• Published 20th Dec 2015
  • 488 Views, 10 Comments

Rachis Barbule - Cosmic Cowboy

The unicorn wing preener, just trying to get ahead in life. OC Slamjam entries, Rounds 1 and 2.

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Round 2 - Mango Leaf

Author's Note:

Mango Leaf's Character Bio:

OC's Name: Mango Leaf

Pony Species: Male Unicorn

Appearance: Coat color: Sunshine Mane Color: Tumeric w/Clementine highlights
Cutie Mark: Split Mango (showing the seed) in a stripped red/white cup. Travels around with an enchanted-to-cool wagon (a-la-Trixie), spreading the wonders of frozen yogurt to Equestria and beyond.

History: Mango Leaf's family moved to warmer weathers from Glaice, a northern city always covered in snow and ice, since his parents hated the cold. He was their first born in their new lives in Hoofululu and was named thus due to the warm weather and the color of his coat. They tried to encourage him to do something warm. Like become a fire-breather at a local luau place. However, Mango Leaf loved playing with frozen things, and one day, while making some mango nectar, he decided to mix it with some yogurt and hide it in the freezer. The rest, as they say, is history. Ever since, he's perfected Frozen Yogurt to an art, and his specialty, The BSM (Banana Strawberry Mango) Fro-yo is an experience onto itself.

Personality: Mango Leaf is generally affable, but due in part to his parental history, he has strong feelings against warm drinks and certain warm foods that could otherwise be consumed cold. Especially desserts. He enjoys selling Fro-yo to first-timers and watching their faces of delight when they discover just how amazing it is. He is very unhappy with winter since it makes ponies not want to consume frozen products and gets pretty defensive of them. He has a troublesome tendency to trying to freeze foods to 'improve' their flavor without asking. Sometimes successfully (such as the time he froze an apple pie with some vanilla ice cream and created a Canterlot delicacy) and some other times with regrettable results (like that one time he flash-froze a griffon's steak dinner.)

As of this writing, Mango Leaf is still a contender in the contest, so his author remains anonymous. Once I find out who it is, I'll post that here.
I lost this round more because of my too-bold creative decisions than anything else. People liked the poem and the alternate universe, but it didn't fit the parameters of the contest well enough. Oh well.


Gather around, little zebras, and I'll tell you a story.
It's time to learn history, your ancestors’ glory!


You all know the tale of the Dark Thousandth Year,
When Kingdom and Princess were bested by fear.
For two decades more the Sun hid her face,
Until the six Elements restored her to place.
But the story I tell you today is more common.
I speak of a zebra, Zecora the Shaman.
One night the Moon said she was guilty of crime,
The details of which have been long lost to time.
The dungeons of Nightmare were dark and quite cold,
And too many ponies within it grew old.
But she did not complain and she did not despair,
Zecora brought comfort to cold prison air.
She helped the poor inmates, gave them sound, good advice,
And helped them feel happy as they payed out their price.
Two such poor souls came together one night,
Servants the Queen had sent out of her sight.


One was named Mango Leaf, a preparer of treats,
Who so loved to freeze things he hated hot sweets.
His passion was Yogurt, a more recent invention
For which the Dark Queen would spare no attention.
Her passion was Coffee, served fresh every night,
Which Mango thought wasn’t entirely right.
Weary grew Mango of serving drinks hot,
So one night he concocted a drink-cooling plot.
Unfortunately he forgot his Empress required
Her coffee be warm, and fresh from the fire.
But on Mango went, chilled the drink with a smile.
“Iced Coffee!” he called it, with flourish and style.
Needless to say, Nightmare Moon was fair cross!
Poor Mango straight into the dungeons was tossed!


The other new inmate had once served his Queen
By using his magic to keep her wings clean.
This poor unicorn’s name was Rachis Barbule,
And he’d gone to great lengths to procure the best tools.
He had combs, he had brushes, and spells well-prepared.
Her wings were his life, no expense had been spared.
But one day, after applying perhaps too much oil,
The Queen met a spark, and his career met a foil.
The Moon’s flaming wings were a breathtaking sight,
But in truth they caused Nightmare no lack of sheer fright!
A charge of high treason found Rachis thereafter,
And he thought he had met with the end of his laughter.
But his hope was rekindled, alongside Mango Leaf.
The kind words of a zebra put an end to their grief.


One night both woke sweating, and sat up in their beds.
Both had had Nightmares, dark dreams in their heads.
They went to Zecora, who was known to make sense
When the Empress of Dreams a message dispensed.
The Nightmare was wont to create fearful dreams
For her prisoners, for she loved the sound of their screams.
But Zecora had found that much could be gleaned
From the nature and features of every such dream.
To some the Queen gloated, and laughed at their luck.
Others she yelled at and tortured and struck.
But in dreams, it would seem, you meet the true pony,
And the Queen of the Dreamworld could sort true from phony.
These she would pity, it seemed from their visions,
As soon after waking they were frankly forgiven.
And Zecora could tell, once a dream had been told,
If the dream was a pardon, a mock, or a scold.
So when the moon rose up high and the inmates awoke,
To Zecora the two disgraced serving staff spoke:
“Dear zebra, please help us and give our minds peace.
Are the two of us fated for early release?”
“Calm yourselves, ponies! Speak one at a time,”
Zecora began, unerring in rhyme.
“Tell me your dreams, but first tell me your crimes.
Your fortune may sink, but let’s see if it climbs.”


Rachis went first, telling tale of his life,
And how his profession was the cause of much strife.
“The Queen was to meet with a King, old and grand,
The ruler of Haissan, a large far-off land.
Now the preenist before me was jailed just as I.
His only crime? Failure! I just had to try!
It was a special occasion, so I pulled all the stops.
I used my best oil, and squeezed six extra drops!
By the end of my session, the Queen’s feathers shined!
The light off her wings near left me half-blind!
It was really quite something, the best I could do,
And though I shook in my horseshoes, I hoped that she knew.
But she sat at the head of the table that night,
A little too close to the hearth’s heat and light!
Or maybe a candle she carelessly brushed
That took issue with oil that made her wings lush.
Regardless of cause, her wings took to flame!
An assassin's attack? Was poor Rachis to blame?
She accused me of treason, enchanting the oil,
To dethrone the tyrant, or bring war to boil!
I should have plead innocent, it was none of it right!
But fear of the Empress kept my mouth shut tight."


"That's how I got here, now on to my dream.
In my sleep, wings of pegasi did I preen.
How they shined! How we laughed! Oh, this had I missed!
I’d forgot just how much my old job brought me bliss.
These years have I served her, and no one but her,
How I hate her black feathers, black hooves and black fur!
In my dream I was free to serve whom I chose!
To my shop came the Wonderbolts, standing in pose!
They promised me bits, and I sat them all down,
But behind them came Nightmare, through Canterlot town.
She asked me to serve her, so I gave her a chair,
And told her that once I was done, I’d be there.
But she would not wait! It had to be then!
She told me to abandon the Wonderbolt Ten!
I told her I couldn’t, their business was good.
She ordered my service, but her voice I withstood.
I helped all the Wonderbolts, no feather astray,
But to my sheer amazement, they flew off without pay!
The Queen sat there waiting, as upwards they flew.
They gathered an army, a great bloody coup!
I sobbed as I watched my dear Canterlot burn,
And the whole while the Nightmare watched beside me, astern.
‘This whole thing might just not have happened, you know,’
She whispered as ash fell from high, just like snow.
‘If you had just served me, and never looked back,
Your world would have order, and your life stayed on track.’
I whimpered and groveled, as flames swept around me,
And promised I’d serve her my whole life, quite gladly.
It was then I awoke, and I came when I could.
Now tell me please, zebra, does my outlook look good?”
Zecora sat silent, and watched him with pity.
Too many, she thought, like him in this city.
“I would not fear too much, my dear humble stylist.
Of the dreams I have heard, yours is by far not the vilest.
In your case, you may have a pardon in store,
If you question the Empress’s rule here no more.
I may not agree with the choice that you made,
But it may be what causes her anger to fade.”
Rachis hugged Mango, and started to cry,
And from that moment onward did his spirits fly.


Then Mango Leaf turned to the kind, wise Zecora,
Still beaming from sharing in Rachis’s aura.
“Oh zebra, please tell me my fate is the same!
My crime was much milder, involving no flame.
I served the Queen coffee, night in and night out,
I spent all my time pouring it black from the spout.
The kitchen staff is prone to Her Majesty’s vex,
And we all questioned constantly whom we would lose next.
We worked very hard to keep the Queen’s favor.
In case we might bore her, we’d try out new flavors.
My coffee was average, I feared, not the best,
And only got worse as my nights there progressed.
My own little changes were met with distaste,
And Nightmare Moon told me ‘Improve it, posthaste!’”
I despaired for my life, and my poor coffee skill,
And I longed for my old job, of making things chilled.
My talent was wasted on brewing hot coffee!
I’m born for froze yogurt, iced tea, and cold toffee!
I needed a way to twist talent to need.
In desperation, I followed my one simple lead.
I’d serve her cold coffee, though my life might be ended!
It’d taste beyond better, be beverage transcended!
My powers with cold stuff left other cooks wanting.
I knew if she’d try it, the Queen would be fawning!
But that was the trick, as my shaking attested,
When I knocked on her door, my hope in hoof rested.
She stared at the mug, and its sad lack of steam,
The ice cubes held within, and the layer of whipped cream.
‘What callest thou this?’ she asked, o’er my tray,
And I felt all my confidence melting away.
‘Iced coffee, Your Highness,’ I stammered in fear.
‘I’ll gladly explain, if you’ll lend me your ear.
‘The coffee I make, as you surely have noted,
Is hardly redeemed by the stuff in it floated.
‘My talent, you see, is more suited to freezing.
When I’m forced to brew hot, my skill is left wheezing.
‘But when left to brew cold, as you’ll see if you taste,
My talent can shine through, and not go to waste!
‘I promise this coffee, though cold and on ice,
Is the best that you’ve tasted, and brings out the spice!
Well, that’s what I would say, if only I could,
But I was arrested as soon as she stood.
So that’s how I got here, now on to my dream.
Dear zebra, please tell me, am I also redeemed?"


"In my dream I was home, Hoofolulu restored!
The sun shone down brightly, and I was happy once more.
I sold treats from my cart, to the young and the old,
Gave relief from the heat with a snack that was cold.
My family was there, and my friends all as well,
All the faces I think of as I sit in my cell.
I cried as I served them, for I knew in my heart
That in the waking world Nightmare Moon kept us apart.
And just as I thought this, the Sun sank down low,
and the Moon took its place with a far colder glow.
A chill filled my bones that did not come from ice,
And my loved ones all scrambled, like cat-fleeing mice.
I followed, not wanting to be left alone,
And we locked ourselves into my old family home.
We waited together, our spirits quite dire,
And tried to keep cheer as we sat round the fire.
I tried to serve yogurt, but no one was willing.
Without the sun, no one had want for my chilling.
I went into the kitchen to clean up my mess,
And cried by myself for unbearable stress.
When I came back to the fire, to my outrage and anger,
My family was gone! In their place sat a stranger!
An old nag, as dark as the space between stars,
Who gave out a sad wheezing that rattles and jars.
She cackled at my protests and grinned at my scowls,
And I gagged at the spittle that flew from her jowls.
‘What’s wrong, boy?’ she asked me. ‘Do you not like the night?
Do you not love the respite from the sun shining bright?’
‘Not really,’ I answered. ‘Each night it grows colder.
Can we not have it back, ere I grow too much older?’
‘I’m afraid we cannot,’ the nag said with a leer.
‘You’ll learn not to miss it, inside of a year.’
‘But my friends and my family have all gone away,
And my home is now darkened and cold without day.’
‘If it’s home that you want, I think I can find
A place you’ll be useful, with others of kind.’
‘Oh please, not to coffee,’ I begged the old housewife.
‘A life without passion is not hardly a life.’
‘Are you sure you’ll not do it, and give it your best?
I promise you good work, you’ve not failed your test.’
I stood there and pondered, my hoof to my chin,
Of chances and changes, and favors to win.
Suddenly on top of the mantle I saw
In a mirror, a cup with a mango and straw.
My Cutie Mark! My very own talent and passion!
My whole reason for living! My soul, in a fashion.
I turned away from the Nightmare, for Nightmare she was,
And bucked her right out of my dream, just because.
I woke straight away, and I came straight to you.
Now tell me please, zebra, will I go free too?”


Zecora was crying, as all free folk should,
When they meet such a pony, so valiant and good.
But her crying was bitter along with the sweet,
The air grew so tense, she could hear her heartbeat.
She smiled and she sniffed, and she rubbed at her eye,
For she knew she would soon have to bid him goodbye.
This wasn’t the first time she’d heard such a dream,
With such courage and passion and love in its theme,
And every last pony a dream like this had
Was gone the next day, to a fate that was bad.
The Moon would not stand for defiance, not a bit.
Not even in prison, in the darkest of pits.
In court, she passed sentence, or so it was claimed,
But true judgment came after, in the dreamscape she tamed.
The Nightmares decided the fate of each soul,
From the most hardened criminal to the freshly-born foal.
The nighttime brought darkness, o’er land and o’er life.
And under, dark feelings in the world had grown rife.
Zecora knew, more than most, what was wrong with the world.
That is why she could tell how these things would unfurl.


She told Mango his fate, but she told him with pride,
For no matter his end, he stayed on the right side.


Comments ( 9 )
Wanderer D

They were both great entries!

That contest sure was fun, wasn't it?

Now to actually read your round two entry...

Did you just retell the tale of Joseph of Egypt interpreting the dreams of the two prisoners, in the form of horse verse? I believe you did. :rainbowlaugh:

As for who wrote Mango Leaf, it was WandererD. Not a bad name to lose a contest to by a longshot.

Still my favorite name

Author Interviewer

I wonder how I missed that you posted these. @_@

Honestly, half the time I forget I did, too. They're really odd without all the contest.

We should do another Slamjam.

Author Interviewer

I hate to admit I've found myself thinking that on more than one occasion...

Wait, we could repost these? I've always kept mine under lock and key because I thought we could only keep them in their respective SlamJam entries.

Maybe I should dust mine off soon...

Hey, it's one thing when you have dozens of stories under your belt. It's another thing entirely when you only have, like, six.

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