• Published 24th May 2015
  • 4,215 Views, 150 Comments

Treacherous Mists - Autocharth

Illidan the Betrayer returns in the stolen body of Twilight Sparkle as the Mists of Pandaria fall, an ally of the Mogu and their returned Thunder King. Scattered across Azeroth, her friends search for their kidnapped friend, finding allies and foes.

  • ...

Chapter 2 - Wickedness is afoot. Er, ahoof.

The first thing Rarity was aware of was the throbbing pain in her skull. The second was the dirt. It was everywhere.

I’m in Tartarus. That’s the only explanation.

She felt the grits on her face, in her mane, mixed into her tail, all over her side! Filthy, unclean, untidy dirt! The strength of a mother lifting a carriage to save her child, the power of a stallion throwing himself across a room to shield his loved one, filled her as she rose from the earth with a shriek of disgust. Rising not just to her hooves, but into the air, Rarity experienced a familiar feeling a few moments later.


“Wow,” she heard, dimly, in the scratchy tones of her least willingly fashionable friend. “That’s some pretty sweet hang time.”

Her hooves hit the ground, the shock of the landing running through her, yet one thought overtook the sensation in her mind; ‘I hope I didn’t crack a hoof.

There was another thought right behind that, nagging at her. Rarity blinked, sharp sunlight lancing into her eyes as it grazed the mountains to the west.

West...but it's not that late...

A leg draped over her shoulders, pulling her over with a yelp. She found herself unfortunately close to Rainbow Dash as the pegasus grinned at her, hooves digging through the dirt with each tug.

“That was awesome,” Rainbow Dash crowed. She waved a hoof towards Twilight. “It had nothing on Twilight, but, you know, it was still cool.”

Shrugging off the hoof with her glare fading, Rarity turned towards Twilight. “Something Rainbow Dash concedes is ‘awesome’, darling? I admit, the last thing I recall was that dreadful creature casting some spell, and then…”

“Then a feelin’ like Big Mac kicked ya in the brain?” Applejack asked. She rubbed a hoof against her mane. “Feels that way to me. What happened?”

“Twilight sent them running!” Rainbow’s voice rose, and she followed its example as she took to the air with a flap of her wings. She mimed punching something, hooves swishing around.“How’d ya do it? Pow, right in the kisser! Blast ‘em to the moon with some super unicorn spell?”

Pinkie emerged from behind Twilight, despite almost certainly not being there before, and threw a hoof over the unicorn’s shoulders. “Oooh, I bet she used some sorta super-duper spell! Maybe even an Alico—”

“Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, please,” Rarity stressed the word. Magic rushed through her coat, gathering dirt, as she gestured at them. ‘And weren’t you going on about how awesome it was, Rainbow? Despite not knowing, apparently.’ She squashed the thought before it could show on her face. “Give Twilight a chance to actually talk, and perhaps we’ll find out, hm?”

The pegasus rolled her eyes, but she slowed and she crossed her forelegs over her chest. “Okay, fine, I’ll shut up. Geez, can’t have fun on adventures anymore, can we?.”

Pinkie gave no answer, at least, none for them to hear. Instead she ran a hoof across her lips. Blinking, Rarity was sure it had just been a very odd smile. There was certainly no way Pinkie had just zipped her mouth shut.

Almost certainly.


Rarity shook her head and looked at Twilight. “Go on, darling, and take your time. None of us are in a rush, are we, Rainbow Dash?

Rainbow Dash scoffed, cross her forelegs with a pout on her lips. “I get the message, Rares.”

“Thank you, Rarity.” Twilight took a deep breath, long enough for them to settle around her. By the time she opened her eyes, Rarity had already fished an emergency manebrush from her saddlebag, and sent it floating over. “Oh, uh, thank you. Again.”

Rarity could swear she almost felt the intensity of Rainbow Dash’s glower, yet she gave no sign of it as she replied, “Think nothing of it. You were about to say?”

“Right, yes….so, you all remember what happened up until their spellcaster attacked?” asked Twilight.

“Yeah, we remember that part, we wanna know how you kicked its flank so hard its family felt it!” urged a certain pegasus.

Fluttershy raised a hoof, wincing as attention swung to her. “Um, are you sure it was an attack? Maybe it was just a misunderstanding. M-maybe they thought we were attacking them? I felt like I was watching a bit too aggressively.”

“...really, Fluttershy?” deadpanned Dash.

Rarity caught a glimpse of purple and green wobbling as a shiver ran through Twilight, and it wasn’t until the unicorn paused to adjust him with her magic that Rarity realised it was Spike on Twilight’s back. She grimaced. ‘I completely forgot he was with us. Oh Rarity, you silly mare.

Twilight’s voice dragged her away from her thoughts, ears pricking up at the words ‘dark magic’.

“—that he was using; it was unmistakably the worst kind. I think he was trying to strip away my soul.” Twilight’s words were lost in the gasps they earned. Her smile was shaky, though she didn’t seem to notice it herself. “Girls, I’m fine, I manage to disrupt it just in time with a burst of magic. It wasn’t very refined, I admit, but it got the job done. It...may have also been what knocked you out? Sorry girls, it’s not very easy to aim that sort of thing.”

“Oh no, no one blames you,” murmured Fluttershy. “We know you wouldn’t do anything to hurt us.”

“Totally!” Rainbow Dash said with a nod.

“Darn tootin’!” Applejack agreed. A chuckle rumbled out. “As much chance of you trying to hurt us as there is of Pinkie Pie goin’ a day without sugar.”

“Quite right!” added Rarity. She trained her eyes on Twilight’s horn, a frown forming as she watched it. “I’m far more concerned about you,darling. Now, I might not be the mage you are, but even I know that any kind of raw magical burst can be rather dangerous to the unicorn involved, can it not? Your horn looks fine, admittedly.”

A frown marred Applejack’s expression, brow furrowing. “Wait, that can happen? How dangerous? Twi’, you didn’t do nothin’ foolish, did ya?”

“...maybe a little, but I was desperate,” admitted Twilight. She winced, rubbing her horn. “Few unicorns are capable of actually letting out that much power in a single instant, and as one of the few who can, I can assure you I would never be so uncareful as to hurt myself. It was a bit raw, yes, but Princess Celestia taught me a lot about managing magical outbursts.”

"Oh my... are you sure you're alright?" Fluttershy came forward, her feather-light steps bringing her to Twilight's side. "I think Spike packed some bandages..."

A scowl lit Twilight's expression. "I don't need bandages. I'm fine. I don't need any help."

Rarity met the scowl with a skeptical look and a step that carried her forward to catch Fluttershy's abrupt retreat from the scowl. She took a moment to reassure Fluttershy with a smile, before turning a disapproving look upon Twilight. Years of practice on Sweetie Belle exerted themselves upon the unicorn.

"We're just concerned, as well we should be. You just told us it was dark magic. There's no reason to be upset," said Rarity. She patted Fluttershy on the shoulder, a gentle pressure urging the pegasus towards Twilight again as the scowl melted away.

Twilight flinched, rubbing the back of her neck. "I...you're right. I'm sorry, Fluttershy, I didn't mean to snap at you.”

Before the last word was out, yellow hooves found their way around her. Twilight froze as she was enveloped in a hug that stole away the look on her face, and settled her nerves.

"It’s alright," Fluttershy murmured. "It must have been so hard, doing that on your own."

Twilight visibly relaxed as her eyes drifted shut, shoulders slumping. It was a lovely sight, which made Rarity feel just a little bad as she crept up. She peered closely at Twilight's horn, her gaze scouring each groove on it for scratch or dent.

Something bright flashed by, a moment of brilliant colour blurring. A warning was on the tip of Rarity's tongue, but Rainbow Dash's landing — when had she taken off? 'I swear, that mare cannot keep her hooves on the ground.' — missed by a hair. She closed her mouth, but her eyes said all she wanted to say on the matter, with the sort of implied word that led to bleeps.

Unfortunately, Rainbow Dash was far too busy pulling the hugging pair apart. Her constant air of confidence might as well have been a wall between them where Applejack's frown or Rarity's disapproval were concerned.

"Twilight's way too good at magic, so don't worry. You blew it up, right? Bam, boom, the day is saved? What happened next?" She demanded.

Twilight began to answer, lips forming the first syllable, but hesitated. She frowned. "Next?"

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, and swung her hip to give her friend a nudge. "Yeah, you know, next. After you made that one go kaboom?"

Rubbing her forehead, Twilight wore a perplexed expression. Her brows dipped as they furrowed closer.

"Come on, it must have been awesome," urged Rainbow. She shrugged. "Not as awesome as I'd do if I had magic, but that's kinda a given. I bet it was still pretty cool."

"Give her some space, ya featherbrain," Applejack groused, a flat stare bouncing uselessly off Dash's hide. "She just had ta face off against some real nasty critters.

The pegasus looked back when she felt Rarity's hoof on her shoulder. A faint frown on her lips, Rarity watched the light dawn in Dash's eyes until she glanced at Applejack, then Twilight.

"...sorry, Twilight," she mumbled, looking away. "Take your time and stuff."

Shaking her head, Twilight favoured her with a forgiving smile. “It’s fine. I guess that sort of magical outburst had some aftereffects, even on me. They just ran away, I think. It’s all a bit blurry. I’m just glad they didn’t think to do anything while I was out of it.”

“I hope they think about what they did,” murmured Fluttershy. She sighed, ears dropping. “It’s so sad, that they stole and did such nasty things. We didn’t even get to tell them what they did wrong.”

“Fluttershy, darling, as much as I’d love to agree, I’m simply relieved they made themselves scarce.” Rarity shook her head, shuddering. She didn’t want to imagine what they might have done had they remained, yet she felt the possibilities crawling their way with sinister intent into her mind. “Pinkie Pie, you seem very quiet. Is something wrong?”

Eyes turned upon the party pony, taking in the oddly focused expression.

“I think…” Pinkie started, voice so long she had them leaning in to hear.

“Yes?” prompted Rarity.

“That…” Each word came out as though forced, slipping through clenched teeth on a face of pink awash with, to Rarity’s eyes, a furious concentration..

“Yeah?” urged Rainbow Dash.

“Something…” Pinkie’s brow furrowed.

Twilight leaned in. “Something?”

Pinkie’s expression slipped, and her features moved faster than Rarity could keep track of. They settled on frown. “Is gonna happen!” she declared.

For a moment, perhaps two, no sounds violated the silence. Their wordless stares went unheeded, Pinkie already off in her own little world, until Rarity finally broke.

“Well, as helpful as that is, perhaps we should go looking for the brutes?” she suggested. Tone light, Rarity turned away and raised a hoof to her eyes. “Hmm, where could they have gone? Back into the forest?”

Rainbow Dash let out a snicker, the beat of her wings as she retook the air joining it. “If they did, we’ll just find them again, and this time, we’ll be prepared. No more miss nice Rainbow Dash!”

“That’s a shame, I’d like to meet her one day.” Applejack’s grin might have been evident in her voice, but when Rarity looked the farm-mare had her muzzle buried in her saddlebags. “Lemme just grab that map.”


Once again Rarity felt her hooves leave the ground, though they returned to the earth much more swiftly this time. She wasn’t the only one; she heard hooves hitting dirt all around her, and the beat of Dash’s wings faltering for an instant.

A bright blush lit Twilight’s face, luminescent under her fur. “Uh, sorry, I just meant...no, I think we should go back to the Princess. She needs to know about these creatures using dark magic right away. If their spiritbinder can use spells like that, there’s no telling how much damage they could cause.”

“I-if you’re sure, but we’d be leaving them all on their own out here,” Fluttershy mumbled, tone coloured with emotions all too frequent with her.

Is she worried about them or about what they might do?’ wondered Rarity. She didn’t voice her thoughts, merely glancing at her meek friend. “I have to agree that we would just be leaving them out here, without anything to stop them from getting up to mischief.”

“The hay is a spiritbinder?” Rainbow Dash muttered. She raised an eyebrow at Twilight, then held up a hoof when the unicorn opened her mouth. “Wait, never mind! Turn that lecture mode off before I fall asleep.”

Twilight’s ear twitched slightly, but her mouth snapped shut with a click.

“After Twilight scared them off, they might not want to meet anypony,” said Pinkie, a frown in voice as much as on face. "They'll hide and do spooooo~ky things."

Twilight twitched again, very slightly, as Pinkie began to prance. She dodged forehooves that dangled in an undeniably spooooo~ky fashion as Pinkie bounced around.

"As... creatively as Pinkie is putting it, after what happened, I agree. I think they'll be too cautious to do anything else," Twilight explained. Her face turned away, neck craning. "I'm not sure when Spike will wake up, so we can't rely on his fire-mail."

"Sounds like we wanna get a move on, then," Applejack said. Her side was presented to them, saddlebags pushed by an orange hoof. "Twi', Rarity, pass yer bags over. Dash, take Fluttershy's."

"Uh..." Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"We're stronger, sugarcube, and if we wanna get to the train fast, we better prove it." Applejack shot her a grin. "Unless you ain't up to—"

Dash's other eyebrow joined the first. "Gimme that!"

Fluttershy squeaked, the smack of underbarrel on dirt as she ducked. She went down, but her saddlebags defied expectation by going up. With her eyes screwed shut she didn’t see Rainbow Dash fly on ahead, rolling her eyes as she slipped the saddlebags over her back.

"You're so on, AJ!" The flap of wings underscored Rainbow Dash's declaration as she got the saddlebags settled. "Last one there has to model for Rarity!"

Applejack's eyes widened, and in that moment Dash became a blur of colour.

"Hey, that's cheatin'! Get back here!" Orange joined blue in a rush of movement, Applejack's jaw snapping in pursuit of a flicking rainbow tail that danced forever just out of reach.

Lips pressed into a thin frown, Rarity's mane bounced with each shake of her head. "Why, I never! That should be the reward!"

Her ears flicked back, catching the faint giggles from Fluttershy and Twilight. She smiled, as she trotted along in the wake of their friends. She didn't even shout or complain when a third blur, pink and more pink, passed above her with a gust of wind that ruffled her mane.


"You cheated."

Rarity could only name the tone as petulant, as much as the pegasus using it. She glanced from her sketchpad, magic steadying her pencil against the trundle of tracks and rumble of engine. The groan from Applejack captured her attention for a moment, pencil going still.

Mist crept up the window between farm mare and distant farmlands, fogging the countryside for a moment. She turned enough for Rarity to catch sight of narrowed eyes and furrowed brow.

"If I'd known y'all were gonna carry on like this, I woulda letcha win," grumbled Applejack. She raised a hoof, and Rainbow Dash's mouth snapped shut on the retort waiting to burst out. "I don't mean it, you know I'd never give anything less than my best. But the bellyachin' is wearin' thin. Landsakes, we're almost at Canterlot and yer still goin' on about it!"

Rainbow Dash rubbed the back of her neck, faint colouring under her blue cheeks. "Geez, sorry AJ, didn't realise it was getting on your nerves. I don't actually think you cheated, but come on!"

A giggle bounced around the room. "I think somepony is scared of Rarity making her pretty," teased Pinkie.

“I’m not scared of anything. Fluttershy, tell them about the time I beat up that bully who was five times my size!” Rainbow Dash ordered. Her wing wrapped around Fluttershy, curling and pulling until her friend was at her side. “Go on!”

Fluttershy blinked. “Um…”

Rarity indulged herself with a roll of her eyes, and turned. Their bickering fell into the background as she laid eyes on Twilight. Rarity’s forehead creased, lips turning down as she watched the scholar by the window. Paper rustled, and her pencil slipped into a brace on the pad, before she got up and crossed the aisle between seats.

“Twilight? Are you alright?” she asked. She smiled, and in the back of her mind a thought whispered a hope that it would reassure her friend.

“Hm?” Twilight blinked, and shook herself. “Oh, yes, I’m fine. Spike still hasn’t woken up…”

The little purple and green bundle between her hooves failed to react to his name. Rarity nuzzled Spike, white hoof running across his scales. Her saddlebag was lit by a glow, faint light within peaking between the flaps before her magic slipped them back closed.

“I’m sure he’s just tired. Perhaps this will...oh, hmm, no,” said Rarity, a sigh on her lips. Light bounced from the gem retrieved from her bag, hanging above Spike. The aura of her magic shifted, brushing against his cheek, and still nothing. “Well now, that is unusual.”

Twilight’s breath slipped out in a sigh, and her gaze returned to the window. Canterlot and its towering mountain speared the sky before them, rays of the dipping sun shining on either side of the natural spire.

“Celestia will know what’s wrong,” she said, and her voice carried such certainty Rarity found herself nodding. “She’ll be able to help.”

“Of course she will, she is the Princess, after all,” agreed Rarity.

“Celestia can always help. She knows so much, and she’s had so long...she has to know what I need to know. She has to have it,” Twilight muttered. Her ears flicked to and fro, knocking hairs loose amid her mane.

Rarity's eyebrow rose. "Twilight?"

"Hm?" Blinking, Twilight looked to her. Eyes focused on something a world away aimed through Rarity.

"Are you sure you're alright?" asked the fashionista. She grimaced, lifting a hoof to gesture at Twilight's mane.

"What? Yes, yes, I'm fine, just..." Twilight's gaze snapped back, as if seeing the unicorn in front of her for the first time. She shook her head, and a hoof rose to brush her mane into a semblance of order. "Just worried about Spike. That's all."

'I hope so,' Rarity couldn't keep the thought from creeping forward. Her expression gave no hint of her thoughts, though she stayed by Twilight's side until the train shuddered to a stop in Canterlot.

Twilight trotted out glancing in every direction, hooves clattering on the tiles of the train station. A guard’s whistle cut through the hubbub with a sharp shrill, Rainbow Dash darting overhead. She passed a sign and scoffed at the circled wing crossed by a line.

“No flying in the station!”

“Hey, we’re on royal business here!” Dash shouted. Her tongue waved in the air, a rough raspberry answering the guard as she darted around signs.

Rarity checked her rush, skidding to a halt in front of the guard. “I do apologise for my friend, sir, but we have urgent business with Princess Celestia. Do excuse us.”

“Have an apology cupcake!” Pinkie wrapped the guard in a one-hoof hug. She grinned as he stared, and his hoof found nothing when he went to push her away. Bounce by bounce she fled.

The guard stared at the cupcake. He blinked, taking in its picture perfect appearance. Moist frosting, solid yet not crusty, shone before his eyes with light that caught on sprinkles of divine design. Truly, there had never been such a pastry. The essence of cupcake, distilled into mortal form, left in his hoof. He saw nothing save the cupcake, lost in its wonder and majesty.

“Well, that’s one way to get outta a talkin’ to,” Applejack muttered.

“Everypony loves cupcakes.” Pinkie bounced on, giggling as she went over ponies.

“If only everypony loved manners,” said Rarity with a sniff. She cast a gaze at Rainbow Dash, and found not a hint of remorse on her friend’s face. The beginnings of a sigh stirred, yet a soft slither reached her ears first. She looked, and a gasp slipped out. “Look out, Spike’s—”

Light raced across Twilight’s horn even as she turned head, aura lashing out in an instant. Magenta shot through with flecks of gold swamped his sleeping form. Limp hands drooped past the mist of magic supporting his body, brushing cobblestones before Spike rose. Rarity eyed his claws, gently nudging them.

“Poor thing. Can you keep him stable on your own, darling?” she asked.

Twilight nodded. “I’ve got him, don’t worry.”

The dragon settled onto Twilight’s back, snuggling and squirming in his sleep. The glow of her magic persisted, and Rarity found her lips turning down. She gazed into the magenta aura, delicate brow furrowing.

Gold...no, just a trick of the light, surely.’ Rarity nodded to herself. Yet she found her gaze returning to Spike, and slipping up to Twilight’s horn, more than once on their walk to the castle.


The splendor of Canterlot Castle opened before them, guards bowing, and Rarity’s mouth trembled as a squeal of delight fought to escape.

“Geez, Rares, we’ve come here heaps of times now. Aren’t you over it yet?” Rainbow Dash asked. A hard flap took her over a chandelier, loops casually woven through the air leaving a trail of rainbow across the ceiling.

“I will remain awed at the majesty of Canterlot Castle so long as it remains such a delightfully perfect place. The home of royalty should be appreciated, after all,” answered Rarity with a sniff. She raised her chin with a huff. “And stop flying about up there!”

“Yeah….no.” A grin graced Dash’s face, which only grew at the Look thrown her way.

Words mustered for as sharp a reproval as she had ever given, Rarity froze before she could unleash her retort. A twitch ran through her ears, becoming a shudder as it spread. Eyes narrow, she knew her expression was surely turning ugly despite her best efforts.

“Uh, Rarity, is something wrong?” Fluttershy asked.

“Listen. Can’t you hear it?” The fashionista gestured ahead. “It’s him. Ugh, why now?”

The maze of the castle gave way after only moments. Rarity saw a hall the same as their last visit, save one difference. One very loud difference.

“I demand you stand aside!”

A groan tumbled from Twilight’s mouth. “Not him…”

“I’m afraid I can’t. Her Highness gave very specific instructions.” One hoof raised, the guard motioned at the pony before him. It did little to deter the shouting stallion.

“I am a prince and I will not be denied by some random guard! Out of my way this instant!” demanded Blueblood.

The guard sighed. “You’re a prince. She is the Princess, and she said she didn’t want to be disturbed. I’m afraid that’s final.”

“How dare you! Who are you to deny me the right to see my auntie?” The prince’s hoof stomped on the plush carpet, with as much figurative impact on his demands as it made physically.

Now, now, Rarity, remember, you’re a lady. A lady does not hold grudges.’ She told herself that a few more times, withering glare never leaving the prince. He wasn’t even looking, and she wondered if it was because he was too absorbed in the argument or in himself. ‘Stop that. I won’t sink to that level.

Still, she smiled when Twilight ignored him entirely.

“Excuse me, but we need to see Princess Celestia. It’s urgent business, and I know she must be busy, but she sent us out personally,” Twilight told him. She turned her head, a hoof raised to stroke Spike. “Please.”

With a smile, the guard stepped aside. “Of course, Miss Sparkle. Head on in.”

A lady shouldn’t take such pleasure in this, but oh, it is sweet.’ The thought bounced through Rarity’s mind, and lit a smile on her face as Blueblood’s mouth fell open.

“Wha— how dare— You said nopony was allowed in!” he exploded. He pointed at Twilight, jaw clenching for a moment. “Yet you let her in!”

“Of course. Twilight Sparkle is always allowed to the see the Princess.” Looking past her, the guard nodded. “Oh, and the rest of you can go in as well.”


Rainbow snorted. “Didn’t you hear him? Outta the way, thunder-flanks, we’ve got a Princess to see,” she barked. A flap of her wings carried her over him and at the door, twisting in time to slip through it as it parted.

They filed past, and the guard couldn’t quite hide the smirk lurking on his lips as they did. His spear fell the moment Rarity passed, cutting off Blueblood.

“Just them, your highness.”

Rarity tried to contain her giggle, she really did, but there was only so much one mare could take. She might even have let loose a cackle, had Princess Celestia not captured her attention. The door closed behind her, with only a moment to spare.

“Twilight! You’re back sooner than I expected.” Celestia rose, a golden glow sweeping away the documents before her. She smiled at them, rising from her desk to greet them. “Did you find the creatures? You could have sent a letter ahead, I could have had some dinner prepared.”

“Aww, that would have been great, ‘cause I’m super hungry, but we can’t!” Pinkie announced. She bounced over Applejack, under Rainbow Dash and rose with a bundle of purple scales in her hooves. “Spike is sleeping and we can’t wake him!”

“Pinkie—” Before she could go on, Twilight’s mouth snapped shut. She watched for a moment before shaking her head. “She’s right. We found the creatures, and they attacked us. I… lost control, trying to counter the spell their caster used, and the result knocked everypony out. They fled, but Spike hasn’t woken up.”

Celestia grasped Spike in her magic, sitting and bringing him into her forehooves. “I see. Don’t worry, my little ponies. I’ll do everything I can to make sure Spike is fine.”

A cheer rose around her, and more than a few smiles. Rarity watched Twilight’s shoulders slump, tension draining away.

“Thank you, Celestia, I was so worried. I should…” A yawn drew Twilight to a halt. She shook her head, rubbing her forehead. “Sorry. Right, the creatures—”

“I think,” Celestia said, silencing her with a look, “that perhaps it can wait until you’ve had a rest. Magical surges can be exhausting, and not eating on the way back hardly helped.”

Already, Rarity saw the tension flooding back into Twilight. Her shoulders squared, and the unicorn held back a groan.

“I made it all the way back, I should tell you everything I can n-now,” Twilight asserted. “We only scared them off. You need to know everything we found out.”

“Which we, darling, can tell her. You told us everything, so we can tell her while you go rest. To think none of us noticed how tired you were! Off you go, take a nap, or something.” Rarity batted an eyelash as she turned to the others. “Rainbow Dash, you know all about naps. Tell her to take one.”

The pegasus snickered. “I’m an expert at taking them...but I gotta agree with Rarity and the Princess. We can tell her all about it until you can talk without yawning. What, were you drinking coffee on the train and you didn’t tell us?”

“Everypony needs rest and, uh, I don’t know much about magic, but if you need to sleep, you should,” added Fluttershy. Her voice gained an edge as she want on, “And you shouldn’t have hidden how tired you are. You can’t push yourself like that, it's not healthy.”

“Take it from me,” Applejack said with a shudder. “Get some rest. We got this, sugarcube.”

When Twilight looked from her friends to her teacher, Celestia just raised an eyebrow with a distinctly knowing look. The unicorn deflated with a groan.

“Alright, I get it. You’ll wake me when Spike is alright though, won’t you?” Twilight asked, even as she shook her head and rubbed her eyes.

“I promise, Spike will be perfectly fine.” Placing her snoring bundle on a pillow Celestia stood and draped a wing over Twilight’s back. Step by step she guided her student to the door, through her friends. “Trust me.”

After a moment, Twilight gave a weary smile. “I will. Thank you, Celestia. You’re...you’re one of the best friends I could ask for.”

Rarity only caught a moment of something on Celestia’s face, emotions flashing by too fast for her to track them. Only one stood out, in the wide eyes of their ruler.


The door closed behind Twilight, and finally Celestia turned back to them. The smile on her face seemed to leap out at them, and Rarity felt a warmth in her chest at the reflected joy. Sunlight for the soul, were she to put it into words.

“Now then, my little ponies, tell me about these creatures of stone as I work to cure our young friend,” the Princess instructed them. Returning to her seat, Spike and pillow both laid before her, she turned her attention on them. “When Twilight awakes, let’s be sure she has a pleasant surprise waiting for her.”


Familiar halls slipped past Twilight in what felt like a flash. She yawned, fighting drooping eyelids with every step on her journey to her quarters. They threatened to drop all the way, yet never did.

I can’t believe how hard this is hitting me. I felt fine on the train.’ Twilight shook her head, fighting the exhaustion that leeched at her strength. Her eyes closed for a moment, screwed shut against the weakness that assaulted her.

“Miss Sparkle?”

Twilight yelped, a surge of magic welling up across her horn. Arcane energy flexed instinctively as she spun, and found a wide-eyed stare awaiting her. The maid fell back as the wild eyed unicorn blinked.

"Uh, Miss Sparkle? Are you alright?" She asked. The maid was watching her, and Twilight forced a smile onto her face.

"I'm fine, just looking for my room," she said, a laugh forced to rattle from her throat. All the maid did was take a step away.

"I think you got a bit turned around, Miss," remarked the maid. "This is the west tower.”

A frown found its way across Twilight's face. "No, that can't be right...."

Her aura flashed across a door, yanking it open. She stared at the empty courtyard, eyeing the flagstones suspiciously, and the wall beyond that rose out of sight.

The maid cleared her throat. "Would you like some help finding your room, Miss?"

"How did I...No, I’ll be fine. Thank you,” Twilight answered. She smiled, a wide, shaky smile at the maid as the servant nodded and retreated. Their eyes never left the other’s until, with a faint creak, a door closed between them. The moment it clicked shut, a groan fled her in a rush. “Oh Celestia…”

How did I end up here? This is the wrong building.’ She chewed at her lip for a moment. A look confirmed the maid’s words; this was the west tower. She groaned again, eyes closing, brow wrinkling. ‘A lovely view of the city is hardly what the Princess told me to get.

Something is wrong here.

Her eyes snapped open. Twilight’s head turned, scanning the walls. Nothing seemed different. Further into the tower she trotted, each step carrying her forward as she searched. It began at the back of her mind, barely noticeable, a little twitch that sent shivers down her spine.

What’s is it?’ Now a tingle beset her horn. Her expression scrunched as she focused, reaching out with her arcane senses. ‘I should investigate.’

Before she knew it, Twilight found her hooves on the stairs. Magenta light shone out before her, pictures of nobles, busts of historical figures and more assorted ornaments Twilight had long grown familiar with. She rolled her eyes as she passed yet another of Blueblood. Her lips turned down, a frown spreading as she descended into the tower’s innards.

Okay, checklist! There doesn’t seem to be anypony around. There’s nothing obviously wrong. What does the west tower hold aside from the telesco—’ The clop of her hooves fell silent. Twilight’s mouth formed an O, eyes widening. ‘The wards!

Gone was the trot; she galloped, hooves pounding. Her aura rushed ahead of her, a wave of magic that seized the door at the bottom. The guard she found in her way, a startled expression on his face, leaped aside. The door groaned as it was yanked open, hinges creaking under the pressure.

“Sorry!” she called, head barely turned to see him. The swish of wind made her look forward, and a shriek burst from her, light catching on gleaming spear tips. Hooves slammed into tiles, momentum fighting her.

“Identify yourself!” snarled a stallion, a glare aimed through the open face of his helm. Magic burned across his horn, a matching blue aura wrapped around the spear in her face.

“T-Twilight! It’s me, Twilight Sparkle, you know, Celestia’s student? Element of Magic?” Twilight’s face was split in a wide, nervous smile. “Listen, I think something is wrong.”

She felt his eyes run over her, and they narrowed as they met hers.

“This is a restricted area,” said the guard, tone as glacial as his stare. “Are you aware of that?”

“Yes, of course, that’s why I’m here. I need to see the ward anchor.” She took another step forward, and yelped as the spear slipped closer. “I think something is wrong with it.”

She saw the emotion flash in his eyes. Her progress was yielded, stepping back from the advancing spear. The clink of metal and rustle of cloth filled her ears. Much as she wished to turn to see the other guards, Twilight kept her gaze trained on the stallion before her.

Oh gosh, this was so stupid. Why did I rush down here? This is a restricted area, I knew, that! But they seem unusually aggressive. Something must be wrong.’ Her brow furrowed, and the thought slipped through her mind like an oily viper. ‘What if...what if it’s them?

“I’m afraid nopony, not even the Princess’s student, is allowed near the ward anchor without explicit permission of Princess Celestia.” His head jerked in a sharp nod towards his soldiers. Not a word passed her lips in response before the air around her hooves was lit by magical auras. “Until we can confirmed your identity, I’m afraid we’ll have to hold you. We wouldn’t want an infestation.”

Infestation, what does he mean?... wait, no...they must be changelings! Oh no!

A cry was torn from his lips as her horn burst into sudden light. Light became energy, a rush of power that rippled from Twilight. Splinters and shining spearheads bounced and clanged from the walls, twisted weapons given a moment to ring before the thud of bodies and clatter of armour replaced them.

Hurry! I need to get to the anchor!’ She ripped the rug from beneath her hooves with a blast of telekinesis, thread coursing over stone and wood until a trap door was revealed. Will became reality, her magic seeping through the seal. Twilight’s eyes were set on the door, and she barely a thought applied to the sheer telekinetic force that snapped the lock.

Light streamed past, casting her shadow into the basement. Twilight leaned down with narrowed eyes.

Stairs. Always stairs into ominous basements.

Sharp eyes took in all she saw; down into the gloom she hurried. Torchlight faded, and in its place a soft gold that touched her eyes like sunshine filled the hidden basement. Twilight blinked, and blinked again, as sunlight became moonlight. Hoof raised, she took the last step off the stairs and her mouth dropped open.

Light played across the air before her; gold and silver mixed and twirling, glowing energies flowing from floor to ceiling. Magic made physical hung before the unicorn and it stole her breath away. Years old memories came to life, of gleaming crystal carved with runes of gold. Silver ran through them, and Twilight traced them with her eyes.

The old one was only gold...’ she thought, and a smile spread her lips. ‘It’s so beautiful. But they’ve done something to it. I have to fix it.

Her smile faded. Magenta flecked with gold and green sparked against the field of colour, shades clashing and impressing against it towards its heart. Twilight grunted, her breath drawing in a ragged, unsteady flow.

Twilight pushed, shaping her magic into a spell from the depths of her memory. It came in flashes, a moment years old, until she formed the key seen for only an instant in years long past, and with a touch of her will the magic around the crystal opened. Parting like a veil before her she drew forth the crystal. Each facet shone with scintillating light that bounced and played over her.

'Fix it!'

Her aura grew, gold and silver swallowed by waves of gold-green-flecked magenta. Arcane threads spooled and wove with a deft flick of her will, building force.


She struck. Her spell flew into iridescent depths of the crystal spell matrix. Groans and creaked filled her ears, a sharp, shrieking note undercutting them. Twilight's ears went flat, brow furrowing, but her magic never faltered or failed.


Cracks ran from heart to edges in an instant. Smoke rose from runes as the energies bound within fled. Her ears were assaulted by the mad cacophony, making her teeth grind. Sparks flew overhead, spitting from a hundred cracks with blinding fury. Hooves overhead, she ducked, the cold stone beneath her chin a sharp contrast to the billowing magic around her.

'What happened? What did they do? I must have played right into their hooves!' Her heart beat, pounding in her ears, even as the fury above began to fade with final whines of broken spellwork. 'I need to warn the Princess!'

'Now, why would I let you do that?'

Twilight blinked. Her head came up and her gaze roamed the spell chamber.

"Hello? Who's there?" She called. Her expression changed, fire in her eyes. "Did you do this?"

A laugh came back, low and coloured by a mocking tone. It rang in her mind, an echo she couldn't ignore. Her breath began to quicken, fighting her efforts to find calm.

'I? I did nothing. This...it was all your work,' taunted the voice. No matter where she turned, she found nothing as it continued, 'Your time is done, pony. It's your turn to sleep.'

Her next blink came slower. Weight dragged them down, even as she fought to keep them up. Shudders ran down her spine, nerves twitching. A groan slipped from her lips, and she raised her hoof as she lifted her head. Before two steps had been taken her muscles locked, and hoof came to a stop.


Never,’ hissed the voice. It rushed through her like fire, and burn with a touch that lit her with agony no mind had been meant to know. ‘You. Are. Mine.

Twilight Sparkle closed hers eyes, bright magenta fading.

Nothing moved. No sounds gave the room life.

First came a twitch. A shudder followed, life springing back into her limp form. The chamber was silent as the purple unicorn sat up. Muscles relaxed and straightened, resistance fading as she stretched her body.

Her horn came to life as a lantern of toxic green aura, igniting in foul brilliance. Wisps of magenta streaked and faded through the shimmering energy, A breath drew in air, the taste dancing across her senses with the scent of burnt ozone. A smirk spread unfamiliar lips wide. Fel-light flared, and faded saved for a oily rune that shone with solidified magic. The flare came, again, and a second rune was born. A third. A fourth. Until six runes burned before her in an arch.

The air shimmered and rippled between them. Where flares had lit the room with moments of brilliant blindness, fel-lightning flickered with sudden intensity. Claws slipped from the ether to grasp the disturbance. Reality creaked and groaned with sparks of energy and gasps of foul air as they began to pull. The far wall vanished behind a veil of emerald and purple, a vision of stars torn open by claws of stone.

“What a delightful surprise.” Stone paws grated against tiles as the first emerged. Unearthly void gave way to mountainous skin. Shan Quanti stepped forth, a smile upon his leonine face. “You succeeded.”

“Of course,” she sneered, stolen eyes narrowing. “What were you expecting?”

The portal bulged, echoing with a cacophony born of the stomp of earthen paws and the scrape of blades against sheathes, spear butts pounding the floor, as the room slowly filled.

Illidan chuckled, a small, sardonic smile twisting a face not his own into a smirk. “Betrayal?”

Author's Note:

This story is on EQD! Be still my beating heart!
Also, if the how and the why of Illidan having made a deal with the mogu escape you...well, reread it or wait for more to be out, I'm not just going to explain everything at once.
So, after much delay, chapter 2! Sorry for the huge delay in getting it out. I fussed over chapter 1 some more and got nervous over chapter 2. It might reflect in the chapter, but don't worry, I hit my stride by the end.
Relatedly: each chapter will mostly focus on the perspective of a single character, or at most two. Should I label the chapters according to the main characters, you think? Let me know.

On another note, you may notice I removed captilisation from race names. If you go back and check chapter 1, its the same. I looked at myself in the mirror long and hard, and after picking up the many broken shards that resulted, I decided to remove the captilisation. Promise I won't change it again.

Shilling below:
As ever, a gentle reminder that I've sold out with a patreon. Changing to 'by works' per month rather than just a per monthly thing, so if no chapters of anything comes out in a month, no money for me, and capping works attributed there at 2 (which is bloody unlikely anyway). Here's the link, if you want to support me with some spare change and get yourself some stuff written just for you for two-dollars fifty, go take a looky.