed".

I would rather Celestia find out through me

Something is missing, i guess:pinkiesmile:

once I have dealt with Celestia

Will? Would?:unsuresweetie:

Luna was just helping Rainbow Dash and I with... and experiment involving dreams,”

"an" instead of "and", i think.

into he now-opened headquarters

Chapter 5

less than two dozen other

I've melted my reserve brain, trying to understand this, and im now brainless till the end of week... gonna be fun:derpyderp1:

Her,” Twilight deadpanned, motioning with a hoof towards the pegasus next to her.

Maybe, she?

out with a few harmless sparks harmless sparks

Yeah, we surely get it after second time, ty:rainbowlaugh:
Chapter 6

the remnants of the curse till clinging to you

Missing "s".
Chapter 7

The curtains and been

Maybe had? Or have?:unsuresweetie:

Thought i dont realy like the entire vampire thing (exception for Flutty, she is just awesome, and she is harmless for anypony, thought:heart:), it is yet looks interesting to me, and the promise of a long-shot draws me in even stronger:pinkiesad2:
I also laughed so badly at Alucard thing, the window in my room was almost broken with the sound:twilightsheepish:
Nice one, as always, best of luck:twilightsmile:

6249631 is it? I've drank quite a bit of it at a time and I find it taste wonderful, kinda like copper, electricity and apples mixed together.

Is Rainbow going to get bat pony wings, or will she keep her pegasus wings?

Please let this fic come back, it's too good to be let go.

I am not sure that I should read this one or not. I mean it looks fun and all, but you are going to finish this story, aren't you?

Okay, nevermind, I already read them all. And it is sooooo worth to read! It is 1 year ago from your last update, do you have any news about the next chapter?

I'm working on rewriting the story, actually. It's been slow but I am working on it. here are a lot of plotholes and things I nee to close before I'm comfortable moving on. No ETA on it, unfortunately.

7446594 oh okay. I'm glad that, at least, it still goes on.:twilightsmile: Thank you for replying and your epic story.

any idea on when this fic will be back? I'd love to see it continue.

Update. Dew it. Now.

Do we have an ETA on the next chapter yet?

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