• Published 20th May 2012
  • 1,037 Views, 8 Comments

Tales From Twilight's Teenage Testee - PinkieYukari

Twilight summons me to Equestria to reserch the anatomy and behavior of humans; what could go wrong?

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Blackouts and Basements

Before I begin my tale, I feel that I should tell you a little about myself and how I got here.

My name – Zackery. I’m an average teen of 14 and am an emotionally semi-stable person. I live in a small “everybody knows everybody” kind of town with my mother. Or at least, I used to, before I ended up where I am. I don’t believe my physical appearance really means much right now, though inevitably it will be told.

As for how I got here… well, that may take a small amount of your time to explain.

It was an average day in Missouri, summer vacation had just started, and I was reveling in my chance to stay up all night (I always much preferred the night over the day, and had on many occasions stated that I wished that school could run through daytime, switch staff after, then start the night shift. I have even stated once or twice that “No offense Celestia, but I much prefer Luna’s moon to your sun. It offers dim levels of light and you can actually look at it without going blind,” to the air), but I soon got bored with anything else, so I scoured the internet for anything interesting, and, failing miserably to find anything to interest, I just put on some music and grabbed my headphones, put them on, and just laid there for awhile. I wasn’t even very tired; the stress of the last day of the 8th grade year left me and excitement just kinda flooded in as soon as I got out, so I pretty much knew I wouldn’t get sleep.

That’s when I noticed that it was raining. In the middle of a previously dry summer. It wasn’t that surprising, really (Missouri has some of the weirdest weather in the history of America. It’s like it has its own atmospheric dome with its own rules sometimes), and I mostly shrugged it off. The rain had gone on for about 15 minutes or so. That’s when I noticed it – a slight shaking of the ground below me, indicating a rather small, but quickly growing tremor. I had freaked out, and ran behind my couch that I was previously planning to sleep on. Just right then, a purple streak of lightning broke through and hit the floor of my room - which, may I add, was in the basement, and the lightning must have broken through two entire floors of well-insulated wood - and that’s pretty much the last thing I remember.

Now I’m stuck here in this completely dark room with a shape that I, after reaching out and poking it a few times, can describe as furry and soft, but can’t make out completely. My vision was never that good in the first place (astigmatism in one eye, far-sightedness in the other), but my night vision was even worse. I guess the best thing I should do is go to sleep and try to figure this out when I wake up.

I manage to force open my eyes to what I believe is late morning or early afternoon. I can’t tell; it’s still very dark in the room, save for a few cracks in the walls where slivers of sunlight flow through. The shape is still there, and still knocked out cold. I checked its pulse and breathing, and both were at fairly normal rates. The slivers of light were shining on the creature, revealing that this animal had violet-hued fur. I just wish I knew what this thing WAS, just so I could answer the questions at the back of my head: Where am I, why is it so dark, how in all hell did I get here, what is this animal sitting in front of me, why does it have purple fur, and why am I not freaking out right now?. I’ve never been very accepting of the concept of not understanding things. If I wanted to know something, I’d find out on way or another. The only exceptions were if it were someone’s secret that they don’t want to tell; I could respect their privacy.

Well, suppose it’s time to wait for this purple animal to wake up. I don’t know why I’m putting all of my luck on a purple-furred animal to tell me what it is and where the hell I am, but I guess stranger things have happened.

Man, I’m glad that wherever I am, my phone and headphones were brought with me. Not only is it my only source of music when I get bored, I can type this whole crazy adventure down when it’s through!

Oh, wait! The animal is waking up. Guess I should help it to its feet – or paws, or hooves, whatever animal it may be. I walk over and help it up. It groaned in what seemed like pain and exhaustion mixed together. It smacked its lips together and said in a feminine voice -

“Ugh…. Where am I?”

Never mind that this creature was purple furred and talking – not to mention forming complete sentences with enunciation (I was never the most sane person, I mostly described myself as “in-between Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie” on the scale of sensible to ridiculous in the case of accepting theories, so I was never really surprised when something happened that was beyond the laws of physics or nature to my knowledge.), it might actually be able to help! I started to reach out and touch her to get her attention. I manage to ask, “Umm, ma’am? Do you have ANY idea where we are?”

She – whatever it was – gasps at my voice and turns around, snapping fully into the real world. She looks me over as best as she could in the dark room, then screams out, “YES! It worked!”

Now I’m starting to get frustrated. I do my best not to get a headache when I question her again, knowing that it was a pretty good chance that she was responsible for my teleportation. “Okay, so I can safely assume that you're responsible for my loss of consciousness and my being here. Now just where am I?”

She just nodded and turned before going over to one of the walls and flipping a switch. Light bulbs flickered on and I have to blink to adjust to the light. I look around the room – wooden, almost like the inside of a tree; lab equipment everywhere, prepared like something was about to be tested. It's like Twilight Sparkle’s basement…


I turn my head towards where the purple furred creature is. I only have to look a moment to confirm my suspicions and choke out, “Oh, dear sweet CELESTIA.